HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-07-23, Page 4A4 — THE HURON (EXPOSITOR, JULY 23, 1986
Hensel! residents see taxes
hiked by over
A bylaw setting the 1986 mill rate was
passed at the regular July meeting of Hensall
Public school supporters face a 5.86 per
cent increase to 265.49 mills (from 250.80 in
1985) on residential assessments, and the
commercial rate has risen to 312.14 (295.06).
The corresponding rtes for separate
school supporters are 266.05 (252.39) resi-
dential and 313.00 (296.93) commercial for a
percentage increase of 5.41 per cent.
Of the sums raised through taxation,
$220,328 will be used for general municipal
purposes by Henson, $84,384 will go to
Huron County, and $290,561 to the school
Brad Oke dropped in to report that the
rents on the six apartments being built in the
former hardware store under the provincial
convert -to -rent program have been set by
provincial authontiesat $250 monthly for the
two 600 square feet units, $275 for the two
700 -square -feet ones, and $300 for the two
containing 800 square feet of space.
Rental application forms are now available
at the W oodsmith office in the complex on a
first-come, first-served basis.
Mr. Oke said he, was pleased with the
progress of the work and when finished, the
soundproofing, fire coding and new windows
will mean the apartments will be of the same
5 per cent
standard as those in new buildings. He
thanked council for their support of the
Council was notified that the BMX club to
provide supervised bicycle racing on the track
built in the village last year has collapsed
because of lack of adult support.
A unanimous decision was made to switch
the town's account from the Bank of Montreal
to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
for a term.
Reeve Jim Robinson agreed with Council-
lor Cecil Pepper that the village should rotate
its business between Hensall's two banks,
adding that he was not dissatisfied with
service, but the change was being made out
of a sense of fairness "just the same as the
town truck buys gas month by month from the
various local gas stations."
During a discussion of the waste manage-
ment task force being set up by Huron
County, works superintendent John Baker
said the biggest problem at the Hensall
landfill site was what seemed to be an
increasing amount of grain screenings. He
noted that "if we got rid of the mill garbage, it
would make an awful difference."
Councillor Peter Groot suggested that
Hensel] investigate what mills in other
centres do.
Mr. Baker's request that Pat Kyle be
retained until the end of a ctobbedr. even
though the Futures program
on July
18, was approved.
Mr. Pepper reported that a eeting held at
Vanastra among area townshi s to discuss
the costs of recreation came no conclu-
sions, and will meet again in J nary. Pepper
had been supplied with figures showing that
the actual cost to produce ice in the Hensall
arena in 1985 was $62.25 per hour. Figures
for the previous three years were 1984 -
$63.72; 1983 - $64.05 and 1982- $55.41.
Representatives from Gaise-Kneale In-
surance were unable to attend the July
meeting, but will come in Augus . Clerk Betty
Oke said the company has indi ted that the
new premium will be up by mo than 50 per
Sympathy extended
to Kippen family
Kippen Correspondent
The community was saddened to learn of
the passing of Emerson Kyle on Thursday,
July 17. Sympathy is extended to his wife
Mabel and family.
Two families have left the community to
take up residence elsewhere.
Chris and Ken Brinier and.th�
Jacob and iucas have purchased
house on the' edge of Hensalt.
Penny and M ark SaVage and the
Andrew, Tara and Aaron have ren
south east of Exeter.
two sons
d a house
MONKEYING AROUND — Paul McAuley, left and Hicham Bashlr,
test their sense of balance and climbing ablllty on the chain link
bridge at the Seaforth Public School. The two boys are participants
In the Seaforth Summer Playground program. Raftis photo
75 gather for Cook family reunion
Farm • Residential • Commercial
24 Hour Emergency Service
R.R. No. 4 Walton
PHONE: 345-2447
Belgrave Correspondent
Over75 relatives gathered at the Beigrave
Community Centre on Sunday for the Cook
Everyone enjoyed the games and races
arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walsh of
Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Welsher of
Prize foctthe oldestperson: Bertha Cook of
the Brookhaven Nursing Hone, • Wingham;
the birthday nearest to the day; Jeannie
Cook, Ripley. Coming the farthest: James
Arron McClincheyy, Aumest: four onths old;
President Jim Paton of Mosley held a
short business meeting. Officers elected for
1987 were: President, Jim Beak, Laiciaiow;
secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Garner Nicholson,
The production and marketing of chicken in Ontario is regulated
by The Ontario Chicken Producers' Marketing Board through a
quota system. Under a New Entrants Policy, up to eighteen persons
will be selected at random from eligible applicants and allotted
basic quota of 7.500 units which requires a building of a minimum
of 5,625 square feet.
