HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-18, Page 2Huron
n x ositor
Brruseela Post
10 Main Street 527-0240
Published In
Every Wednesday morning
That's no way to treat a pet
There is a lot of validity in the old adage
about making the punishment for a crime fit
the offence, If it were possible to put this ����d1111 ...���!!!
exude form of justice into practice, there is a
certain dog owner whom I would very much
like to see locked in the back of a pickup truck
for at least two hours.
I have never understood how people who
have enough interest in animals to own one,
can at the same time be so insensitive to their
d in an
ED BYRSKI, General Manager
The Expositor is brought to you each week by the efforts of:
Pat Armes, Bessie Broome, Marlene Charters, Joan Gulahelaar, Anne Huff, Joanne Jewitt,
Dianne McGrath, Lois MoLtwain, Bob McMillan, Cathy Malady and Patrick Rallis.
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needs as to leave them trapp
automobile for hours at a stretch. If they can't
bear to be separated from their pets long
enough to go about their daily business,
the ancad
feel they must take them along
the should also be required to take a leash in
order that their pet remain at their side,
rather than alone in the car•
Though the plight of the imprisoned animal
is my main concern in this matter, the pet is
not always the only one affected.
The other night, for example, I came as
close as I have in quite some time to having a
heart attack, while walking past the pickup
mentioned in the first paragraph. On my way
to see a movie, in.a completely relaxed frame
of mind, I was suddenly confronted with a
snapping.set of sharpened teeth, accompan-
ied by a vicious round of barking which would
would have done a German She h he was din a
don't blame the pooch, trappeas
confined space, for lashing out. However, as I
couldn't see at first that he was tied into the
truck, I was certain he was going to leap
through the open window and tear me to
As it was, if I had passed even two inches
closer to the vehicle, my left ear would have
been dogfood in a hurry.
Although I escaped serious injury, my
companion did not, because in my haste to
leap away from the snapping teeth, I ended
up jamming my elbow into her ribs. For those
budding Romeos out there, this is not a good
way to begin a date. Trust me!
Despite this incident, I was not overly-
angry with the dog's owner yet. After all,
there are a million reasons one might leave an
animal n a vehicle for a few minutes.
However, when the dog was still there
when the movie let out two hours later, I
began to consider the owner a candidate for a
lobotomy. r
Although I knew enough at this point to
give the truck a wide berth, other unwary
pedestrians were not so lucky and experi-
enced the same type of dose call I had earlier.
At this point, the owner appeared and,
seeing what was going on, proceeded to give
by Patrick Raftis
the hapless creature a good clout and barked
at the animal about as loud as the dog had
been barking at passersby. I Imagine a loud
cheer would have gone the dog decided to take up chunk ouon the t hadet
thoughtless master.
As inconsiderateeemnyworse shexxas mmpleshad
of howbeen,
have seen many
treat your pet. At least the dog in this story
had everyntimen1 seeoanto let in air. I animal lockedceingea
vehicle, windows closed on a hot summer
afternoon. Some people even leave their
children in similar steam -bath situations, an
offence which should be punishable by a
prison term, at least.
Perhaps a law should be passed, requiring
a mandatory intelligence test for people
attempting to purchase animals. in many
cases I imagine the dog or cat might score
higher on the test. After all, when was the last
time you saw an adult trapped in a vehicle
while his border collie sat in an air-condition-
ed theatre, munching out on a box of
Reformed pension
With last year's flap concerning the de -indexing of pensions by the
federal government behind them, they have .finally set the wheels in
motion for some meaningful reform for the Canada Pension Plan.
Health Minister Jake Epp recently announced a sweeping change in
government policy on pensions, which would allow those age 60 to 70 to
draw government pensions. The new pension plan is expected to be
passed into legislation this January.
The legislation will allow much more flexibility in the pension system,
with those 60 years -of -age able to collect 70 per cent of the full pension
which under the current system is only available at 65.
In a Toronto Star report, 400,000 Canadians would benefit from this
new legislation and approximately 175,000 would take early retirement in
the first year under this new legislation.
People who have chosen to work past 65 will also benefit by the pension
reform. A person retiring at 70 would receive 130 per cent of the full
In Ontario, private pensions are also going through a re -vamping
process. Legislation to be introduced soon into the Ontario Legislature
would allow workers' pensions to be "locked in" after two years Instead
of 10 years in the employer's pension plan. The pension could also be
transferred when changing jobs, says a report In the Toronto Star.
