HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-05-21, Page 10A10,-- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 21, 1986 40. IN MEMORIAM 1 CAMPBELL: In loving memory of my dear wife, Essie who passed away May 23 1984. A special face and a special smile which I will never forget as long as I live. Geo. A. 40-21x1 NIXON: In loving memory of a dear son, James Leroy Nixon who died May 231 1985. Grant us the quietness to see in the things of this world, However small or large, However violent or calm, The grace and blessedness of your design. In memory of our dearly loved son. Mom and Dad 40-21x1 NIXON: In loving memory of a dear brother, James Leroy Nixon. Little did we know when we woke that morning The sorrow that day would bring The call was so sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. You didn't have time to say farewell, Or for us to say goodbye, You had gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. We think of you in silence, And often speak your name, And all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame. Our hearts still ache with sadness, -And silent tears still flow, For what it meant to lose you Jim No one will ever know. When thoughts go back as they constantly do We treasure the memories we have of you, This day is remembered and quietly kept, No words are needed, we shall never forget. Deep in our hearts you will always stay, Loved and remembered every day. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by brother Glen and sisters Sue, Alice Ann, Gene and Lynn and their families. 40-21x1 FAMILY I40. IN MEMORIAM MALONE: loving of n husda heand son who passed away ten years ago May 21, 1976. The month of May comes with sad regret, The time, the day, we will never forget. You slipped away without a goodbye, But memories of you will never die. Always remembered by Audrey. and Len, Bob and Anne Marie, Mom & Dad. 40-21x1 MALONE: In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Gary, who passed away one year ago, May 22, 1985, A son is precious, so is his name, Without him to love life is never the same But as long as we live we will always be glad, And grateful to God for the son that we had. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed, still very ear. Sadly missed by Mom, Len and B. 40-21x1 MALONE: in memory of my dear brother Gary, who passed away one year ago, May 22, 1985. No farewells were ever spoken, No time to say goodbye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. A million times I've needed you, A million times I've cried, If love could have saved you, You never would have died. W hen I'm sad and lonely, And everything goes wrong, I seem to hear you whisper, "Cheer up and cavy on." Everytime I see your picture, You seem to smile and say, "Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, W e'Il meet again someday." Sadly missed and always loved by your sister, Anne Marie. 40-21x1 40. IN MEMORIAM MALONE: In loving memory of a dear friend, Gary Malone who passedaway May 22, 1985. What would I give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see, To hear his voice and'see his smile, That meant so much to me. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Cheryl 40-21x1 NIXON: In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Jim, who passed away suddenly May 23, 1985.. , They say memories are golden, W ell maybe that's true, But we never wanted memories, We only wanted you. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Our secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever ,mow. We miss you in so many ways, W e miss the things you used to say, And when old times we do recall, It's then we miss you most of all. Sadly missed and always remembered by wife Deb and children Tim, Greg, Billy and Laura. 40-21-1 42. ENGAGEMENTS 1 ELLiGSEN 1 L�CTRIC LTO. Farm • Residential • Commercial POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION 24 Hour Emergency Service R.R. No. 4 Walton PHONE: 345-2447 GEDDES - FEENEY Mr. and Mrs. Allen Geddes wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughter, Glenda Elaine, to Francis Joseph Feeney, son of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Feeney of RR 1, Dublin, Ontario. The wedding will take place at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, Ontario on Saturday, June 14, 1986 at 3:30 p.m. A closed reception will follow at the Seaforth Legion. 