HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-05-21, Page 9THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 21, 1986 - A9 F23. REAL, ESTATE J 23. REAL ESTATE Tom Reidy Realty Ltd. MIS REALTOR MORRIS TOWNSHIP: Brussels area 200 acres on paved road, 11/2 storey, i bedroom house, 60 sow farrowing operation, large drive shed. DUBLIN: Mill St., 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home, 19.5 ACRES with many possibilities. 6 miles east of Brussels along paved road. Asking $38,000. HIBBERT TW P. FARM FOR SALE: 1 00 acres, no buildings Contact JO E O' REiLLY 345-2465 CHARLES W AI.KOM 348-8197 • MAURICEREIDY347-2358 TOM REIDY 347-2358 Culligan REAL ESTATE LIMITED MAURRE'.N W IIDFONG 482-3224 HEATHER BENNEW[ES 345-2862 131, NOTICE 1 RICKS cucumber contracts available now at Norm Kramers, Lot 1, Conc. 2, Tuckersmith, 527-0076 and at Shirley Kramers, Dublin, 345-2254. 31-21-1 BOOKS needed for Huron County's largest used book sale, May 31 and June 1. Proceeds to Blyth Festival. Drop donations off prior to May 27 at The Huron Expositor or Culligan Real Estate. 134. AUCTION SALES 35, TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE by TENDER 1983 Dodge Diplomat Car 61 103 MARKET ST. Cozy one floor home, seven years old, 3 bedrooms, spacious kitchen with lots of cupboards, electric heat, full basement, paved drive, close to school and uptown, rec room, excellent neighborhood. More £":tures too numerous to mention. Asking price $79,900. For appointment phone 527-0560 HOMEOFTHEWEEK REDUCED: 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport. Call for private viewing. NEW LISTING: 10 year old aluminum bungalow, gas heat, main floor laundry, single garage, all tastefully decorated in Egmondville. List $40s. McKILLOP TW P.: One floor brick home with paved drive, shed, built-in stove, 2 or 3 bedroom, situated on paved road. List $79,900.00. JAMES ST.: 11/2 storey frame home features 3 bedrooms, toy room, large eat in kitchen, main floor laundry, situated on large private lot. List $30s. MILL ST.: 3 or 4 bedroom brick and aluminum clad raised ranch style home, finished from top to bottom with fireplace, deck, patio doors, extra large single car garage. 2.2 ACRES: Open concept, 3 bedroom split level home, located just minutes from Seaforth. EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom' stucco home has newer kitchen with patio doors, new high efficiency gas furnace and shed on large lot. list $30s. CLINTON: 11/2 stnnr.,q my droom alumi- num clad hoSOLDive and shed included. List $48,000.00. McKILLOP TW P.: Hobby farm with 2 storey home, barn 40x80 with addition with loose housing situated just outside of_Seaforth. VICTORIA ST.: Lovely 4 bedroom sided home with main floor laundry, formal dining area, living room with fireplace, and office space, zoned commercial. list $40s. • GOUINLOCK BT.: Charming 2 bedroom 1/ storey sided home features Franklin fireplace, finished rec room. List $32,900.00. HANDYMAN SPECIAL: 2 bedroom frame home situated close to uptown. Open for offers. GEORGE ST.: 7 yr. old brick and angelslpfehgrllefeatures,finished base- TtJ!g+}C`�Plkil$IS'1�!ltptC#e icon. ONE ACRE: 2 storey brick home, original wainscotting in kitchen, main floor laundry, 3 bedrooms, 1/ baths. Under $50,000.00. HARPURHEY: 3 or 4 bedroom 11 storey frame home on large / acre lot, features 11 batk:>, main floor laundry, great potential for $26,000.00. to IOE 1ST.:SOLD iding lot, dose REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 EGMONDVILLE: 2 storey brick home, completely and tastefully decorated throughout, large lot, garage. Must be seen. INVESTMENT PROPERTY? Try this duplex 1 block from Main St., excellent condition. $25,000.00:3 bedroom 1/ storey home, 2 blocks from uptown. • BRICK BUNGALOW : 3 bedroom, full basement, attached garage, excellent location, close to uptown. 3 BEDROOM cottage, close to uptown, large lot, many extras. $40,000.09. BUILDING LAT 62' x 116' on James St. $12,000.00. 12 UNIT apartment building. Excellent income. Call for details. REDUCED: Goderich St. 3 bedroom 1 floor home, $35,000.00. LOOK AT THIS: 15 ac. vacant land, close to Seaforth. 5 ACRES: in McKillop, 2 storey brick 4 bedroom home. Paved road. 59 SEAT RESTAURANT: and take-out. Call for details. 