HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-11, Page 5HENSALL AND AREA N r ll's HappyPushers shuffle in force V John'wlll ride again on June 14 at Motor Honsali Correspondent SUSAN HARTMAN 262.2449 Quite a ntiniber of happy pushers were out to shuffle on Thursday at the Hensall {frena. High, ladies scores: Eileen Dowson .377, Mary Buchanan 333, Pearl McKnight 307. High rhen's scores: John Pepper 298, W alter Knowles 272, John Consitt 260. ' U,NITIVUCW i`1an Britton read a poem to open the June meeting, of the Unit IV United Church Women; Hazel" Luther read from John's Gospel to show the example that Jesus set on hutrnlity andlove. She closed Devotions with prayer. Minutes, were read and approved. 12 members and two guests answered the roll call and 31 visits were reported. Card convenor Mary Roobal sent two birthday and one get -well card. Elva Forrest gave a favorable treasurer's report. In business Mabel Park tendered her resignation as social convenor due to illness. Evelyn Flynn will take over as head of the committee. An invitation was read for a bridal shower in honor'of:,Mary Jane MacGregor, daughter of Betty 'andd'Jim to be held July 8, in the fellowship hall. Congratulations to Mary Roobal for her grandson's achievement as top ploughman in Canada. Elva Forrest continued the study of native Indians. Begets° spoke on the lifestyle of the Ojibwas on Georgina Island. Olga Chipchase and Rena Caldwell served a lunch. PERSONALS Evangeline Oliver and Barb Plumb of Northcrest spent an enjoyable four days recently with Mrs. Oliver's family in St. MR�ecent visitors with Sim and Mary Roobol have been: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Dyke of Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. C. Veldhoen of Bramalea, Mr. and Mrs. Case Van Den Heuvel of Goderich, Mrs. A. Eagleson and Mrs. M, Lagerwers of Parkhill. Sim and Mary also visited Saturday in Ridgetown with their nephew and in Blenheim 'with Mary's brother Tony Gelderland. UNIT BI UCW Marg Upshall presided over the meeting of Unit III. Erla Coleman conducted the worship. Helen Roberts gave the study on "Them Inuits fight for survival." Rosa Has gave several readings. The meetings will resume in September. Hostesses were Erla Coleman and Sarah Dick. BIG W EEKEND The Hensall Scout weekend will be held June 13-15 at Parkhill Conservation Area. entore8, Cubs and Scouts will be camping out for two nights while Beavers will arrive Park in Durham. SEBAW ACTION Sunday for activities including swim -up On Wednesday the AtTI boys hosted ceremonies and a potluck supper. Huron Park in a very close game with the final score being Huron Palk I;4, Hensel! 12, Tuesday evening the Atom girls team beat Hibbert 16-17 for their first win of the season. congratulations girls. SUPERCROSS ACTION Jim Dickins travelled to Toronto June 7 where he took part in the Molson Canadian Supercross at CNE stadium. The course was tight and very challenging. Jim had a bad start and was ninth at the first turn, He, .worked his way'through the pack and was able to pickup fifh place in a class of 18. Jim will be riding his Hully Gully Honda at Moto Park near Durham on Satureiay as he continues to train for the Canadian Champ- ionship in B.C. in July. MIDGET VOLLEYBALL Congratulations to Chris Campbell who won the "most improved player" award for midget volleyball at the recent South Huron High School athletic banquet. Also to Christine Rose and Jim Dieldns who were "most valuable players" on their respective midget basketball teams. PEOPLE' Glen and Ametta Baker of Dashwood were MOTOCROSS RACES Sunday dinner guests with Alphonse and John Kochan of Hensall travelled to Betty Grenier to celebrate the Baker's 51st Capetown on May 31 to compete in the wedding anniversary, C.M.A. Motocross races. The track was in Ivan and Rosemary Bedard and family perfect condition on Saturday. John rode his have moved into their nearly finished new Honda to a third place finish in the qualifier home on Albert Street and construction is and finished seventh in a class of 40 in the well underway for the Hyde home on York final of the 125 Junior "B" class. Crescent. Hensel; church filled to capacity Hensel! United Church was