42-21-1 We do financing 1 EEDY- W ATSON Mr. and Mrs. Clifford D. Eedy of RR 4, W alton are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter Sharon Ruby to James Alvin, son of James Watson Jr., of Seaforth and Shirley Watson of Stratford. The wedding will take place June 7, 1986 at 6 o'clock p.m. at Egmondville United Church. Open reception to follow at Seaforth and District Community Centres. 42-21-1 VAN W ATERSCHOOT- NiCHOISON Mr. and Mrs. Art van Waterschoot of London, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Marilyn to Donald Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nicholson of Egmondville. The ceremony will take place on Friday, May 30, 1986, in London, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLEAR SWEET WATERT New Technology for treating water at the well or sislern offering well to faucet pro• taction throughout entire water system. Rusty...Smol• ly..Bod Tasting_.water. bacteria, staining, chemicals and more. No Solt or Messy Chemical...only 494 o day to own 8 operate. See tho results for yourself with our 6-rnonth Trial Offer. If you wont Better Water for Bet ter Country Living...cal( 1.800-2652656 or write Woter Purification Systems No. 2031030 Komoto Rd. Mississauga. Ont. L4W 486. Serving Ont. from Thunder Bay, Cochrane. Sudbury. Ottawa. Kingston, Mt Forest, London. Mississauga. Muskokos.-0.21 TEMPERED GLASS, 28" x 76" 533 for porches, sunrooms, greenhouses, demo HITACHI Ploner/Join for 51,795 (Now 52,695) Sid Tatham Wood- works, Woodstock (519) 537-2660.--0.21 10 x 10' GREENHOUSE 5149. 1000W Molal Halide 5175. Plus 10,000 gardening products. Groat prices. Send 52. for info-poch. Western Water corns, 1244 Seymoar aril.' "Yti{}Coiiver, V.C. V610, • '3N9 (604) 6826636.-0.21,22 A•Z BUILDINGS. Now typos, steal 8 wood. quonset, cladding. For true value, action 8 answers (116) 626 1794. leave massage or collect after 6 p.m. oven• cogs. weok•ends. Ask for Wally. Free brochure. 0.31 USED 01555, credenzas. filo cabinets. boordroom rabies. storage cabinets, bookcases. office choirs. drafting tablas, roslauront tablas. Lovers Now 8 Used, 351 Adelaide Si. 5. Landon (519) 681.2251, Mon.•Frf, 9.5, Sof. 9.12 --0.21 PENNY ROLLER Trodomark. Patented. Wrap pennies. nickels. dimes 8 quarters quickly 8 easily(1 One wraps all Uses free bank wrappers Only 08.95 Postpaid (Neese add 51 13 tor) Send cfor cheque or MO to Penny Roller Products P 0 Bon 405, Fart Erie Onl (2A 5197 -0.21 STEEL BURDINGS, Miroclo Span Spring Sole Example 32 x 4053.742 40 x (00 59.138 Other sizes to choose from. All buildings am complete with doors- Coll loll free 1.500387-4910. -021 sten OUI WSBG robcotinn .1.. . We ars clearing out old slack Save thousands. We wane be undersold Phone Pioneer Sates Deportment called for inforrno- eon (4)6) 675.1585.--421 SWAMM(NG POOLS. Factory Outlet has o limited number of MS above -grounds 8 tngrounds left al *x. collet* savings. Dont buy uuntilyou e. 74110 0'. Nobody boots our prices, w g 5236467 or (613) 5476434 for details.- 0.21 VACATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TV.RADIO Solos 8 Service business. Established 1958. Major franchise. Annual turnover approximately 580.000, Apply Box 3000, Advance Times, Wingham, Ontorle. NOG 3W0.-021 DYNAMIC COMPANY, Group or Individual sought to develop soles 8 applications of Fire Relardenl treatments. Primp Ontario territories available. "Fire Salo" products are the most extensive B qualified pro- tective treatments. Sell (hese to OEM B Commercial enterprises, institutions 8 governments. for their safety and conformance to now Fire Codes / Regula• 'lona. Contact: C. Redness, Piro sofa. P.O. Box 428, Ajax Ont. LIS 3C5 (416) 683.7011.-0.21 LINWOOD HOMES LTD. Dealership available. Live In and enjoy your own modal Ceder Home and possibly corn thousands of dollars. A limited number of dealerships available in selected ureas of Ontario. For more Information phone Ken Jones, (403) 286.1611 or write to 11 Bowridge Dr. N.W, Calgary, Alto P3B 3R6.--0.21 s... .. TEACHERS. supply teachers, librarians. retirees. parents •-or1.11mo work lull time pay. 12-15 flexible hours. 