The Wingham Times, 1905-03-02, Page 6• r 1 4 t t 1 1 6 ),.. Cf'•-•.:" -L '." • -174--4, 't r- ..,.!...-, -,-.:. ,c5, • We advise everybody to t Sunlight 3o - t child's play of wok. .1 I$.`i. We have used "Sunlight Soap," and we want to tell you that it is the best soap nude, that why WO are writing. We tInind out that the Sunlight way i.; the best way t!) wash w;th " Sunlight Soap." At first we used to wa,ih with Sunlight Soan i tho old way as we did with common soap, but after we washed at:tortEng to directions printed on the package, we would newr wash the old v• -ay again. We first soap the articles, leave them to soak and then rub out lightly on the wash board. Not much to do and it makes the clothes white as now. ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white and won't iijure the hands. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. 10a K6111013 from the Sanctum Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. his I lady of Stratford, was attacked on the street by an unknown woman and girl, who threw carbolic acid, burning the side of her face and neck. Rev. A. Langford, D.D , of Stratford, has just completed the 4Sth year of ministry. The number of cattle destroyed by wild beasts in India last year exceeded EG,000. Doar's Kidney Pills act on the kid nays, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back. rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong liction of the kidneys and bladder. During the year 1904 there were in Walkerton 52 births, 29 marriages and 54 deaths. The keep of Bruce House of Refuge inmates is cts a meal. At the last report there were 47 inmates of which 20 were admitted during the year. Miss Edith Sarvis, an estimable young SI'DDEN117 ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infautum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always he kept in the house. Senator Vidal, of Sarnia, who has been dangerously ill for some time, is reported out of danger. The senator is in his 86tla year, and has been in public life over GO years. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. The story of a Minnesota man drink- ing a bottle of nitro-glycerine and ex- ploding, wrecking a barn, is on a par with that other yarn of the toper who drank a pint of aqua fortis and wonder- ed why with his breath blew holes in his pocket handkerchiefs. The fakir who sent it out probably did not know how poisonous was the due he gave his hero. A Coid in the Head .1. doesn't seem serious but it is. gradually works down to the air passages and causes congestion and infleernma.tion. Shiloh's Consumption Cure, rho Lung Tonic, is guaranteed to cure coughs and colds. Your money back, 0 le doesn't. toe 25c., 50c. and $1.00 • The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has filially been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr Wood's Norway Pale Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. Word comes to baud of the marriage at Winnipeg, on Jan. 20th, of Mr. Geo. W. Riley. late of Walkerton, to Miss Dora E. Klein, daughter of Mr. Henry Klein, of the Sth Con. of Carrick. The young couple w;11 set up housekeeping at Torlie, Assa. THE LADIES' FAVORIIH. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. IMr. Alexander Kuenemann, of Dee. merton died on Sunday morning, Feb. .18th, after an extended illness. Deceased ! had been in delicate health for some ; time, having had three paralytic strokes. 1 Mr. Keunemann was 62 years old. He Iwas formerly mail carrier between Mildmay and Deemerton. : ea 1 SPRING MEDICINE. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from • the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. A happy event took place in the Sacred Heart Church, Mildmay, on Tuesday morning of last week when Miss Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Weber, was united in marriage to Mr, Peter St. Marie, a prosperous young Car- rick farmer. Rev. R. C. Lehmann offic- iated. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Les ai's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. 30 There died in Stanley township on the lath Feb., one of its oldest residents, not only in residency but in age. We speak of Margaret Clark, relict of the late William Clark, she being 89 years old. She came to Stanley township with her husband in, the early fifties, was a native of Ireland, her maiden name being Beattie. Eighteen years ago her life partner was taken from her, but with this loss she has seen her large family vow up to be men and women, all of whom are now married and living in different parts. . . THE WINGHAM TIMES MARCH 2, 19o5 A pretty house wedding was solemn- ized ou Feb. frith at the hotneeioad of Mr. stud Mrs. J. H. Arieetroug, Kiilloss, when their eldest daughter, Myrtle May, beeauie the wile of Mr. Jas, M. Hodgies of Kiulough. The pastor, Rev. W. R. Vallee, Was the ilicianng clergyman. Fin: Over sixty weare. