HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-04, Page 15THE HURON EXPOSITOR, .LUNE. 4, 1988;.-. A15 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1_21 REAL ESTATE 23. REAL ESTATE 31. NOTICE 34. AUCTION SALES SOYBEAN SEED Farmer to Farmer Saving$ Registered & Certified EVANS Foundation, Registered & Certified MAPLE ARROWS JEFFERY FARMS LIMITED 345-2529 Tom Reidy Realty. Ltd. if -ORRIS MLSREALTR O TOWNSHIP: Brussels area 200 acres on paved road, 11/.4storey,, 4 bedroom house, 60 'sow, farrowing operation, large drive shed. DUBLIN: Mill St., 11/2 store)) 3 bedroom home. 19.5 ACRES with many possibilities. 6 miles east of Brussels along paved road. Asking $38,000. HIBBERTTW P. FARM FOR SALE: 100 acres, no buildings Contact JOE O' REILLY 345-2465 CHARLES W ALKOM 348-8197 M A URICE REIDY 347-2358 TOM REIDY347-2358 FOR SALE 19. PETS TO give away, 2 male Collie puppies. Phone • 527-1388. 19-23-1 WANTED TO BUY Old dining room suites, bedroom suites, cupboards, tables, ward- robes, dressers, hallseats, book- cases, and good used furniture. Call Collect 527-0376 or 273-0466 A nice 3 bedroom home in Kinburn, almost 3/4 acre corner lot, aluminum sided, main floor laundry; several out buildings. Taxes less than $300.00. Priced in the $30s. Maurice Gardiner Real Estate. Contact Ken Thompson, Office 524-2966, Home 524-7514. 23. REAL ESTATE DON HAMILTON REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. BRICK and aluminum sided bungalow, split entrance, sundeck, tastefully de- corated and nicely landscaped in Bruce - field. 97 ACRE hog farm, 75 acres workable, 21/2 north of Seaforth. 5 ACRE hobby farm, well treed, with 11/2 storey brick house, barn and implement shed, 1 mile east of Winthrop. 11/4 STOREY frame house, 3 bedrooms, 4 miles south of St. Columban. Priced in the 30s. 1/ STOREY frame house Just down from golf course in Mitchell. Priced in 30s. COUNTRY HOME 559,900 GREAT TWO STOREY three bedroom brick home. Situated on o beautiful 3'. acre treed lot, Just oast of Seaforth. This love• ly home feotures throe nice six. ed bedrooms. huge bathroom. family room. living room. separate dining room, and coun- try kitchen If you're in the market for o country home at on affordable price. then toll now for a closer look ROYAL LPPAGE_ Realtor, Ron Cotfrail Exo$ar 235-1222 Residence 235-2473 Steve Murray St. Columban 345-2172 Culligan REAL ESTATE LIMITED REAL ESTATE : MAUR EN W IL.iDOONG 482-3224 HEATHER BENNEW1E9 345-2862 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 NEW LISTING: Duplex with 3 and 2 bedroom apartments showing excellent income. $39,000.00. NEW LISTING: North Main St. 3 bedroom frame home, completely re- built inside and out. $44,500.00. NEW LISTING: 5 ac. with a 3 bedroom brick home in good condition, baro, shed, etc. Hensall-Zurich area. $57,000.00. NEW LISTING: 74 x 132' serviced building lot. $11,000.00. HAHPURHEY: 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home on 4 large lots. $45,000.00: 1800 SQ. FT. ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, inground pool, double gar- age, much more. GOLF COURSE LOTS: 1 left at $9,500. 2 AC. LOT: Highway location, close to Seaforth.,,Very scenic. PINELAKE CAMP: 23' trailer on a beautifully treed lot. Ideal summer retreat. $13,000.00. NEW LISTING: Tidy 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 5 years old with attached garage, gas heat, full basement and much more. $68,000.00 W ALTON:2 storey brick home. $25.000. 5.4 AC.: 5 bedroom house, $28,900.00. LIKE NEW : 10 year old 3 bedroom 1 floor home, finished rec room, attached garage. nice. $70,000.00. 