HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-03-16, Page 1• THE WINGHAM TIMES. - ._____ • VOL XXXIV.-NO. 1727. 101•10.01 You'll Make No Mistake California's Finest Dried Fruits 11011111141RIMIMINI11181111811011111111111.111 Large, meaty, meaty, delicious -flavored fruit. 3 sizes. 2 lbs„ 3 lbs. or 5 lbs. for .25 APRICOTS - The very finest quality of this fruit, in two sizes, 15c per lb, and 2 lbs for PE AC IMES-per ib, WINGI1AM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCI1 16. 1905. ea, Wear Greer's Shoes and %Oben St, Patrick Sup er and Concert, The St. Patrick be given in the To evening of this w Weatminster Gni of the best eutert son. Supper wi1 oil Chamber frouj after which a go duets, recitation rendered in the mission to both only 26 cents, and plied on opgan deb oncert era supper te 12 Hall on Friday ek under auspices of d promises to be one intnents of the sea - be served in the Conn - 5 30 p rn. to 7.30 p. d program of solos; addresses, eto., will bo era home. The ad- pper and concert is roceeds will be up - .25 Pringle & Groves aro payiny the high - .15 • est cash prices for sheep skins, hides and tallow, delivered at the tannery, Chap - man's old stand, Wingbam. If you leave your RAW FRUITS- Bananas, order for Clothing Oranges, Lemous-nothing but the best, with us. We'll be pleased' to show you some nice lines of goods for Sulis and Overcoats and feel certain that we will be able to satisfy the most fas- tidious taste in the matter of dress. Gents' Furnishings In this department you will find our , stock complete and up-to-date. Great variety, fine quality, and very rea- sonable in price. A pleasure to show goods, - Hood Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES tamed by FRANK PATBESON. NO. 28 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 ,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 111 Al Hutchison 1 GROCERIES ND CROCKERY. Phone ta Prompt delivery. I SELL REAL ESTATE No matter where it is! I havo for sale now some fine town property which for location and convenience cannot be excelled. It makes no difference whether you want a $50 00 building lot or a $10,000.00 farm, or any other kind of Real Estate, 1 want to hear from you. Just the property you want may be on lay you., I am not only inc position to ;nest advantageously serve the man who wants to buy a home or a farm, but 1 am in the best possible position to serve the man who Wants to make a profitable investment. C. J. MAGUIRE • Real Estate and Business Transfer A.gent, vasseotm name • WINDHAM, O. FannersNotes di;ootmted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. S&VWGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and addedto prinoipal 30th June and 81st Bomber each year. D. T. HEPB1JAN, Manager. U. Vonstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM. capital Puid up, 82,235,280.00. Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00. Total Assets, $a6,553,846.57. President-- ONWf G5B001f. irtee-President and Gerverai ma eager Tintentett. Aseietatt (kn. Manager -1n M. 'gate()); DLTIZCTOBO ) John Procter, Cha, L. rodtrin, El. Rosario. Goo. BtitherfOrd, (tyros A. Birgo. Inspector -B. Willson. SAVINGS RANK. Interest stowed *a deposits of ti.00 toa to- wodr, M4added to priabipitiou 81Ot /flay itati 50* Mrreraber each year, 1)06Wits4 blab reeetred at current rates of £aHtest. 00/111Ott/ID, Agent .10010.1030N It HOZ bat it, Solicitor,. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. License isoners. In the last issue of t e Ontario Gazette appears the appointme t of License Com. missioners for a larg number of Ontario constituencies. Th ,se appointed for West Haron are as p_ven in last week's TINES as recommer ded. by the riding Conservative Execut .ve, vii: -Matthew Lockhart, Thos. E. Durnin, Time, phurchill, East H ron-John Shannon, James A. Strong, o1in Cardiff. Sonth Bruce -John M. le cher, Alex. Kramer, Benj. Cannon. Fon SALE -Two storey cottage on Minnie street. For particulars apply to Miss Little, over Miss Boyd's store. Moving to Brandon. Mr. J. E. Swarts who has pnrchased the leading livery Business in Brandon left for that city ea Tuesday, taking 'with him one sem load of horses and a car load of buggies and other effects. M', Swarts has, we 1 understand, $3,00invested in the twelve horses that he took to the West. This would rnake n average price of $250. Mr. Swart' many friends here will wish him wel. iu his new home. Mrs. Swarts and family will remain in