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Wil/SIOW'S SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymilliousof mothers for their children while teething., with perfect success. It soothes the chile softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists iu every part of the world. Twenty- five cents a bottle. Its value is inealculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Allison, Wragge St., g'eeswater, on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, when their daughter, Marion, was united in marriage to Mr. William Wilkinson of Kamloops, B C. The happy couple left on the afternoon nein for their new home in the West. Cured Kidney Disease, Mrs. Fred Hills, Walton St,Port Hope, Ont., states ;-"f was troubled for some titue with kidney disease, and though I tried a great many different medicines never succeeded iu obtaining relief until I beean the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney.Liver Pills. By the regular use of flee preparation for a time, I was com- pletely cured of kidney disease. A company has been formed in Milverton, Ont., with a capital of $20,- 000, to engage in the manufacture of boots and shoes. A suitable build- ing will be erected and from 25 to 50 men employed to start with. Chief among the stockholders are J. G. Grosch, Geo. Grosch and Pieffer Bros. as. Have yon Piles? Dr, Leonhardt's Hem•Roid is an inter- nal Remedy that entirely removes the cause of Piles, and cures to stay cured any case no matter how long standing. If you have Piles and Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid will not cure you, you get your moneyback. • A thousand dollar guarantee goes with every bottle of Hem-Roid solcl. If you want a perfect and permanent cure, ask for Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, the guaranteed Remedy. All druggists, K.00, or The Wilson- Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Mr. S. S. W. Vogan. of Walkerton, has bought a farm in Cuba, and believes that he has struck it rich. On the farm he can grow tobacco, sugar cane, ba- nanas or pineapples, as he may see fit, and there is said to be a large profit in any of these industries. He is making arrangements to pay an early vistit to his newly acquired possessions. Mr. Malcolm MacBeth, editor of the Milverton Sun, has been appointed post- master of the village of Milverton. The office will be moved from the drug store, where it was formerly in charge of Post- moster Torrance, to the building occu- pied by the Sun. 8100 Reward, sioo. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease. requires a consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of • the system, thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease, and giving the pa- tient strength by building up the consti- tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they of- fer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of tes- timonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole- . Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Another old resident of Seaforth, in the person of Mr, David Sleeth, has been removed from our midst this week by the hand of death. Mr. Sleeth died on Monday, Feb. 20th, and had reached the good age of 80 years. He had been a 'very severe sufferer for many years from rheumatism and for the past three or four years has been almost helpless, so that the change was a most welcome one to him. He was a native of Ireland and came to this country when nineteen years of age. He first settled near Port Hope where he continued to reside until twenty years ago when he came to Sea - forth. • The Kind that has Cured Your Friends and Neighbors in Spring 11 1 -11 111 11 riakes Sick People Well BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATION3. nrAsk for "PAINE'S." 1- 11 111111 "Nn 1 Know 1118 Another of the pioneers of Hilton township it) tlie person ot Donald alai he - Joy Of- Health,„ 11, eon. 8, wits claimed by death Thars!lay, Fob, Wilt. Tile deceased was b tru in Lewis, Scothual, 77 years ago, and Ofial0 to this colliery among i he am brimming aver with vitality early settlers with his surviving widow -Appetite is good -I Sleep Well -I feel Happy. F-ERROZONE MADE ME FEEL LIKE NEW, One of the earliest settlers in the town or Turnbull, Man., is Mr. John W. Me - Nichol. Everybody knows hitu ; knows hew poor his health was for years. Thanks to Ferrozone, Mr McNichol is a hearty, seroug man to -day, Hero is his statement: -Last spring I was terribly run down. "I was so completely fagged out I 00111(11aq do any hard work "In the morning I was tired -my limbs ached all over. "Appetite -I simply didn't have any. "Sleepless?- -Yes, nervous and unhap- py too. "I braced up at once after taking Fer- rozone, It pat new life and vitality into my body. My nerees are strong, I eat heartily, I sleep well. Now I know the joy of health. JOHN W. MoNICHOL." Won't you take Ferrozone too? It's really a marvellous touic, some people say there is almost witchery in the way it builds you up. It's emiceutrated nourishment -that's what Forrozone is -just one chocolate coated tablet to take three times a day. No other meta- ciue in the world restores so quickly. Price 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2 50, at all dealers, or by mail, from N. 0 Pol- son & Co., Hartford, Conn., t S.A„ and Kinston, Ont. Joseph Nicholsou of Amabel, whre working in the bush net with a fatal accident. Ho slashed uff a small sapling that was in his way, about a foot above the snow. A few minutes after he slip- ped and falling across the sharp stump it penetrated his back to a considerable depth and caused a wound from which he bled to death in a short time. Helpless With Salt Rheum. "For many months my wife was un- able to serve herself with her hands be- cause of salt rheum. Dr. Chase's Mat. ment has entirely cured her and we strongly recommend it to any who suf- fer from similar ailments, believing that it has nosequal."