HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-04, Page 1638. SERVICE DIRECTORY A16 - THE HURON EXPOSITQR, JUNE 4, 1986 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDiTOIRS In the Estate of ALVIN M ORLEY STOREY All persons having claims against the estate of Alvin Morley Storey, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 7th day of April, 1986, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of June, 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 23rd day of May, 1986. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Solicitor 20 Gouinlock Street P.O.Box 479, Seaforth, Ontario NOKIWO -Solicitor for the Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of FRED A. HOEPFNER All persons having claims against the estate of Fred Albert Hoepfner, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, deceased who died on the 10th day of May 1986, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of June 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 27th day of May 1986. McCONNELL, STEW ART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c„ Seaforth, Ontario Solicitor for the executor 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 I LOSE WEIGHT NOW -Safe and Effective -All Natural Products -No Calorie Counting -Naturally Suppresses Appetite -100 percent Money Back Guarantee I LAST 10 LBS. IN 2 W EEKS CALL BARRY 527-0373 DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH r` Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a Week MAW ST. MITCHELL INTERIOR and exterior painting, that needs done? Even that wallpaper Job. Call C a3ie 527-0371 or Gary 527-0762. PLUMBING HEATING '11,_(.41.4V" aid ELECTRICAL Fl CONTRACTORS (dh. HOme s June 3D. Hardware SILLS ARE YOU serious about controlling your weight with effective, balance nutrition, guaranteed results or money refunc' Do you desire an increased income? Yet luld become a distributor. Call London 432- 16. If I am not available to speak with you 1, 'e name, number and convenient time to return call. 38-21-4 LIVE MUSIC FOR ALLOCCASIONS. "Main Street West" would like to perform at your dance or reception. live music is the best music. Reasonable rates. Please call Hudson W arr 524-2144, Arlene Dambrough 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 p.m. 16xtf Fuel Oil Furnace 24 HOUR SERVICE Repair and Cleaning Paratchek s 3Maintenance 139. CARD OF THANKS 1 COOMBS I would like to thank my family and friends for their inquiries while a patient in Seaforth Hospital, and for flowers,, cards and fruit when I came home. Special thanks to Dr. Mallets, Dr. Wong and the nursing staff for their kindness and care. A special thank you to the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Seaforth and Exeter. It was all greatly appreciated. Thank you. Peg Coombs 39-23-1 39. CARD OF THANKS N A sincere thank you to of our friends and neighbors who helped during our move to town and to those who were so kind during Howard's illness, especially the staff at Seaforth Communit{y!los italandDr. Wong. Howard and Frances Breen 9-rex DRISCOLL A sincere thanks to Pastor Horst, friends, relatives and neighbors for get well cards, visits, flowers and treats, while at University Hospital. Everything was great, appre• ciated. Gertrude Driscoll 39-23x1 W ESENBERG A hearty thank you to all who visited me and to the doctors, nurses and helpers and for flowers, etc. while in Seaforth Community Hospital and chauffeur. George W esenberg 39-23-1 BENNEWiFS We would like to thank our neighbors for the farewell party given for us. Special thanks for the lovely gifts. It was very much appre- ciated. Fred Bennewies and his mother Freda 39-23x1 TOW NSEND W e would like to thankBob and the rest of the wedding party, owner of the shed, and the entertainment (Racoon), people who came and people who helped in any way for our Buck and Doe. Also for the breakfast in the morning and the cook, (George). Connie Evans and David Townsend 39-23-1 Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF appeals to this Board by Nellie Arts, Herman and Christine Hoste, F.C.J. Sills, LC. and Betty Leonhardt and others In respect of Zoning By-law 52-1984 of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth. O.M.B. File No. R 850321 AND IN THE MATTER OF Section 22 -1- of The Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF