HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-11, Page 10A1P•— THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 11, 1986 FARM Stockyards grads: steady, undesirabl Gl Resteme er Eight steels consigned by Ln 76.20, Eleven he of RR 1, Aub, an overall p and his four for 78.92 wi Twenty -on Walter W e 1061lbs. so' a sale to 78. Flveheife RR 2, Ayton The market at Brussels Stockyards traded steady at the week's close with undesirable and overfinished cattle being discounted. Cows sold higher and pigs sold steady. Them were 1065 cattle and 627 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -76.50 to 80,50 with a sale to 86.75, Good Steers -73.00 to 76.50. A fancy steer consigned by Ken McLlnchey of RR 3, Parkhill weighing1140 lbs. topped the market at 86,75 with his offering of 17 steers averaging 1187 lbs. selling for an overall price of 80.12. Six steers consigned by Earl Schmidt of RR 2, Milverton averaging 1908 lbs. sold for an overall price of 80.61 with sales to 81.10. Three steers consigned by Paul and Norval Faust of RR2, Port Elgin averaging 1110 lbs. sold for 80.40. Thirteen heavy steers consigned by Wm. Woodburn of RR 3, Parkhill averaging 1305 lbs. sold for an overall price of 79.92 with sales to 81.25, Residents enjoy play by church children On Monday, the residents of the Seaforth Godwin of St. James CW L visited with Health Care Facility went bowling at Nobel several nursing home residents. Mr. and lanes and on Tuesday public school pupils Mrs. Zack Ryan visited Mary Ryan. Lucy came in to help residents with some bowling. Bezzo had several visitors: Ray Howard of St. Tuesday evening the Northside United Thomas, sons Bill and John Bezzo, Evelyn Church children put on a play which everyone Cook and daughter, and Ada Cook. enjoyed. Master of Ceremonies, Thelma Joe Robbins and Tom Handy visited Mable Bode, was assisted by teacher Audrey Handy. Irene Omand went to a shower Mcilwain. The pianist was Mrs. Whitmore. Sunday afternoon for her future daughter -in - Rev. Simmons had to cancel his service on law. Dave and Eva Netzke went to Rose and Wednesday as he was ill. Everyone wishes Pat Altman's home for a visit. him a speedy recovery. Jackie Hacho took 10 Gladys Ruston went home with Joanne for residents to Poplar Hill for a picnic and the day. Donna Farley visited her father Dr. dance. Sadlier. Erle Dow had a visit from his On Thursday, the ladies baking class made daughter Mable Clark. Leona Cloud was old-fashioned scones and all were able to visited by her granddaughter Jackie and sample their product at dinner. Friend. Saturday morning the residents held their Cassie Nicholson went out with her meeting. PERSONALS daughter Barbara Alexander for the day. She Doreen Kelly visited her mother, Cather- also had Helen Nicholson and son Allan in to ine Austin. Mrs. Van Dnnren and Mrs. visit. Mary Lamont visited Kelly Lamont. Foursteers consigns by en y me Forster of of RR 1, Dashwood, averaging 1157 lbs. sold RR 1, Lucknow averaging 1268 lbs. sold for for an overall price of 79.34. 79.00 with his offering of 20 steers averaging Twelvef 2,,Go le averaging dg byBrad lbs. sold 1267 irty-silbs. x steers consigfor an neddby ce o 78.62. f son of RR 2,,Gorrle averaging � . for an overall price of 79.28 with a sale to Adams offorR 2, overall price oaveraging 8 64 with 1150 81.00. Six steers consigned by Sarah Wilhelm of sales to 84.50. RR l ,Walkerton, averaging 1231 lbs. sold for Two steers consigned by John Brown of RR an overall price of 79,26 with sales to 80.60. 