0103 per week guaranteed. Rewarding ossacia• lion with other educationally concerned parents. con• corned people. World Book - CHILOCRAFT. Coll Misslssouga (416) 624.5774. London (519) 679 0595. -0.21 PERSONAL CAMPERS • Kamp in Komfort, Niugara Falls KOA (416) 354-6472, Windsor South KOA (519) 726-5200. Phone reservations accepted. -0.31 A RESTING PLACE BY THE LAKE. A friendly Country Inn fn r(,e swcJrt of the Hnliburton Highlands. Refined con. Oriental cuisine with charming accommodation. Enjoy the ambience of Lothover, Inn. Special packages available. Coll (105) 754.3534 or Toronto (416) 793-0566. RR No. 1 Holiburton, Ont. KM 150--0.21 HAIIMAR RESORT - Holibarton Highlands - where quality service and cleanliness is No. 1. Two superb meets doily all outdoor amenities An exceptional were -Wien valve awaits you. (705) 457.13004-O-21 EXPO ACCOMMODATION, Private. bright studio with Kitchen 8 bathroom rn beautiful N. Vancouver home, 81'ase to Fair. Accommodates 4. Day or week S65 /night (Wy)683-7202.-0-21 - FIVE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal 8 Trent -Severn Waterway Beautiful scenery. carefree relaxation. private ,roteroom. de116400's meets Brochure Box 1540 Peterborough 591 71-17 (705) 748-3666.--0-21 LIVESTOCK BEST RATE 93 YEAR & 5 YEAR G.I.C. 3/4% FBDB is a Federal Crown Corporation with a mandate to help business succeed through flexible financing. Do you need financing? • Increase in cash flow? • Refinancing? • Expansion? • Land Purchase? • Construction of building? • Renewal of equipment? • Major repairs? • Research and development? • Acquisition? At FBDB, we know that both new and well established businesses can use financing and we're here to give it to you. Here's how. We analyse your project (viability, risks, securities, equity, etc.). If it looks favour- able, we can provide you with term loans designed especially to meet your needs: Ar, INVESTMENTS • Term loans granted for up to 20 years • You can choose: - floating rates - fixed rates for periods of 1, 2, 3,4or5years - combination of floating • and fixed rates. • Floating interest rate loans may be converted to fixed rates (at the borrower's con- venience for a minimal fee). • Flexible repayment terms according 10 the borrower's capacity. - monthly installments - seasonal payments With our financial help, you'll have room to breathe, maintain cash flow, and grow! Call us today: RON ROGERS, Manager [519) 271.5650 Collect 1036 Ontario Street Stratford, Ont. NSA 6Z3 La banque offre ses services dans les deux langues officielles. BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS FINANCIAL CENTRE Goderieh 524-2773 1-800-265-5503 AUTO PARTS 1$ SUPPLIES F 40 Federal Business Banque federale Development Bank de developpement Canada PARTS & ACCESSORIES for all makes Of core & trucks FISHER/I UPPOl.Y] sEAFq rrH 527-0514 ,,,,,,11111111111111.111.1.111111111111111111.111111 11 GODERICH ST. E. 527-1670 t.nwroo In nowUitto Motors Buaoin) DATES GALOREFor all ages 8 unattached. Thousands 01 members anxious to moot you. Presflge Acgvoln• tonces. Call toll free 1.800-263.9163 Hours Noon 1111 8 P.m 0.21 VERY FAIR, HEALTHY 8ABY GIRL born Toronto May 31. 1944 seeks knowledge o1 birth family. Children's Aid Society Adoption. Box 129 Nanton, Alm 101. 110 (403) 646.2073. -0.21 COMMERCIAL SIMMENTAL Female Sale.Friday, May 73. 6 3 pm. `Ontoriolivestock Eichange-. Waterloo. Ons. Information or to make consignments contact - Pass Mclachton (519) 293-3431. Fran Oesch (519) 656.2199.-421 . LIMOUSIN CATTLE Sole May 31, Markdole. 20 bulls, 10 0iei5ets. many polled. A.C.H. Forms (519)935`3339 for derails or catalogues. - 0-21 HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with a forore...with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. lob seorch assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-5011, Brant- ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223.-0-21 LIMITED TIME OFFER consultant 8 management posi- tions Mailable with Tops 'n Trends, a Canadion Leader in cosucl Werir. N0 investment. Call Marilyn (519) I 2.68-7219. Regional Manager. -O-21 AUCTION SALES VAN PELT'S USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES "We buy small & complete lots of Household Items" Main St., 348-8244 Mitchell r Do you know a young person who went that api extra mile? LARGE CLEARANCE 8 Consignment Auction Friday May 21, 10 o.m Approximately 50 tractor, ears 8 trucks. Over 303 pieces of form equipment including garden tractors. More information die) (519)534-1638. Wayne Ward Form Equipment, Hwy. No. 6, Nfa-Hon. --031 EDUCATIONAL FM 1906 guide to studyat•hame correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting. Alr•condttioning, Bookkeeping. Business, Cosmetology. Electronics, legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology. Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide, West 10r0190. 1800.768-1121.-0-21 CAREER CANADA COLLEGE, Toronto. Ottawa, Hamilton. Dental choinide assisting, medical office lab assisting, hotel/restaurant management, travel careers. Day class 8 home study. 385 Yong* St., Toronto IA58 IST (416) 977.7797.-021 COMING EVENTS THE BARN. Vendors wanted, Permanent indoor, out- door Minket, Farmers Market, Antiques, coliedibles, etc. Open Sat. Sun. This year every Wed. Noon . 9 pm. vrith auction sale at 6 pm. Hwy 78 et Fowlers Corners Just outside Peterborough (705) 745.1031.-0-21 COMJAERCTAL BEEF COW 8 bred Heifer sole Friday May 30 7 pm. Carson's Sales Arena, 1 mile east of lislowel an Hwy 66- Mostly Chore/GIs, Charolais- cross, other cnmmerciol cows 9 heifers bred Chorofols. Consignments wanted. Also selling 8 ROP - tested purebred Chorale's bulls consigned by The lake Erie Chorolois Breeders. To consign or for infer- mation cordate Carson's Auction Service (519) 357-3079, Mery Smith (519) 527-0778,-0-3V COMING TO EXPO? Visit the largest hydroponic store in Canada. Just two blacks from Expo. Western Water Forms, 1241 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. V68 3199. (604)682-6636.--0-21 YOUNG PEOPLE 6-18 years who do outstanding good deeds are eligible for nomination as Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year. Conrad this newspaper For details. -O-21 d'A CHEW Home Fashion Shows, Est. 1985. Join our 1 SVrcessfol family of independent representatives In presenting quality lingerie and feisureweor at in'- I )on1e' parties for women. It's fun( it`s Eosyl 11's pre- I (1466(e1 For more information golf collect (416) 01 632-9090 4 o.m. to 4 p.m. -O-20 POSITIONS Hundreds f t paying poli 1 1 The Only way to get YOUR ad in 2.5 million homes • to Canada for '659." or In 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for 995."Place your Blanket Classified Ad by calling our helpful classified advisors at THANK YOU The search is on for Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year. The Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary would like to thank everyone who donated to our penny sale with articles and cash donations. These added to our .successful penny sale. Also, the president would like to thank the con- veners, canvassers and all the workers for all their efforts. 2415i1ct 01 OVERSEAS - o op vfiti oI'I tions. Attractive benefits, All occupations, Free i q� o osyt6® details. Oversees employment services, Dept. ON. 1 E°' p _�4046611111-27111428/184°0111 5r2 .. ,�2�� Boz 460, Mount Royal, Quebec H3P 3C7,-021 �ttw4ssfm How much of your insurance someone is s' omeone else's profit? If you're insured by South Easthope Mutual, none of your insurance premium is diverted for someone else's profit: The policy owners own the corn- pany themselves. It's the purest form of Home, Auto or Farm protection you can buy. • SOUTH EXS KOPE FARMS HMI {7RE INSURANCE COMPANY . •,.s,n Do you know someone in your community, between the ages of 6 and 18 years, who has gone that extra mile? Someone who has shown selfless service, resourcefulness, ingenuity, or acts of courage - that. "good kid"? Someone special that you think should be recognized? You can help Canadian Pacific Air Lines and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association honour these kids by nominating them for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Contact your local community newspaper. Spring deadline for individual and group nominations is June 30th, 1986. Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year recipients will receive a plaque, a cash prize, a family photo portrait with the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario, and a lapel pin. Contact your Junior Citizens' Co-ordinator T:dward Byrsld for omplete details. 1207 Td Street, P.O. Bos 69 SEAFO RTH, ONTARIO. NOK IWO lJr Canadian Pacific NEI Air Lines Why not honour a deserving kid this year? Si :Al MI PRAY TSS( RAN( -I. RROSD-.R I.FD R R •'l Dublin. ;1i-21°2 L ,. •