Wingham for a fe 17 'Ilona& Fon SALE -A good storey and a half frame house, with four rooms, pantry and woodshed downstairs and four rooms up stairs; hard water in woodshed and soft water in kitchen. Apply to, ROB'S. Illarweete Tailor, Successfu Horse Fair: The horse fair h ad in Wingbam, on Wednesday of Iasi Week, under the atm- pices of the T rnberry Agricultural Society was very nccessful for the first venture. There as a large crowd of farmers and lior buyers present and the town present d a very busy appear- anee for that aft noen. The showing of horses was g od 'and a number of sales weremade t fancy prices. An ag- ricultural team er horses was sold at $437.50 and for her tenths upwards of $400 was Paid. A single driving horse change ie hands tit $250 and we under - Stand that two 1 eavy draught colts were Sold at $240 Mel. These 'wishing to buy good berries fin di it very difficult to get the kind they Iv int and fancy pribes aro being paid. Tb entry list was geed con- sidering the sho I time the fair was ad- Vertieed. Mr, 1- Runstetlor, of Mild- may was the e and gave satisfaction. The priaes war4 Warded as felleivei- lleaVy &alight team, John Conpland, McGuire ea 11 mplirey. Agricultural NAM James Ratter, Fender Bros, Gen- eral Purpose tea°, James McGee. Sin. gle driver, G. b11 Xing, Geo. T. Kohert- son. Rase tO ealter, W. If. Omitok. shank. Seceesful One of the mos sales of the season Ross' farm, near last. There was a ante and everythi prices. • Mitch co averaging $60 an brought $70. A months old brou sold as high as 5'7 price eggs will lik high. Mr. F. S. S the auctioneer and well up in his busi prices were paid. uetion Sale. successful auction as held at Mr. Hngb uevale, on Thursday very large attend - g was sold at high s with their calves, one cow and calf pair of steers, 12 lit $60. Hens were each, and at this ly continue to sell- ott, of Brussels was proved himself to be ess when sueh good Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Spring Movi g. Mr. Jas. Sheriff has =toyed into the house vacated by Mr. Rob e Allen, who has moved to S. Helens, Mr. Archy Patterson of Bleevale is noving to the home on Frances street, va ated by Mr. Sheriff. Mr. Hugh Rees, v.ho recently sold his farm in Turnberry 4i moving to town this week, and Ur. T14a. Higgins is moving to the farm, bavi g purchased it from Mr, UM, The To ES heartily welcomes these two farailiemes residents of Wingham. Farrneri' I n sti tutes. Tbe third part if the report of the Farmers' institutes has oust been issued by the Ontario Desartment of Agricul- ture. The return; for 1903.04 show that there has been a d• crease in the number of meetings lead, .ft; well as in the attend, ance and member hip. Owing to the rity of last wiuter, te meetings had to be The 97 institutes re- ip in :lame of 21,257. ate of 833 meetings, nce of 106,719, re- t $16,440 and had a en the returns were Cbe institute having rship in July last was ith 720. unprecedented sev znany of the instit cancelled entirely. ported a members' They held an aggr with a total attend ceived $25,990, ape balauce on hand w made of $9,550. the largest memb South Waterloo,' Slaughter Sale of New Spring Dress Goods -1250 yds of new plain effects in all the latest makes and weaves. Terms cash, as these goods are new and le priced. G. E. Krim Kincardine Rink Won. The successful b mspiel ,held by the Wingham curlers was continued on Wednesday of la- t week, when the concluding round in the consolation • In our report last . C. Knechtel as one . Hepburn's winning y Holmes was tbe player who should have been given the credit. Mr. Hol as es having to leave town for Wednesd y, Mr. Knechtel took his place in the fin 1 game. In the Cote solation, Mr, A. J. Alderson's rink fin- ished second. T e prizes going to Harvey, Kincardi e, first; Alderson, Winghame second Spalding, Clinton, third. The score: in the different rounds of the Cons laden were as fol- lows:- nrcsl, atm), rounds were playe week we named M of the players in rink. Mr. Dudl 1 I Orange Grand Lo ge. Rev. Wm. Lowe and . 