HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-07-09, Page 4A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 9, 1986 T-IENSALL AND AREA AUTO PARTS A SUPPIJES PULL INE OF AUT• PARTS & ACCESSORIES for all makes of care $ trucks [SEARTHFISHER//sUoPAUTOL4E Alex McGregor home after stint in hospital 11 GODERICH ST. E. 527-1707 L.$caled In Rowcnno M0,1,(s Blllioing _ THE BEST OF RATES )00 /2.'4962 5YEAR PAID ANNUALLY FIVE YEAR GIC OTHER TERMS AND RATES AVAILABLE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION CALL US TODAY! Deposit Agents for over 45 Bank & Trust Companies Kippen Correspondent MARGARETHOGGARTH 262-6902 Alex McGregor has now returned home from hospital. Congratulations to Cathy Vanneste on her graduation from Mohawk College in Hamil- ton with an Architectural Technology De- gree. She has accepted a position with Repla Windows limited in Oakville. Cathy is a daughter of Marcel and Simone Vanneste. Dave Vanneste and haul Hoggarth partici- pated in a broomball tournament as members of the Huron County Junior Farmers Team. Along with four others from the county, they travelled to Wasaga Beach on Friday, July 4 to compete with 23 other teams from all across Ontario. Paul Hoggarth has returned from a nine -day trip to The Canadian Rockies and Expo '86. He and 33 other Junior Farmers from Southern Ontario flew to Calgary and motored to Vancouver. Hightlights along the bus trip included stops at Banff National Park, Hell's Gate, and a white water rafting expedition on the Chilliwack River in B.C. Three days were spent at Expo viewing the numerous pavilions from all around the world. Laird and Ruby Finlayson hosted the inlayson picnic on Sunday, July 6, with about 75 people present. The five members of the Jim Finlayson family were present, Lorne, Art, Bill, Marg, and Jeff, along with their descendants. The people travelling the furthest were from Lansing and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jim Cooper is recovering in University Hospital, following a serious fall on his farm. His back is now stabilized and he is waiting for an operation on his ankle. Jim is wished a speedy recovery. ffmap Your one-stop, best -rate specialists for GIC's, RRSP's, Mortgages & Annuities SEAFORTH 96 Main Street, S. 527-0420 .Srrrirr,r; Ontariu.si'ircc' 1975 with 12 locations /br your convenience.' `,`';t�; IIf, Ii liffeRtiniaaf' ¢ ,. ': l�Fa1» I�tis ,n• ROYAL ENCOUNTER — Richard Nesbitt, second from right, had an opportunity recently to meet Princess Anne at the Lillian Penson Hall in England. Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Nesbitt, R.R. 81, Seaforth Is doing post graduate studies at the London School of Economics. Princess Anne Is a patron of the Lillian Penson Hall which Is a student residence associated with the London School of Economics. Dickins hot as weather in recent race Hensall Correspondent SUSAN HARTMAN 262-2449 Jim Dickins of Hensall was aboard his Hully Gully Honda on Sunday, July 6 when Motocross returned to Varna. Jim was as hot HURON. HOCKEY SCHOOL presents A SPECIAL LOCAL AREA PROGRAM at HURON PARK, ONTARIO MONDAY TO FRIDAY PROFESSIONAL. DOG GROOMING for July. Complete and Bath, Nall Trimming, etc. Reasonable rates. For appointment call 482-5694 JULY 21 - JULY 25 COST $115.00 BUS SERVICE CAN BE ARRANGED JOIN YOUR FRIENDS AT NORTH AMERICA'S FINEST HOCKEY SCHOOL Please Call Frank Funston at 228-6425 or 228-6866 or the Office of Administration 613-933-2582 for reservations and information i VAN PELT'S USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES "We buy small & complete lots of Household Items" Main St., 348-8244 Mitchell kw( of our SEAFORTII TI\1\1,.ATd!` , Wednesday, July 16 BEEF BARBECUE 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Please call before July 11 so that meal arrangements can be made. Contact Ralph, Ron or Cory at 345-2545. All active farm family members welcome. i as the weather as he battled his way to a grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey. second place win. Dave and Deb Collins have returned from a In the first moto Jim was fourth coming into wonderful trip to the East Coast where they the first turn when he crashed and was not met the sculptor of the St. Thomas 'Jumbo', able to get up until the rest of the pack had and toured the studio where he built the passed. lifesize statue. He made his way to third and was pushing Jamie and