HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-04, Page 13i VAN PELT'S USED FURNITURE &APPLIANCES "We buystnall & compiete tots of Ifouiehold items" Main St., 348-8244 Mitchel!, Reflexologist Is speaker The Bluewater branch of the Canadian National Institute for tete Blind (CNIB) held . their first meeting of the season recently in Wesley -Willis United Church, The business part of the 'meeting was chaired by the new president, Mr. D. , O'Rourke. At the May 20 meeting members sat down to a Kentucky Fried Chicken Supper, at a cost of $3 per person. Plans have been made to raise money 'by • selling tickets at 50 cents each or three for $1. The items to be drawn for will be on the tickets, and the draw will take place at the November meeting. July. 20, is the 25th anniversary of St. Jolseph Lake Camp (the camp was built by the Lions Clubs of Ontario). Those members who would 'like to attend should contact Mrs. K. ' O'l Burke at 527-1816 as to cost etc. Also there will be a barbecue served at 1 p.m. at the; eamp. The guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. -Carmen Klaus who is by profession a Reflexologist, Mrs: Klaus spoke quite extensively on the need to keep the body and mind in good condition by eating the proper foods and drinking plenty of water. The members sat down to a social athenand a lunch was served by the Sorority Ladies Club; which was appreciated. SCOREBOARD HURON SLOWPITCH LEAGUE Sunday, May 26: Warriors beat Bandits 17.6. Wednesday, May 28: Molesters beat Eagles 19-12. Thursday, May 29: Warriors beat Bandlte 8-7. Sunday, June 1; Bandits beat Titans 38.8.. Monday, June 2: Oilers beat River Rats 26.1. ENTERTAINMENT OH WHERE OH WHERE can that little shoe be, was the question John Patterson Sr. and Art Finlayson were asking themselves Wednesday. It seems they had,some difficulty finding all the horseshoes after some of their tosses, when the senior citizens took to the pita as part of the senior games competition. r Mcllwralth photo THE HURQN'. E3i}POSIT®�, ,;lUNE,.At1g6,:-.A13 Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons . 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell `Dur! JIM 527-1737 527.0028 527.0775 AUTO PARTS 8 SUPPLIES FULL NE OF Al • , .. PARTS & ACCESSORIES for all makes of cars & trucks FISHERII527-0511, SUPPLY SEAFORTH 11 GODERICH ST. E. 527-1670 Locotod In Ruwolllto Moloru Building Two students win national science awards, Two Huron County students were award winners at the recent 25th annual Canada - wide Science Fair held in Calgary, Alberta. This year's fair was a special silver anniversary celebration which brought more than 370 students from across Canada to compete for $55,000 worth of prizes. The national Fair is sponsored by the Youth Science Foundation. Benjamin Barnes, 14, of Brussels received Honorable Mention in Junior Physical Sciences for his project, "Making Paper out of Corn Stover." The Grade 8 student at East W awanosh Public School .also received the Dr. Grant McEwen Nature Protection Fund Award. Tom Cull, 13, of Belgrave received Honorable Menden in Junior Physical Sciences for his project entitled "Hardness of Tough action Continued from Page A3 the world around them. Education Minister Conway said the program, .will focus op four key press, Gicluding: - development of science cnrficii- lum from kindergarten to Grade 6 fn a way that devotes more time and attention to this important area in the early school years; - support for teachers at the elementary level through training and retraining 0 science education; - provision of the necessary learning materials in both English and trench and equipment for silence education at the elementary level; and - a public awareness campaign in science education to encourage the support and active participa- tion of parents. school boards and members of the private sector. EXTRA BILL BAN 'iO RECEIVE FINALREADING Legislation to end extra -billing by doctors in Ontario will go before the House for third and final reading. in making this announce- ment, Health Minister Murray Elston inform- ed members of the legislature on the results of over ten months of negotiations between . representatives of the Ontario Liberal Gov- ernment and the Ontario Medical Assoda- don. Over the past ten months, there have been a number of informal discussions and a series of 11 formal meetings. "Regrettably we were unable to