a referral to thls Board by the Honourable Bernard Grandmaitre, Minister of Municipal Affairs, on a request by the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board for consideration of an application to amend the Official Plan for the Town of Seaforth to change from, "Highway Commercial -C3" to "Residential -R2" the designated use of lands located at the northeast corner of Colernan Street and Goderlch Street, In the Town of Seaforth. Minister's File No. 40 -0P -0181-A01 O.M.B. File No. 0 860023 HOME HARM ARE Seaforth' 527-1620 HENSALL LIVESTOCK° SALES Every 'Lhursdayat 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WEWVrrEYOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262.26I9 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter& 229-6205 Kirkton VEALS APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING 40. IN MEMORIAM SIiMIPSON: In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Deborah Ann, who passed away suddenly in a car accident, June 4, 1978, The months have grown day by day, Its now eight years since she went away, Thoughts are full and hearts due weigh, Without her here to share the way, Time may dull the hand of fate, But memory forever recalls this date, My lips cannot tell how much I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, Clod alone knows how we miss her, My lips cannot tell how much I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how I miss her, In a home that Is lonesome today. When ties of love are broken, Ahd loved ones have to part, It leaves a wound that never heals, In ever aching heart, Love with a love beyond all telling, Misted with a grief beyond all tears. t.ovin ly remembered and sadly missed by Mom, Joe, Darlene and Robbie. 40-23-1 41. PERSONAL Female would like to meet adult person. Apply box 3819 c -o The Huron Expositor, P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NO 1WO. 41-23x1 42. ENGAGEMENTS BENNEW IES - JORDAN Mrs. Peter Jordan of Mitchell, wishes to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Joanne Mary to Lyle Edward Bennewies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennewies of Bomhohn. The wedding will take place June 21, 1986 at 4:00 p,m. in St. Columban Roman Catholic Church, St. Columban, Ontario.. 42-23x1 MURRAY& HARRIS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Murray, RR 5, Seaforth, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Jean Veronica, to Brian James Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Harris, Orangeville on June 21, 1986 at 2 p.m. in St. Columban Roman Catholic Church, St. Columban. 42-23x1 ITOO LATE TO CLASSIF TWO bedroom apartment adult Available July 1. Frig and stove 527-1823. building. included. 26-23-2 YARD SALE: June 7. Rain date - June 14. From 9 a.m. to ? At 54 Coleman Street, Seaforth. 2-23-1 11 acres standing alfalfa hay for sale. 527-1689. 11-23-1 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! CALL 527-0240 ARTICLES FOR SALE CLEAR SWEET WATER! New Technology for treating PLUMBER or Senior Apprentice required. Must be self water at the well or sistorn offering well to faucet pro, starter able to handle service calls and Installation. taction throughout entire water system, Rusty...Smel• Send resume to Highlands Plumbing. Box 424. Iy...Bod Tasting...water. bacteria, Staining. chemicals Minden, Ont, KOM 260.-0.23 and more. No Sall or Mossy Chemical -only 494 a day to own 8 operate. Seo the results for yourself with our Vancouver based KALEIDOSCOPE TOYS expands to 6•month Trial Offer. If you want Beller Water for Bet- Ontario. Motivated representatives required to in. for Country Living...call 1.800.268.2656 or write Water traduce exclusive lino of quality toys to Ontorlo con - Purification Systems No. 203.1030 Komoto Rd. rumors, schools, etc. Via direct presentation system. Mississauga. Om. L4W 406. Serving Ont. from Generous commns/mana0974 ement t oppo02ortunities. Thunder Bay, Cochrane, Sudbury, Oltowo, Kingston. (416) 363.5600, (416) Box Md. Forest, London, Misdssaugo, Mu,kokof.-0.23 35$0, Mission, B.C. V2V 411.-0.23 10' x 10 GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W Metal Halide 5175, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Plus 10.000 gardening products. Groot prices. Sand -' $2. for Info -pack. Western Water Farms. 