12/ AC. BUSH in McKillop Twp. mixed hardwood, $19,500.00 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW : located in the country with a garage on a rented lot. Nice location. $24,000.00 COLEMAN ST.:4 bedroom frame home on a double lot, $27,000.00 20 ACRES: with fine brick home, barn and bush, on the Maitland River close to Seaforth. ISAHEi1A ST.: 3 bedroom modular home, large lot. $30,000.00. WILSON ST.: Excellent 4 bedroom, very modern, $65,000.00. STAFFA: 1/ storey 4 bedroom, good condition, large lot. $38,500.00. EGMONDVII 1 F: 3 bedroom bungalow, 1380 sq. ft., nice family home on a large lot. $56,500.00 AUTO BODY: Repair shop. very ineedem shop with or without all equipment. inquire. REDUCED: 875.000.00: 10 acres, 2 storey brick house, 2 sheds, pond, very nice. BUILDING LOTS: We have a very good selection of lots in Seaforth, Egmond- ville and area. Call for your choice. AREA FARMS & COUNTRY PROPERTIES McKEL OP TWP. 100 AC. Good house, shed, barn, near Seaforth. 11013BY FARM : 2 ac., fine brick home, steel covered barn, shed, much more, close to Seaforth. $65,000.00. 2 - 50 ACRE PARCELS, no buildings, tiled. $65,000.00 each. 121'2 AC. of hardwood bush. 819,900.00. 50 ACRES: Systematically tiled, no buildings. Reduced $55,000.00. 115 ACRES :Partially tiled, no buildings. Reduced $150,000.00. 75 ACRES: No buildings, $120,000.00 69 ACRES: No buildings, 855,000.00. 51 ACRES: No buildings, $85,000.00, 150 AC.: 140 workable, brick home, excellent financing available. GODERICH TW P. DAIRY: 136 ac. 195 L No. 1 quota and 80,667 L No. 2. 3, bedroom home, $500,000.00. DAIRY: 160 acres, 56 cows, 361 litres No. 1,206,627 Litres No. 2; 2 storey brick home. $550,000.00. 80 ACRES.: Near Bayfield, nice bush with spring creek, $75,000.00. HIBBERTTW P. loo AC. All workable, 3 bedroom home, 600 hog barn, paved road. COIBORNE TW P.: Dairy farm, 150 ac. approx. 70 cows, 522 litres number 1, 188,000 L number 2, fine brick home. DOUGLAS JACOB 271-7894 or 39376214 AUCTION REGISTER SAT. MAY 24 at 11 a.m. Clearing auction, antiques, furniture, appliances and mise. items to be held in the Village of Fullarton. Harold Davis, prop. Evening Auction Sale Antique furniture, appliances at the Blyth Arena for Mrs. Margaret Nesbitt. Thursday , May 29 ATB P.M. large antique comer cupboard, dining table with 3 leaves, six matching pressback chairs, pressback rocking chair, fancy antique side board with mirror, large antique dresser with tear drop pulls, 2 door washstand with side towel bars, antique dresser, lift top desk, fancy old iron double bed, washstand with side towel bars, aladdin lamp, 2 oil lamps, McKerbow jug with blue finger painted flowers, Mason Pat Nov. 30, 1858 fruit jar, crocks, phonograph and records, fainting couch frame, metal butter churn, copper boiler, drop leaf table, older fridge and 30" stove, Westinghouse 15 cu. ft. chest freezer, Simplicity spin dry washer, 4 years old; clothes dryer, pressback high chair frame, wooden double bed with good mattress, 2/4 mattress, double mattress, rollaway bed, odd toilet pieces, steel baby crib, dresser with mirror, wash- stand, chesterfield and chair, recliner chair, quilting frames, chrome table, one leaf and six chairs ; 3 scrub boards, picnic table, lawn mower, dishes, pots and pans, other items too numerous to mention, TERMS CASH ' AUCTIONEER- RICHARD LOBE 482-7898 Clinton Can be seen at the Mitchell Police Department. All tenders to be sent to: Donald J. Eplett, Secretary Board of Commissioners of Police 169 St. David Street, Mitchell, Ontario NOK 1NO By 5 P.M. May 28,1986 Sale Subject to Reserve Bid. 137. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GARYEARLGRAY All persons having claims against the estate of Gary Earl Gray, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased, who.died on the 13th day of April, 1986, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 28th day of April, 1986. McCONNELL, STEW ART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor l38. SERVICE DIRECTORY I WATSON APPLIANCE REPAIR: Repairs freezers, refrigerators, ranges, dryers, wash- ers, dishwashers, microwaves, compactors air conditioners, dehumidifiers. Please calf 393-6180 or527-1213 for service. 38-17-4 LIVEMUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS. "Main Street West" would like to perform at your dance or reception. live music is the best s. Please call Hudson W music. rr 524-2144, Arlenonable e Darnbrough 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 p.m. 3816xtf 1 39. CARD OF THANKS 1 W ILLIAMSON I wish to thank my family and friends for gifts and cards received while in Stratford Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Drs. Manors and Leung, also the nurses _en 3rd floor for kindness shown to me. All is sincerely appreciated. Evelyn Williamson 39-21x1 RYAN I would like to extend sincere thanks to Dr. Rodney and the entire staff of Seaforth Hospital for the excellent care I received while a patient there. Also thanks to my family, relatives and friends Father. Caruana and Father Carrigan for their visits,. and prayers, cards and good wishes. It was all appreciated very much. Mary K. Ryan 39-21x1 McGREGOR Our "Thanks" to all our friends, neighbors and