HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-11, Page 4THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 11, 1966 — THE BSr O RATES a JQ4 5 Year Annual Water Well DRiLLING W. H. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell Durl Jim 5271737 527-0828 527-0775 RFISP GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 9 .2 Year Annual aYear Annual 94 3 a 4 Year Apnuai OTHER TERMS AND RATES AVAILABLE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION CAL';' 111S 7OIMY! ' Deposit Agents for over 45 Bank 8 Trust Companies BACHERT MEATS Call us for your custom slaughtering needs SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY 'For your freezer, sides of Beet, Pork, Lamb or Veal . We specialize In home cured meets and old fashioned country style pork sausage, no fillers added. All meat Qoi t. Inepectyd t mile ilpoet 887-9328 a waer f&m4jffnxip Your one.stop, best.rate specialists for GICs. RRSP's, Mortgages & Annuities. SEAFORTH 96 Mato Street, S. 527-0420 Serving Ontario since 1975 with 12 locutions,/or your convenience! SOON....• • THE NEW 40 HP to 75 HP. TRACTORS WITH THE 'WHISPER QUIET' CABS 2 WD and 4 WD. MODELS Mae 8.te1111e Reception Equipment SPECIALISTS •DEMONSTRATIONS • INSTALLATIONS • SALES ami, Ont. B&T ANTENNA SALES 482-7120 Brien McAeh SAFE BY A NOSE—The 13th annual Brodhagen Brewers Mene Fastball team held a successful tournament last weekend In Brodhagen. Sixteen teame entered the tournament, but St. Marys Juniors came out on top. The St. Marys team defeated Owen Sound 4-1 In the final to win top prize money. Above, a Caledonia player elides safely Into second base as a Rockwood -Drexler Construction - player awaits the throw from the outfield. Bader photo Babies baptized at Duff's Gary and Pat recently completed a week long service technician course on Case " I H tractors held at the Canadian Training Centre. Come In and ask es for more Information about these Case International tractors. GARY VAN POUCKE A fresh team for today's farmer EEG iii FARM EQUIPMENT LINIITED Seaforth 527-0120 brikiii-a111111. Walton Correspondent BETTYMcCAIL 887-6677 The Sacrament of Baptism was held at Duff's United Church last Sunday with Rev. Bonnie 'amble in the pulpit. Candidates for baptism were: Sarah Irene, daugDater of Jim and Linda na Marie, daughter of Terry MacDonald Verd a ra Smith. Organist for the month of June is Margery Huether and ushers are: Emerson Mitchell, Roy Williamson and Mervin Smith. Don McDonald sang a solo. On Sunday a Communion Service was held at Duffs. Unit meethsg8•' are' scheduled for this Wednesday eventhig and the unified board meeting is June 15'at 8:00 p.m. LOCALBRIEFS Mr. and Mss. Gordon Saunders, Royal Oak, Michigan spent a recent weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Searle and all attended the graduation of Steven Huether at University of W atexioo on Saturday, May 31. Visiting with'Keith and Gloria Wilbee last week were her uncle and aunt, Morris and Eileen Hart of Killam, Alberta. Mrs. Bev Stevenson, Ron and Chris visited Cathy Kuntz who is a patient in W Ingham Hospital on Sunday. John Huether had his friend John Heeney of ingersol visiting with him fora few days at the home of his parents Ray and Margery Huether. Emerson and Phyllis Mitchell visited on Sunday with Eric and Stella Reabum and family of Goderich. iNSTtTUTEMEETING The Walton Women's Institute are having a turkey luncheon this Wednesday at the usual time. Everyone is welcome. The ntonthly meeting of the United;Churxh Women was held last Wednesday evening when Muriel Coulter was guest speaker and showed slides of her trip to Cuernavaca, Mexico. Duringthebusiinaesss period it was decided Arnie Avid and Maxhtand Maarks' in charge ber with two from each unit to assist. MONTHLY DRAW The monthly meeting of the Walton Area Sports Club was held in the library on Tuesday. Winners of the monthly draw were: Trina Watts, Brussels, 8100; and Serve Watson, RR 2, Blyth, 825. WORK DAY A•work day was held at Walton Ball Park on Saturday. The trees were trimmed, gravel was added and levelled around the building sand was spread around the playground equipment, the bleachers were lifted, grass was cut underneath with the addition of heavy plastic and gravel put on top, and foul ball posts were installed. A big thank you to thesegeople who helped the