reach a negotiated settlement, something which the Govern- ment had genuinely hoped to achieve," Mr. Elston told the House. "The OMA representatives were unable to accept the basic principle underlying our national health care system: that no patient shotdld have to pay extra for medical services that are supposed to be publicly Mated in the first place. The over tsieatWtiVfria that this principle is fundamental and cannot be compromised," said Mr. Mien. The Health Minister explained that there are two extremely important reasons for proceeding with the legislation. The fust Is to Chargees patients ur health care system is bato yextra se on the principle of universal access. The MMUeiai Government in Ontario is fundamentally oppose to atwo-fiere system of health tare. *here there is one standard of care for the rich and another for the rest of his. Canadians rejected such a'two-tiers health tare system decades ago when medicare was fest introduced. The unanimous pissing of the Canada Health Actin 1984 by With the House of Commons and the Senate reaffirmed that commitment. Secondly, the Canada health Ad int'posed apenaltyon thoseprovnees where extra b1Ul= ing is allowed to continue. Health Mimstet' Murray Elston explained that proceeding with the legislature Will peanut the Ontario Goverment to reclaim the $53 milion a ,year euirently being •withheld frith the people' of Ontario by the federal government brxcaisse some doctors exit-bi'll As well, proceeding with the 1egisladon will remove the double leopai!dy that extra billing represents Resides thefederal funds withheld -hem Ontario, an ad'difdoYTai $53 miIIion a year is taken out of pdilente pockets for medical care that is supposed to• be publiely Wetted in thefrst lace. Theprinciple of accessibility for all end the practice of extra•billing by somte cannot - co swat it is The responsibility of tdie','Omtano Liberal_ Government o ensure that all patientsliaveaccess to the physicans of their choice, thaf they pare able to seek nee slaty health, care free' from any financial con'= atrafnts; and that t'hey,are fully covered by ti'heirhealth insurailt eplan and de not have to pay extra for these services in Ontario. As Mr iDeon has said, "Tins is a commitment that hieS been made, and it is a promise that ifeWilt fceep'." Wood." Mr. Cull, a Grade 7 stuctent at East Wawanosh Public School also received a $100 cash award from Northern Telecom -Bell Northern Research. The University of Calgary in Alberta was the centre of activity for the 1986 Canada - W ide Science Fair, held May 10-18. More than 300 projects were judged by an expert panel of judges from the university and research institutes in the Calgary area. Ken Nakamura, a Grade 9 student from Edmonton was the youngest student to ever win the Rockwell International Canada Limited Award for Best -in -Fair. His project looked at the effects of add rain on aquatic plants and animals. "Each year, the Canada -W ide Science Fair givespryoung peoimagination, on, e the opportunity to and express their BERG Sates-Set'Vice Installation F. EE EST} earn .Cleaners • stabling • Bunk Feeders Donald G. Ives R.A. I12. BI�f#h Brussels 887-9024 G. HEARD CONSTRUCTION "Sorving the Area Since 1862" • Gravel • Sand • Topsoil • Grading • Erosion Control • Excavating • Lawn Rolling 527-0307 565-5031 R.R. 2 SEAFORTH curiosity through the investigation of scientif- ic problems," said David Hall, Executive Director of the Youth Science Foundation. "These young people give us a fresh outlook on many of today's scientific problems and they will undoubtedly help to shape our future, concluded Mr. Hall, The Youth Science Foundation is Canada's only national organizer of youth science activities. YSrs programs include Canada Awards for Participation in Science, National Students' Science Council, Science Olympics and two science magazines -- flabbergast and Youth Science News. Science fairs are the largest of its programs. The Youth ScienceFbundation is a national non-proflt organization funded, by. federal government t grants and individual and corp BEST RATE 9_ _ G I.C._, 7/S !o INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL CENTRE Guderich 524-2113 1-800-265-5593 PINE VIEW KENNELS *Dog boarding at low rotes *'TRAIN THE "S" OUT OF PEST' by entering our training course A PROBLEM FREE DOG? ht! It's up to youl CALL: 348-8244 