HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-18, Page 14A14 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR,'JUNE 18, 1986 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIFIE Phone 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1.COMING EVENTS LIONS Annual Dublinfest Pork Chop Barbe- cue and Dance, Saturday, July 12, Dublin lions Club. 1-25-2 BRODHAGEN Chamber of Commerce An- nual Chicken B.B.Q., Wednesday, July 23, 1986, 5-8 ' p.m. Brodhagen Communit Centre. Proceeds to support minor baseball. Adults - $6.00, Children - $3.00. Advance tickets only available from any member or call 345-2941 for information. 1-25-1 VACATION BIBLE SC o pOL 4 Monday, p.m. l 2 25, - Friday, y children ages 4-14, Bethel Bible Church. To register call 527-1757. 50th W edding Anniversary. The family of Bill and Mary McMillan wish to invite all their neighbors, relatives and friends to celebrate their parents' 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 22 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Optimist Hall, Seaforth. Best wishes only. 1-25x1 A Community Shower for Carol Anne W illiamson on W ednesday, July 2 at 8 p.m. at St. Ambrose Church, Brussels. Evone 1 25-e welcome. OPEN HOUSE: The family of Mrs. Victor (Josephine) Deichert cordially invite you to an open house in honor of her 91st birthday; Sunday, June 22, 2-4:30 p.m. at her home, 26 Main St. Zurich. Best wishes only. 1-25-1 THE Huron County branch of the Architect- ural Conservancy of Ontario invites you to join with them on June 24th at 6:30 at Maitland Falls Reserve for a Dotluck clinic. Please bring an item of food and dishes. A representative of Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority will speak. 1-25-1 TRI -COUNTY Heritage Club loth Anniver- sary Show, July 12, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; and July 13, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., llderton Fairgrounds. Admission adults $3.00, children free. 1-25x2 CAR RALLY, Stanley Sesquicentennial Car Rally, Sunday, June 22. Registration 12 noon. Varna Complex. Starting time p.m. or Tickets when $8.00 in advance percar registering. Bring potluck supper for 6 p.m. 1 18. CUSTOM WORK 1 114. ARTICLES FOR SALE 23. REAL. ESTATE CUSTOM BACKHOEING, drain ,repair HONDA XL100, excellent condition. Phone erosion control, cellar drains, laser. half 345-2000, 14-25-1 Frank Postill 482-9101. 8-16-tf 9. FARM STOCK 1 FOR SALE: Approx. 40 weaner pigs. 50 lbs. 9 lb Ca11527-1677. -1 BOB ROBINSON of Walton offers for sale bred York X Landrace Gilts, due late June` and July, all are bred to colored boars to produce the most popular feeder pigs. We also indexinger a over8100 on alection of contemporary basis.ars n Call Bob Robinson at Walton, 345-2317.25-2 EASTERN Beef and Holstein calves for sale, approximately 120 to 300 lbs. Phone Tudor 4 r Wain, 524.9898. T0. FARM MACHINERY BEAN PULLER, four row; Lockwood wind- rower,4 row, also McCormick46 baler. Phone 10-24-3 262-5708. W )d�DepaAiry ccoold ndi condition. Bob le rule lHulley, 527-1856. 10-25-2 I CHIP BiNGO: Wednesday nights until June 25. 15 regregular games, $1S.00,ackt $100.00 togo. 3 share -the - wealth. Seaforth Legion Hall, 8p.m. Sponsored by Seaforth Lioness. 1-20-7 STRAW BERRY and Harn Supper, Brucefield United Church, Wed. June 18, 5-8 p.m. Adults $7.00, children 6-12, $3.50. ool- 1 233 ers free. COUNTRY FAYRE, Saturday, June 21 in the Belgrave Community Centre starting at 4 p.m. Free admission to arena. Featuring crafts, neeldework baking, etc. Cold meat supper 5-7 p.m. Adults $5.50. Public School children KnoxUn ted Church,oBg eireve.ol Free. S� Sponsored byt� BINGO: taCeTuesdays, p.m. FirsRegulrard $00; 5Regar S20.00 games: three Sh ball$120,00 th. (ifnotk$200 must go. Lucy won). Lucky ball increases $20.00rpd week. over. Admission restricted to 16 years 1 tf 12. USED CARS 1976 Torino, pb, ps, new tires, new battery, new exhaust system, one owner, original one 23 -42ffer. 29 after5 p.m. or236-4768.12-24-2 1978 Olds Delta88, 4 dr., air, p.s., p. b., p.w., cruise. Good condition: 887-6846. 