Lindsay Campbell have been for second until the last turn when he visiting in Brantford with their aunt. overtook the leader to claim the spot. Bradley Hartman is spending a week at In the second moto Jim was in second at the Camp Olalondo at Fanshawe Lake. start and never looked back, as he was Singing of some of the Vacation Church pushing for first place. It was a neck and neck School songs was the special ministry of race with a photo finish with Jim in second. music at the United Church on Sunday Jim is foregoing the Canadian Champion- morning. The music was led by Eric and ship Race this year and is concentrating Shirley Luther. instead on and re entl in third spot. Hitits next rafor hich he is ce will be Kerman Jaoobe-sue Kyle, teeted the Elizabeth�Thompson and presently , Amy Campbell were the ushers. July 13 in Durham. Mr. McDonald spoke on the theme of Love NORTHCREST Nineteen Happypushers had a great time as he began a series of sermons on the theme shuffling Thursday at the Hensall Arena. of how God is revealed through the Parables. High scores were: ladies - Gertie Moir 425, The congregation were reminded that next Marg Consitt 398, and Dorothy Brintnell 361. Sunday would be baptismal service. Men - W alter Spencer 377, W alter Knowles Vacation Church School for Hensel' was 361, and Dave Kyle 359. held last week and again with tremendous Mrs. Jim Lawrence and Doris Lawrence success. One hundred and twenty-three visited with Ida Dickert on Monday. the sanctuary to earn f songs led by Shirleyled each in Barb PEOPLE Barb Plumb has returned from a visit with and Eri Lu ther. Teachers for the school were: Music, Eric her sister in Toronto. and Shirle lather, Nursery Department, Jack O'Connor is home after a lovely trip to Fa a Kinsman, Kim Gettner, Verlie Hous - Quebec to visit with his son and family. FayKim an, McClinchey and Mike French were ton, gymGary Department Corbett, Janine GaiReid, linda asse. guests on Thursday with Glen and Pearl PreAlexander, Janice Alderdice and Joan McKnight. Robyn McLellan spent last weekend with Corbett. Primary Department, Evelyn Elder, Bev Bell and Bonnie Gould. Middler her a Britt Joe left Thursday Edna on a trip to McLellan.Department, Shirley Luther, Elva Forrest, Nan BrittonKaye Gardner, Susan Hartman and Barbara Calgary to spend time with her family. Y Jim and Arlene Styles and boys of Thunder Gackstetter. Junior De artment, Pam Mal - Bay spent a fe[y, days last week with her tette and Lois Hayter. 1; elyn Elder and her Christian Deve o mens o ltteeol spied pa The Chipce des entertained (Ad a}dtaeir I�h The Chipchases their family in the �scTiSo7 '" ' d :'Nit. 1VIc`DotiaTcl 'W€u� ''flit~ the lounge last Monday for dinner. co-ordinator. Mabel Higgerson and Henry Proctor of On Friday morning the Sanctuary was Mitchell visited Sunday with the McKnights, filled with parents, grandparents, friends Newcomers to our growing community and neighbors of the students for the closing include Mr. and Mrs. Bill Branderholst to the assembly. Each department presented diffe- former Cottrell home on Main St. and Bob rent phases of the study and Eric and Shirley and Lea Seaton with their children Katie and Luther led in the singing. Jimmy who also live on King Street. Appreciation is expressed to all the Welcome one and alit teachers and staff as well as the people who Heather Wood of Trenton Is spending a sent cookies and helped supply craft portion of her summer vacation with her material. Residents visit lake side "Good thoughts are .beautiful flowers. a very productive meeting. promoting good deeds and making_ others As a result of the resident's council happy, thereby enriching our lives and meeting there is a new resident at Queens - bringing us happiness." Author Unknown, way, On Wednesday, July 2, an eight -week - Book Summertime ideals. old kitten was delivered to residents by The above quotation describes, the atmo- Marilyn Zivcovic. They are thrilled with their new friend. They haven't given him a name yet, but are having a 'Name that Cat" contest to find just the perfect title for their friend. The Church service this week Was performed by Rev. Stan McDonald. This Was held in the dining room with several of the residents attending. - On Friday morning a group of residents attended the Bible School closing•ceremony which was held at the Hensall United Church. They thoroughly enjoyed the program put on by