HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-11, Page 16A16 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 11, 198P 40. IN MEMORIAM WIVE: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Maurice R. Etue who Woonderfulamemories woaven inne gold 11, 1984. This is the picture we tenderly hold Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, To love and to cherish and never forget, We miss you in so many ways, W e miss the things you used to say, And when old times we do recall, it's then we miss you most of all. Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache no one can heal, Life must go on, we know it's true, But it's not the same since we lost you. ' Dearly loved and sadly missed by your40wife Mary and family. McGRATII: inn loving memory of Tom our son, brother and uncle, who left us suddenly three years ago, June 14, 1983. No farewells were spoken, We never said goodbye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. There's a face that's always with us, There's a voice we'd love to hear, There's a smile we'll always remember, Of a son we loved so dear. To us you were someone special Tom Someone good and true, You will never be forgotten, For we thought the world of you. Always remembered and sadly missed by Mom, Dad, and all your family. 40-24x1 G LA N VALE: In loving memory of a dear son brother and uncle Meryl Douglas who passed away 14 years ago, June 10. Dear Doug, as we sit and think of you, As we often do, We think of all the good times And sad times we went through, For all we have are memories now, As precious as they are, If we could just have one wish, One wish that would come true, Doug it would be to give you one big hug, And to tell you we love you. Sadly missed and not forgotten by Mom, Dad, Sisters, Brothers and Families. AIJAN: In memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather, W ilson Allan who passed away six years ago, June 16, 1980. They who think you are gone • Because no more your face they see, Are wrong, for in our hearts you live. And always will in memory. Missed by wife Doris and families p—J• aw.sllAr,_w"4.A•7i!o6.lea.w1�•,••R,Fuive•�.ar4,f,,;•"!�1, s ' tri ikbtilr44inlrbA sr sl,l sr JUGGLING JESTER — The Juggling Jester amazed the crowd which attended the performance of Doc Tommy Scott's Last Real Medicine Show, at .the Seaforth and District Community Centres, June 4, Raftls photo Medicine show roils in The last of the old time travelling medicine Toned cure-all is really just non-prescrintinn shows rolled through Seaforth last week. liniment, but Doc Tommy Scott peddled it Doc Tommy Scott's Last Real Medicine with thI the enthusiasm expected of such Show, which played to an audience of about pitches. The show has travelled across North 80 District mostly children,Community Centres, the June 4,th America, and appeared on such television and performance if ight on f4, shows as The Tonight Show and the David gave a lifted right out of the Letterman show, history books. The show featured juggling, Doc Tommy didn't manage to sell much of magic acts, live music and more, all in the name of peddling honest -to -goodness genu- the audience, at everyon5 a epresent appeared to to the to ine Snake Oil. Of course today's version of the old-fash-' enjoy the show all the same. 1 Sedd*YOUR esaageacrast thtt rorV, ESCAPE ARTIST — The travelling medicine show which visited Seaforth last week featured some unusual acts..Above, the troupe's resident magician performs an escape act. Below, an old time minstrel band performed an unusual brand of country music. Raffia photos :ursrerrssr 1 1i4s s' .t-Fsririiili •IMO 11111111 1t 10ab 111111r4 ARTICLES FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS LIQUIDATION Vorlous models. ex. SALES MANAGER Western Ontario Publishing firm re. ample 70x50 with slide door 54.800. Sires up to 12011 quires an experienced, talented individual to train. vide All prices tor immediate clooranco Call molivolo and supervise a staff of 7 advertising 1 800187 8148 or (416) 828.6262. 0.24 representative and monago the company's revenue gools. Apply in writing lo. Wenger Publications, P.O. SWIMMING POOLS Factory outlet clearing 1985 in- Box 97, Listowel, Ont. N4W 317 Attention: David wintery of ob000 ground pools. Complete potkoge Wenger. 0.24 sold for 57.495 clearing of S1,05 Supply is limned- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Call now (519) 653-0176. 