HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-03-02, Page 30•1
Because it is fu w14.
You get a full pound of tea inside the package. The
lead wrapping is not included in the weight.
It is weighed by automatic electric machines—
machines that never make mistakes (clerks sometimes
do), and the tea is poured into the packages after being
Put a pound package of Red Rose Tea on a scale
and it will weigh to to 20 ounces, according to the thiek-
ness of the lead wrapper ; or the tea, poured out, will
weigh 16 ounces.
Everything about Red Rose Tea is always full
measure —weight, quality, purity, and cleanliness—and
your satisfaction will be full and complete when you use it.
T. 11. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B.
ants and Bees Display an Mrtraor-
dinary Sense of Duty:'
There are insects, mostly paraettic,
which, like some men, ouly desire to
eat and drink, but among the social
Insects, such as ants and bees, there
is a high development of moral quali-
ties, to which -Haeckel goes the length
Of applying the term "soul life," to -dis-
tinguish them from mere instinct.
Thus patriotism is obviously a virtue
emong ants, for if an ant bill is dis-
turbed the inmates never attempt to
escape from danger, but apply them -
elves immediately to rescue the lives
send property of the community as a
*hole. Respect for law and order is
also very strongly marked in some
communities of ants, which Include
poIdlors and workers, peasants and ars
ilitiSans, governors and slaves,
Bees have au extraordinary sense of
atty. Huber noted relays of them sup -
tasting a fragment of comb which.
. _ •
threatened to fall without one single
boe flinching or leaving its post until
relieved by auhther. Loyalty to the
queen is another distinct moral qual-
The Mountain Monarch.
unlike the Jungfrau, the Right or
other European mountains, including
Vesuvius, which have been conquered
lby the modern engineers and now wear
the harness of a railway to or near
their surnmits, afont Blanc is an abso-
lute monarch, and no mortal may set
the limit of its reign, The Goths and
Vandals of old, the armies, the tourists
of today or tomorrow may pour down
through the Alpine defiles, but Mout
Blanc through all such changes is mon-
arell still, its snow capped. peaks rising
far above all else and the avalanches
down its sides, more to be feared than
any of its other dangers, defying the
skill and courage of many a climber.—
S. E. Hilles la Harper's Weekly.
The Most Wonderful Medical
Discovery of the Age..
As a cure for Catarrh of the Fead, Throat,
Lungs, Stomach, Kidneys and Female Organs,
Prof. Dykes' Oil of Pines stands unsurpassed by
any other known remedy.
1111. 1 . TIMES, )IARCII 2, 1905
The IllanglAgroo latest br TUr1141 la
*be Fitteeiltit Century,
I a 1478 Mohammed IL, in forming
the siege of Scutari, In Albania, em-
ployed fourteen heavy bombards, the
lightest of which, threw a stow shot or
470 pseuds weight, two sent shots of
$00 pounds, one of 750 pounds, two of
135Q pounds, one of 1,200 pounds, five
of 1,500 and one Of the enormous
weight or 1,640 pounds, enormous even
in these ristye, for our 80 ton wails
throw only a 1,700 pound projectile,
our 100 too throws one of 2,000 pounds,
and the 110 ton throws an 1,800 pound
ebot with a high velocity.
The stone shot ,of afolainmaed's
guns varied between twenty and thir-
ty-two inches in diameter, about the
heiglit of a (lining table, 2,534 of Mena
fired on this' occasion weighing, ea-
corcileg to a calculation or General'
Letroy's, about 1,000 tons, and were
cut out of the, solid rock on the spot.
Assuming twenty-four inches as the
average diameter of the shot tired at .
the siege. the total area of the surface
dressed was nearly 32,000 square feet
At this siege the weight of the powder
fired is estimated by General Lefroy
to have been 250 torts, At the siege of
Rhodes in 1480 Mohammed caused six
teen basilisks or double cannon to be
east on the spot, throwing balls two to
three feet in diameter.
Oil of Pines is the most speedy cure known to
medical science for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Grippe, and all Catarrhal Diseases.
BEWARE of that most dreaded disease heir to the
human systein, CATARRH ! Allow your lungs to
become weak and diseased, your kidneys to become
diseased. and your back lame and sore, your liver
and bowels deran,ged. These conditions lead to the most
fatal of all diseases, CATARRH. The eyes begin to grow
dim, the pulse fails, the wholesome stream of our blood is
choked and troubled, the limbs begin to decay like sapless sea-
weed in a summer's sun.; our better views of existence are
past and gone ; what remains is the dream of lost happiness or
the fear of inevitable evil.