filled to perfect attendance awards indicated the capacity on Sunday morning for the Annual tremendous success the Sunday School has Promotional and AwardSunday. been this year. Congratulations and appre- The service, emphasizing the theme "Let ciation was given to the teachers of the There Be Peace On Earth" was conducted by different classes. Wayne Scotchmer and Elizabeth Thompson. Cecil Pepper and Mr. McDonald gave out The children entered the church singing the promotional certificates as the students and Cecil Pepper, the Sunday School said farewell to their teachers of the past year Superintendent welcomed everyone and gave a and werwere a welcomed Those being promoted nt bwerey the announcements. Terri -Lynn Eider and Mindy Bell led the from nursery department to Kindergarten congregation in a Litany for peace and justice department were Ryan Alexander, Jeffery and Robert Gackstetter and Angela Bell read Campbell, Becky Corbett, Dawn Corbett, the scripture readings. Shane Pepper gave Gerry Corbett, rbt,StevMegan the Offertory prayer. eferMasse, Casey OHayter, The message for the day was shared by and Kim Taylor. From the Kindergarten Jonathon Corbett, Mary Taylor and Victoria department to the Primary Department were Bisback and Angela Gould closed the service Mark Bell, Peter Owen Bisback, Kerrie with prayer. Elizabeth Thompson gave the Consitt, Krista Gass, Phillip Ingram, Priscilla Benediction. Lambert, Kris Leppington, Pamela Munn, During the service Glenn Hayter, Assistant Dennis Noakes, Jeff Reid, Scott Reid, and Superintendent, assisted by Mr. McDonald Shane W ilcox. (Continued on Page A17 ) gave the awards for perfect attendance. The FATE! Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there on Sunday. You can spend the day relaxing and recuperating from the Hensall Spring Fair which will be held Friday and Saturday at the Hensall Recreation Centre. Hope to see you there. GENERAL M EETING The general meeting of the Hensall IJCW was held June 2 with Helve Miss in charge. In business, donations are to be made to Medical Electives, seeds for Zaire and $50 for counsellor 'training for camps Bimini and Menesetung. A "camp experience will be held at Camp Bimini June 17. at 9 a.m. Bales were packed for Zaire and Mission Services. The Fall Regional will be held at Crediton. The devotion was taken by Anita Cook on the subject of humility. Carol Simons gave an account of the three years she and her husband spent with the Indians of the Georgina. Island Indian Reserve. They went there as a minister - teacher team for 25 families. Dorothy Parker thanked the speaker. Lunch was served by Unit 2. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 11, 1986. — A5 Amemlior THIS WEEK'S FEATURES! FRESH DELICIOUS DOZ. BUTTER OR LEMON ROLLS99 TARTS6 1•.69 • PKG. OF CRUSTY nr TASTY -NU � BREAD FINEST QUALITY ALWAYS FRESH FRESH OFF THE BLOCK CANADIAN — IMPORTED CHEESES SUPER SPECIAL ONION & MOZZARELLA PARSLEY Le.2.69 LB. 2.99 EXTRA 000D PKGN. OF 6 MU INS 1.49 FOR THE BBQ PKG. HAMBURGQF e ROLLS'•79 DELI MAPLE LEAF EXTRA LEAN COOKEDLB. ` A .29 HAM 99 RAISINS • LB. BULK SULTANA DISCOUNT on Baked Goods 100/® for Churchetc. Groupus e, Organiza- tions, See for apeclal prices on Targe orders of rolls, etc. Jasty A WIDE VARIETY OF DELICIOUS DONUTS -MUFFINS and FRESH HOT COFFEE! u Bakery &Cheese House 14 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527-1803' Queensway residents celebrate month On Wednesday, June 4, the Exeter It was a very good movie. Christian Reformed Church Ladies took several residents for car rides. It was a lovely day and residents thoroughly enjoyed the outing. Also on Wednesday the residents and staff at Queensway held a bridal shower for Sandra Tower who is a cook at our home. Sandra's big da is coming onJune 28 -We Senior Citizens Month is now underway at Queensway. The past week marked the grand opening celebration of Senior's Month. Mary Beth Jantzi spoke to residents about seniors month and alt of the special events there will be to celebrate. Everyone is very excited about the upcoming Bowl-a-rama on June 19, and Strawberry Social on June 26. • To show everyone just how talented and special residents are, a few of them