the teachers and children. Also on Friday, Father Mooney provided Roman Catholic residents with a service. The movie presentation for this week was a Charlie Chaplin film entitled, "Jitney Elopement." it was enjoyed by all who attended. Hope to see you there under the Big Top Tent Rain or Shine * Tour the Elevator 4-6 p.m. * Agricultural Chemical Representatives in Attendance to Answer Questions * Door Prizes * Official Welcome 7:30 p.m. Located 2'/2 miles east of Seaforth, off Hwy #8 0 Port Albert Sz0-'190. Seaforth, Ailsa Craig 345-2543 ' 243-3223 sphere and feeling Queensway Nursing Home • residents experienced during their visit to Bill Gibson's lake side cottage last Monday, June 30. Upon their arrival they admired and enjoyed the beautiful plants and flower beds covering the property. Once inside they had the pleasure oflisteningto Bill play his organ and afterwards all joined in a sing -song of old time favorites. To make the afternoon even more special, Bill served home made carrot cake with ice cream. It was a positively wonderful afternoon. Many thanks to volunteer drivers, Dorothy Elder, Iva Reid, TroyAnn Cole, Rev. Stan McDon- ald, Joyce. Pepper, Shiela Corbett and Janice Butson. The Nursing Home Residents Council mgt on Monday morning for their monthly meeting, and discussed several issues. it was Lists (Continued from Page A2) during the next provincial election. Seriously though,there isn't one. Okay, okay, Peterso's not too bad. WORST.POIITiCJAN: Boy, talk about yer long list's. Despite all the worthy candidates one man does rise above the rest in this never ending farce of putrid politics. You noticed last week that Brian Mulroney shuffled John Crosbie right out of the Justice Minister's job. Nation -Wide flak over Cmsbie's anti -porn bill certainly helped but you cannot have someone who appears trapped, in the 1890s in a position that demands tolerance and progression. Crosbie showedneither and he won't be missed. it's no fair to. kick a fella while he is down but Frank Miller used to hold the honor as our Worst Politician. See, talk about select company. T.V. EVANGELLSTS BEST T.V. PREACHER: Billy Graham wins hands down. The man is honest, enjoyable to watch and isn't constantly begging for money. A Posthumous award goes to Herbert W. Armstrong whose down-to-earth Biblical interpretations won over thousands of people, I never heard this Man ask 'for a nickel and, in fact, he was forever giving things away. WORST T.V. PREACHERS: Another mindbender. There are so many. Pat Robinson greedilyeyes the presidency of the U.S. Jerry Falwell sees communists behind every tree and supports ultra right-wing tyranny. They pale, however, when coin - pared to !Jhnmy Swaggart or should I say Gimme Swaggart. Then again you have to be careful lest you come across as anti God or anti Jesus, although Jesus never hounded his congregation for money to build a much needed new television studio. That's ridicu- lous I know but the man performed miracles. It's a miracle people believe these electronic charlatans, T.V. BEST PROGRAM: Renins of Mash are still superior to what's being served up these days. That program plus All in The Family are the two that all other sit -coins have evolved from. Unfortunately they have sired some gruesome, uncouth, odieus junk. WORST PROGRAMS: I know I'll catch it for this but soap operas, game shows and Pray T.V. are the worst. I'm sure there is some good in all but... MUSiC BEST MUSIC: Everyone has their own taste in music and that is just fine. One person's toe -tapper is someone else's enema. So be it. WORST MUSIC: I don't know about you but I have had enough of the sugar coated drivel spewed out by the likes of Lionel Ritchie, Madonna, Howard Jones, Air Supply, Boy George and other plastic people whose only redeeming features are they prove beyond all doubt just how good the music was. BIG BUSINESS BEST CAPITALISTS: All those people who had an idea, worked hard and made a million bucks without crushing the little people along the way. WORST CAPITALIST: Peter Pockling- ton epitomizes all that is bad with Capitalism. His hiring of scab labor, attempts to union bust and contempt forthe working person make him and his kind unpalatable. So there you have it. With five Months to go in '86 there is plenty of time for others, to make my year end best of -worst of list. If things go well maybe it will be just a best Of column.