2 BEDROOM cottage, gas heat, garage, excellent condition. $32,000.00. JAMES ST.: 1 floor frame cottage, 2 bedrooms, nice lot. $28,000.00. BEAUTIFUL 3 level split on a well treed 1 acre lot, 1200 sq. ft. shop. Must be seen. WALTON:11/2 storey, 4 bedroom home, good condition. $29,900. MARKET ST.: 4 acres market garden, 4 bedroom home, remodelled, $89,000. EXECUTIVE RANCH in Egmondville, brick, 3 bedrooms, double garage and all the extras. Call for details. EGMONDVH d.F: 3 bedroom, 4 level split, an executive style home with all the amenities for a luxurious lifestyle., VANASTRA: We have a good selection of 2-3 bedroom homes available. HERITAGE HOME: 5 bedroom solid brick home, 2 fireplaces, double lot, excellent condition. Call for appoint- ment. BUILDING LATS: We have a very good selection of lots in Seaforth, Egmond- ville and area. Call for your choice. AREA FARMS TUCKERSMITH TWP. -'206 'AC. Close -ti .$2af gth, fine brick home, barn, sheds, much more. 130 ACMES close to Seaforth, paved road, house and bare. 20 ACRES: Near Brucefleld, no, build- ings, $39,000.00. GREY TWP. 100 ACRES: 85 tiled workable acres, 1 floor brick home, 49' x 60' barn, $168,000.00. 31 ACR03: Newer ranch style home, 2 stocked trout ponds, $120,000.00. ALSO We have many more area farms and country homes available. Call for your choice of a good selection. NOTICE All users of the Grey Township Landfill Site HOURS OF OPERATION The landfill site will be open Saturdays only from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until further notice. The reduced hours are needed to, reduce the costa of covering domestic garbage twice a week. Also, please note that plastic weed spray containers will not be allowed Into the site. GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL DOUGLAS JACOB 271-7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER SAT. JUNE 14 AT 12 NOON: Clearing auction of appliances, furniture - and household effects to be held at 455 West' Gore Street in Stratford. Lawrence Baumbach, proprietor. THURS. JUNE 19 AT 6:00 P.M: Auction sale of appliances, antiques, furniture,j and miscellaneous items to be held at the Jacob Auction centre in Mitchell. 'Good.. consignments welcome. 34 AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR THURS. JUNE 5, at 6 p.m. Tractor, small implements, good modern appli- ances, some antiques. 1/4 mile south of Dungannon for John W . Smith. THURS. JUNE 12 at 6 p.m. Furniture appliances, some antiques, riding lawn- mower, etc. for the Estate of Elmer Frey, and Roy FSnnigan at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario. SAT. JUNE 14 at, 10 a.m. 5 old John Deere tractors, J.D. 2010 tractor, 1 ton truck, 2 J.D. 40 Crawler tractors, 5th wheel, 3 axle trailer, 16 ft. boat, 80 hp motor, boat trailer, other trailers, lawn tractors, power and shop tools, farm machinery, tractor parts, etc. etc. 2 miles south of Clinton for Carmen Howatt. Auction Sale Modern appliances, furniture, riding lawn mower etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction, Clinton, Ontario for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flnigan of Goderich and the Estate of Elmer Frey of Clinton. Thursday, June 12 AT6 P.M. Hot Point fridge, new, beer fridge, matchng coppertone fridge and stove, 2- 30 inch electric stoves (good ones); small freezer, older freezer, Grandmother style clock, Admiral floor model colour TV, portable colour TV, humidifier, dehumidifier, chesterfield, nearly new with pull out bed; chesterfield and matching chair, recliner chair, like new; green recliner, upholstered arm chair, chrome table and 4 chairs, like new; 2 wardrobes with mirror doors; 3 small china cabinets, Hoosier type cabinet, -911e-plt'bedrimnr suite'--wl i 10 spring and mattress; continental double bed; 4 matching dining chairs; folding rocker, pedestal table, small floor model hi fi with 8 track player, small desk, hall tree, floor lamps pole lamps, small, tables, 2 card tables, artificial fireplace, exercise bike, roilawaybed, table lamps, pictures, vacuum deaner, electric heat- ers, spoon cabinet, 2 oil lamps, small appliances, dishes and glassware, pots and pans, some bedding, 20 ft. alumi- num extension ladder, step ladder, black boy and swan ornaments, gas push lawn mower, umbrella table, lawn chairs, etc, riding lawn mower. A real dean offering. Plan to attend. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER- RICHARD WEB 482-7898 Auction Sale ,Tractors, crawlers, boat, truck trailers, machinery, tools, etc., to be held 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway 4 for Carmen Howatt. Saturday, June 14 at 10:00 a.m. Tractors:, John Deere D, John Deere BR, John Deere B Rowcrop, John Deere G Rowcrop, John Deere B Rowcrop with loader, 2010 John Deere gas tractor with cab and remotes; John Deere 110 lawn tractor with mower and thrower, JD40 crawler with blade, JD' 40 crawler with blade and loader, JD 40 crawler for parts, wheel weights, Cockshutt 40 diesel with loader, MH 44 diesel for parts, John Deere, A, B, and AR•for parts. Boat: 16 ft. fibreglass boat with 80 HP outboard on Shark trailer. Duck and Trailers: 1974 GMC one ton truck, Maclellan built 5th wheel - 3 axle trailer, with livestock racks, 15 ft. flat bed trailer, snowmobile trailer, 12 ft. single axle dual wheel tilt trailer frame. Machinery: White 504 three furrow semi mount plow, 4 row rowcrop cultivator, 2 single auger snowblowers, snow thrower for no. 70 John Deere lawn tractor, 2 steel tractor cabs, Freeman loader, 3 pt. hitch log splitter, 6 ft. blade, George White no. 6 threshing machine, 5-2 furrow Massey trail plows no. 26 and 202 bottoms, 2-3 pt. hutch plows, 2 cultivators. Power Tools: Small air compressor, propane hot water power washer, valve refacer and seat grinder, aceytelene torches, 2 power hack saws, cement mixer, cement power trowel, five -eights inch drill press, 1/4 " drill press, CB radios, manual tire changer, electric drills, vises, belt sander, taps and dies, old forge, power greaser, bench' arid cupboards hydraulic valves and'pumps tractor and truck tires, chain saws; used skidoo and garden tractor parts, wagon load of misc. items, tools etc., plus many items too numerous to mention. FARM IS SOLD TERMS CASH LUNCH BOOTH Small items will.be.sold rm.: 'y ver in case OFA i�BLtt. a+,: a.' a ...�'"�9 AUCTIONEER -RICHARD LOBB CI1NPON 519-482-7898 OWNER: Carmen Howatt519-482-7146 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE Real Estate Ltd. Braker Clinton Phone:482-9371 Residence:523.9338 BA YFLEID :1 floor ranch home, nearly n ew, electric heat, nicely treed. VANASTRA : 114z floor vinyl sided home, electric heat, finished basement, like new throughout, heated workshop, nicely landscaped. WALTON: 1 arae with good 11/2 floor ;frame home and utility sbecl, priced reasonable. 6 ACLtFS: Hwy. 4, 2 miles south of Clinton, 4 bdnn. home, large driveshed and frame bam, 'all in good condition. 60 ACRES:60 sow farrow to finish, good buildings include Harvestore silo, dose to marketing yard. ;.198 ACRES: Dairy farm, free stalls for 100 cows, excellent buildings include 2 "l# rttestoresilos, Stir dent., Hullett Twp. BLYTH : 4 be en n ne on Monis r Street. iii 10 ACRES: SEDUCED: Good brick hom hame and entail barn located near urn, well landscaped., . BRUSSELS: Comtnerciai build`ng ori main street, oil heat, apartment above, Walk-in vault. 15 ACRES: Hulled Twp., farrowing baro, frame homer adjacent to Wildlife Sanctuary. 97 ACRD: 05 workable, all drained, no buildings, Tuckersmrth Twp. BRUSSELS 3 b'e'drm. home on center Tomberry and Queen Street. Asking $32,000,00. TW O FIAO7t 1 11E oil double ACRES: to aiV�Dtopping 08 lot, c Toad RES: 56 workable, iia buildings, ort Hwy; 4, near i ondeabot" CUN'1'dN: 1 1 style Inane, lot, SOLD Warnt: 4 bele tin dialnie lot '4.0101,-4. wr , ME OFTHE WEER COLEMAN ST.: Owner anxious to sell. 11 storey, 3 bedroom, sided home, completely renovated, on extra large lot. $30s. NEW IMST1N6 3 bedroom brick home with large eat -in kltdlen, set on approximately th acre lot in Hibbert Twp. list $36,500.00.. REDUCED: Owner will at sept any reasonableofferonthis3 bedroom, brick bungalow with attached garage, finished rec room and sun mom, situated on an extra large lot near Clinton. Call for more details. NEW LISTING: Double brit* 3 or 4 