0.34 MIRACLE SPAN SPRING SALE Example 32 . 40 53.742. GREAT BUSINESS Opportunities. lobs.groat communi- 40 x 100 $9.138 Other sires to choose from. All W living Excellent commercial 8 residential property buildings are complete with doors. Call loll Iron avalioblo Contact VULCAN District Chamber of Com. merce, Boa 385. Vulcan, Alia 101 280 (403) 1 000 387 4910 0.244056933 0.24.27 HELP WANTED FREE HUNTING Fishing and Camping Catalogue (55 valuol Send your expired hunting or fishing licence IPhotosapy acceptobte) and S I R will mall o hoe 317 pogo lover 6 500 items) 86 07 Sportsman catalogue 5 I R Mail Order Dept 141, 1863 Burrows Ave.. Win. n,pog Man 117X 2V6 Oiler expires June 30 1986 0 24 HARD WATER PROBLEMS' Introducing Now 1nc1,.0logy the simple solution to a hard problem SALT FREE How to solve Hard Water Problems Natorolly without chemicals. or energy - use loss soap softer whiter laundryprevents stole lormalton. costs less than o softener. no repair bills First Time Offered in Canada Coll now toll tree 1 800387.7537 You tl be glad you did Area 807 call 1 416 624 4344 A healthy Economical Aliernolive to Water Softeners•' 0-24 25 NORNAKE CHINA Shope at home Service Start or odd to TOW sol with terrific discounts on ell recent pot yuan Please 5pe111 year Noritake Chino Ponem name 8 number 001 131110 tis.. shape reference gaide, shipping defogs send today stomped seoi.oddressed business envelope 10 Alexander's lust N014101 a 158 Wanless Ave Toronto. Ontario MAN 1V72. 0 24 PERSONAL DATES GALORE For all ages 8 unattached. thousands of members anxious to meet you Prestige Acquatn• tomes Coll toil free 1.800-763.9163 Hours Moon 101 8 pm 07211 FREE SINGLES BULLETIN' Meet someone nice by phone or correspondencelocally or province wide. For rush. ed information write. Barb. Box 22464, Sudbury. P3A 461 6.n,- ,.,... n'14 ---- EDUCATIONAL FREE 1986 guide to study-abhome correspondence Diploma courses Ior prestigious corners. Accounting. Air conditioning. Bookkeeping. Business, Cosmetology Electronics. lag0LMedlcal Secretary, Psychology Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelolde, West Toronto t 800.760 1121 0.14 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours of instruction. Nett class Aug 9 to HA Contact Southwestern 01.1• 101,0 School of Auctioneering (519) 469.3936. (519) 4691936 (519) 537.2115. P 0 Cox 145, Innetkip. Ont. NO1 IMO 0-24 EXPO VISITORS' Adventures Bonus Book Hundreds of COMING EVENTS discounts up lo 50', off Dining. entertainment 8 At commodotion Guaranteed savings or money tefund, ed Only 51295 each. Orders • 1-604.681.6652 collect 0 74 STEEL BUILDING relocation sale , We ore clearing out old slot& Save thousands We wont be andersoEd Phone Pioneer Soles Deportment collect for informo, tion (416) 6181585. 0.24 TROUBLE Wropping Coins, Wrap pennies tic&els d,mes AND quarters quality easily, I Send 58 95 pion 61 cents lar to Penny•Kotler. Box 405. Fort Erie. Ont. 120 5147 0.74 WATER PROBLEMS, Introducing New technology tor treating vramer 01 source such as well or cistern. oiler mg well to faucet protorrion throughout entire water system Rusty Smelly Sod Tasting .Water bacteria .1010 ng. 8 more No Safi or Mossy Chemicals maintenance free See the results for yourself with our 6-monllr Trial oder. Call now toll Free 1 8(1)769.7656 or write Water Purification Systems. No 703 • 1030 K0m010 Rd Mississougo. Ont LAW 486. Areo code 807 co11 1 416-67'4.4344 0.24 GAS BAR 8.0 Ports Send make. model description of port to Sar 8 0 Gus Grins Inc 3040 New St. Burl- ington CIM L7(4 TM5 (416) 639.5952 Shop some day 0.24 NEEDLECRAF MRS, Excellent income potentiates Sales Representotive For Canadian company PANDA 5TIT- CHCRAFT Contact Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward - - - - .. - - --- ._-_ .. Ave Burlington, Ont L7R ITS. Phone (416) FIVE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal 8 Trent -Severn 639.5408, 0.24-27 Waterway. Beautiful scenery, carefree relaxation, - - p- aa3 ts.8rochara8at *540 rvaTe syctteyiSalri,'deS&`fTn7smeats. LI'VEST'OCK Peterborough K91 7H7 (105) 748.3666,-0.74 134th District Annual held (Continued from Page Al2) Hall of Fame for consideration by the cialist joined the meeting to make the Federated Women's Institute of Ontario. members aware they can all become good standingitt chairwhiced werehe public