Since the Canada Pension Plan has not been reformed since It was
introduced In 1966, it was time the age was lowered in order to be of use
to the majority of Canadians.
With the Canadian society currently reflecting a trend where more
people are.at the upper end of the age scale rather than at the bottom end
a reform in thp,pension system was certainly due. Lucknow Sentinel
PARTY FOR ALL AGES — Students from St. James School, barbecue was also a feature of the event and partygoersbo photo
oth old
Seaforth entertained residents of the Kllbarchan Nursing Home and young enjoyed the affair.
Rafwith songs and skits at a party held at the home last week. A
Anti -pornography CORNUCO1PIA
taws archaic
by Dave Broome
Columnist should clarify
Re: Dave Bmome's article in last week's industryeee'
paper on unions. lack of Benefits: We had all the benefits
!agree unions have a place in our society that other factories have (with the exception
and have certainly made working conditions of a dental plan which is very costly) i.e. life
better for the average worker. 1 do not know insurance. CHIP, Drug Plan and sick leave.
very much about Mr. Pocklington (except he Ugly harrassment - day in and day out.
is a Conservative) but when !listened to him That statementd in the officemy Work consisteEven d
average wages of S12.99 an hour plus payroll, P
on T.V. last week he said he was paying face work etc. and I dealt with of
benefits and he couldn't afford the $19 the employees on a daily basis. i had occasion to
union was asking. However, 1 am not really be in the factory every day and 1 found the
ooncemd about this factory. I did feel his employees were very happy with their work.
comments about the factory where he used to Problems were solved through the "shop
work (we all know that was Genesco) should committee" and if any employee was
be darified. harrassed on a daily basis, this would have
1 worked in this same shoe factory from come to the committee's attention. I was the
1951.1985 and if 1 wasn't happy or pleased secretary for years and that word was never
with working conditions, Icertamiywould not brought up.
have spent all those years there. In conclusion i can only say if a person is
Low Pay: The pay was very good for this not happy at his work, then he or she should
type of industry and surpassed wages paid in look elsewhere for employment.nbardt
other industry in Seaforth. You could hardly Seaforth, L LceOntario
compare the shoe industry to say the car
Girls' band thanks contributors
The Seaforth District High School Band has Booster Club members whom donated the
a new look this springfor the first time since labor to this achievement and espdally the
1967. The band retired their green blazers non-member community ladies w1ion gave
and Ontario tartan skirts, tams and ties In freely of their time to see that we were ready
February of this year. This is now replared by on time for Florida competitions. Many
burgandy blazers and burgandy and green thanks to Sandra Bannon, Barb Palin, Carol
plaid kilts, ties and tams. If anyone has not Barry and the church ladies who helped Ariel
yet seen our new attire, we think you will be Wood to hem all the kilts.
pleased to •know that we kept our traditional The Booster Ciub salutes our government
style but now have a fresh new look support and we will continue to represent our
We acknowledge with thanks, the support community and province. With our new look
of the Government of Ontario, through the we should draw greater audience attention
Ministry of Citizenship and Culture; the for our province and we still proudly display
Honorable lily Munro, Minister, for making our maple leaf for Canada.
this all possible by providing a grant of $4614 Thanks to all involved
to rover our material costs.
Also we wish to thank the handful of ' BoosterClub President
Brenda Kenny,
You can call him Prince Valiant, Sir
Lancelot. The Man From Glad, The White
Knight and Richard the Third. He has come
down from the mountain
beat white steed and in his hand he
brandishes the mighty hi i g sword that will
pornography. Theonly robldem she will slay •
a few innocent bystanders along the way.
Being the puppet stooge of a clamourous
self-righteous, santimonlous, right wing
minority isn't easy, you know. You all gotta
slay yer dragons, eh; despite the fais a ct some of
themThe fundamentalists harmless. A arateo delighted with
John Crosbie's sweeping anti -pornography
legislation that he brought down last week.
The caring majority should be frightened by
this Orweliian nightmare.
