HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-18, Page 16follow in developing a comprehensive system of health and social services for Ontario's elderly. "To the best of my knowledge this is the first time in Ontario that a government has set down abroad strategic plan to meet the needs of our seniors now and in the future," said Mr. Van Horne, adding in the past services for the elderly in Ontario evolved in a piecemeal fashion, without an overall plan. Mr. Van Horne explained that the overriding consideration in producing the White Paper was the development of a comprehensive system of services to enable seniors to live active and independent lives in their own communities, in their own homes. "By doing this we will, in turn, prevent unnecessary and inappropriate institutionali- zation," said the Minister. The White Paper was developed in • co-operation and consultation wit.. _ other provincial ministers as well as with at an Ontario university. •Services d individuals from across the m Senior Citizens' Affairs Minister Ron Van for those elderly who cannot continue to live Horne has tabled a White Paper which independently in the community by rational - establishes the directions the province will program in d improving hothe mes and homes for the aged; and by regulating the quality of care in rest homes. To introduce comprehensive planning and management at both the provincial and local level. "Some of these strategies are complex and will require considerably more work to implement. Others, however, can be acted upon immediately," said Mr. Van Horne. Accordingly, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Colleges and Universities; and the Minister of Community and Social Services announced co-operative initiatives in direct support of the White Paper. `!'hese initiatives represent an expenditure of $13.5 million this fiscal year and an annual expenditure of over $30 million. Minister of Colleges and Universities Gregory Sorbara announced establishment of a multi-desciplinary department of geriatrics rou province. It is the first in a series of papers dealing with services for the elderly. The broad plan, outlined in the White Paper, is based on five major strategies. Each has a number of components. Those key strategies are: To improve the health and functional status of seniors by placing more emphasis on health promotion and illness prevention; enhancing education and training in geri- atrics, ensuring an adequate supply of geriatric specialists; and by supporting more centres and encourage the development o ised to aging and thea ed.Iffernew"t}O1ntAuriitgt health centres; Primarily in ybYlexiali de g and improv- cortcerned.with the elderly. in the community by cand and improv- ing community services; and by improving For his part the Minister for Senior, accessibility and delivery of community Citizens' Affairs will continue policytievelop- services through a single access or a ment in selected areas of health and social "one -stop -shopping" approach. services. He will address three major areas To enhance geriatric care in acute and directly related to the strategies of the White chronic hospitals by introducing regional Paper; a new act to rationalize and improve geriatric units; developing specialized out- the existing extended care program; regula- patient and inpatient services for the elderly; tions to govern the quality of care In rest and by expanding rehabilitation and convale- homes; ands for community serle access or a vices scent services. shopping" approach To provide high quality institutional care for seniors. Minister Community and Sora John Sweeney will fund six to eight more projects under the New Homemakers Pro- gram and provide additional funding for home support services and Alzheimer ser- vices. Minister of Health Murray Elston will establish five regional geriatric centres in teaching hospitals in London, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston and Ottawa. The Minister will also provide increased funding for seniors' programs in community health 1 A16 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 18, 1986 39,,CARD OF THANKS 39. CARD OF THANKS TO MY FRIENDS ON MY RETiREM ENT On Saturday, June 7 You gathered all together, To share some fun with me. I know the staff spent many hours Your work was plain to see, You brought out pl those flowers, With pictures you dolled up the room. You filled the balloons, not once but twice, To entertain the young. You hired the hall and lively leu, And even arranged for lunch. You played the piano for a solid hour, And welcomed the friendly bunch, You made all of our family welcome, And entertained with your mast. How can I thank all those I must, For the bursary money, cards and gifts? These 23 years of teaching, Have gone so quickly by. So many wonderful children, Lent by their parents to me, For one whole precious year of their lives. What a very humbling thought! For all the good gtimes we shared, I thank you Torallllthe kids from all those s I failed to year . me. Save a small place for me in your heart. To all the friends who visited me well I bless the day we met. 1 lay it down m silence This work ofrnine And take what has been given me A resting time. The work that I have started Others will take up. There will be new ventures, For me to meet. To all, I'll surely miss the school, When Sept. 2 comes round. So sometime in the evening, When your work that day is done, Remember our door is on the latch Just come on down and that. Edna Bell 39-25x1 SOMERVILLE Cora and Archie Somerville would like to sincerely thank their family, relatives, friends and visits phone calls, and ors for all the off'cial messages of congratulations which they recently received on the occasion of their 50th, wedding anniversary. They would also like to thank their daughters and their families for arranging the delicious family dinner at Robindales and the 'enjoyable evening which followed. Everything was greatly appreciated and made this time a most memorable occasion for us. 39-25x1 f a r husband, father and grandfather, ryDaDonald . (Buzz/ Dale, who passed away 7 years ago, June 11, 1979. You suffered much in silence, Your spirit did not bend, You faced your path with courage, Until the very end. in tears w,e saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. And then we saw you sleeping, So peacefully free from pain, W e would not wish you back with us, To suffer so again. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife Mona and Debbie and family. 40-25-1 DUCHARME: in memory of James Du- charme, a dear father and grandfather who passed away seven years ago on June 21. Your presence we miss Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never. Sadly missed by Allan, Chris and 40Family. McNICHOL: In loving memory of Verna McNichol who passed away 14 years ago on June 23. We miss her more as time goes on, W e can never close our hearts, None on earth could take her place, She is still the dearest of all. Ever remembered by Andy and the Family. 40-25r. 42. ENGAGEMENTS SMITH — BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Russel M. Smith, RR 1, Dublin are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Mary Catherine to Michael John Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jtake Blake,n placeJJuly'4,ri1986saThe wedding in willt Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Duubl 9. 42-81 LANE— CICCARELL1 Mr. and Mrs. Donato Ciccarelli, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Julie-anna, to Brendan Vincent Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane St. Columban, Ontario. The wedding will take place in St. Ann's Church, Ancaster, Ontario on July 12,1986. IT00 LATE TO CLASSId STRAW for sale in the Dublin area. 345-2197 or524-9302. 11-25-1 HEATED 527-0828. 2 bedroom apartment for rent. 26-25-tf MUSIC RECITAL — The following students of Carol Carter, A.R.C.T., A. Mus. R.M,T., performed In her recital on Tuesday evening, June 10 In First Presbyterian Church before a very appreciative audience. First row, seated I. to r. Julie Medd, Shannon hd non Craig, Sarah Johnston, Connie Bannerman, Emily Beimers, Monica Ryan, McUwain, Julie Carter, Carrie MaLlwaln. 2nd row: Carol Carter, Marianne Smith, Karen Dillon, Candace Cooper, Jeff Tremeer, Jim Bannerman, Andrew Kennedy, Eric Johnston, David Kennedy, Steve Pletech, Bonnie Bannerman. 3rd row: Karla King, Carol Ann McQuaid, Melanie Segeren, Martha Hook, Donna Godkin, Suzanne Dinsmore, Bonnie Turner, Loretta Nott, Renee Devereaux, Nancy Godkin, Peggy Ryan, Cheryl Regele. Back row: Joanne Carter, Linda Binnendyk, Christine Cooper,, Joan Binnendyk, Lois Binnendyk, Tricia Cooper, Cheryl Ann Storey, Cathy Carter, Chris King. Absent from photo: Andrea. Photo by PhilliPs Ribey, Laura Pletech and Wendy Hoelscher. Health services for elderly Ontario Candidate Riddell, Jack Smith, Bryan Klopp, Paul Dawson, Carman Ontario Commission on Election Contributions and Expenses Summary of Candidates Receipts, Expenses and Subsidy Published In accordance to Section 4 MN of The Election. Finances Reform Act, Election Date - May 2,1985 Electoral District of Huron -Middlesex L PC NDP Campaign Receipts Campaign Before Subsidy Expenses_ 24,921 23,388 19,532 29,180 2,050 1,847 NIL NIL Subsidy Paid by The Commission to the Candidate 4,986 4,986 NIL NIL NOTE: The information shown above has been taken from financial statements filed with the Commission by Chief Financial Of- hY Nt ! heartier the'candIdates, coiiles of Pitildh may be obtsiped from the C'OinmldelOh ►on payrrtant'orSYd10'pordopy! - Donald C. MacDonald Chairman for the Commission "the leader In quality" DiscowKT tyal Livin8 I ROYAL. f `tWil la S G RAN D OPENING OF OUR NEW MODEL COURT &DESIGN CENTRE ARTHUR ST., Uhl I N G H AI Watch for Signs off Hwy. No, 4 FRIDAY & SATURDAY JUNE 20&21 ROYAL HOMES LIMITED TbLL FREE 1.600.2854040 Come up and tour our Fuily Landscaped and Professionally Decorated Model Homes * PLANT TOURS * REFRESHMENTS A Special THANK YOU To All WEED CUSTOMERS... MAN. Weed co -pi -To' swaying conditions this spring have been the worst for high wind, in my five years in the business. I wish to express,a sincere thank you for the pa- tience you have shown in 'waiting for us to get to your lawn. We have worked 12-14 hour days whenever possible (which wasnft very often) in order to get everyone done. We are now starting our Sumner fertilizing, If you are a full program customer We Will be checking your lawn and respraying weed 'Wee& as necessary when we do your fertilizing. Weed control customers' please do not hesitate to call our office with any laWn care prolflents or concerns you might have. Thank you Again, Tom Grasby & Staff' Enuron xposnor call 527-0240 How much of your insurance dollar is someone else's profit? if you're insured by South Easthope Mutual, none of your insurance premium is diverted for someone elsd's'pr0Qt. The policy owners own the com- pany themselves. It's the purest form of Home, Auto or Farm protection you can buy. NieDik mum cas-mots vvictst4um. S'riiVt: Mt'RRAY INSURANCE BROKER 1TO r v; R R a2 tluhhn.14 -t Free camping for seniors during week Senior citizens will pay no charge to camp during the week in Ontario's provincial parks this summer, Natural Resources Minister Vincent Kerrio announced recently. "Begin ntng June 9, senior citizens will pay half the regular camping fees on FYldays and Saturdays, and no charge from Sunday to Thursday," Mr. Kerrie said. "We feel this is appropriate due to the late notice given for 1986 changes to park fees." Senior citizens have traditionally paid full camping fees on weekends and no camping fees during the week. Earlier this year the ministry announced that camping fees for seniors were changed to half rate all week. "The further reduction announced recent- ly for 1986 will be welcomed by all seniors in Ontario who enjoy camping in our provincial parks." Mr. Kerrio said. Cull us about your avant McBride Bros. MACHINE and REPAIR Ise. Luise west of KiPPanl •Precision Machining and Milling -Costae' tuilt'74'ailers & Truck Boxes -Combine & Tractor Repairs NEW SHOP NUMBER 262.2020 Huron County board of Education Seaforth District High School Chairman Mr. Clark pr'e'sents • Instrumental Music IG � I�2...July,29.. !lithe music room at SAH.S. from 9- 12 Available to all Ancients from grade 9'-11 Please call the school office to register.. 527-0380 Director Mr. Adan