relations speakers. g commee Marion Dougall, RR 3, Exeter, Provincial presented in an interesting way as Women in Board Member for Sub -division 23, gave an Today's World. interesting and informative report, saying Over 5400 was received from the 12 Ontario is twinned with Prince Edward island branches for Pennies for Friendship, Repre• in our twinning program. The F.W.1.0. will sentatives of Goulds Women's Institute be celebrating their9othanniversary atNorth presented a very impressive memorial Bay from July 6-9, 1987. Each branch will be service for members pwhose deaths had asked to donate a gs F.W. 0 will have tela towwels for salearticle for �e and occurred were brought duringthis Perth ast year, hGb District, The FEiand Lee (Museum) Horne is asking Perth Centre District, Oxford North District the brandies for quilt blocks as all are and Huron South District. depleted. Women's institute Days are June Guest speaker for the afternoon, Mary 3, 4, 5 and a Harvest Festival will be held at McIntosh, RR 7, SL Marys shared with the home October i and 2, 1986. Mrs. J.R. everyone present her thoughts onthe theme, F'utcher's name has been submitted to the Wamen in Today's World. Friends from Switzerland - DUNOALKS 29114 Annuol Canadian Open Square and Step Donning Competition. Friday and Saturday June 271h and 7844, Inlormotion Fred (PO4) Ogles (519) 9737919. 0-74 P113016 AND STEP DANCE CONTEST 1,iy iilh and 1746 Community Centre Fergus, Ont. Comping on grounds. Intormolion. Coll Mery Woods (519) 843.1630. 0 24 DECOYS 4th annual Toronto Decay Show, Howard Johnsons. Toronto East Hotel. 40 Progress Ct. Stat. borough Sun June 15 930 ore. • 4 pm. Boy, Sell, Trode working decoys 0.74 PALMER RAPIDS MUSIC FESTIVALS July 25.27. Bluegrass 8 Country on separate stages; One admis- sion covets both. Free comping, Advance lintels only 525 before July 70. Box 1132. Station F, Totted*, MAY 208 (416) 537.5887. Write or cull for (tee brochure.- 0-24 HELP recognise Ontario's Outstanding young people: nominates someone today who qualifies for an Ontotio Junior Citizen of the Year award. Contact this newspaper for details - 0-24 - -� ANTIQUE SHOW, flemboro, Condo's longest antique show•sole. Over 400 of Canada's best dealers, Satur- day. June 14.9 om. to 4 pm Admission 52. Courtchlfe Park • oft Highway 6, halfway between Hwy 401 8 Hwy 403 • QEW. 0.24 Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Granton, President of the London Area, brought greetings and reminded everyone of the London Area Convention to be held October 16 and 17 at the Ukraine Club, London. Mrs. Oliver McIntosh announced a work- shop on Water Resources and Financial Planning to be held in Russeldale Hall on June 16 at 7:45 p.m. Branches in Perth South District voted in favor of manning the official tent along with Perth Centre and Perth North at the Plowing Match in 1988 hosted by Perth. PEOPLE Mary West. Ottawa, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Rob Tempielnan, Carra]T and Cain. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan, Klrkton visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller. (Continued from Page Al United Church to a meeting June 18 at 8:15 ladies for their hospitality, Mrs. Lenora p.m. Davidson extended an invitation to attend the Mrs. Cloakey read a poem and closed the meeting in Blyth next year. meeting with a prayer. ASSOCLATESMEET Mrs.•Siertsema served lunch and a social The Belgrave Women's MissionarySociety time was enjoyed. associate members meeting was held at the UCW MEETS home of Mrs. Margaret Slertse1>30 June 2. The general meeting of the United Church Ivy Cloakey presided. Women was held May 29. Margaret Dunbar read the scripture and Mrs. Harold Vincent, president, welcomed Mrs. Mac Scott read a meditation. Robena everyone. Mrs. les ShaW conducted the McBunley led in prayer, Mrs. Garner worship service assisted by Mrs. Ab Cook Nicholson read two poems and read a story on and Mts. Lawrence Taylor. India Mrs. George Michie introduced lan Mor - The secretary's report was read by Mrs. ton who sang a solo accompanied by his McBurney and Mrs. Cloakey gave the mother Mrs, Howard blotton, treasurer's report. Mrs. Vincent announced a large bale of An invitation was read from Calvin -Brick used clothing had been sent to the Goodwill orsetsSAL SALE C7eeensvu Ranch. 