The Wingham Times, 1905-03-02, Page 22 THE WINGITAM_ TIMES, 3IARC1I 2, 0105 MODERN AGRICULTURE. c•.•steratly• Experiments Carried Out by the Octads Agricultural and Experi- mental Union -The New Preached. 'The twenty-eieth unwed eeseion ot TO ADVERTISERS Nader of chungee tweet he left tit this fttee not later than Sattrday noon. The copy for cheneiee meat be left not later than IN1 endue' eveniug. Cattual advertist ments accepted ip to Dome Wednesday of each Week. Ea-TABLI8I1ED eet2 ri. IIE WINfirtAlil DIE, S. E- R. ELLIOTT. Prete spelt ANDPaOritzwro:' TIIT_TRSDAY, MAR,. 2, Igoe, AGRICULTURAL. SOCIETIES. I UNITED STATES AND CANADA HINTS FOR HOME LIFE. 1 tiVN DIRECTORY. ESTADLI611111) 1672 STATISTICS The resolutions passed at the eOliVell- tien of the Ontario Association of Faint 4 aud Exhibitious, held in Toronto Febrn- 14th to 10th, are likely to leave far reach- iug effete. The Agricultural Societies of the Province for many years Jaye been receiving fixed graate from the Govern- meut, irrespective of the work they were doing. At the recent couvention, as a Few Bright Ideas That Will Appeal THE \VINOD TINES Here are some stetiethet relattng to to the Busy Housewife and .i3SPrliAT Of1170.Cil-So.bhatil tierVIOeS PUBLDWIED Canada and the United States hick Lighten the Daily Burden. 11 a 111 anti 'yIIL.auaday 8e:hotel at EVERY THURSDAY MORNING may prove iiiteresting t ) our readers. Tiley have beee compiled trues the latest If the haws are rubbed on a stick of available ottnial report: celery after peeling oniaas, the smell The area awl% ja e eee olo egeotes will be entirely remeved. A cloth wring out of hot vinegar and The popu emu is five awl One-half water and laid on the forehead as bot miles of lead. 125 755 of watstr, resultag information furnished by Pria- Sunarintenelent,,K. B. Cowan, a re solutioa was passer1. recommending that !, millions as can be borne will often relieve a head - Oar expires of h*ms. havt increased aLthe' _ _ in future grants should be dietribated to from 7 23-5,°)° Paull" r° 1331°5°*°°° in ALBWRTA AND SASKATCHEWAN. sozi ties in proportion to the amount of If a boot or shoe inches in any Fara- wrung out of very cnlar part, a cloth th,tt $3.000,,. hot water, and laid. over the place, while unmey they mend for agricultural pnr- Iu 1890 we exported less id Ian tat t„to the boot is ou the foot, will expand the poses. 1000 worth of butter; 'The tw o -ere Provinces ot the Can - ad;an West. 1 was $7,000.000 It zs probalae that the Agricultn.ral and 1 leather and give relief. Persons with gouty tendency will Arts Act will be revised and this change In the saine time exo wet of chase have derive benefit from eating au apple the The details of the Ville introduced ty - • increased from $9 372,000 to $24,712,000. et30 p Geileral prayer meeting OflWoiot•sttty ,..S.•1i11:1;F•+. Rev. J. N.Me- LeAu,13 A , pastor. Aeuer Cesens, S.S. Sume . MET anl-c•T CiWitCH-Satibat h services at 11 a ni ami 7 p m. Sunday School at • 2:3;) p 1".4r.Viirth Lea:: vie every Mon- day eyening. Get ere' prayer meeting on Ne eti tee aey eveie tia-. Rev. J. R. te• wee, a , pest tr. Wm, 1? as We S. S. Sul-er.ntenueut Par.sevi.unIAN Clint:on-Sabbath ser - Vice at 11 a in wee p no Sunday Schbol ar 2:40 p General prayer „ mete tug. eisedueielay: evenings. Rev. D. Perm, pester an.d. 8aperinten- ' dent, P. S. leeklates awl L. Harold, aseistaut S S. Sap -rintendents mase withm a year or eta Should this i last thing at night; it should of coarse, 1 S•r. PA CL 14 011ifitt.'11. nitiatoPAL--Sab- tita Wilfrid Leerier, creating the t WO be done It will result in many of the ; Onr output of gold has inereased from I be thoroughly masticated. A very little bath servetes at 11 a m :mid 7 p m. San- oew Prov nces of et :berth and Sastatche- smaller societies iu the Province being i less than one to nearly nineteen millions salt eaten with it will aid digestion. day School et 2 :;',0 p in. General prayer watt, show that the two Provimees will cut off and societies which are doing 1 Oar iron ore output has increased from meetint on Wednesday evening.. Rev. bath is the time to shave. Always wipe 1 temierit J the l'a‘ltr and Ed Nash, your razor clean. and strap it before ' asseitata S. ee. Superintend. nts. Department of Agriculture shows how pntting it away, and always put your 1 e and a proteetion. theteof, and that the 1891; in 1933 the total was 18,000,000. Delo:Ante, Allie.Y-St. -St-vice at 7 and 11 such a change is likely to work out. In division of the two will be formed by the In nickel, production has inereasee in shaving brush away with the lather on i a m and :3 and ts p ni oa Sunday, and a CDunty in Eastern Ontario, where the