relatives, who attended our 25th Anniversary Party and especially our family Carol, David and Terry for the work they went to in making it a success. For those who sat at the door, and made the beautiful cakes, minded the bar, and the ladies for the lunch. Special thanks to Bill W ilbee for being master of ceremonies, and for a surprise microwave oven, and being escorted to the Hensel! Rec. Centre. Those who gave beautiful gifts, sums of money, cards and Jack Riddell, M.P.P. Your thoughtfulness will always be appre- ciated. John and Mary 39-21x1 Clearing Auction Sale of household effects for Mrs. Mary Lowe • will be held inErus&41S,Morris and•Grey Arena Complex . II Saturday, May 31 Al 52:20 Swimming Pool 15x15x4 complete, less liner. 12 ft. plywood boat 7/ hp motor with trailer. FURNITURE: Chrome table with leaf and 6 chairs; China cabinet; rocking chair; Lazy Boy chair; T.V. stand; wardrobe; blonde bedroom suite; iron bed and chest of drawers; love seat; small tables; couch and chair; wooden rocking chairs; organ and stool; 3 wooden chairs. ANTIQUES: What -Not, cups and sau- cers, wooden butterprtnt ladle, crodar, coal oil lamps. APPLIANCES: Westinghouse freezer, clothes dryer, spin dry washer, Inglis stove, McClary fridge, frost free. OTHER rrEMS: Bedding and linen, dishes and pictures, plus other items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash day of sale and sales tax will be in effect. Note: Auctioneer or Proprietor are not responsible for accidents or losses day of sale. Everything must be sold. PR )FRDETOR: MRS. RIARY LOW E Brussels AUCTIONEER- BRIAN RINTOUL 357-2349 Lunch will be available. t 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT THREE bedroom house near W inthrop, 5275 per month plus utilities. Phone 527-1577. 25-21-1 3 bedroom country home, 2/ miles west of Brucefield. 262-5295. 25204 HOUSE for rent o275.00 ggn pavedyyroad in McKillop, 345 2503. Availab�leJune 1. 25-21-2 345-2550 1 2 3. bedroom house for rent, available July 1. Phone 527.0877. 25-19-tf ONE bedroom ground floor. Includes heat, hydro, frig, stove and laundry facilities on same floor. Available August 1. Senior preferred. 527-0964. 25-19-tf 28. WANTED TO RENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GORDON EMERSON HEARD All persons having claims against the estate of Gordon Emerson Heard, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 27th day of January, 1986, are hereby notified to send to full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth; Ontario -this 15ttriiay of April 1986. McCONNELL, STEW ART & DEVEREAUX Banisters. &e., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executrix RIMMER I would like to thank the Seaforth lions for their tremendous support over the past number of months. The backing of the Club as a group and the individual efforts of many made my bid for Governor of District A-9 successful. A special thank you to the lioness Club for their support as well. My appreciation goes out too to the many who sent expressions of good wishes. Thank you all. Gord Rimmer 39-21-1 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY ARE YOU serious about controlling your weight with effective, balance nutrition, guaranteed guilts or money refunded? Do yyoou desire an increased income? You could bernme a distributor. Call London 432-4636. If L am not available to speak with you leave name, number and convenient time to return cull._ 38-21-4 Fuel Oil Furnace 24 HOURSERVICE Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 SCHADE I would like to say thank you to everyone who attended the shower at Cavan Church for me. Special thanks to Unit 4 and those who supplied entertainment. The gifts will be treasured always in our new home.Nancy Schade 39-21x1 LANE I would like to thank my family, friends and n fgltbbrs"ter all the get well wishes. Also to thank the Doctors and staff at the Seaforth and Stratford Hospitals and for prompt action of the ambulance clew. A special thank you to FatherCnrnnna Helene lane 39-21-1 McGREGOR friends and We wish to thank our family, relatives for making our 25th wedding anniversary a memorable day. The gifts, cards and flowers we received will recall a ".special day" for us. A special "thank you„ to all our family and ones that came from any distance and to all that helped in any way. Anne and Doug McGregor 39-21 x1 MALONEY A sincere thank you to Drs. Malleus and Underwood for their excellent care during my stay at Seaforth Hospital. Thanks to the nurses and all the staff, to Father Caruana, my family, relatives and friends for their prayers, cards and visits. John Maloney 39-21x1 W ANTED: House in the country to rent for September, October, November, December. Call collect 416-832-2761, Doug Gilmore, ext. 261. 