3. Greer, returned home on Friday ening from Midland, where they bad lleen attend- ing the animal meeting of qntario West Grand Orange Lodge. fr, William Lee, grand secretary, rep ted the or- ganization of eleven ne lodges, and showed tbat the strength 4f the mutual benefit fund was steadi y increasing, The next meeting of the jlrand Orange Lodge of British Americ will be held in Owen Sound in May. LesuteCol. J. H. Scott, of Kincardine was re-elected Grand Master and Rev. Wm. Lowe of this town was re-electec Grand Chap- lain. The Grand Lodgi voted $500 to the E. F. Clarke fund reed also $500 to the N. Clarke Wallace aiemorial home fund. Goderich was selected as the next place of meeting- Mt. Forest, Woodbridge and Listowel were also after it. Mr. John Scarlett of Leadbury, well-known to many of ear readers, was elected Grand Master of .he Grand. Chap- ter for Ontario West, Wingham. Vannorman Wroxeter. Black •••If 4*• Harriston. Holton........... Clinton. Spalding.... ..... Clinton. Agnew Wingham, , ... 16 Hele „ , .t 10 Seaforth. 17 Patterson 11 Wroxeter .15 Ratlike .. 7 Wingkam 19 Snechtel 10 Imeknow. 7 McLeod' 13 SECO! -n ROOM) Wrtnteter. 18 Black .17 Clinton. 13 Spalding 14 HarristOn. 13 Wilson 12 Goderich. 18 Humber vey, bye. Wingham. Vannortuan HarristOnt Holton.- Lneknow. McLeod Wingham. Alderson ... Kincardine, Ha Mrs, W. T. 3. Homuth still has for sale some household effects. Any one desirous of purchasing will find her at the residence of Mr. F. G. Sperling, Minnie street. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. R, McCosb er Rector of St. P of Chatham, a form - l's Church here has been appoiuted Lira1 Dean of Kent county by the Eisbna of Huron. Rev. Oswald W, Howard of the Dia man College, Mostreal, is the choice of St. James' Church Stratford, as rector to succeed Rev 3. Williams, elected Bishop of Huron. The Bishop of Lemon has appointed Rev, John Berry, t. D., rector et Park- hill, and. formerly Oathedral, at Lond Thomas' Church, succeeds Rev. 3. moved to Ohatbam Rev. R. Hobbs, pastor of Wingbam preached to his old clay last. There wa at both services. two good sermons a of his old time vigo Tint home missio Presbyterian Mare Tuesday morning i Church, with Rev. chair. The total r from ordinary so legacies, which is 1 • The State cf-thq Roads. The state of the pub ic highways at present is such as to Izuake travelling almost impossible. Th absence of the usual thaws during tIJe winter season as had fteleaffeeek a owing the snow to accumulate to an exceptional depth this year, especially wbere the wind had sufficient sweep to blotit into the high- ways. The depth of the simi,v, licwever, is not so detrimental to trate as the inevitable pitch-hele. These it many instances are gouged out to a depth rendering them next, to impassable,' as well as making, driving dangerous. We venture to say that there is more energy wasted in driving through pitch -holes on the public roads in the County of Huron in one day than would fix every one of them and put the roads in gdod condition. It is a notorious fact that men will plunge and bunt and jerk though pitch -boles as complacently as i it were something that was unavoida le, when an hour or two of work would put the road in a passable condition Take into account the racking of ve asks, the wear and tear on harness, e strain on horses, as well as the loss of time and the im- possibility of (Ira' ng a reasonably heavy load, and it is si ply maryellons that men will persist n not repairing the roads and pnttin them at least in fairly good condition. feature connecte neglect that sho that is if an ace such neglect the the accident hap for damages. T should devise so ing'of the toads the winter settee TM BOUND. Winghatn. J linton. Vatinorman .... .12 Spalding 13 Lttoktioar.Wingham.•MoLeod . • . -18 Alderson 1 Kiricardine, el fault from Lucknoar, 13ryan, skip. L °know, Allan, bye. a. mats: Clinton, 1 Wingham. Spalding 15 Alderson Id Iincatdne iiofault frori Lnekanwi Allan, skip. rrsits. • Kinetirdine. Harvey. 10 Winghata. Alderson. ssistarit in St. Paul's n, as rector of Si. •eaforth. Mr. Berry Hodgins, who re - here is one important with this persisteut d not be lost sight of, dent happens through unicipality in which ens is certainly liable o municipal authorities e scheme foe • proper rep*: almmomaio.110.01. I e keep - tiring COUGHS,,COLDS Why let them linAer?? 