But remember, • SUFFERER, that the wonderful and
never.failing curative powers of that sovereign remedy, OIL
OF PINES, has completely cured thousands of cases as above
described. Therefore, upon the first evident symptoms of this
dreaded disease, CATARRH, make haste and procure a bottle
of the sovereign remedy called OIL OF PINES.
OIL OF PINES is not only a never -failing cure, but also a sure preventive.
Remember, that an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure. Do not delay or
trifle, where so much is at stake. It means ydur farther health and happiness.
PROF. DYKES' OIL OF PINES is a natural medicine. It contains no
narcotics, am alcohol of any description.
OIL Or PINES is not taken by teaspoonfuls or tablespoonfuls: The dose is
by drops, A bottle of Oil of Pines contains three times the number of ctoseS
to that contained in any other dollar bottle of medicitie offered for sale.
The reason the name " Oil of Pines was chosen for this sovereign remedy
is because the oil from four different species of the pine make up the main body of
the remedy. Compounded the Pine is the oils and juices taken from nine different
plants and nets which grow in foreign cOuntries,
Some remarkable cures effected by the never -failing curative powers of
Prof. Dykes' Oil of Pines
To Prof. C. M. Dykes, Henson, Ont., manufacturer of Medicine called Oil of Pines:
This is to certify that 1Was a severe sufferer for years from Lumbago
and kidney disease and as se bad that often 1 could not raise myself up
t With the pains through my back, just above my hips, arid- oleo in. atty. hip
' joints. I tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without getting crated.
; In 18001 tried a treatment a Oil of Pines and rebeived immediate relief.
1 continued the treatment and I have never suffered, the leak of pain since
I finished any course of treatinent I can • highly ecommend this tnedi-
4 oine to any sufferer for 1 have Waited long enough before giving HAS testi-
monial to satisfy myself that Oil of Pines is an honest, reliable and never-'
§ failing cure for 'ante back and all kidney trouble.
Yours faithfully,
Zo8oph Dann, tryanston, London Tp., Ont,
Price MOO per bottle, or 6 for $5.00.
B.—If your storekeeper or druggist does not handle Oil address orders to
Prof. 0, M. Dykes, Bonsai', Ont., Proprietor and Manufacttoter. All orders
promptly filled and forwarded to afltnarts of U. S. and Canada upon receipt of
pried. Ask for Prof. Dykes' "Oil of Pules," and take 1•70 SUBSTITUTE. Prof.
Dykes' is the one original and genuine.
Retail Droggiste can be supplied direct from Pref. Dykes' Laboratory at
Aenaall, t)r frOnt 'Wholesale Druggists at London, Canada,
How It Feels to Go Without Food
For Seven Days,
For the first two days through which
a strong and healthy man is doomed to
exist upon nothing his sufferings are
perhaps more acute than in the remain-
ing stages; he feels an inordinate, un-
speakable craving at the stomach night
and day. The mind runs upon beet,
bread and other substances, but still in
a great measure the body retains its
strength. On the third and fourth days,
but especially on the fourth, tbis inces-
sant craving gives place to a sinking
and weakness of the stooaach, accona-
panied by nausea.
On the fifth day his cheeks appear
hollow and sunken, his body attenu-
ated; his color is ashy pale and his eyes
wild, glassy and caunibalistic.
The sixth day brings with it increas-
ed suffering, although the pangs of
hunger are lost in an overpowering
lauguor and sickness. The bead be.
comes diazy; the ghosts of well remem-
bered dinners pass in hideous proces-
sion through the mind.
The seventh day comes, bringing in-
creasing Iteisitude and further prostra-
tion of strength. The mind wanders.
The Method ny wiiten Sound Waves
Are PhotograPhed•
Sound can be photographed by tak-
ing advantage of the motion procluced
in a tuning fork. Sound travels in
waves, each corresponding with an os.
ciliation in the fork, which remains in
a state of continuous vibration while
the note is sounded.
To photograph these souud waves a
small mirror is attached to the end of
one of the prongs. On this a powerful
beam of light is projected by a lens, so
as to strike it at an angle of forty-five
degrees. The light is again reflected
from its surface, but in a new direc-
tion, and a very slight alteration in the
position of the mirror makes a large
one in the reflected beam.