The board gives no assurance that this amount of quota allows for a
viable operation or that any additional quota will be allotted in the
forseeabte future.
To be eligible you must be an Ontario resident, be at least eighteen
years of age, not possess or have any interest, dirett or indirect, in
any quota allotted by this local board or any other local board or
marketing board in Ontario.
To receive an application, Policy Statement and background
information, mail a request together with a certified cheque, bank
draft or postal money order for $100.00 as a refundable deposit to
the unsuccessful applicants, payable to The Ontario Chicken
Producers' Marketing Board t4:
Chicken Quota, P.O. Box 63
Niagara Falls, Ontario l2E 658
Deadline for receipt of request for an application Sept. 30/1986,
Poster contest over
Belgrave; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Marietlan of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Paton and family of London.
Following the business a smorgasbord
supper was enjoyed by au.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wide, Kimberly,
Jennifer and Trevor of Hamilton spent the
weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Garner Nicholson and attended the Cook
- Mr. awl Mrs. Lome Campbell cit dlwtth
relatiyes iR lenoute eted. 14'htiWP last
week They also vacationed in the Kingston
and Peterborough area.
Dr. Ronald Taylor of Si John's Newfound-
land spent a few days last week with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and other
relatives and attended the funeral of his
nephew Steven Taylor of Ripley (formerly of
Belgrave) on Thursday, July 17.
Carrie -Anne Vincent of Mdton spent last
week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Vincent.
The Campbell reunion was held at the
Belgrave ball park on Sunday, July 20.
Seventy-three people attended from Bei -
grave, Toronto, Landon, Kincardine and
Richmond Hill.
Mary Jervis of St. Catharines and Ethel
Wheeler of the Woodley H Mes nn
visited on Sunday with
Mr anti Mrs_ George Nit ioi"'n spent a
few days last week with Dr. and Mrs. Don
WbitlIeid, Jenny and ,JeIf of Sault Ste. Marie.
Many Beigrave friends attended the 90th
birthday party of Mrs. Esther McCallum on
Sunday July 13, a former Belgrave resident,
whets living at the senior citizens apartment
in Brussels.
Farm association awards artists
At a recent meeting of the Huron County The County Engineer In a memo to Mr. The Directors discussed the possibility of
'gym and Horne Safety Assodalon the Han.ly. Clerk -Administrator, County of publishing a calendar utilizing the winners of
Directors presented prize money to the Huron. stated that they could not disagree the safetypostercvnlest which had been held
winners of the recently held Safety Poster with the ideaoffastening catchbasingratesto hast month. White it wasstg he ll` felt that
Contest which drew over 300 entries. make them child restrieant, but sworn- this project very
Winners were as follows: Kindergarten to mended that there should be an added publishing the same rntght eliminate the
Gr. 2 - 1st, Michael Puddy, Ludmow; 2nd, statement totheaffect that "fastenersahoutd oosaiblrit hofbeingell able to publish
sie one.
Manual Hussy. Belteenee: 3rd, Mie ael be standardized to all makes and models of Farther
Culbert, Dungannon. Grade 3 & 4 • lst, Kari catchbasins so that only one tool would allow meeting.
Badted, 11112 Blyth; 2nd, Stephanie Henry, necessary access to all basins." The The next meeting of the Huron County
Rowan Kerr, Beigrave. Grade Directors decided to further study the Farm and Home Safety Assocratton will be
6 & 6 • 1st, Devon Henry and David Jackiiind, recomnnhendeati i n prriiori to making an amend- ,heeled at the 0.M.A.7 t. Office
:15 p,m Boardrooms on
Brussels' 2nd Jason Elliott, Blyth; Sha%ellyst.m 5 RR 1 Brucefield; 2nd,
James Maaskant, RR 2 Clinton; 3rd, Anita
Bruinsma, RR 2 Goderide
The Directors discussed a response from
the County of Huron to their Resolution No.