bedroom home with bam. Excellent hobby farm, Iocated on approximately 2 acres with mature trees; ori paved road. JARVIS ST.: Newer, brick and sided, split level home features 3` bedrooms, roughed in rec room" and fireplace, attached garage. List $58,000.00. HERITAGE Sena n2 bedroom, 11 year old niobi ist $6,000.00 ONE ACRE: $ bedroom brick home, has beautilu'1 new addition with oak kitchen, patio doers, wood stove, main floor laundry. list $60s. • BUILDING LOTS: We still have an excellent selection in Seaforth and Fignondville Call for details. • • ; 48 ACRES: Vacant land in Tudkersmfth Twp 23 acres hardwood bush' and 20 acres' workable. TUCKERSMLTli, TWP 3 bedroom, executive raneb style home, features finished rec room, sun 'wain and attached :garage CIINrON:3 �id'e bungalow with main fie S" OLD'modern bath room and large lutaren. List $40s EGMONDVILLE: Brick 2 storey, 4 bedroom home wiith,new pine kitchen, fireplacefireplacein livingroom, garage, Situated on a i e lot. DUBLIN Newer 3 bedroom, brick bungalow with oak kitchen, built-in appliances, cement drive and patio, attached garage. Last $50s. PRIVATE SALE: 7 year old 3 bedroom bungalow, excellent location and neighbor- hood, full basement, electric heat, spacious kitchen, rec room and much more. Serious offers call 527-0580. 24-23.3 THREE ACRES country property, highway location, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with a finished basement, two car garages in excellent condition, metal clad barn, with 6 horse stalls, drilled well. This property a must to see. Contact Bob Thomas 482-3096 Bili Clifford Realtor524.9097, 24-23-2 54 George Street East, Seaforth, Comfortable 2 storey 3 bedroom borne, nicely decorated main floor laundry, cr'ort and tots o) storage. Cardiff Mulvey steal Estate and insurance Ltd. Broker. Call John Patterson 482-3183, 24-23-tf 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT 3 bedroom oountryhotne and newer one floor home. PhonCe 527-1577. 25-23-1 3 bedroom house for rent, available July 1. Phone 527-0877. 25494 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE bedroom ground floor apartment. Lncudesheat,hydrofrig, stove,ond laundry facilities on seine floor. Available Aug. 1, Seniorpreferred 527-0964. 26 23-11 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Heated. Availablenow, 527-1095., • 26-23-1 28. WANTED TO RENT. WANT'EO' House in the country to rent for September, Odober,.November, Decemberµ Call collect 416422-2751, Deng 'Giilmore, ext; 251. 28474' JEWELLERY AUCTION Monday, June 9, 1986 6:30 p.m. at Mitchell & District Community Centre Wellington St., Mitchell, Ontario We have been favoured with instructions by the owners of LOUGHREY'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS - to sell by auction, their complete inventory and fixtures. JEWELLERY - approx. 175 ladies' and gents Stone Rings, approx. 75 ladies' & gents' Diamond Rings, 10K and 14K Pendants, Earrings and Necklaces, many Diamond Sets. Large selection of Gold Filled, Sterling Sil'verand Costume Jewellery. Ladies' and men's watches by Timex, Gleidsfbr e and Swiza. GIFTWARE - approx. 27 Decorator Wall Clocks by Seiko, Bultivci Rensie. Large selection of Baldwin Brass, quali- ty giftware. FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT = National safe, single cotiribina= tion, 26% Lc 261 x 50 inches, Sharp sash register, 4 drawer filing cabinet, °haus triple beer balance settle and (3) 3%4 quarter vision solid white pine jewellery cases, (1) % quarter vision solid white pine jewellery a®se, (6) solid white pine jewellery wall shelving units, revolving fewer unit, white pine, Vigor bencti grinder, st4409 cleaner, single seat jewellers bench, asso''rtnrtent ®f.jewelier$ hand tool's. Viewing, 4 p.m'. until sole titre. Terms cash or 'pproved eheq'ue: • I: ROOM & ROARO FEMALE wishes to rent apartment or Mom . and board: Ca11527 1405after6p m 14,23X1 (514) 453 4182 Jo n.I aft, 1-860463.19Q6 c enziee Au f i®rloer ° .....,