1244 OVERSEAS JOBS paying high salaries oro now Soymour St., Vancouver. V.C. v615 3N9 (604) available in many Interesting and exciting plows In• 662.6636.-0.23 - eluding the Canadian North. Middle East and Africa. - 0/19'11OPatjil towol(filrillior s4100,94001V,vebe0,fitk�,, STEEL OUILDINGS LIQUIDATION: VenU0111.1.161'. ex• A1I skids requiredd. For Information on how and whorl!" ample 30x50 with slide door 54,800. Sires up to 12011. to (Ind those unique (obs. send name and address to wide. All prices for immediate clearance. Coll ^ Overseas World. Suite 472, 7305 Woodbine Ave., L800.367.8140 or (416) 022.6262 -0.23 Dept. HS Markham, Ont. Las 3V7.-0-23 EASY MONEY? Earn extra money os o part-time REGAL Representative. For your Free 01)? Caro *gas write REGAL. 939 Eglinton Ave. East, Dept. 777. Torun. to_M4G 21.6.-0:23 HELP WANTED THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday, the 3rd day of July, 1986, at the hour of ten o'clock, local time, In the forenoon at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, in the Town of Seaforth for the hearing of all persons who desire to be heard In support of or In opposition to these appeals and referral. If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitfed to any further notice of the proceedings. in the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part In the hearing and wishing a copy of the decision may request a copy from the presiding Board Member or, in writing, from the Board, such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 18th day of April, 1986. Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-3 44 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 J.G. Malcolm Secretary Phone (613) 259,3400 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. or write Duo Iola Inc. Box 190. Lanark. Ona. KOG lEO and send 51 ler ,Iyer.- 0.23 SWIMMING P0015. factory outlet clearing 1985 In• PeRSONAL vanrory el oboes ground pools. Complete package sold for $2.495 clearing a, 81,495. Supply Is limited. Coll now (519) 6510176.-0.73 MIRACLE SPAN SPRING SALE. Example 39 is 40 53,742• 40 x 100 59,138. Other sires to choose from. All buildings pre complete with doors. Call Ioil free 1-000.387.4910.--73 FREE HUNTING. fishing and Comping Catalogue (55. value). Send your expired hunting or fishing licence (Photocopy acceptable) and 5 I will moll a ins 377 page (over 6,500 items) COM/ Sparisman catalogue. 5.1.R. Mair Order Dept. 141. 1063 Burrows Ave.. Win: n es re Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays oURSPECIAt TY Home cured and smoked meats pros sed exactly the way you like it. MAP AND EXPLANATORY NOTE: DANS GALORE: For all ages d unattached. Thousands of members anxious to mast you. Prestige Acquain- teetes. Coll toll ,roe 1.000.763.9163 Hours Noon 1111 0 p.m. -0-'7211 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to etudy-ot•home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious <011011: Accounting. Alr•cond(Honing, Bookkeeping, Business. Cosmetology, Electronics, legol!Medlcool Saaaloty, Psychology. Travel. Grantors (SA) 263 Adelaide, Wes10400.268.1121..-.0-23Toronto. t0.268.11210400.268.1121..-.0-23 &peg. Man. 875 7V6. 011 pi _ 1986.-043 . STEEL BUILDING relocation sole - We ore clearing out old stock.' Save thousands. We won't be undersold. Phone Pioneer Soles Department collect for inform - lion. (4E61676 -T565.--0.72 Rsvaluliodaty Paterson WELL WATER (RON Remover No sol), chemicals or maintenance, 100% Guarantied. Free Violet test and estiml,le. Also dealers wanted. Soil Enterprises (70S) 745-8382. Peterhorovgh.-043 - ---- TROUBLE Wrapping Coins? Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes AND quartets quickly. easilyl 1 Send 58.95 plus 63 cents -tax to PennyRallet. Box 405. Fart Erie, Ont. t2A 5142.-0.53 GOLD tri these closets. Sportsman's Rendezvous August 0111„I01h 1986 Barrie. Consignments for colTec- able, Modern, Gun Auction, tables, booths fot gun, outfitters show being accepted. e 6 B Auctioneers Barrie, Ont. (705) 726.0350,-043 CALL NOW r Huron . - xposi.tor 527-0240, 1 I 1 11EFIG00:GI-f jSO 91 �t34I135 tin 192. 