869 ereteh they had submitted to the
Provincial Farm Safety Association. The
resolution had read as follows: "Whereas
most eatchbasins currently do not contain a
means of fastening grate to the brain
making it easy to a removed by a child,
Be it resolved, that all eatdhbasins sold its
the Province of Ontarioberequited to halm a
rmeans eadily attadiied ort the catdhbasine"ally and
G ueenewey kitten named
Queensway's kitten has an official name, rte had the pleasure of choosing their
Residents voted by secret ballot lastWedness tope s, which consistedof chocolate sauce,
day. 'They were given 13 names to choose butterscotch sauce, whip cream donut,
from that were submitted for the Name That Walnuts and cherries. it was a tentf iic activity
Cat Contest. Mary Gower was the mutest The movie pretertellon for this week was
winner as the name she submitted to the entitled "Stemple Tom." ft was the story
contest was chosen to be the kitten's name. about how Stonspin Torn Conners became
Ills norm is now "Smokey." 'Thanks to famous. Everyone really enjoyed the film.
everyone who participated in the contest. Everyone at Queensway is busily prepay
Rev. Stats MeDon aid performed the church ing for the Volunteer ferny. They am looking
service this week. Joyce Pepper was the forward to seeing all the volunteers together
volunteer pianist for the service.
'Ibis week restdcnts enjoyed an ice cream
prier its their dining thorn. R was a real treat.
2 Receiving Legs
/000 bu l llouT
unloading capacity
Brumfield students
are award winners
Several grade? and 8 students from Huron
Centennial School, Brumfield, participated
in the Gauss Math test. Brad Dev'4 ys.
Michellle'punser, and John Burton received
the top three scores in Huron County.
Happy Pushers
have a great time
ifs ; a%urr nae
cam any of Cando
trditdt lW31?9MltP'lAit3.
bind Ir MATT '
1t3hdihlt itABEbit4:iitS[E
iyg $
>rt» iii' Stilinitten
11)6 ti glint ri,VA'f t AFbRrU.
�_.... .
id1bt'ib�r tiff Iixt rI
-CARPENTRY , ,,..482 3013.
1 ensall Correspondent
Hensall Happy Pushers had a great time
shuffling at AMMO Arena on a hot, mu
Thursday eftertiden. Scores were: 1 hes
high, Olga Ctrrn pilose 422, Marg Consist 400,
Annie Reid 321
Mertes high, aide Ghipchase 400, John
303, Ed Tithe 290.
iiiupresslfrebaptitrnnalservice took place
at the United Cliuree Sunday when him
Wiled* and this two diiildr'en, Shane and
Shannon Wife received through baptism
Mie Wilcox also assilated with the baptism
BiliStebbine greeted the congregation and
Jonathon Corbett, Cathy Corbett, Shane
Pepper and Tara Pepper w re the ushers
Be va FUSS, accompanied by Jean Jacobe
at"the tend san scion
Stave Corlett [ed the ,f unior eotrgreg
and AgaireyChristie aissisted'by lova Forrest
hosted' the Feifowehip hour following the
a U
/if 5 YEAR
Depose Agents for over
45 Bank 8 Trust Compares
Your one-stop, best -rata specialists
for GIC's, RRSP's, Mortgages & Annuities
SEAFORTH 96 Maln Street, S.
.Serving Ontario since 197.5 with
12 locations /or your convenience.'
Sympathy extended
to Kippen family
Kippen Correspondent
The community was saddened to learn of
the passing of Emerson Kyle on Thursday,
July 17. Sympathy is extended to his wife
Mabel and family.
Two families have left the community to
take up residence elsewhere.
Chris and Ken Brinier and.th�
Jacob and iucas have purchased
house on the' edge of Hensalt.
