HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-06-04, Page 3NEWS _AND FEATURES
Aprpo need to , housing
J. Howard Aitken; of Goderich, has been
appointed Chairman of the Huron County
Housing Authority Alvin Curling, Ministerof
Housing, announced recently,
Mr. Aitken, vice-president of operations
with Signal Star Publishing, has served on
the seven -member authority since July, 1082.
r`The authority manages Ontario Housing
Corporation's 415 assisted housing units in
'� the Huron County area.
The federal, provincial and municipal
T governments nominate individuals for ap•'
ri pointment to ,the housing authorities by
provincial orders -in -council. The province
-appoints the housing authority chairman.
The day-to-day management of OHC's
'934,000 housing units is carried out by local
housing authorities, although the primary
responsibility for assisted housing remains
• with OHC.
"By volunteering theirtime to serve on the
local housing authority private citizens such
as Mr Aitken are helping to ensure that
Ontario's assisted housing program is
sensitive and can respond to the needs of the
communities it serves," said Mr.
The Huron County Housing Authority
manages 331 senior citizens assisted housing
units and 84 units for low-income families.
The authority also provides housing for
phyeicaliy, developmentally and psychiatric-
ally -handicapped persons who are capable of
living on their own,
Shoe shop expanded 1886
Mr. Robert W illis has had a large addition
made to his shoe shop, in order to
accommodate his rapidly increasing busi-
Dr. Smith is in Toronto this week attending
the annual meeting of the Ontario Medical
Rev. Mr. Gray, of W indsor, preached two
very able sermons in the Presbyterian church
here on Sunday last. The congregations were
.large, and all were much pleased with him.
Mr. D. Watson has purchased from Mr.
James Beattie the three lots opposite the
Public School building, for which he pays
$900. He intends erecting a brick residence
'this summer. He has got the nicest building
site in town.
JUNE2, 1911
The census enumerators started work
- yesterday, Thursday morning and will be
calling on you shortly, if they have not already
done so. They will have all kinds of questions
,." to ask, and it would aid them materially in
their work if people answer as accurately as
they can. It might be well to point out that all
the enumerators are sworn to secrecy, so that
no person need have any hesitancy about
answering the necessary questions. All
information received is treated iri the most
confidential manner.
Mr. Robert Roberts, who has been on the
staff of the Dominion Bank at W ingham, has
been transferred to the Winnipeg branch,
and is spending a couple of days with his
mother before going west.
Mr. Robert Holmes, ex-M.P. for West
Huron, and formerly editor of the Clinton
New Era, has been elected president of the
Toronto Civil'Servants' Association.
An officer from Wolseley Barracks, Lan-
don, was here on Tuesday inspecting the
cadet corps of the Collegiate Institute.
Messrs. D.T. Pinkney and W. Cudmore
have got home the standard bred and
registered trotting stallion, Toddy Direct,
.,,which they recently purchased in Chicago.
He is a fine looking individual and is a young
*horse with the best of breeding. W e trust his
owners will have every success with him.
JUNES, 1936
Canon E. Appleyard was in Ivndon on
Wednesday attending the Convocation cere-
monies in connection with Western Univer-
sity. Canon Appleyard is the Huron County
representative on the University Senate.
air. C,L Willis, editor of the Stealer,
Alberta, Independent, is a guest at the home
of his brother, Mr. W.G. Willis.
Miss Elizabeth Broadfoot, nurse -in -train-
ing at Hamilton Hospital, is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Alex Broadfoot, Mill Road,
Miss Davidson, while ranting out of a store
on Main Street Saturday evening, had the
misfortune to fall and fracture her right ani
above the wrist.
Mrs, Dominic Reynolds had the misfortune
to fall at her hone on Friday last and fracture
her hip. She was taken to Scott Memorial
Mr, and Mrs, William Brown, of Detroit,
motored over and spent Saturday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers, James
Street. Mr. Brown is a brother of Mrs. Rogers
and is an employee of the Packard Motor
JUNE I, 1961
Rev. J. Cliff Britton and Mr. Sam Scott, as
lay delegates, attended the sessions of
London Conference in Central United
Church, Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs. A.Y. Mctpnn and Miss
Margaret Mclean were in Ottawa last
weekend attending the convention of the
Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Netzke and Barbara,
of Harpurhey, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Netzke, spent Sunday at Iona Station
and visited the car museum of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hurst. Mrs. Hurst is a patient in St.
Thomas General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Westaway, of Hamil-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Patrick and Lynn, of
Stouffville; Miss Margaret Patrick of Toron-
to, Miss Annie Moore and Mr. Davis Moore,
of Toronto, were here attending the funeral of
the late William Patrick on Saturday.