Movies like Last PictureeShow and virtually
any others depicting scenes of sex or nudity,p
ano side in a Big Brothtter how harmless,
rs b d could
out sex in
His attack on child pornography is a
welcome move which none of us should argue
but it has savaged the clvil rights of benefit. •
Fast MI'Jim Jepson ranted this is
The legislation is benighted, fundamental- just what the voters wanted. I've always
ist and Victorian. Itis puritanical and reeks of wanted a sanctimonious, right-wing relic
government control. Big Brother John has from the dark ages telling me what 1 can or
manage to send us back into a time of cannot watch. How about you? Inst year an
Victorian morality. set lice fortes as opinion poll showed 66 per cent of the people
ridinghis ma iri-
s nn
!op the ugly head of that evildragon known as
The proposed new definition of porno-
graphy lists various sexual practices, com-
mon or uncommon and the ominous phrase
"or other sexual activity."It doesn't take a
complete ninny to deduce that under this
wording the act itself, between a consenting
of our Jutice pornographic nister. Fillth!! Filth! every
where! You really gotta wonder about this
g You realize of course, that all visual scenes
of nudity and or sex will become outlawed.
Paiwill be censored the same wayture. movies such d magazines
as kiddie porn and snuff movies will be. Tobe
exempt from this horrid sweeping law one
const nmve educational, artistic or scientific
uP Po t to view
inmate rf—eedoln of in this country should have the �i Cana•
warp Crosbie and Jepson are.
And since this proposed legislation Is the
product of pressure from minority religious
fanaticism it brings up one interesting point.
Many of the i5th and l6th century religious
artworks contain scenes of nudity and
violence. Obviously, under Big Brother
John's Legislation. these beautiful works of
art could be found obscene. Of course works
by Da Vinci. Roden and Rubinshardly
placed in the same category as
but Crosbie has done just that.
Crosbie says he has put his skin on the line
with this legislation. He just may lose it If the
majority of common sense Canadians deride
their lives are already controlled and
manipulated enough by government and that
state operated censorship is a hedious
monstermorethan w ries es of art,
can books and music be far behind in the
zealot's efforts to purify our society?
While wielding his tnighty porn -slaying
sword and leading the minorityto the
promised land John of Are should take care as
d Nrstsetvatives
censors, attacked leg not to off
or cannot
and tc has now told us what we can diaanaare ne ttrappedeinnte 19� century, time have alhabitf doing that, you know.
or cannot watch.
bedridden ultimate bore
1 just recently mrnpieted my first ever stay
in the hospital, and it was an educational
experience int hest.
Beingsidc, roe decided, not only sweetie
in making its vidim feel putrid. but it
certainly has ether drewbadcs as well. It is a
boring and frustrating, even humiliating
experience, somethiiig rm sure anyone veto
has ever been through similar carr identify
with. .
There's just nothing to do in the hospital.
Reading. knitting and watching television
can only to be tolerated for so long before
115 degrees
e rees i n June 1 885 something nyou starts torebel. The problem
Ls rebellion doesn't really go over too well in a
JUNE is. tees old TLnypicit„ch bey( spas here this � �
Tuesday last was the warmest day of the visiting relatives anis friends. Mr. Dinsmore, and desire
season. t three r the afternoon the n companit the Holy TAM.
>s onllis recing an abandoned wlteeldlair through the
thermometcr registered 115 in the sun. way to visit the Holy fhrrd- hallways is soon quashed by the overpower-
Vire notice that our old friend, Mr. Wm. JUNE1,P.1936 ng presence of noises . or your own sheer
of Stanley, but now of Miss Eleanor lvan's,a graduate this year tack of energy to propel this wheeldtair
OakLake, formerly appointed a from the University of Toronto, has accepted
Oak lake, Manitoba, has been attend the route. Visitors, toot Poe found,
Justice of the Peace for that province. We a position in the laboratory at the Ontario seldom seem willfng to put their necks in a
hope soon to hear of his election to the Hospital, Orillia. noose to aid acrd abet yon int your flight of
Legislature, as he would Make a good Mr. and Mrs. Ale* Broadfoot, who have fanCy spurred they nee, byee you
member, To and All as he is. been spending the past month with Miss roost assuredly he the
The Seaforth band were the Most admird Davidson, leave on Friday for their home m gndsince dpingthe floor' with_a walker est
of ail the bands by the excursionists to Moose Jaw. doesn't tut it in tern>s of making your
Brantford and the good people of that city on JllNE22,'1961 adrenalin flow, there's no escaping e
Thursday of last week. They played better, Mr. and Mrs. T. neon Vent last weekend boredom . Oire could, 1, suppo .