were the entertainment for the opening celebration. Lloyd McDougal whistled a tune and Theodore Gray played the piano while Lorne Johnston accompanied him on the violin. The celebration ended with a sing -song after Carol Gescho and Lome Johnston got residents in the singing mood with their duet .The Gay Cabelero." This past week was filled with many fun activities for residents, On Monday the nursing home residents held a welcoming party for Roland Grenier. On Tuesday, the choir entertained at, Bluewater Rest Home. The choir did a great job as did pianist Joyce Pepper, and choir director Carol Gascho. Mso Lome Johnston and Theodore Gray played two duets and Lloyd McDougall whistled two tunes. Carol and Lorne also sang their duet. UTO PARTS AAD SHOP Michele Sinnamon MAKEUP ARTIST will do makeup in your home • WEDDINGS • SPECIAL OCCASIONS • LESSONS • EYEBROWS, ETC. Call for an appointment 527=0210 Graduate of Toronto School of Makeup Art On Thursday afternoon, Rev. Jim Sutton of the Exeter Anglican Church performed our church service. Ethel Forrest of Hensel] was volunteer pianist for the service. Father Mooney was in on Friday to perform y pp a service for the Roman Catholic residents. wish Sandra and her fiance, ark Colima, all Readers! JKgep an eye out for pictures of the best. Queensway Sensors in A,etion around iien- On Wednesday evening many attended the sail June 9 to 26 is the Seniors Month Poster movie presentation entitled "White Mane." Campaign. Temper saver to be Kippen WI roll call topic Kippen Correspondent M A RGA REI' H O GGARTII zs9-410119 on Sunday, June 8 to help celebrate her 82nd birthday. KIPPENUNWED CHURCH NEW S Rev. Lome Keays presided in the pulpit of The June meeting of the Kippen East St. Andrew's on Sunday, June8. His sermon Women's Institute will be held next Wednes- was entitled "Springtime: Flower and day at 8:30 p.m. the home of Charlotte Fruit." McDowell of Seaforth. The speaker will be Sunday, June 22 at 11 a.m. is the Joint Ralph Smith. The roll call is -lo be answered Youth Anniversary Service for Kippen and by naming a temper saver. Remember to Brumfield churches, to be held in the wear your pin or pay a fine. BrucefieId Church. This service will be PERSONAL followed by a congregational pini{c Ruby Hoggarth of Bluewater Rest Home, Holy Communion is to he observed on Zurich, visited with her son AI and his family Sund>.ly, June 20. BOB & BETTY'S VARIETY & GIFTS SEAFORTH 527-1680 "YOUR LOTTERY TICKET CENTRE" DEALER A.S.C. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TILL 11 P.M. Gifts for SUNDAY, JUNE 15 Coutts Hallmark •CARDS When you Care enough to send the very best! •COFFEE MUGS •PLAQUES , WALLETS •TIMEX WATCHES •GIFT CERTIFICATES & Many more gifts! •GRADUATION CARDS Full line of Coutts Hallmark Cards! WE HAVE COFFEE MUGS & PLAQUES FOR YOUR FAVORITE TEACHER grac s TE -Eli ARM Our greenhouses still have top quality • BEDDING PLANTS • HANGING BASKETS • GERANIUMS MANY IN-STORE SPECIALS Your One -Stop G'arden Centre tit twxo STRAWBERRIES NOW READY "A° Our Own Fresh ASPARAGUS; GREENHOUSE TOMATOES, RHUBARB, ENGLISH CUCUMBERS %Mtro.13 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK R.P. NO. 1 Rayllelei 482-3O2 PICK YOUR OWN OR READY PICKED Orders Taken Phode for crop update Children Welcome tArritt for PILOMPTCOURT OIJSSERVICE GROCERY & PARCEL DELIVERY 11-12 and 3-4 Daily Dad Sunday, June 15 with a Gift from Seaf�rth'JewellerS Main St SEAFORTH 527-0270 AT WORTHWHILE SAVINGS SHORT SLEEVE SPECIAL PURCHASE! PLAIN SHADE OR STRIPE SHORT SLEEVE FORSYTH OR ARROW POLO SHIRTS • SHORT SLEEVE WHITE OR. STRIPED DRESS SHIRTS VERY SPECIAL 1295 SPORT SHIRTS NEW STOCK VALUES TO 30.00 DON'T MISS THESE FOR DAD VERY SPECIAL 1995 mels.®._ --�.�sm. COP & PRESENT THIS COUPON ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK SAVEOF SUMMER AND REGULAR MENS DRESS PANTS 20/0 •WA'IST SIZES 30 to 50 *WIDE CHOICE OF SHADES CLIP & PRESENT THIS COUPON TO SAVE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MENS SUMMER ZU% OFF WINDBREAKERS REG. 22.50 to 45.00 NOW 1800 to 36°° ���1,Ltsffi� PRESENT THIS COUPON AND SAVE G.W.G. & LEVIS MENS I� OFF JEANS & CORD SIZES 29 to 38 PRESENT THIS COUPON TO AVE 2O% OFF ALL SUMMER SPORTSWEAR num