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE, NOTI9ETHAT a Public Meeting of the Liquor Licethe VAL- HALLAINN VIK NG SUITEA.'08KING held &BENTON silver SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO on MON- DAY; JUNE 16th, 1996 at the hour of i0:00,o'ctock in the torenootl, et which time the•Boerd will hear en a, .plication in :accordance with the Liquor Licet ce.Pict, and Regulations thereunder, • The following wing establishment has applied for a licence of the plass Indicated, and the application ;Will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time: , Application For New Licence Seaforth Golf & Country Club Conc. tit, Tuckersmlth Township, Seaforth Dining Lounge Licence & Patio Licence Applicant; Seaforth Golf Course Ltd. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyperson who Is resident in.the.municiPality•and who wishes to make representation relative to the application, steal ,'make the)rsubmission to the Board In writing Prior tO the date of the hearing, or In person at the time and place of the hearing. (Copies of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant). Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario, MBE 1A4 MINISTRY,, OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT U. ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 234 HAYFIELD RD AT BLAKE ST. PH. 524.2111 HALFWAY TO HEAVEN (OR CLOSER). Paint your own of this sole's retreat neer Oodedeh. Rolling hills, sugar Mack, meandering stream, wildflowers and birds galore. Exceptional 3 bedroom home with 60 acres of pendlse.1128,000 puts your brush on this Damns. Follow signs from Holmesvllle on Hwy. e west of Clinton. Held Open - Sun., June Olh - 12:30 to 2:30. CENTRE STAGE NOW The curtain Is about to go up on the Blyth Festival. That's your cue to check out the Blithe Spirit The Room. Presently web 27. Has 2 bedroom living quarters shove. Owners anxious to see your successful debut. Call Weyn, Wigetswarth .1824-2111, or attend Open House, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, June 6th. Main Street (Hwy. 4), Blyth. BED BREAKFAST_ & THEATRE •'To steep, perchance to . ream o t e morrow's theatrical delight. Peaceful Harpurhsy (Seetorth). Uni- que opportunity for th•atrkal B AB establishment. Cen- trally located near 3 theatres, Stratford. Blyth, Huron Country Playhouse. CMH today on this er7 bedroom haven wtO 4 bathrooms, for other Into making this historic residence an exceptional buy at ',mese. Open House Saturday. Junenh, t0 la noon- Follow signs on Hwy. e west at Beelof01. NATIONAL OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND THANK YOU The Optimist Club of Seaforth would lute to thank Bob and Betty's Variety, Seafarth Gulf, Archie's Sonoco, Dixie Lee and all Optimist Members and wives who participated In the Mardi Gras. A special thank you to Arena staff. It is functions like this that allows the Optimist Club to maintain our park and our involvement with shiner sports without soliciting for funds. Gt hatrmen Peter Witten% 4 aCtt Bedard - APINOUNCENNENT r DR. iRIA 1 NCH Seaforth Veterthary Clinic ands DRS. PETER and RONIN WILEY formerly Huron Veteringy Services, Blyth - are pleased to an'nounbe tha opening g Bt OLIN EO PORTH VETERINARY SERViCE Located on Hwy. )4Southty Ctinton'bes'ide Haugh Tire formerly MCKentie Upholstery LAfGE & SMALL ANIMAL SER'VICES Including small a'ni'mal surgery, boarding and groonillig„ facilities • !MALL ANIMAL BONSULTATIDNS = BY APPOINTMENT ONLY • HOURS: 8 A.iri. _ 6 p-`tltil Mon'. _ 8:0ti PHONE 4112-3550 AFtER HOURS: 1=8884'85x4598 Strip without the Grind It's easy as 1, 2, 3. Simply brush on Cuprinol Paint and Stain Remover t* remove most paints or stains from wood, metal and masonry. 2A,,,,,. the product to Piton- 3 t' otv, just wash off the bid paint orstaif with your garden hose arta brush. lee that easy. And it's safe to Use around plants and lawns. Fee outdoor use ory. CU PRI does it right" The name Cup'nnol Stand's for higher quality - Wood Stains, C a'afihga,'p eSe'rueraand Paint and Blain Remover. FME E ' MILL SEAFORTH LTD. Se forth '527,-0010 SEAPCfitT`H i Quality Lumber and Building Supplies Since 1906 06 .,.. HOFF Available at your nearest participating E DEALER As A Homeowner There Are Many Ways To Lose Big. Protect yourself against most kinds of loss. Call about the Homeowners' package policy. N.)1 SCOM FASrI10PF FAI1MEAS MUTUAL ��- Fias ROTc OOMre v z.