1..ae list *2:00 p ®d' 9 noon Hobbs Bras Sole Position. Ashton, Ont. 150! The Only way to get head Selling herd. Free listed. Contact Herold' ®U 1owthorn (613) 646.7693. -0.24 HELP WANTED 1 ad in 2.5 million hones P, REAT,OPPORTITNTTY. The right person will receive • In Canada for framing,$ 0 gu'arant'eed income Ta starl. Legal age 61 Ii civet. bondobfe am5bitious. compelilfve• own o 1 659:00 �'. .reliable car. Send Brief resume 8 phone number to • �j ,E o y Yon Hutchinso0 1S()' Ehi,ridge Drive, Suite 62E Kit- 1 or in 1,241980/ comes cTrene ,Ont. 1424J1T7. Company Exeivthie will contact I Tri.OritariQ tot .utter for a personal Interview.- 0.24 Si 956°°' 1 1 1 TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future .with Tn County Classifietl AfI Truck Driver Training'- Job search assistance 1 Place your Blanket } .s�E ovodolde Kitchener 220'fling E, (519)' 743.5011, Ikon,. 2, cailin our helpful' classiflecl �' lord 300 Colborne E.. (514) 756`0223.-0 24,� g P - 1 ad visors at MA CHER)E Home FosIOon Shoals, EST. 1985 Jainear I Li successful Far'ndt of tnde"pendent representarnes In 6. Huron „+l ',presenting'-ualrt lingerie and leisti,re`wear of yrs% , ..1: .4 . 5 LF!! liie .. �-ii., - 2 merY, u s tuyt! it s Ea3y. ill Iwo. .. �, •- f,, 1�y5L%•�Z�d heror for Wo iE#632 203 For ttiore rn(grmot on ,cal( toil`ec1 C41G) 110 4 P.M, C5"22 ? introsow rams ow oil aired ewe leemil els rtdl THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA YOUR LAWYER CAN HELP If you have a legal problem, speak in Complete confidence with your lawyer - an educated, trained and experienced professional. Your lawyer knows how the law applies to your specific concern. Making a Will? Buying a House? Incorporating a Company? Changing your Family Status? Faclrig a bay in Court? Don't trust, your irnportartt life concerns to individuals who lack formal legal frothing and ekperlenCe, Individuals who .nay not carry negligence insurance and who don't maintain a compensation fund for your, protection: individuals who aren't *countable to anyone but themselves. ', Quality doesn t c6st, it pays. The lawyers in your community can help: They are members of and responsible to TheLaW Society of Upper Canada - the governing body Of Ontario's legal profession A mThe County of H yon Lew Ass do by p Mission in London in May. The Campsite Eioperience will be held Juno 18 at Camp Bemini. An invitation to attend the Calvin -Brick special U.C.W. meeting on June 18 with Mr. Wilson, program coordinator from Bluewater Correctional Centre, as guest speaker was read. ft was decided to put shrubs In the flower beds at the front of the dturdi. Mrs. Jack Taylor, led an interesting nm prograon "Stewardship.tShe explained the meaning of stewardship and the different ways the church helps in aiding education to the illiterate and the medial work of the drurch a*soss Canada supervised by Dr. Donald Watt. She was assisted by Mrs. Kien Wheeler and Mrs. Laura Johnston. Mrs. William Coultes, Mrs. Paul Cook and Mrs. Ross Higgins presented the skit. Mrs. Vincent thanked d�the fmoee g interesting program with prayer. E Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and. Sheila spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Rob Roy and baby Christina at Iakefield. Elizabeth Procter of Belgrave arid Mrs. Iarrr Mayberry of Londesboro visited with Marjorie Procter of London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman attended the wedding of their grandson Blaine Moore and Elizabeth Taylor at Grace United Church, Sarnia, Saturday, June 7 at 2 p.m. Blaine's sister, April Moore of Hamilton, played the wedding inu'sic and the others were Curtis and Mark Moore, brothers of the gloom. The reception was held at St. Joseptes Auditorium in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pastorius of Louden sperit the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBu. Theyrneyallattended the Sunday Sebool Anniversary and dikken barbecue at Knox United' Church 6n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. flank Meredith of Dtiudaik and Vera Gateman of Hanover were Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs, John Mctntosb and family and all attended the Sunday. School ArEniversery and Wheelie at Knelt Mrs. Howard sutler United o Settler and family 'of Chepstow visited with her mother Mrs. Mrs. Procter retuned to Chepstoo with 2izabeth Procteron Friday of last week hettaughter for a short visit, •