To take the photograph the light is
turned upon the mirror in a darkened
room, and the tutting fork Is set in vi-
bration, while a sensitive plate is rap-
idly passed in the path of the reflected
pencil of light. On development the
plate shows sound waves recorded as
a wavy line, and each note has its
characteristic curves. .
The Mad Ambassador. a
There was a tragic little scene imme-
diately preceding the marriage of Bing
Edward VII. when he was the Prince
of Wales. With several of his royal
relatives he was staying at the Prus-
sian embassy in Rome, where his host
was the German ambassador, Baron
von Kanitz.
The responsibility of entertaining so
many august personages under his
roof was too much for the ambassador.
He appeared -at dinner one night in his
dressing gown and *dippers and to
half the royalties of Europe exclaimed:
"Is this to go on much longer? I am
heartily sick of it, and it must come to
an end at once."
They carried hire to his morn and the
tiet day removed him to an asylum, a
raving lunatic.
11.41314Ing; and. steep.
Dr. atatiacoine, the famous Itesslan
authority on Sleep phenomena, says
that rocking is an artiflcial method of
inducing slumber. The process fa-
tigties consciousness by a series of
monotonous sensations and Incidental-
ly deprives the brain of its blood sup-
ply, Absenco of blood from the brain
makes sleep. The inthience or the lul-
laby is objectionable, but not equally
so. A baby will go to sleep unaided
'When It needs sleep.
Her iteeiltfuolentlatiort.
CI113,1S—S0 1iseTartun loosened tip
and said a good word about me, did
he Archie --Yes; she said that When
one got better acqUainted. svith, you
one found you were not half 88 big a
fool as you appeared to be.—Etchange.
nail Ilk DiNtill et AdVallitart*.
Atidilin —Don't you hate to be as
lean tis you tire? Skitinicus—No; some.
times I find it's a &tided help, I can
cross thy legs in n crowded car without
taking up any Mete room that I did
The noblest tplestion in the World te,
Wpakgeed,mst X.,,do IkI07-Pranklin,
Do You Realize That a
Neglected Cough May
Result in Consumption,
If yon have a Cold, Cough,
Ili:terseness, Bronehitis, or any
stifection of the Throat and Lungs,
what you waut is a harmless and
certain remedy that will cure you
at once,
There is nothing so healing,
soothing, and invigoratiug to the
lungs as the balsamic properties of
the pine tree.
Contains the potent healing virtues
of the pine, with other absorbent,
expectorant and soothing meth -
clues of recognized worth,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine•Syrup
checks theirritating cough, soothes
and' heals the inflamed Lunge
and Bronchial Tubes, loosens the
phlegm, and gives a prompt sense
of relief from that choked -up,
doffed feeling.
Price 25 cents per bottle.
Be sure and ask for Dr. Wood's.
Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage
business tu this county and adjoining territo) y
for well and favorably known house of solid
financial standing. $i000 straight cash ,alary
and Expensees, paid each Monday by 040
direct from headquarters Expenses money
advanced. Position permanent, Address.
Manager, 810 Como Plorlc, Chicago Mini -144
The Marvelous Ways ot Various
Species of Ants.
111/Agular I4turrbothre -Ceremony That
WAS 3/1/ttuessed In Chinn.
One of tbe most extraordinary or
Chinese customs to western minds is
the not infrequent practice of marry-
ing celebrated widows to native vases.
An American traveler witnessed such,
a aefemOnY, which was performed with
great pomp. The widow Wits of high •
etation, When the news of her incs-
hand's death reached her she was in-
consolable and wished to enter the
state of widowhood, but her father de.
Murred. Somebody suggested that an-
other laustmad might be forthcoming,
and, as may readily be surmised, at
tbis stuge of the proceedings the wom-
an was in despair. ea wise teacher of
the Confuclau philosophy was eonsult-
ed, and. be recalled to trawl the ancient
ceremouy of marriage to a flower vase.
It was a rite of great autlquity, leg-
end attributing its origin to an empress
who ruled before the Christian era. It
was decided that the woman might
"marry the red vase." It was neces-
sary, however, to procure the Imperial
eauction. This the great wealth of
her father obtalued, and on May 1 the
wedding was solemnized
In the procession the vase was car-
ried under a silken canopy ou a palan-
(juin borne by youths of noble birth,
while the bride followed in another pa-
lanquin guarded by twelve maidens
and twelve matrons. A military guard
and a civic escort made up the parade.