-elr. Ludger Duguay, Pigeon Hill, Mississquoi Co., Que. On Saturday, Feb. 18th, D. McBrien, one of the most highly respected resid- ents of the township of Goderich, an- swered the final ShallilOOS, after being confined to his bed for over a year with rheumatism. Mr: McBrien was born in Ireland seventy-six years ago, coming to this country when he was a young man. For about fifty years he lived on the Bayfield road, near Coderich. Hans says: Horse stables should have plenty of sunlight. Sunlight is essential to health in man or beast. If air is pure horses can stand a comparatively low temperature. Some farmers have warm stables at the sacrifice of sunlight and fresh air. Every stall should have a sliding window above the horse's bead, so that in warm weather it can be slid open and allow a draft of pure air, and and just high enough for the horse ,to reach with his nose. The Provincial health report, which was issued Tuesday, states that the deaths from all causes as reported by 725 division registrars for the first month bf the new year are 2,180, or 61 less than the same month last year, when 2,200 were reported from a somewhat greater population. The population represented in these returns is 2,009,590, which makes the mortality rate 12.7 in 1,000, and for the corresponding period in 1904 sit was 13.1 per thousand. Mr. Thomas Roberts, of Arran, had a horse that was born the same year that the Liberals catne into power in Ontario. The week before the election, the aged animal took ill and died. The indications of the coming landslide were evidently too ranch for it, anci it couldn't bear the thought of living to see the "old warhorse" that had been "32 years in the saddle" overwhelmed by defeat so it quietly departed this life, having been (nearly) 32 years in the harness. Messrs, Hay iazi Co., who have the building of the line between Palmer- ston and Listowel have pushed on the work very rapidly. They have in their employment over 200 men and 50 teams of horses. The fencing is nearly all done and all the heavy cuts will be finished in a day or two. The bridges are about all built, and the timber for the cattle yards is on the ground and men are busily at work getting it ready to be put together. The principal part of the work to be done yet is grading and fill- ing up, The erection of the station buildings will be preceeded with about the 1st of July. So far on is the work in this section that we are assured that the road will be ready for the laying of the rails by the middle or latter end of July, and the people of Listowel may expect to see the first locomotive in Listowel some time in the month of August. The contractors complain i that owing to so much rain having "id by fallen !Ante, they commenced work they have not been able to push the aud two of a family. 0•• a family of twelve only tive 141) 1'51VP him. Mrs. Daueld or!oud.Ripley ; Mrs °mettle:lee Rivi r; Murdoch anti Aiiiis, both nt Ripley , and Dinned pt Riley latver. Mr. Matheson was a(number of linrou elturee and very few could t quai Inin ia liis devotion to God's house. Special Agent Seott, of the Bell Tele- phone Ceuipauy. addressed a gathering of county budta SS mou amd•farmers at Beilin last week in connection wit h the eqablisbnient of a mail o lephoue sys- tem fur Waterloo County. The confer- ence was held ou the hatialive of the county council. T la Bill Clout puny viIl if guaranteed a telepbone for every wile of line built, iustall sueh a bystem for $15 au instrument, with free commotion among the tanners on the system and le fee of five cents for every call to telt - phoues on the Berlin and Waterloo ex- trnem). The termers think t bey should have the town service wit bout art extra fee, mid (-lel not eederse tan proposition. They are wilting to contract, for the ser- vice if that oboist -as struck out, and say that from 40 to 75 farmers would take the ser v ice. BLOWING OUT A CANDLE. The Effect a Puff of Breath Has on the Flume. .A. burning candle is a gas manufac- tory 'on a small scale. The Wax or tallow is converted by the heat of the flame into gas, and in that form en- ters into chemical combination with the oxygeu of the surrounding air. This chemical union causes a very, high rise in temperature in the ele- ments concerned. In fact, it produces what we know as flame or fire, which is simply the white hot molecules of carbon and oxygen. The gas making process is started by the match in lighting the candle and is afterward continued by the flame itself. Our breath acts in three way: (1) It carries away the pude/es of gas bodi- ly. (2) It lowers their temperature at the same time, so that they are no longer capable of entering into chem- ical union with the oxygen. (3) The treath contains carbonic acid gas, which is incapable of supporting com- bustion and so helps to extinguish the flame. Betting Por a Friend. A gentleman was requested by a lady to put her a tenner on a certain horse if lie fancied it. Now, he did not fancy the animal nor back it and was greatly surprised to see it win. Of course he was pleased, but his satis- faction was interrupted by the reflec- tion that the lady would doubtless imagine that her tenner bad been in- vested. The trainer inquired the price -20 to 1. Though a poor man, he ;was -and is, I should say-so kindly and scrupulous that he would not disap- point his friend, and sent her £200, which he could exceedingly ill afford. Doubtless to this day she has no knowledge of the trutle-London-Sport- ing News. The Passing of Chivalry. When gallantry prevailed in the south no woman $as