3, Walton averaging 1185 lbs. sold for 78.56. Forty-four steers consigned by Maple Four heavy steers consigned by John Ridge Farms of RR5, Brussels, averaging Kuepfer of RR 2, Milverton averaging 1362 1160 lbs. sold for an overall price of 79.03 with lbs. sold for an overall price of 78.45. sales to 60.50. Twenty-eight steers consigned by Bradley Five steers consigned by Oscar Kieffer of Galbraith of RR 3, W Ingham, averaging 1198 g lbs. sold for an overall price of 77.92 with a RR 1, Bluevale averaging 1086 lbs, sold for sale at 80.00. 78.82. Sixteen steers consigned by Bill Sellers of Eleven steers consigned by Bill and George RR2, Bluevale averaging 1002 lbs. sold for an Pierson of -RR 1, Ethel averaging 1206 lbs, overall price of 77.74 with a sale to 81.75. sold for an overall price of 78.80 with a sale at Cholce Exotic Heifers -75.00 to 79.00 with a 81.00 and a 1270 lbs. steer of Isabel's sold for sale to 81.00. 81.25. Cholce White-faced Heifers - 72.00 to cattle discounted rs averaging 10ned 43 lbrdon s.. sold for of 75.96 with a sale to 80.25 Leers averaging 1005 lbs. sold a sale at 83.25, mixed heifers consigned by pp r of RR 5, Mlldmay averaging sol ran overall price of 75.69 with 7 nsigned by Lloyd W eppler of eraging 1120 lbs, sold for an overall price of 75.16 with sales to 77.10. Choice Cows -55,00 to 58.00 with a sale to 83.00. Good Cows - 52.00 to 55.00. Canners and Cutters - 48.00 to 52.00. Heavy bulls traded to a high of 73.75. Under 30 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 1.96 per lb. 30 to 40 lb. pigs to a high of $1.14. 40 to 50 lb. pigs to a high of $1.13. 50 to 60 ib. pigs to,a high of $1.07. 60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high of $1.02, 75.00. Twelve mixed heifers consigned from Dan Pearson of RR 1, Ethel, averaging985 lbs. sold for an overall price of 75.90 with a sale to 81.00. A fancy heifer consigned by Kevin Horseburgh of RR1, Holstein, weighing 1090 lbs. sold for 80.00. Sixteen heifers consigned by Hodgins Bros. of RRB, Parkhill, averaging 986 lbs. sold for an overall price of 78.93 with sales to 79.70. A heifer c unsigned by Geo. Pletsch of RR3, Walkerton weighing 1000 lbs. sold for 78.75. Four light steers consigned by Doug Durrer of RR 2, Mildmay averaging 847 lbs, sold for an overall price of 78.43. Three heifers consigned by Feed and Clyde McClure of RR 1, Walton averaging 1003 lbs. sold for an overall price of 76.61 with a sale to Jazzmakers. 80.00. Brucefleld; H Two heifers consigned by Gordon Mann of RR 2. Wroxeter averaging 955 lbs. sold for Loralee and D RECOGNITiO BANQUET—Recently over 400 cooperators from the agricultural Industry who helped win research, teaching and extension programs were honored at an annual Ontario Agric tural College banquet, at the University of Guelph campus. The feast was followed by g etings and messages of appreciation from University Chancellor Wm. A. Stewart, Presl ent Burt Matthews, O.A.C. Dean Freeman McEwen and OMAF Deputy Minister Cie on Switzer. Musical entertainment was provided by The Louisiana tending the banquet were from left to right: Allan and Janice Hough, t Neal Stoskopf, O.A.C.; Dawn and Helmut Sodthe, R.R. 32 Cambridge; e Marshall, R.R. 1, Kirkton. Photo by J. Harrison BUSINESS DIRECTORY PHONE: 527-0240 CO.OP Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies, Heating Oils Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE limBroadfoot 482-7032 PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SILLS Home Hardware Seafortn 527-1820 HURON TAX CONSULTING SERVICES i -Reasonable rates -Personal service -No Advance Payments -Registered Tax Consultant HARRY DENHAAN 527-0557 LANSINK ASPHALT and SEALING ••DrIveways Parking Lots v' • Lawn Rolling • Driveway Sealing 527-0182 Expert Interior & Exterior Decorating Walicoverings Benjamin Moore Paints Window Shades Hildebrand Paint & Pape Phone 527-1880 15 Main St., Seaforth SEAFORTH PLUMBING and HEATING c-,; 90 Main St BILL HOLMAN 527-0505 FIX IT FAST! Huron 1- Xpositor BUSINESS DIRECTORY! 