Historical Society
Continued from Page Al
continue as president. Other executive
`members are: Joseph Hogan, past president;
Keith Roulston, first vice-president; Marg-
aret McClure, second vice-president; Doris
Barkin, secretary -treasurer; Mrs. John An-
derson. membership; Mrs. H. Turner,
constitution; Dave McClure, finance; Mrs.
Graham McNee,, publicity; Mrs. S. Rennie,
personnel; Harry Worsen, Warden Leona
— Armstrong and Harold Robinson, property.
The society is without an archivist for the
present time but Mrs. G. Emerson will serve
as assistant archivist The archives commit-
tee consists of Mts. Leroy Poth Harry
Worrell and Harold Robinson. Publications
chairman is Mrs. Fbrdyoe Clark. The
program committee includes Mrs. L Demp-
sey, Mrs. H. McWhinney and Mrs. J.
Members of the council are: Mrs. Leroy
Poth, Mrs. G. Emerson, Mrs. H. McWhin-
ney. Mrs. E. Metcalf. Mrs. B. Kinney, Mrs.
KITCHEN SCENE—Guy Devine and Elizabeth Boven act out a
scene from Teach Me How To Cry, the upcoming production of the
S'eaforth District High School Drama club. The play will be staged
June 5 and 6, at the SDHS auditorium. Rattle photo
R. Snell, Mrs. W. Zinn, Janice Sangster,
Mrs. E. Cox, Raymond Scotchmer and Paul
Guest speaker at the meeting was Ivan
McClymont who outlined some of the history
of Stanley Tovmshlp which is celebrating the
150th anniversary of the first township
council meeting this year. Mr. McClymont is
a member of the township committee that has
put together a 500 page history of the
township from prehistoric times when the
glacier shaped local topography through the
years of the Canada Company until modem
Mrs. Batkin reported that six volunteers
from the Society had been honored by the
Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture
at a ceremony in Owen Sound on May 12.
Ethel Poth, Elva Metcalf of Bayfield, Dave
McClure of Crediton, Irene Clark and Mrs. G.
Emerson of Goderich and Mrs. Batkin, from
Clinton were presented with pins in honor of
their long service to the organization.
``Continued from Page A2
7 if you are shutting down the forestry
,operations in this area for most of a year, will
• you carry the people on permanent staff who
.are responsible for our supervision and for
;,planning what we do? Will you allow the
thousands of dollars of equipment at our
din to sit idle? W ill you allow the support
f and general office overhead to just Idle
;;on hi bur absence? At aur last operations
. itteeting we were told we had one of the
°highest productivity rating of any technical
,staff in southern Ontario. What does that
wean to tis now? -- a slap on the back, then a
boot out the door.
Where is your government's commitment
to forestry in southwestern Ontario? As
permanent agriculture, forestry holds the
promise of a valuable resource for future
generations, but our forests must receive the
proper care to realize that potential. Surely
your government has the foresight and
wisdom to enable us to achieve that end.
Yours Sincerely,
G. Chiddicks
for Ron Smith, Dave South, Geoff King,
Rupert Hewison, Doug Duncan,
Doug Purves, Grant Morgan
and Harold Rodgers
Wednesday, June 4
1:30 p.m. Senior Shuffleboard
7p.m. Creamery vs Turf Club at Lions
8:330 p.m. Firemen vs Topnotch at Lions
7.30 p.m. Medicine Show at Arena
510 p.m. Soccer practice for Squirts at
O tirrust Park and for Atoms and
Mosquitos at the High School.
Thursday,. June 5.
6'10-710 1fp.m. Boys B hockey
7;304610 Mens Ball hockey
7 p.m. Soccer Atoms vs St. Columban at
the High Sd'ooL
8:30 prem. Meeting of the Federation of
Agricui(ure in the Clinton Public School.
The speaker will be Brian Midge from
Hldgetowri OMAF. The topic will be U.S.
farm bill.
Saturday, June 7
St. Thomas Anglican Church Garage Sale
at Church Grounds.
Minor Hockey's Men's invitational Golf
1:30 - 2:30 Story Hour at 7ibary
Sunday, June 8
2.m. The Central Huron String School
presents its Spring Concert at Northside
United', Ch , Seaforth, Admission is
free and all are Welcome:
Sunday cont'd
7 p.m. Bears vs Queens at Lions Park
8:30 p.m. Creamery vs Mainstreet at
Lions Park.