Her bridegroom, the vase, is a speci-
men of great value and antiquity; in-
deed it is said to excel in delicacy of
ornamentation anything of its kind in
the Flowery Kingdom.
Lieutenant Colonel Sykes saw at Poo -
1 o.
nun ants carrying out grain to dry in Advice That May Delp ilia Course of to
the sun. Dr. Linceetun in Texas found Love to Dun Smooth.
ants which planted a certalu seed bear- Agree with the girl's father in poll- II,
Ing grass, Nepal it and carried the tics and the mother iu religion,
grain into into their cells, where they strip- If you have a rival, keep an eye an •
ped it of chafe and packed it away. him. If he is a widower, keep two
Seasona) e Goodsi
A few only of the many lines can be mentioned here, such as:
Ladies' Astrachan Coats and Capes, Collar-
ettes, Caperines, Ruffs, Boas, Muffs, etc. 1
A large assortment of LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS must be
cicared out at YOUR PRICE to make room for other goods.
Ladies' heavy fleeee-lined Hosiery, Puritan brand.
A special line of Dark and Light Flannellettes.
Lace and Damask Curtains.
Dark Prints, Tweeds, Cottonades, Etc,
Ready•to•Wear Suits, odd sizes.
Men's and Boys' high collar double-breasted Reefers. 4.
Men's Tweed Overcoats, usual prices from $10.00 to $12.CO, 3
now from 0,00 to $0.00-
BoysSuits. Men's Odd Pants. • 4
COLORED DRESS GOODS, regular 25c, for 22e.
A nice line heavy Melton, always sold for 30c, now 25c. 4
The paper relating this was read by eyes ou him. •
Darwin before the retinae:In society. Dou't put too much ARPE sweet stuff on pa- ,fir I CARPET ,
Another observer has told us of ants per. If you do you will hear it in after 10.
• 4
which grow mushrooms. years when your wife has some espe-
The foraging ants of Brazil and cial purpose in inflicting upon you the
western equatorial Africa are terrible severest punishment known to a mar -
creatures. Elephants and gorillas fly riea man.
before them; the python takes care not Go home at a reasonable hour in the
to indulge in a meal till he has sets- evening. Don't wait until a girl has
fled himself that there are none of to throw her whole soul into a yawn
them about. They have a "leisured that she can't cover with both hands.
class," much larger creatures, which ae- A. little thing like that might cause a
company their march, "like subaltern coolness at the very beginning of the
officers in a marching regiment:" theY game.
are not fighters. however. One envious
conjecture as ti) their function hal
been made. They are indigestible. and
birds spare the whole tinny lest they
should get hold of one of these tough
inorsels. Thls, it must be allowel.
looks a little too strange.
l'quves the ants certainly have, but
they do not maize slave 11a(13; the l.r night in the house. Don't stretch it all
vae of the inferior race are carried off the way to the gate and thus lay the
and hatched out. The crowning mar-
foundation for future asthma, brou-
vel, however, is that the British sittv.e neuralgia and chronic catarrh
to help you to worry the girl after She
has married. Don't lie about your
financial condition. It is very annoy-
ing to a bride who,las pictured a life
CHILDREN IN THE HOME. of ease in her anciasral halls to learn
too late that you expect her to ask a
They IRring; Anxiety, but l'ery 3111(.11
baldheaded old paretic who has been
If, on the occasion of your first call,
the girl upon whom you have set your
young affections looks like an iceberg
and acts like a cold ware, take your
leave early and stay away. Woman
in' her hour. of freeze is uncertain,
coy and hard to please.
In cold weather finish saying good
owning ant, and he alone. makes Ins
slaves tight for Idin.---Letelon Specta-
More Comfort,
Thchildren of the family—one 1.4 uniformly kind to her to take you both
in out of the cold.
apt to look ou them 'Amiens, both-
ers and expenses.
When the baby comes. 1)e it ever so '
Welcome, the mother has more work to
do. As it grows into childhood and on •
to maturity it is more and more care, '
worry and expense,
• And so the little children, those bine-
cent trespassers, are borne with as pa-
tiently as possible until they grow to .
a successful manhood or womanhood,
Pew stop to think deeply about this,
or it would be plainly seen how erro-
neous the impretision.