12-25-2 1981 Honda Civic, 4 door, 4 speed, only 61,000 miles. AM -FM tape player. Rear defog wiper, 2 new tires. Good condition. $2700. 527-1435 or 527.1 B71. 12-25x2 1974 Plymouth Scamp, parts only, with 6 new tires. $400.00 or best offer. 527-1431. 12-25x1 1980 Citation V6, p.s., p.b., tilt, AM -FM, excellent body and running condition. As is. $2750. 482-3883 after 5 p.m. 12-25-2 30 tonnes mixed grain. Phone 345-2617. 14-25x1 A number of bicycles for sale. Will take trade-ins and repair bikes. 482-5698. 14-25x6 WOODEN table and chairs, sofa bed couch, bedroom suite, bunk beds, single beds, stove and frig. freezer dryer and washer, dehu- midifier, humidifier, baby furniture, office desk and chair, electric typewriter, piano, dresser, chest of drawers, table saw, bookcase, coffee and end tables, captain's bed. 348-8244. No Sunday calls please. 14-50-tf STRAWBERR1E,S: Pick your own or orders taken, a/4 mile west of Dublin on Hwy. 8. Phone345-2252. 1444-2 :uluganREAL ESTATELIMITED MAUR EN W HDFONG 482-3224 HEATHER BENNEW IFS 345-2862 I 16. MOBILE HOMES -71 50' x 12' Glendale mobile home with large addition to be sold as investment or home for yourself. Now renting $195.00. $8,990.00 to buy. 482-3186, 482-7066. 16-25-1 HIGH RETURN investment. $8,000.00 will buy 50' x 12' rental or personal mobile home with addition. Now renting at $200.00 monthly. Must sell. Offers., 482-3186,482- 7066.1 19. PETS PUREBRED Great Dane Puppies,, 6 yr. old saddle horse. Gelding, quiet. 887-6412. 19-25-2 21. WANTED TO BUY 1 CASH paid for antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture, etc. -8 527-1847 or527-1633 Seaforth. WANTED TO BUY THE children of Marilyn and Glen Oliver invite you to a reception honoringmarriagtheBr25th AnniversaryUpperfAudit num, Saturday, June Arena,Ls Upper 21, 8 p.m. Orchestra starts at 9 p.m.1-24-2 WOMEN TODAY of Huron County will hold its annual meeting on June 25 at 8 p.m. edical at the Clinton Town Hall. Susan Tamblyn, Officer of Health In Perth County will speak on AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). SUM M ER SWIM CLASSES start June 30 at Vanastra Rec. Centre. Call 482-3544 for more information or to register. 1-25-2 2. YARD/GARAGE SALE MULTi-FAMILY Yard Sale at 22 James Street, Seaforth, Saturday, June 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rain date • June 28. FOR SALE by TENDER 1983 DODGE DIPLOMAT CAR Old dining room suites, bedroom suites, cupboards, tables, ward- robes, dressers, hailseats, book- cases, and good used furniture. Can be seen at the Mitchell Police Department. This vehicle is certified. All tenders to be sent to: Donald 3. Eplett, Secretary Board of Commissioners of Police 169 St. David Street, MrTCHEU.Ontario NOK 1NO by 5 P.M. June 25, 1986 Sale subject to reserve bid. Call Collect 527-0376 or 273-0466 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE ADMIRAL Commercial Air Conditioner, 9,000 B.T.U. 120 volt, good condition, 5130.00: Car cassette player, A.M.-F.M. stereo by Pioneer, complete with Jensen speakers, 5200.00; Penske timing light, $35.00; $35.00; R 152715 10 u1nction engine analyzer MAILERS: Travel, Sth Wheels, Hardtops, New and Used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Lionel, Fibco. Hitches Truck Caps, Running Hwy. Boards., 1 Sales, of Stratford. tfo'd. Repairs.3 5938. out 14-14-tf USED appliances at Phelan's'Place, Sea - forth. Guaranteed 90 days, Reasonably HELP W ANTED catching chickens, night priced. Phone 527-1213. 1448- tfwork and travelling involved. Make ups to $250.00 per week. Part or full time positrons available. Call Cl-mton Stumpf 482.552324 tf STUDENT help needed for summer months painting, mowingREGIS telt, Victor 510. Frank Kling 527-1507 after6forinCASH and odd jobs. Phone AS}I terview. 5-24-2 5274320. 1424-2 22. WANTED 1 WANTED: Small quiet riding horse. 262- 2114. [23. REAL ESTATE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 18 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON 22 words - one weak, 54.20: two weeks, $3.70; three Weeks, $3.20, Additional words 18 ciente. BIRTHS - Nocharge ENGAGEMENTS - Elate rate of $8, with picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 6 weeks alter date of wedding. Alter this time, photo and outline only, $15. Complete write-up $25. IN MEMORIAMS - $4.20 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 25 words, 54.20. Each additional word .06 cents. 