- T rr + Vii. �,� -•• 1. '�.I ., .�� � " ,• 1' �wr kI • off '''''...4%;:r. %• �' BWenraee etrYMi'YITURw.aiPJei STIR11„ SIt'Ri2M INSt'R;AM'f' BROKER LTD it R a2. Dublin, 10.2172 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE, NOTI9ETHAT a Public Meeting of the Liquor Licethe VAL- HALLAINN VIK NG SUITEA.'08KING held &BENTON silver SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO on MON- DAY; JUNE 16th, 1996 at the hour of i0:00,o'ctock in the torenootl, et which time the•Boerd will hear en a, .plication in :accordance with the Liquor Licet ce.Pict, and Regulations thereunder, • The following wing establishment has applied for a licence of the plass Indicated, and the application ;Will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time: , Application For New Licence Seaforth Golf & Country Club Conc. tit, Tuckersmlth Township, Seaforth Dining Lounge Licence & Patio Licence Applicant; Seaforth Golf Course Ltd. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyperson who Is resident in.the.municiPality•and who wishes to make representation relative to the application, steal ,'make the)rsubmission to the Board In writing Prior tO the date of the hearing, or In person at the time and place of the hearing. (Copies of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant). Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario, MBE 1A4 MINISTRY,, OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT U. ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 234 HAYFIELD RD AT BLAKE ST. PH. 524.2111 HALFWAY TO HEAVEN (OR CLOSER). Paint your own of this sole's retreat neer Oodedeh. Rolling hills, sugar Mack, meandering stream, wildflowers and birds galore. Exceptional 3 bedroom home with 60 acres of pendlse.1128,000 puts your brush on this Damns. Follow signs from Holmesvllle on Hwy. e west of Clinton. Held Open - Sun., June Olh - 12:30 to 2:30. CENTRE STAGE NOW The curtain Is about to go up on the Blyth Festival. That's your cue to check out the Blithe Spirit The Room. Presently web 27. Has 2 bedroom living quarters shove. Owners anxious to see your successful debut. Call Weyn, Wigetswarth .1824-2111, or attend Open House, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, June 6th. Main Street (Hwy. 4), Blyth. BED BREAKFAST_ & THEATRE •'To steep, perchance to . ream o t e morrow's theatrical delight. Peaceful Harpurhsy (Seetorth). Uni- que opportunity for th•atrkal B AB establishment. Cen- trally located near 3 theatres, Stratford. Blyth, Huron Country Playhouse. CMH today on this er7 bedroom haven wtO 4 bathrooms, for other Into making this historic residence an exceptional buy at ',mese. Open House Saturday. Junenh, t0 la noon- Follow signs on Hwy. e west at Beelof01. NATIONAL OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND THANK YOU The Optimist Club of Seaforth would lute to thank Bob and Betty's Variety, Seafarth Gulf, Archie's Sonoco, Dixie Lee and all Optimist Members and wives who participated In the Mardi Gras. A special thank you to Arena staff. It is functions like this that allows the Optimist Club to maintain our park and our involvement with shiner sports without soliciting for funds. Gt hatrmen Peter Witten% 4 aCtt Bedard - APINOUNCENNENT r DR. iRIA 1 NCH Seaforth Veterthary Clinic ands DRS. PETER and RONIN WILEY formerly Huron Veteringy Services, Blyth - are pleased to an'nounbe tha opening g Bt OLIN EO PORTH VETERINARY SERViCE Located on Hwy. )4Southty Ctinton'bes'ide Haugh Tire formerly MCKentie Upholstery LAfGE & SMALL ANIMAL SER'VICES Including small a'ni'mal surgery, boarding and groonillig„ facilities • !MALL ANIMAL BONSULTATIDNS = BY APPOINTMENT ONLY • HOURS: 8 A.iri. _ 6 p-`tltil Mon'. _ 8:0ti PHONE 4112-3550 AFtER HOURS: 1=8884'85x4598 Strip without the Grind It's easy as 1, 2, 3. Simply brush on Cuprinol Paint and Stain Remover t* remove most paints or stains from wood, metal and masonry. 2A,,,,,. the product to Piton- 3 t' otv, just wash off the bid paint orstaif with your garden hose arta brush. lee that easy. And it's safe to Use around plants and lawns. Fee outdoor use ory. CU PRI does it right" The name Cup'nnol Stand's for higher quality - Wood Stains, C a'afihga,'p eSe'rueraand Paint and Blain Remover. FME E ' MILL SEAFORTH LTD. Se forth '527,-0010 SEAPCfitT`H i Quality Lumber and Building Supplies Since 1906 06 .,.. HOFF Available at your nearest participating E DEALER