i every eN.o.uug denim i he week at 8 elOte uteri edam which passes a short dis- district society has been devoting a great the thirteenyears from 4,626 000 to it. deal a attentiou to horse racing, this 12.505.000 lbs The fitst diec very of tance east a tlie preeent Alberta boon- Gilding is often utterly removed froru i 0'e;'-'1'1' at the b"1-.'"':-': s' dary. rectegaly speaking, Alberta will nickel was when the 0 P. R wee mak- chime by the use of soda in washing it. 1 Poer OFFICE -In kittedonald Block, comprise tee present Territory of Aiber- soeiety will lose $140 from its grant. . I ta and half of Athabasca, and Saekatch- society farther back in the county, which ewtm will embrace Aseiuiboia, Saskatelo • The moment you leave your bed or , woe L eft, Rector anti 8. a. Superin- extend north to the 0th parallel, which good work being strengthened. An, less than 61000 to 368,000 tons te the northern boundary of British r. gond of the returns made to the -amain, east to the Munitoba boundary We procineed 88,000 lbs. of beet in hours front 8 a m zo 6:30 p m. h• '1 mone will go to a townshi mg a cnttiog near Sudbury in '83 Use soap instead of soda in teething °that' ewan mei the remaining half of Atha- is being exiducted m agricultural lines. In another Eastern Ontario county the beam. Large as these two Provinces district society will receive an increase wre ill be ccprising e5te245 square miles,- , in its grant of $101 which will be taken they leave a territory of abut the same from the .grants of three small townsuip area stili unorganized to the uortin Ed - societies. This will probably mean that :mouton will be the provisional eapital of two of the small societies will have to go Alberta and Regina of Saskatchewan.. There are stimated to be at present out of existence and that the third one e will be strengthened, leaving two strong about 250,000 sonle in each Proviuce. Manitoba not Enlarged Westward. societies in the riding instead of four at . The re' nest of elenitoba for the exten- present. sion of boundaries westward is eefused. In yet another county the grant to the but a couference vil1 bq called between ; district society will remain about as it is, Ontario, (,nebec and Manitoba aud the while two small township societies will new Prove:me:8 this year to discuss the ; lose $86, which will go to a third town - extension af the boundaries of the three • ship society. In this county it will former Provinces northward to Hudson's probably also mean that two small Bay. township societies will have to give up 'Elie public lauds of the new Provtaces ; holding exhibitious, while the second will remit= in the hands of the Domin- township fair will be strengthened. This tnion, euurnunsation amounting to St:37,- ; will mean that all through the Province 500,000 to be given therefor, to be itt. the best societies will be strengthened, creased as the population increases. ; while the weak and struggling ones, This Sir Wilfrid justifies on the ground; which are doing little or no good will go that land has always been held by the out of existence Such a change in the Federal Governmeut, and that to make Act will do away with all distinction a change might prejudice the Govern- between township and district societies ment's immigration policy. and will place all societies on the same The nnancial terms show that the new footing as regards their Government Provinces have been generously treated. grants. The payments at first will amount to $1,320,375 each per year, to be increased The convention adopted a resolution requesting the Department of Agricul- by 51, 645,010 on a sliding scale as popnla- 1 awe to enforce the Adt by cutting off ton and land values increase. This will ' - the grants to all societies which permit include a payment of 5 per cent. on a games of chance at their exhibitions, and debt allowance of $8,107,000 correspond- t pledged its support to the Department ing to tee rate paid by other Provinces; in any measures it may take to suppress a subsidy of 5,1') cents per head on 250,000 such features at fall fairs. people, to be increased as the census justifies until E00,000 is reached, as :1 ell as the compensation for the land ietain- ed by the Dominion, 25,000,000 acres at $1.50 per are. In passing, Sir Wilfrid NOTES AND COMMENTS. Coal pr eduction has grown from one your pretty teacups, etc , and they will ±eitP • - • million tons in 1874 to eight million in retain their beauty as long as they re- , Pomo LIBRA2Y-Library and free 1903 t mitt unbroken. : reading room ni the Town Hall, will be (stem seer afternoun froin. 