60 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each additional week - $1.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming events 23. Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property for sale 3. Lost, Strayed 25. Property for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted 29. For rent 8. Custom work 30. Room and Board 9. Farm stock 31. Notice 19. Farm machinery 11. Hay and straw 12. Used cars 13. Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V.s for sale 16. Mobile homes 17. VCRs for sale 18. Computer corner 19. Pets 20. Swap or trade. 21. Wanted to buy 22. Wanted • PHONE 'NEW LISTING: 2 acres with 2 storey brick home located on paved road. $40s. NEW LISTING: One floor 2 bedroom home plus att'd garage. NEW LISTING: Egmondvile, brick one floor home, family room, fireplace, att'd carport. NEW LISTING: 11/2 storey aluminum sided 3 bedroom home. list $19,500.00 NEW LISTING: Frame 1t/2 storey 3 bedroom home with wood stove and pine kitchen. list $33,500.00. NEW LISTING• n..^,.,- showing good return, situatedSOLDlot on Railway Street. JAMES ST.: 1r storey renovated 3 bedroom home located on spacious lot. EGMOND`VIILE: Cozy one floor 3 bedroom home, main floor laundry and family room. Garage. $205: Owner open for offers. Vinyl sided 2 bedroom home, gas heat. Must sell. NORTH MAIN: Excellent one floor home plus loft area, 2 or 3 bedrooms, full basement. $40s. COLEMAN ST.: Completely renovated 3 bedroom home located on very spacious lot. GODERICH ST.: Aluminum sided 3 bedroom home, many renovations plus 16x32 inground pool. EGMONDVIILE: "Mint" describes this 2+h storey brick home. A must to see $32,500.00: Egmondville: Very spacious 4 or 5 bedroom home on extra large lot. NEWER HOMES MILLST.: Raised ranch style home, 4th bedroom, family room with fireplace. Att'd garage. GEORGE ST.: Bungalow style home featuring family room with fireplace, 2 baths, games room area, guest mom. Only 1 block from uptown. dooms, One OLD �t $home, 8 000.00 JARVIS ST.: 8 year old split entry style home, 3 bedrooms, gas heat. Att'd garage. $58,000.00. EGMONDVIiIE: Executive style home, cathedral ceilings, spacious master bedroom, central vac, heat pump, plus much more... GEORGE ST.: Split 4 level style very unique features, with att'd double garage. Call for details. MARKETST.: Cozy onefloor3 bedroom home, electric heat, full basement, att'd carport. $60s. BRICK BUNGALOW : Owner has re- duced price on this 20 year old, 3 bedroom home, close to Clinton. COUNTRY LIVING 1 ACRE:2 storey brick home, main floor laundry, original wainscoting, att'd garage. $405, ST. COL UMBAN: Cozy2 bedroom home with loft style bedroom, recroom, drilled Well, spacious lot. $408. ' 1 ACRE, TIJCKE1.551ITH: Modern addition featuring main floor laundry and family room, l k storey brick home, 3 bedrooms. located on paved road. PINE LAKE CAMP: Lot plus Callforin very scenic trailer park. showing. VACANT BUMMING LOT: Various sizes and prices" INVESTMENT PROPERTIES: 4 to choose from. Call for your choice today. BIRCH ST.: CocgiLtIbuilding situ- ated on double ��// 32. Vacations 33. Educational 34. Auction sales 35. Tenders wanted 36. Legal notice 37. Notice to creditors 38. Service directory 39. Card of' thanks 40. In memoriam 41. Personal 42. Engagements 43. Marriages 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 DON HAMILTON FTi7E tickets to Anne Murray in concert,qt Tuesday, June 24th, Centre In The SgU2are, Kitchener. Phone 982-3312. 9 ••A Career in Trucking" Transport drivers 50' x 12' Glendale mobile home with large needed. Now is the time to train for your class addition to be sold as investment or home for . A license. For prescreening intervlew•and job yourself. Now renting $195.00. $8,990.005-1 to placementinformatton, contact Mery O1T's buy. 482-3186, 482-7066. 14 -2 -tan Driver Training London 1 800 - ,® ®®®w��. *sok ®®®® ..