allowed to carry home a bundle of any kind. If any gentleman caught one in the act of lug- ging a purchase from someNehop to her domicile ho felt in duty bound to tip his hat, make low obeisance and beg the privilege of acting as her express- man. This common courtesy was ac- cepted of all men in the spirit in which n queen would allow a vassal to servo her. Nowadnys southern women, like their northern sisters, tote their own packages. Three Very Good Reasons, Candid Minister -Good morning, Ja- net. I am sorry to hear you did not like my preaching ou Sunday last. • What was the reason? Janet -I had three verra guid reasons, sir. Firstly, ye read yer sermon; secondly, ye did no read it wecl, and, thirdly, it was na worth readin' at a'! -London Tit -Bits. crashed. "Very well, -sir," said Dr. Quack aft- er his quarrel with the undertaker. "I'll make you sorry for this." "What are you going to do," asked - the underteker-"retire from practice?" -Exchange, T R R I-1 ESCAPED A DAIICERCUS SURGICAL OPERATIC)? WO Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Cati. ME OXYGEN/arm co., Toronto, Canada. Cientlemen,-I aid most,pleased to certify be, the curative properties of 'Oxygenator. ' 1 first began 'Weir it for Catarrh in the head. Having subdited this loathsome disease, I then turned. my attention to a large Polypus that existed in my right nostrn, which 'WWI saccesitully removed hy the local application of " Oxygenator" thereby saving ranch pain, danger and eons.) had ii; been removed by surgical process. I have need )our reread) le my family (Of gl for nbmber of }ears, and can highly resommenci It for fevers, colds and threat troubles -,as %gargle, whim warmed, it is invaluable. I remain, yours tally, G. itonmsoN. OXYGENATOR A GERM KILLER !-, R GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to •take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. r remedy. Theyare a dependable, hon- est 7mr-:dy .vith a long and successful record, to c' r. 'n figestirm, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn .o' 1patiorl,..7.fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • i);' Ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular ,atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- ,- .•.,ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up 1-,wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- id natural sleep. Everybody derives on tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans T.,b:41es. Your drt ggist sells them. The five- c.:nt packet is en Y,h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Baulk cents, contains a supply for a year. VEGETABLE SICILIAN: . us flairRenewer - Why not stop this falling of your hair? At this rate you will soon !' be without any hair/ Just remember that Hall's Hair Renewer stops falling hair, and makes hair grow. A 0••••••••••••0000••••••••• 0040•••••••••••••00•30411400 e e • oe es • CL e • • • • • • • RAT E . . • • • . • e • • III•11111 • • e • OD Or 1 BARGAINS . . . + .f: . . *a e + The TINIES will receive subscriptions at the following .i.:, + sl +. rates ..: ..t- .1. 4-1 + 4. Times to January 1st, 1906 $1.00 41 4- + Times and Daily Globe 4.50 4° 4' 4; 4* Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 41 4. + Times and Daily World 3.10 .r. 4. ÷ 1.90 4q + Times and Toronto Daily News..4., 4. Times and Toronto Daily Star L85 4:! .1. •1°. +.2. + Times and Daily Advertiser 9.35 • • .t. Times and Toronto Saturday Night , 21..6355 + ..1..! 0 , et, is Times and Weekly Globe . S. es 1.75 tio • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire • • 1.80 • • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star e is 1.65 •• • Times and Weekly Witness e • 1.50 • • Times and Montreal Weekly Herald • • 1.80 • • Times and London Free Press (weekly) co • 1.60 * 0 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) e • 1.80 * • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun• o • • Times and World Wide 1,25185 ss is se • Times and Northern Messenger. • 2.35 • a Times and Farmers' Advocate • ! • • We specially recommend our readers to subscribe a • 4- to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. 1.60 + Times and Farming World Ti. .1. mes and. Presbyterian 225 .1. 4. 4. Times and Westminster 2.25.4.i ÷ + Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.35 sis ee.ie Times and Youths' Companion 2,75 44 + Times and Impressions (a business montnly) 1.80 41 4. 4.44 + are given of + ti 4. 4- g.1 4. 44 .1. 4. 4J • .1. 44 • .f. 4. e • • • • 2 • :1 1 1 • IN NEWSPAPERS ! When premiums with any the above papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. The rates are as low es we can make them, and met..n a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see what you want in the list, enquire at the office ; we can give a low rate on any newspaper or magazine. NOTE CAREFULLY. -Any of the weekly pub- lications in the above list will be sent to new subscribers from now to 1st of January, t906, for the price quoted - the remainder of this year is thrown in free. These rates are strictly cash in advance. • Send rt. mittances by posta aote, post office or express money, order, addressing - 1 11 work forward as quickly as they • OXYGENATOR otherwise could ham done.-Proin Listowel Banner of Jun0, 1812, 22 Harbord 4441IIII*4410,.......*Ibill.4.4.4~1111,400••••••••••••••••••••wroar. CO. TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. ' • rhri+n eirteMMOMHHHINHOOMMerrip ileileMeilionalie.rnessilif! •