1111111111111/111111111111111411111.1811111111111111111M1 OUR Laxative •Gold Tablets Will break up any cold. 25c a box. Every hos' staaratteed, ror sale only by a Walton Mclabbon DOUCCIST. WINGHAM. atextdoor to Post Mee. * Strathroy a former Methodist Church ougregation on San. a large attendance r. Hobbs preached •d he Ilan lost ague committee of the met at Toronto on old St. Andrew's r. Warden in the eipts were $127,888 es, and $10,000 from uble the revenue of six years ago. Th- contributions from the churches in the west were more than double. Estimate, were passed as fol. lows: Ontario at d Quebec, $12,123; Manitoba and gorthwest, $15,298; Britieh Columbia and Arta, $14.195, er "Shamrock" L n Stationery for ; the local seven it sale at Cooper's ooh store on Fri- rained shot after day 17th inst. but it seemed to Only one fur coat left A R. Smith's, Who will get it? ut its by the hun- dred for spring, pr patterns. Don't bay until you see . R. Smith's Picca- dilly and Regent Brand suits. HOME AND Mg GAMES. Wingham and Har Championship o League, Si A. YEAR IN AD VANCE ston Tied for the the Northern . H. A. Two very lively g played last week be Wingham for the o Northern League, till a tie after two kind of hockey. In Harriston on the 17 team won from Wi game being charact work on the past of the result being th :Fleming from the g was a tte, and after plucky little left wi up and won out. On Friday event match was played i ton brought e. good two goals, and veer ing borne with the Such was not to b face-off the home to pull down the 1 sible, and at half t mea of hockey were een Harriston and uipionship of the d the result was ara'es of the hardest the first game at inst., the home gham by 5 to 3, the rized by very rough Harristones defence, retiring of .A.Ivie me when the score ingham lost their g, Harriston braced g last the return Wingham. Harrzs- rowd and a lead of confident of return- • 1 coveted silverware. however. From the am were ,determined d and win out if pos- me the score was 2 to 0 in their favor. Shortly after this an- other was added to their string, but Harriston then to -at a chance, and on a long shot by McThevelI they scored. In a short time Cara ron got the puck on I an off -side, and t e referee failing to call I him, and the sho counted, Harriston then had the eu by the handles, and. eping an eye on it, hot on Harriston goal, spectators to be all off, when Harriijgton. who played the star game of th . evening, made a long ;shot, which locaesd the net. There was I now only cue =mute to play and the Salt Well Two weeks ago t cord gave the inf salt wells in Hur closed. We are reliable authority case as far as the e concerned. The we ning all winter and 1round was a tie Neither team scored, ot Closing. although both als were in danger, but, o Clinton News -Re- the game finish d a tie, 5 to 3 at Harris- rmation that all the ton, 4 to 2 at county were to be eased to learn, from rllem jut jungrsawas that this is not the edan ingham salt well is had not fully roc Elliott and kheeer pe shwta sr .b4e aurrini Dug - usual hard gam Ingham, making 7 all. NOTES. ff color, baying eastern- arriston from which he vered, allovvity played their , but were both closely I and his staff busy lo eding cars to keep watched. To Johntoneell the honor of scoring up with the incr%asing densaud for Wiugham salt. TI a local works havo the first goal. had a very sacceseful season and we Harrington .vas the star of the locals, understand that orgiers are now booked ahead for salt to bf shipped next May, June and July. JThis is one of Wing- hain's best Indust ies and long may it continue to pros/tr. Don't allow travelling Ike piano tuners to tamper with your : nos. Keep them for a practical ma who under- stands his business. R. a . Ross will be in Wingham for tw • • eeks at Easter, and will be please • o attend to your wants. Tone, regulating and voicing a speciality. All work warranted. Orders left at T. 11. Ross' music store will re- ceive every attention. Death of)Mrs. Rush. The death occu red at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. J Thos. Field, Lowei Wingham, on Sa urday evening last of Mrs. Margaret An Rush, iii her 48th year. Deceased_ had been in failing health for some months. With her husband, who is eead some six years, she moved with 1 er family from Howick township to Wintimin seven years ago. Mrs. Rush was Sathly esteemed by all who had the ple-sure of her acquaint- ance. She was a nember of the Wing - ham. Baptist Ohm .11 and is survived by daughters and two hters are married, and Mrs. M. Pearen, rs. Strome, of Crews- dren, being younger. ren, who are now r and mother will of the community a family of seven sons. Three da - viz: -Mrs. T. Fiel of Wingham,and vine. The other ch The bereaved chil left without fath have the sympathy in their affliction The funeral took place on Monday a ternoon to Wingham cemetery, the sere at the house and grave being cond reted by Rev. 3. N. - McLean. Died at