®moi ®®®� ®�, ®. �i ice. ®�.�Ai* 'Mai *Mt d : REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. BRICK and aluminum sided bungalow, split entrance, sundedk, tastefnuByr de- corated and nicely landseaped Bruce - field. 97 ACRE hog farm, 75 acres workable, 2i north of Seaforth. 5 ACREhobby farm, well treed, with 1Y: storey brick house, barn and implement' shed, 1 mile east of Winthrop. 11/2 STORE'S, frame house, 3 bedrooms, 4 miles south of St. Columban- Priced in the'30s. 11/2 STOREY frame house just down from golf course in Mitchell. Priced in 30s. IN THE HAMLET OF ST. COLUMBAN: 2 building lots. Size 115 x 165 each. Steve Murray St. Columban 345®2172 i23. REAL ESTATE 1 Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone:482-9371 Residence:523-9338 , BAYFIELD: 1.floorearidh.home, nearly new, electric heat, nicely treed. W ALTON: 1 acre with good 11/2 floor frame home and utility shed, priced reasonable. 198 ACRES: Dairy farm, free stalls for 100 cows, excellent buildings, include two harvestore silos, Hullett Twp. 10 ACRES: REDUCED TO SFJI : Good brick home and small barn located near Klnburn, well landscaped. 6 ACRES: 'SOLD"' fieldstone home, quonsk V BRUSSELS: Commercial building on main street, oil heat, apartment above, walk-in vault. 15 ACRES: Hullett Twp., farrowing barn, frame home, adjacent to Wildlife Sanctuary. 97 ACRES:95 workable, all drained, no buildings, Tuckersmith Twp. G8 ACRES: 56 workable, no buildings, on Hwy. 4, near Londesboro. 250 ACRES: Cash crop farm, Hullett Twp., good brick home. BRUSSELS: 3 bdrm. home on corner of Turnberry and Queen Street. Asking $32,000.00. Classified Corner Cash and Carry Coleman 3000 BTU Catalytic Camp Heater. $20.00. Call 527-1641. Charcoal barbecue with wheels and shelf. $12.00. Call 527-1641. i CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! CALL 527®0240 2 sport river 5-24 tf ®""�' "' ®� `� P1C1� YOUR STRAWBERRINS, Sprfnfb �' „ Babysitter and house- 31 Pick now at peak of crop. Phone 482-9284, 1 Cash In Oar. F Xp®S-t Cash at Carry Acres, one mile north of Varna, coufity road - RELIABIEPEBSON: ysh r 1425x2 keeper. Duties include care of 2 school age children, one kindergarten child and one infant, weekly cleaning, and preparation of PIONEER car . stereo, AM -FM caar esgsette theg meals References would be an digital tuning $125.00. Realistic 14 25xt ual- I asset school evening nsibiitis commence in Sep- izer7-band, $30.00. one ,ember and holidays corre 1[rttiroll • CLASSIFIED Corner JUST � 1 • ke • s Only for private individuals, selling 1 r Item must be priced at under $40 and once must 1 n the ad ,.. personal possessions spond with tw s PATIO Sh;iS: 40 per cent Off or more, Wide yLWE-IN ho sekeeper resit-ned for Lucahow SOpen W., Fares14 On s Paymmnt thirst be enclosed with ad wltiterl on Thin Fkpositor Doupon pm 1 5 252 P • electron, W arelhouse o n Friday and 0, 71 King St gentleman. New home with all . Modern 519466-4400, -. -_--- _ i i erred No stook- - , . appliances. References req IRON rail- s, ei stom built froth $11.00 r MY Alii : i ....... .... i . . i i i i i. r s o . . i i r frig or drinking etc. Phone 528-3600' (Luck- g holt. and spiral l i. . i . + i .. i ... i ...... i .. i . now) 5 25x1 foot. Also gates, fences, straight 982-5216, 'Mom g staircases, one Gdrd's W eli9mg, , , i i *.. i > ,iY' ..i •' is 14._25-4 ..'ifWirD:..... i...yr'iro�.ir...rert L -. 1. ri f One Lieut per ad $ Use an many words as you li 8. CUSTOM WORK ., ... �yy ��.+- -�"--J . ii'•i'i�i iir ii ri irWi•e r•.r'i Vi• ... .. 1,61111 c:a,. ti+r . �OIANiALstyle pine hutch Phone 527-0660 Ii � •'' + .... ' ` L. afters p.m. . 14-254 { .� i r _ - • gling Or mail St. endos. e Huron Expositor HIGH RETURN investment. $8,000.00 will or ........i �..�.i..,i 12 [Main St„ Box 69, 482-9297 82.92ROUND BA 65-27 4 ft. x 5 '[t. Scott C B 24 6; buy it1150addition u N w pf con g mobile ;200.00,4home, 0' MY n r * i , i .: r•SIt irORTLi, Ontario 7or505-2728. Monthly. Must sell. Offers. 482-3186, 482- 1 1W0 WIC CUSTO 14-25-1. a� eve m:® '�..,�.�® •4 � - 8 24-,2 7066" CUSTOMsewing. Phone 52? -1895, __.