1133 \ 2 \ 02 t27, GL1tJ1(3LOCK ST. ®WOEKS FOR EVERY .ONE So let the Huron Exposlior,W3rk with you to promote' & sell your .business & products ....there's no trine fike the present! C3 - Separate Schee) property subject t6 zoning appeals and Off(c(e1 Plan amendment Property owned b'y Huron Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board (total' parcel) A -Z BU1t0iNGS.New Types, steel and wood, quantal, cladding. For Nue value, action and answers (416) 626.1794. Levee message or tolled atter 6 p.m. even• tags, weekends. Ask far Wellyfree brochure. --0.23 VACATIONS HALIBURTOHIGHLANDS, Clears 2. 3 and 4 bedroom cottages on clear Kenisis take with beach. 540201oble rotes. Call windemere Cottages (705) 754.2091. Write RR 1, HaW'burion, Ontario KOM 150.•'-0-23 _ -.,_ HART LODGE, Hebb -1100n Highlands, Tennis, healed poo), Whirlpool, boots. off nearby. Varied accent. modations, some air conditioned. T.V. Fireplaces. li eosea _shining, tournaments, entertainment, super- vised Children's program. Low J.me rotes, col) 1-600-46I-7699 for brochure. -0-23 THE M00 RE LAKE INN, 1)0Gburfon Highlands, Relax for a wreak or o weekend. Country Inn charm and hospitality,. Fine dining, licensed restaurant and bar. railing `boot rentals, golf and tennis nearby end vre:k gait spnc 1. Write RR 1, Neilend, Ont. KOM 010. Visa/61.C. Reservations cull collect (705)454.1753.-0-23 WHEREAS the Official Plan of the Town of` Seaforth, 1981 designated the subject property as HIGHWAY COMMEF1CIAL, and WHEREAS the Town of Seaforth Zoning By-law, By-law 52 of 1984' zoned the subject property HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL C3 and THEREFORE the nature of the appeals are in opposition to this designation and zoning of the subject _property. The appellants request that the property be designated and zoned RESIDENTIAL ked` Clerk `Town of Seaforth' HOSPITALITY INN: A family resort with great swings For July 141 weekend. Special, one extra day from June 27th to July 5th. Over 40 housekeeping cottages, tole sandy beach, wading and inground pools, playground, miniature golf, tennis. Free brochure write, 41R 1, Minded, Ont. KOM 260 (705) 286.2361.-0-23 HELP' WANTED .� . COMING EVENTS GRAND OPE'NING! Sunday June BM, Bran'tford's "Markel on the Grond" featuring Mrs, crafut. horns• bolted goods and myth more. 232 Grand River Ave. 9 a.m.. 5 p.m. 753-2226..473 _. NOMINATIONS are being received now tat Ontario Junior Cinsen of the Veer awards. Contact this newspaper to nominate an mail -ending young potion aged 6 to 16, who deserves m005 1106 o pot an the bat14._-0.23 • FORhit6 SMITHS FADS RESIDENTS SETTLER'S GAYS AND 010 Haut WEEK. 10111 Anniversary from June 29 le July 1st. Pre -registration kits S5 and informetton write Millie OT44oi, Chairperson, Smiths Falls Settler's Days 06 Reunion Committee, 111 Btotkvgle St., Smiths Felts, Ont. 671 3Y7. Make a 006266 0010 "Retain to Srntlhs Falls 1986". -0.23 OUNDALK•S 2901) Annual Conedion Open Square and Step Dancing Competition. 5riday and Saturday June 2716, and 281h. information Fred (Pat) Dales (519) 9232419.-0.23 COMING TO EXPO? Visit the forges? hydroponic state in Canada, B.C. V68 31.19. (6011682-6636i-0.23 FIDDLE AND STEP DANCE CONTEST. July 11th and 12111. Community Centre, Fergus, Ons. Camping on grounds. Information, Call Mery Woods (519) 8434630.-0.23 MISCELLANEOUS SUPERTHREFT1 Ultramodern cansunier 56600ebdok teaches rewolutionory savings secrets worth hundreds yeerlyl No budgets, coupons. Expertly researched, tested. 33.95 complete plus bonus. WNE, 1497MA Oaten West, Toronto, Ontario 6l6R 1A3.-0-2314 TRAIN FOR A JOB with a 1616re.,.with EH -County Truck Driver Training, Job search aosistonce ovallabfe: Kitchener 720 King 5„ (519) 743.5011, Brant- ' - rord 300 Cgiborno E., (519) 756-0223.-0.23 -MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows, at. 1985. Join our sulcessrof family of independent representatives in presenting quality lingerie and le,sureweor of in- home parties for women• iI's fun,• it's Easy!- Ifs pro- fitable., For more informoti'on call collect (416) 632-90909 min, to 4 p m.-0.22.24' ADVERTISING SALES Representative required for Nor- thorn orthorn Ontario business. A respected monthly business publication based In Sudbury. Experience preferred, Coll Norm Tofiinsky of (705) 613-5705.-0-23__, ......., im e- The Only way to get 1 1 YOUR 1 ad in 2.5 million hornes I in Canada for I I 5659.0° 1 1 or in 1,241,807 homes 1 1 in Ontario for I I $195.°° 1 Piace your Blank'et Classified' Ad 1 by calling our lielpfut classified' ,1 1- ad -visors at 1 • Huron pc)sitc)r527-02401 �maw'41®flee®mi���BBB ewe