Chatham. Mr. AleX. E. Grlbraith, son. of Mr, and Mrs. A. Gelb aith of this town died at Chatham on S urday evening last. The nutty frien s of the bereaved fatuity will symp thine with them in their affliction. he Planet in reporting Galbraith's death says: -"Alex- ander E. Galbrai h, who for about 16 Years has been a moiler in the Canada Business College, passed away Saturday eve MT* at hi re% ence corner of Raleigh street and Lorne venue. Mr. Galbraith was One, of the c everost men of our city and his death w 'I be greatly felt by the conantinity. few years age Mr. Galbraith was Vaccinated and since then he has rev r been in good health. About a month Rohe was taken sorious- ly and slam) het time he has been confined to hie bed. He was 42 years of age and lean a a widow and two small boys to tomtit his loss. Hie parents, three brothers sed two sisters also aur - Viva," The ret*ains Were interred in the Chatham cerubtei7 on Tuesday after. noon. and scored seetaicl goal on a long lift, ty- ing the round. Wilson pla ed well at point and start- ed) lots of rus which furnished sport for the specta rs. Moore in go I let an easy one by him, but in the last alf saved the team de- feat by spertac Inc stops which brought down the hous The game w s witnessed by the largest crowd of the s asp, who went almost wild with ent usiasat when Wingham tied the score Farmers in 'eed of help for the com- ing season wo ild do well to call on C. 3. Maguire, real estate agent. Mr. Maguire is loo ;1 agent for an immigra- tion agency. One Thin) Is Gertain If there is any trouble with your eyesight you cannot have it edied a single day too soon. It is certainly getting worse if permitted to continue -but glasses will probably stop it at the point , where the error had attained when you began to wear them. So it may be of utmost import- ance that you see us the first day you can: AIL Mc MI 81. Co . Druggists and Opticians :: WINGHAM, . ONT, i t `71111111,......................, . • :.. _a...al:a-0 - - -- -- ---- - - - - - W i ngham Lan4s the Silverware. The final game t break the tie in Northern League as played at Listowel on Tuesday evenba r, and Wiugham at last landed the oh mpiouship by a score of 3 to 1, The liu .up was the same as in the two former games, and needless to say both team were out to win, but Wingham showei Harrisron the way half, when Fleming nt down for side rush tn Hippo to Johnston lauded. and only a few ries Galloway landed , No. 2 for Wingletua on a pass from Elliott, who was working; overtime to Camerou from the firing line. Harriston now took a band ;lid bore in on Wing- Wingham defence. bat Harrington, Wil- ; sou and Moore vexe stonewall' and staved off all shots intil just aefore half I time, when Carne on got a ,-hot vvhich. Moore bit but c uld not handle, and this the score in first halt elided it to 1 irt favor of of fvingbani. In second hal the game became more closer and Witham goal was often in danger, but their stonewall defence was always in froze for a stop and Johnston was always on hand to break up a rush. Wingham on t to other hand kept Harri- ston defence %Wall bark and finally with only 3 minute; to play Fleming scored No. 3 for Wi ebane and from this out the game wa slow as Wingham took no chances and VtusUy won out the North- ern League iy a score of 3 to 1. Wing - ham team w re all stars and played the best of the season; and for Elarrieton McQueen i goal and Cameron and Mc- Dowell on forward shone particularly. 800 people watched the game and listened toj the music of Wingham Citizens Bt4d which finished by playing. "See the CSatqnoring Hero Comes. early in the firs and Galloway and on a pass fr the first goal wa ininutes afterw 4-+++++++++4-101•+4-444.444-1-1-4-1-+ 4• + + 4- + + + 4- + te 4- .1. $2.50 Shoes .i. .1. $ * Two Fifty 4,. : They are the best Shoes for the money we + ever saw or sold. We have them for + + + Men or Women .ii. 4' + Best of leathers -new lasts -well made -no- + + thing the matter with the Shoes. The r,rice + + is a little weak -that's all. Take a look at these wonderful Shoes. The 11 do their own talking. ÷ + - + ..See us for Trunks and Valises +. . + W. J. GREEK ... • Shoer to the People, + 4. +++. :+44,14+++++ +4.1-444-SeteHeasleleeiatalelee+++++++ 4. Wingham's Leading Shoe Store We haven't a thing against our neighbors. We are simply selling splendid Shoes for '2- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. •1. 4, *1-> 4. 4' 4. .f. 4. 4. 4. , 4' tle 4 4. 4. 4. 4.