dressed and better -booking, Pd► el
Were _, _ - _ in Toronto and on Saturday attended the. advantage' of the five Pat?erit regalia, and
Man ibex -Attlee. of ffashingevitlioutfearof
man formate;_ titian any of the others. For the Curtari-W attars wedding at Clarkson, and take up tHepra.„ des old hat in the
cot we are indebted to the alsotltereteptionwhidiWasfleldattiteBrant iepnsal but.thattoofieeo
latter staf some
f of the lady e*turs%onrsfs, ihn at Buriiitgton. . _ os r :.. Ifliood rr'lltiaVe
-.. , _�pany were this' week stmt .n, � rtethe orcrier ,) kmakesarousing
.The telephone ceorgp y , .,, . Miss Charlene White spent the rest of sodollifeyoiraou"ldenjoy, arousing
alien" ch across Main Street, in which lice weekeri'd;with relatives m Detroit.
they laid a'edge to their new office 10 file lltlI Orville Oke- and Mss A V Melanin srniall tall( leis than feasible.
Add {� without failany tnsits
week intents anal purposes the thenht
to break the,nlonotonyof it all by
opinion o h -�
and,of(vetse wetake#herrjudgementona Mr. and Mrs. Joe:.Whrte.and Mil, Healy Thereeshoweverthelike (0ho,._ital.
poli t of this kind attended the graduation at St.Mary's visitors during your forced sta t
JUNE Is 1911 Acari ` Win'dso of th f 's niece, but the 8 •.l6 p m curfew plays h
gene of cribbage, of anything more. an
• Ad of cx, .. e, Without erre
bound to be plrtiernated by reaprocal visits
Cardiethlock, which is now being fitted up. were at lalreCoitrbichinglastweek attending
Ilee. Mr. Densmore; of Fleetnoirt, Iowa; an a Heine and School Association conference:
by Heather Mdlwra th
from the nursing staff, regimented to take
yourbbood pressure at every turn, administer
a slew of antihiotus dispense of juice and the
like, and perforin ammiberof other asserted
functions and -or services.
When the visitors are one. and only the
nurses remain, there stands a chance you
may be able to catty on a tonveisation with
one of your initiates- unless of course, as in
my case. you happen to be rooming with
sonieone who has absolutely no coniprehen-
sign whatsoever of tate english language, or
Who spends most of your waling hours
aslee If that's the. case, then ds 1 did, you
are forced to relegate yourself to the
knowledgge, that the only friendly prattle
you're likelyto hear during your stay Le the
clanging of bedpans, that of the nurses
outside your door, or any conversations you
might initiate With yourself - and the latter'
could get you,shippcd off to the psychiatric
There were of curse instances during my
hospital stay When time spent in the
television lounlgewas en$$yable, There were
tunes When there were actually people there
tliho Were laughing and. joking and carrying
on like the hospital was an -exclusive resort
rather than the true institution it Was But
those instaneeS were mote often than not'
brief -often but short by various medications
adniiinisterd by the nurses which made it
necessary for a great number of us to beat a
hasty exit from the room.
But what 1 hated most about my hospital
stay was that it, as I probably could have
prdieted, happened during the most sun-fril-
ed days, while the recuperation period, when
L was at home, saw nothing but clouds.
And for that very reason 1 propose that
sundedrs or at least Florida moms, be
constructed on all surgical wards.
Because, although 1 don't profess to be
j5oweredr , it would certainly be reassur-
ing and even therapeutic, to knowthere was a
Hato to go where my spirits might be
In all honesty - there's nothing quite as
depressing as being force to stay in a Sterile
environment fantisephc smells abounding;
cool green as the main color scheme,
Accented of eourse by white curtains, White
Clad nurses and doctors; stainless steel frame
beds that are cool to the touch and linen that
crunches under the weight of your body)
While trying to commune with nature through
A plate glass window. _
N`owthatiknoaiwhat it slikeonthe inside,
1'ftrforever grateful I'm on the outside again,.
Butthen again maybe 1 was better off Where 1
was, Where the doctor could only lecture Inc'
on certain occasions - if he could of course
locate tee. Now that rm home, rm being;
constantly haianged by at least dile selfap
• „doctor' who, I think is :probabi
kited ,
more ;Worried that 1 might beat dim at'go .,€
should 1 get back to it too sooty, than if Fm
overdoing it.