28-17-8 34 AUCTION SALES Clearing Auction Sale RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 AIICTH1N CALENDAR WED. MAY 21 at 6 p.m. Appliances, furniture, lawn mowers, tools, etc. at 24 Church Street, Brodhagen, Ont. for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson. THURS. MAY 22 at 6 p.m. Household effects, and 2 bedroom house at Richard Inbb's Auction Barn for Harold' ; T. Pepper. House located at 57 Dunlop Street offered at 7:30 p.m. from auction barn. SAT. MAY 24.2 tractors, 2 pickup trucks machinery, tools and misc. 116 miles west of Holmesville for Mrs. Doris Batkin. THURSDAY, MAY 29 at 6 p.m. Large antique corner cupboard, _ pressback chairs, antique furniture at Blyth Arena for Margaret Nesbitt, SAT. MAY 31 at 10 a.m. 1984 Reliant Plymouth 2 door car, run only 20,000 kms from Estate of John Drummond. Antique furniture from Inez MacDonald at Richard Iobb's Auction Barn, Clinton. MON. JUNE 2 at 6 p.m. Two tractors, combine, swather, antiques, •household effects, 17 ft, travel trailer, bee equip- ment. Two corners west and one mile north of Hensel' for Jo ee 17Villert. of household effects for Mrs. Jennie Walsh will be held in the Belgrave Arena on DOERR'S Appliance & TV C.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days aWeek MAINST. • WOOD Many thanks to my neighbors, relatives and friends for the phone calls, visits, flowers, treats, and books while i was in St. Joseph's Hospital, London and at home. Special thanks to the Girls Band and Booster `iClluubb and the Legion. 39-21-1 Saturday May 24 at 12 p. m. APPLIANCES: New almond 16 cu. ft. White Westinghouse refrigerator Frost Free; 30" Moffat electric stove, West- inghouse dryer. FURNITURE: 3 piece chesterfield suite, double size bookcase bed, china cabinet with sliding glass doors; couch, 3 T.V. sets - Philco colored; 2 & W one portable; chestof drawers, small kitchen table and chairs, sewing machine, occasional chairs, cabinet radio and record player, one Lloyds radio, de- humidifier, lamps, picturee, dishes and small appliances, quart and pint sealers, vacaurn cleaner and carpet sweeper, antique bottle collection and antique buffet with mirror. Garden tractor and John Deere model TIE riding lawn mower tractor, like new; numerous miscellan- eous items plus shotgun and 22 rifle and must have a Fire Arms Certificate before guns can be released to purchasers. TFI;IMS: Cash day of sale and sales tax will be in effect. NOTE: Everything must be sold as house is sold. Auctioneer or Proprietor are not responsible for accidents or losses oPROPRIETOR: day MRS.oJENNIEWAI AL 395-22 AUCTIONEER-- BRIANIUNTOUL 357-2349 PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS S a�iLLSHOME Home HARDWARE Hardware Seafore • 527-1620 HENSALL LIVE TOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock W EINVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS VictorHargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 HenSall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter&229.6205 Kirkton VEALS 40. IN MEMORIAM MALONE: In loving memory of Gary Malone who passed away May 22, 1985. We do not forget, nor do we intend, We think of you often, will to the end, Forgotten by some you may be, In our memory you will ever be. Sadly missed by Les, Gayle, Jeff, Bev and Jeff. 40-21x1 HU1.LEY: In loving memory of a dear and wonderful father and grandfather, Eldon who passed away May 22, 1985. They say memories are golden, Well maybe that's true, But we never wanted memories, We only wanted you. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Our secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. We miss you in so many ways, And when old tunes we do recall, It's then we miss you most of all. Sadly missed and always remembered by Gerry, Nancy, Debbie, Sean, Brian. Meaghan and Gerard. 40-21-1 Abattoir and Meati l4iafliet H 8V3Ve mile6eastofExeter 235-1123 Tryus o"r" CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING KillDays - Tuesdays OURSPECIALTV Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way Youlike it. TEMPLEMAN: In loving memory of a dear daughter, sister and aunt, Elizabeth Jean who left us suddenly eight years ago, May 26, 1978. So many things have happened Libby, Since you were called away, So many things to share with you, Had you been left to stay. You never said goodbye to us, Perhaps its just as well, . . We never could have said goodbye, To one we loved so well, It's lonely here without you Libby, We miss you every day, For life is not the same to us, Since you were called away, So please God, take a message, To our dear one up above, And tell her that we miss her, And give her all our love. Sadly missed and loved by Dad, Mom and antler family. 40-21x1