Penny and M ark SaVage and the
Andrew, Tara and Aaron have ren
south east of Exeter.
two sons
d a house
MONKEYING AROUND — Paul McAuley, left and Hicham Bashlr,
test their sense of balance and climbing ablllty on the chain link
bridge at the Seaforth Public School. The two boys are participants
In the Seaforth Summer Playground program. Raftis photo
75 gather for Cook family reunion
Farm • Residential • Commercial
24 Hour Emergency Service
R.R. No. 4 Walton
PHONE: 345-2447
Belgrave Correspondent
Over75 relatives gathered at the Beigrave
Community Centre on Sunday for the Cook
Everyone enjoyed the games and races
arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walsh of
Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Welsher of
Prize foctthe oldestperson: Bertha Cook of
the Brookhaven Nursing Hone, • Wingham;
the birthday nearest to the day; Jeannie
Cook, Ripley. Coming the farthest: James
Arron McClincheyy, Aumest: four onths old;
President Jim Paton of Mosley held a
short business meeting. Officers elected for
1987 were: President, Jim Beak, Laiciaiow;
secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Garner Nicholson,
The production and marketing of chicken in Ontario is regulated
by The Ontario Chicken Producers' Marketing Board through a
quota system. Under a New Entrants Policy, up to eighteen persons
will be selected at random from eligible applicants and allotted
basic quota of 7.500 units which requires a building of a minimum
of 5,625 square feet.
The board gives no assurance that this amount of quota allows for a
viable operation or that any additional quota will be allotted in the
forseeabte future.
To be eligible you must be an Ontario resident, be at least eighteen
years of age, not possess or have any interest, dirett or indirect, in
any quota allotted by this local board or any other local board or
marketing board in Ontario.
To receive an application, Policy Statement and background
information, mail a request together with a certified cheque, bank
draft or postal money order for $100.00 as a refundable deposit to
the unsuccessful applicants, payable to The Ontario Chicken
Producers' Marketing Board t4:
Chicken Quota, P.O. Box 63
Niagara Falls, Ontario l2E 658
Deadline for receipt of request for an application Sept. 30/1986,
Poster contest over
Belgrave; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Marietlan of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Paton and family of London.
Following the business a smorgasbord
supper was enjoyed by au.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wide, Kimberly,
Jennifer and Trevor of Hamilton spent the
weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Garner Nicholson and attended the Cook
- Mr. awl Mrs. Lome Campbell cit dlwtth
relatiyes iR lenoute eted. 14'htiWP last
week They also vacationed in the Kingston
and Peterborough area.
Dr. Ronald Taylor of Si John's Newfound-
land spent a few days last week with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and other
relatives and attended the funeral of his
nephew Steven Taylor of Ripley (formerly of
Belgrave) on Thursday, July 17.
Carrie -Anne Vincent of Mdton spent last
week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Vincent.
The Campbell reunion was held at the
Belgrave ball park on Sunday, July 20.
Seventy-three people attended from Bei -
grave, Toronto, Landon, Kincardine and
Richmond Hill.
Mary Jervis of St. Catharines and Ethel
Wheeler of the Woodley H Mes nn
visited on Sunday with
Mr anti Mrs_ George Nit ioi"'n spent a
few days last week with Dr. and Mrs. Don
WbitlIeid, Jenny and ,JeIf of Sault Ste. Marie.
Many Beigrave friends attended the 90th
birthday party of Mrs. Esther McCallum on
Sunday July 13, a former Belgrave resident,
whets living at the senior citizens apartment
in Brussels.
Farm association awards artists
At a recent meeting of the Huron County The County Engineer In a memo to Mr. The Directors discussed the possibility of
'gym and Horne Safety Assodalon the Han.ly. Clerk -Administrator, County of publishing a calendar utilizing the winners of
Directors presented prize money to the Huron. stated that they could not disagree the safetypostercvnlest which had been held
winners of the recently held Safety Poster with the ideaoffastening catchbasingratesto hast month. White it wasstg he ll` felt that
Contest which drew over 300 entries. make them child restrieant, but sworn- this project very
Winners were as follows: Kindergarten to mended that there should be an added publishing the same rntght eliminate the
Gr. 2 - 1st, Michael Puddy, Ludmow; 2nd, statement totheaffect that "fastenersahoutd oosaiblrit hofbeingell able to publish
sie one.