club that day; Don ghd Pat Nolan and Tun; Joe and,UUn Stealer; Maxine and Blaine Marks, BM Humphries and Doug Kirkby for the use of his tractor, also thanks to Roger Humphries who ijeiped with the pitching clinic. The Squirt boysplayyedtwogamesthispast week losing toBiuevaleon Monday night and winning Thursday night when Biuevale played the return game in Walton. Try Before Yo �� � uy Say goodbye to sanders, grinders and smelly chemicals. With new Cuprinol Paint and Stain Remover, you don't need them anymore. All you need is a brush and a gauien hose. Just brush it on. Wait allow theproduct to work. Then just wash the old paint or stain away. It's that easy. And right now you can iffy the product at no 'targe. Drop in for your FREE sample to fty at home. Samples available between June 11 June 28, but hurry, limited quantities are available, CUA ® does it righty The name Cuptinol stands for higher 400 Wood Stains, Coatings, Preservers.and Paint and Stain Remover, zf'$'gp��tS�'ttp'a 11r aEt1g� tS•L�KIT. SEAFdRTH'• ONTARIO' NOK 1WO ``{{ TELEPHONE 527.0910 QUALITY and SERVICE SINCE 1900 SEAFORTH and SEBRiNGVILLE Notice is hereby given th©t the Annual Meeting of SEAFORTH McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Mein SI. &satorth 627-1140 • Service • Setection • Savings • Satisfaction • Leasing • Complete BODY SHOP Sorvlce._ 0MI•1TY _HOSPITAL will be held Tuesday, Jeune 24, 1986 at p.m. in the Board Room of Seaforth Community Hospital for the prose of treeeiving the annual reports of the board of Trustees and of the officials and to elect four Trustees. Take Notice that revlslons and amendrnenis of the by-laws will be considered at such meeting. Copies of the proposed by -taws may be obtained from the undersigned. The 0015110 is invited to attend `fhe by-law's of Seaforth Eorirmunity Hospital provide that the board of frostees shall include 12 trustees to be elected by members of the hospital corporation. _MEMBERSHIP The by-laws provide with respect to members as follows: (I) The following parsons shall be members upon resolution of the Board: (a) A person who has donated or who donates 8500.00 in any one year to the Corporation shall be a We member. (b) The president or designated cater of an association or organization who Co h iron for thatbe ad ex officio tiiember of the pays the Corporation 875.00 rn any year shall mb (e) Aperson whb a s the atonal membership fee to the corporation in any year shall be a Member of the Corporation for that year. The amount of this fee shall be 'established from irate to Lime by Manton of the Beard of c (2) A m'ersons appbinteti,honorary members Shall not be subject to fees. P ember *lie pays his fees annually shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the corporation unless his membership fee was paid m full AT LEAST THIRTY DAYS PRIOR TO 111# DATE OP ttit 1viEETIIIG. By resolution of the Board the annual membership fee has been established'at two dollars•. The pehlib is invited • to 'take partin_h®Spital •r • activitiese' ROSS RWWEY FUNERAL DIRECTOR WHY IS A WILL SO IMPORTANT? a sobering tact to find Out that If you do net leave a legally acceptabte will, the ptovittcc tuiflihes 8 read'y-made one which may of May not carry out your desire's. Art oral of handwritten will is not considered legal in many provinces and will not netessa il4y be considered in the handling of your estate. When a legal will • has not been recorded, they, possibilities Of inequities ate many. these inequities can often lead to additional expenses and heart- aches bo your survivors at a time when many other delis -ions roust also be Made. to Matte out a hilt with a lawyer's guidance assures you that you - and not the province %vitf Meet the distribution Of your est4te., lfyou do not !thaw a lawyer to help with your will, rented the nea'fett bar associatte t,'7ourbank or soiriebn'e used to d'ealing:th IaWyers. Wang a' mil is a difficult arid etrietronaT task, another refiiirider that death will indeed tiorne to each of us. Drawing up your' will and making your p'r4-need funeral atrange8ients are two necessary steps whieh every adult ought to make. We suggest you do both now instead df when it's too late. Refres.ihi epits will be served following the i'ietinge GA. McKenzie, Secretary WHITNEY®RIBEY FUNERAL HOME 87 Goderich St. W • Seaforth 627-1390 J