Monday, June 9
m. Topnotch vs Villagers at 'Optimist
8:30 p.m. Firemen vs Turf Club at
Optimist Park
Tuesday, June 10
11:30 Registration. 12:30 Dinner. Annual
Meeting and Dinner of the Superannuated
Teachers of Ontario, 'Clinton Legion
6:30 p.m. Hospital Auxiliary June dinner
will be held in the Seaforth Legion.
Heather Ross will be the guest seer,
7-10 p.m, Ladies Softball at Uons Park
7 p.m. Soccer. Squirts vs Goderrdh at,
Optimist Park
8:15 p.m. Seaforth Women's lnstittite,will
Meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Papple.
Wednesday, June 11
7 p.m. Bears vs Mainstreet at lions Perk
$300 p.m. Queens vs Villagers at lions
7:30 p,m. Seaforth Horticultural Meeting.
Oars will leave Seaforth Public School at
1:30 p.m. tato toSroinan Park, Clinton for
tour of park and Shriner- school car.
Everyone eloome,
GRADE 8 GRADUATES — Members of the Grade 8 graduating
class of St. James Separate School, Seaforth are, from left, Shelly
Coughtrey, Pat Nigh, Peggy Ryan, Tony DeCorte. Jessica Mennen,
Kevin Dick. 2nd row: from left, Shelly O'Brien, Michelle McCowan,
Todd McLean, Tracey Sills, Tammy Nash. Back, Principal Ray
Contole, Katheroon Mallloux, Tim Nolan, Dianne Williamson,
Shelly Nigh, Erica LIndenblalt. Raft's photo
LOTS OF CHO% — There Were plenty of pork at he annualEgmoYidv,The United Church Barbed -at, at 640 peopie Pimple set a batch on the gail28 Hare, Bobtirldxak, leT
, and 1ro
ps to go atotind were served at the ovefit, MaylRaft's phto
Tough pollution action is promised
Environrneht Minister Jim Bradley has
by Jack Riddell, MPP
pledged to continue tough action against
polluters in the wake ofaToronto study which
showed unacceptably high levels of toxic
dhernlcals inOntario foo . Mr. Bradley said
the high levels of toxic Chemicals, induding
dioxin, were cause for genuine concern, The
study paper
mirtants in Ontario
presence of Vatic eon,
c ta
sentedby OM city Of ith 'n
food was made" pub f Warne at the World
u'rerge Lakes' Conference m Michigan. Mr.
Bradley told members of tine Lagislattrc,
will not be satisfied Until we have eliminated
these substances from our food chem."
A recent study, prepared by the Miv nie-
r mentMunistryfor a Ministry of Alt—Walton
• and Food, revealed low "levels of dioxin in
Ontario apples. "More testing is clearly
celled for. and we are doing it for frilitai as
Well as Milk, meat and vegeta 1 .,
iar Bradly Stated,' He
• medicated the dronnient Ci y of Toronto sttudyy! justifies
Environhnent line aMinistrinst yollutera taken on behalf . of� the
Ontario Liberal Government.- The Environ-
ment Minister" said he agrees with the
report's recommendations that a broad
program of source seduction is the only
sensible way to cut the amount of toxic
substances going into the envki nment and residues to the extent than our current
thereby into our food. pesticide laboratory permits.
When my staff at the Ministryy of ScIENC'HlilelllEMENTARVSCH00tS
Agriculture and Peed Brat hear'd'there might One of tlxe central messages hh sciehce
be,prnblerri with contaminaflts ii1 fruit, we education must be that science is a part of all
asked the environment Ministry to analyze' our lives," Education Minister Sean Conway
apples for dioxin and dibehzofurans These told members of the Legislature recently. In
results, whirr have just been reoehved from order to lmprove technollogicai literacy in our
coenvironment Ministry laboratorryy do hot young people; as recommended in a 1964
nfirm the Toronto Menlo( Health finding 5aenoe CdGnd1 of Canada treport, a the
a pies, Education Minister has announced i
My Government recbgnlzed the' heed' to million program to renew scents education
twine:t, food whenn•iil pie mired to build, a mthe•prrrhaiyand ju'niordivrsimisofOritario
rld•class foo q" ai' y laboratory in the schools This initiative reflects the Uberal
recent speech' from the dibble., Planning . is Govertilment's . oon»ilrtmcnt, addressed to
well underwayfor.thefacility,which couldbe last month`s Speech from the Throne, to
operational" within two years, It; will ensure excellence and'relevance in education The
that food, products, meet established quality program reeog sizes the importance of
and safety standards, science and. tethnblogy to the future of
. Ontario and will help" students lihk Urs
lyt Ministry now or pesticides
milk, meat, science theystudy in school to tate science in
fruits and vegetables forpes'ticides and other Continued on Page A13