Manual Hussy. Belteenee: 3rd, Mie ael be standardized to all makes and models of Farther
Culbert, Dungannon. Grade 3 & 4 • lst, Kari catchbasins so that only one tool would allow meeting.
Badted, 11112 Blyth; 2nd, Stephanie Henry, necessary access to all basins." The The next meeting of the Huron County
Rowan Kerr, Beigrave. Grade Directors decided to further study the Farm and Home Safety Assocratton will be
6 & 6 • 1st, Devon Henry and David Jackiiind, recomnnhendeati i n prriiori to making an amend- ,heeled at the 0.M.A.7 t. Office
:15 p,m Boardrooms on
Brussels' 2nd Jason Elliott, Blyth; Sha%ellyst.m 5 RR 1 Brucefield; 2nd,
James Maaskant, RR 2 Clinton; 3rd, Anita
Bruinsma, RR 2 Goderide
The Directors discussed a response from
the County of Huron to their Resolution No.
869 ereteh they had submitted to the
Provincial Farm Safety Association. The
resolution had read as follows: "Whereas
most eatchbasins currently do not contain a
means of fastening grate to the brain
making it easy to a removed by a child,
Be it resolved, that all eatdhbasins sold its
the Province of Ontarioberequited to halm a
rmeans eadily attadiied ort the catdhbasine"ally and
G ueenewey kitten named
Queensway's kitten has an official name, rte had the pleasure of choosing their
Residents voted by secret ballot lastWedness tope s, which consistedof chocolate sauce,
day. 'They were given 13 names to choose butterscotch sauce, whip cream donut,
from that were submitted for the Name That Walnuts and cherries. it was a tentf iic activity
Cat Contest. Mary Gower was the mutest The movie pretertellon for this week was
winner as the name she submitted to the entitled "Stemple Tom." ft was the story
contest was chosen to be the kitten's name. about how Stonspin Torn Conners became
Ills norm is now "Smokey." 'Thanks to famous. Everyone really enjoyed the film.
everyone who participated in the contest. Everyone at Queensway is busily prepay
Rev. Stats MeDon aid performed the church ing for the Volunteer ferny. They am looking
service this week. Joyce Pepper was the forward to seeing all the volunteers together
volunteer pianist for the service.
'Ibis week restdcnts enjoyed an ice cream
prier its their dining thorn. R was a real treat.
2 Receiving Legs
/000 bu l llouT
unloading capacity
Brumfield students
are award winners
Several grade? and 8 students from Huron
Centennial School, Brumfield, participated
in the Gauss Math test. Brad Dev'4 ys.
Michellle'punser, and John Burton received
the top three scores in Huron County.
Happy Pushers
have a great time
ifs ; a%urr nae
cam any of Cando
trditdt lW31?9MltP'lAit3.
bind Ir MATT '
1t3hdihlt itABEbit4:iitS[E
iyg $
>rt» iii' Stilinitten
11)6 ti glint ri,VA'f t AFbRrU.
�_.... .
id1bt'ib�r tiff Iixt rI
-CARPENTRY , ,,..482 3013.
1 ensall Correspondent
Hensall Happy Pushers had a great time
shuffling at AMMO Arena on a hot, mu
Thursday eftertiden. Scores were: 1 hes
high, Olga Ctrrn pilose 422, Marg Consist 400,
Annie Reid 321
Mertes high, aide Ghipchase 400, John
303, Ed Tithe 290.
iiiupresslfrebaptitrnnalservice took place
at the United Cliuree Sunday when him
Wiled* and this two diiildr'en, Shane and
Shannon Wife received through baptism
Mie Wilcox also assilated with the baptism
BiliStebbine greeted the congregation and
Jonathon Corbett, Cathy Corbett, Shane
Pepper and Tara Pepper w re the ushers
Be va FUSS, accompanied by Jean Jacobe
at"the tend san scion
Stave Corlett [ed the ,f unior eotrgreg
and AgaireyChristie aissisted'by lova Forrest
hosted' the Feifowehip hour following the