527.0240 Seaforth JEWELLERS for ° •DIAMONDS *WATCHES •JEWELLERY •FIN£ CHINA •ENGRAVING SERVICE Gifts for every occasion Ail Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 BOB'S CARPENTRY Houses, Additions Renovations, Siding Furniture Finishing & Repair Bob Regale 482-7797 or 527-0715 GBAILEY5 MILL STREET, HENSALL 262-2020 Specialists in pulse Combustion Heating • ces • hydro PuPlse Sollars •Lennox Central Air Condltloning LOW CO PRICES R 1 Full Selection Of WINDOWS Storms -Replacement -New Construction DOORS -Entrance Systems -Mirror & Patio -Aluminum Storms RESCREENING- PLEXIGLASS ALL GLASS WORK SALES — SERVICE INSTALLATION WE'RE PROUD TO BE YOUR .?/ NOX DEALER D McKELLAR SANDBLASTING and PAINTING Gravity Wagons, Tractors & Farm Machinery D & D GLASS Located In Vanastra 482-7869 Renalled Barn Board Steel Roofing & Siding Installed PAINTING EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR CUT LABOR COSTS with our 40'BOOM TRUCK 345-2879 EXPERIENCE REFERENCES NIELSEN BROS t SEAFORTH 527-0603 FREE ESTIMATES FENCING SYSTEMS Complete Line of Electric Fencing Supplies EVENT VAN SLIGHTENHORST. 262-6208 BALL & FALCONER FUNERAL HOMES LTD. offering DIGNIFIED SERVICE at BOX FUNERAL CHAPEL REG BADLEY CARPENTRY 47 High St. Seaforth 527-1142 Funeral Director: Clarence D. Denomme Painting and Decorating Dublin, Ontario Textured Callings Airless Spraying Paperhanging Residential/Com mercial- IndustrTal Division of 605680 Ont. Inc. NOczoWai -Vinyl Eavestroughing -House Construction f -Additions -Pole Structures -Siding FREE ESTIMATES 345-2564 BRODHAGEN Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Godericti St., Seaforth Phone 5274390 Sincere and Courteous Service GENERAL MASONRY BLOCK BRICK STONE CHIMNEYS SIDEWALKS IVAN NIELSEN lump Seaforth niiS27-0603 FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Custom Built Homes Roofing and Renovations Farm 'Buildings PETER FLANAGAN 527-1399 McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE CO MPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LIMITED Sewing Machine Specialists Repairs to all makes •FREE ESTIMATES .ALL WORK GUARANTEED KKN CONSTRUCTION Liquid Manure Tanks Solid or Slatted Tops FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL AUTO COVERAGES AGENT`S E.F. "Bill" Durst 5274455 Bob McNaughton 527-1571 Graeme Craig 8874381 Banter & Macavan Insurance BroketsUd , • 524;8376, SALES: Nusgvarna, 1N'iliie; Etna, Janorne iota -Of . used Machines' Mestercharge-Vise Closed Mondays 149 Downie St. • 2 doors south of Hudsoris S`f QT, .00#1,0000 barn Renovations House Foundations ed Floors &Flnistt Fritz KIaver Dublin 345 - DAVID LONGSTAFF Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS and OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Promptly SUMMERS HOURS:' Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 4-5:30 CLOSED WED.'&SAT. TUESDAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY COMP1EI`EO'PUCAL Sgnvic • 5271303 p.,..,..... SEAFORTI INSURANCE BROKER WHITED 39 Man St., S. Seaforth •HorrieeBusiness •Farm•Auto •Sickriess & Accidents +investments 527®1610' 77 Main St. Seaforth, Grit. N0K IWO NEW HOURS: Mon. 8:30-12 ' 1:30-6:00 'Tues., Th,Yrs. 8:30-12 t 3:30-8:30 Wed.,'Fri. Sat. 8:30.12