The children of the family, instead
of being burdens, are burden bearers; '
small saviors who are daily means of
grace, and who lead the world worn
parents once more into the paths of in-
nocence and peace.
A baby's tiny hand clasped around
1 his mother's finger bas stilled heart
• throbs of sorrow and of bitter trouble;
a baby's arms around his father's neck
have brought to the man's weary brain
a renewal of that love which is a4
that makes life livable.
are children tha.t get the
right food to eat—whole-
some, nutritious food --easily
digested food.
Cream Sodas
are splendid food for gtow-
trig children. Made of Cana,
da's finest wheat, cream and
butter—they are
more nourishing
than bread, and
easier to digest.
Always crisp and
appetizing le Cha
sal roes**,
Woman's Lire In Japan,
Advocates of the physical equality of
women aud men might find argument
to support their theory among the
anpanese. The girls and boys wrestle
ou equal terms, and the women are
said to be as strong as the men—sup-
ple, "bounding with the vim of life
and graceful in every line." The 3apto
nese women seek abundance of air,
drink pure water and go out in the sun-
shine the first thing in the morning.
Consequently consumption is a rare
disease. Instead of living in over-
heated rooms they merely add extra
clothing to what they wear already.
Women always have some time for
recreation. Even the poorest woman
goes to the bath at night and later
on meets her friends. But all go to
rest early,
Divorce and Occupations.
There bas always been a lower per-
centage of divorces among men en-
gaged in agricultural pursuits than in
any other calling, not excepting the
clergy. Soldiers, sailors and marines,
in the other extreme, show the highest
average of marriage infelicity. Next
among the high averages come the
hostlers, the actors, agricultural la-
borers, bartenders, servants and wait-
ers, musicians and teachers of music,
photographers, paper hangers, barbers,
lumbermen, and so on, diminishing iu
ratio until the lowest average Is reach-
ed, as before stated, among the farm-
.4 -
A special line Heavy Jute Carpet, to be sold at 15c, usually 20e. :44
Hit-and-miss Tapestry Carpet Weaves, splendid value, 25c. gs
A better line, nice colors and patterns, for 5c;3and many other ,11
lines equally good value. 4
Linoleums from 1 to 4 ,,ards wide are goods you can save from :ill
s.. 10 to 35 per cent. on. A
IP 4
II' It is to your pocket we appeal. Mcney well sFent is a pleasure to all, ll
a -
v• Call and see these goods. 4
ID. 4
o' Taken 1
3.. T. A. MILLS•
: As Usual. 4
a clva a i-. a a iii a a .7 a a a -a -717 a .72 ii i'i 'a as ii lira Via ,-; 7,"roaaa alb •
..------- c) •
s s 0
Ornamental Gates
Light in weight Artistic in design gg-5
Reasonable in price go
:also a large line of Standard Farm Gates ta
always on hand. Every progressive and 4i
up-to-date farmer insists on having FE.OST :,1
GATES. CataFloogasu dpriceselvon request.
RA :
: 1. W. NOWBRAY, White Churcht
v•Li.tot,S.,Stolltit SS ettft!..114PS,61-o.t..11,10itt•tts1,00•••••••4•96.•9S.
Japanese rIngusb. so
At a recent exhibition of pictures in 0
Tokyo, apan, the following notice was
posted: "No visitor who is mad or in- 0
toxicated is allowed to enter in, if any 1§:
persoa found in shall be claimed to re- 0
tire. No visitor is allowed to carry in
With himself any parcel, umbrelli,
stick and the like kind, except his purse, It
and is strictly fOrbidden to take with-
in himself dog or the same kind of
beasta. Visitor is requested to take •
care of himself from thievly."
The Silver Tom:rued One. •
"So that's the silver tongued orator, •
Is it?" said the man in the rear seat. •
"Wonder why they call him that?"
"Because," replied the weary lis
toner, "silence, which is golden, is es
touch more valuable than his oratery,"
Norte's Verittet itushognottg.
Sonia women 'Trill believe thing
novel a that their husbands cOuldal
make stick With attidaYtta.--Otattato
Tie Times
Our Job Department is up-to-date in
every particular ; and our work is
guaranteed t o g i v e satisfaction.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Our Specialities.
is the best local paper in the County
of Huron. Subscription: $ Loo per
year in advance—sent to any address
in Canada or the United States.
An advertisement in the Times brinirs good results
Address all eoturatnications to—
c)inea Phalle, go, 4.
Residence Phone, 110,74.