2 to . from 385,000 cwts in 1)590 to 2.301,000j biters, etc., may be instantly arrested by : to 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Orlando G. Craig, The output of cement has inereased • Poistia from bees, hornets, spider 1 rn ee weiteet, fate every evening from 7 DR. MACDONALD, h li ti rt f common i librarian. The Post-offies Savines le ink deposits i salt and bicarbonate of soda, well rubbed Tus' COUNCIL-Tini4 13 ,IL efeyor; -AT- The Times °Mee, Beaver Block the, th,"111itt,n, Agl'ivnit"r"110101 Ex, .dlinn, mita b4•Jc, at the WIWGIIAM., ONTAIII0, Ontario Agricultural College at. (5iielph Ilring the Pr fig,rese of the TERMS OF Strarmiterrtmer-eitiO per annum in advance, $1.60 if not so paid. No paper diteon- tinued till all arrears are paid, except tit the option of the publisner. ADVERTISINO RATES. - retn1 and other casual advertieemerits 10c per efonparielline for lIret insertion, Si per lino for each rfulisequent insertion. A.dvertisements in local columne Bret:bar:tall Wets. per line for first insertion, and 6 cent, per for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farm for 8011 or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in sertion. CONTRACT RATes-The following tale shows grains, root IS, et C. , were sent ("t!.i1111 Itr%rlYit, .Mr.LIris. ()petting address Imitate oei lined the offitte of the organiattion. Ile looked upon it as the miniewthig link be- tween the scientific reeearch of the college and the practical work of the farm. he eyetein of co-operative experiments carried on ey the Union, graduates of the college were led to apply the Scientific knowledge they. had gained tit tbe institution. Only the most promising varieties ol our rates for the insertion of advertieeinent. ' for specified periods: - SPACE. 1 Ye. uo. Am. bre One Column 070.00 $40.00 Veto re tie Half Column 40 00 25.00 10.00 015) QuarterColumn 20 00 12.00 7.59 OU One Inch ------------0.00 3013 2.00 L23 Advertisements without ;ipecac directions will be inserted till forbid and. charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid fur in advance. THE JOB DEFARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled. in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post. ers, Hand Bens, etc., and the lntest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print ing. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher T P KENNEDY, M. 1),C. 14.0 . Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Sold meitenitt in Medicine. Special attention paidgo diseases of Women and Chao. ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p. m cwts. in 1003 e app ea on ofequalpa so have thereased from $2..4;000 000 ill 1890 i 00 the surface affected. Ordinary Land W 3. 14 oar, hos. Arnstrottg. Dsvid , Soottart S to $44 255.000. is also a quick and efficacious factor in • Be 11 J.. G. Buetr, W ie , \1,- '1 • ( taneilloes J. B. Fer- 1allaying tile pain and iuflemination. gnson, Clerk twee Treasurer; Anson The deposits in chartered henks have grown from $66,000,000 in '78 to $350,- 1 If when von are baking anything the Ilea im toe, A.tsessor. Board meets first mouth at 8 ;Mb ev 000.000 in 1902. !oven gets too hot, put in a basin of cold enay ouing eaeh. !This cools the oven, and the steam rising 1 Sonocie BOAMD.-Dr. A. J. Irwin, ways has increated from 6,332,000 tons (chainnau), Thus. Abrahean, J. D Long, in 1876 to 43.376,000 tans in 1002. from bnrnngn ga-iug. Wnen cookiiskr•J•ilcnuuth, Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd, 0. N. Griffia. Secretary, John oven a basin or tin of water should al- F. Groves; Treasurer J'. B. Feeguson. ways be kept in the oven. The freight carried on Canadian rail- water instead of keeping the door open o ch .010 from the water prevents the contents t Canada's exports of fl tnr have iu- creased from 115.000 barrels in 1890 to 1,187,000 in 1903 I Meetings second In.ese.'ity evee ning in ach h• Centre Street Wingham, DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over W.51cHibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. ; out for trial; consequently an immense advantage was necessarily, brought to the t-xperimenter from: ' the knowledge he gained of the: adaptability of thew: varieties to his, T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM M.D., M.D., C.M.,M.O.P.S.O, MB. MD,CM., MCPS 0. DRS. CHISHOI.M & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC. OFFICE -Chisholm Block , .Tosephine street. RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick St., Baked Potato Pzuldin -Mix twelve 1 where night calls will be answered. Oar exports of wheat have increase d g 1 PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACHERS.-A. H. at nhar MSS ll Graduate of London, New York and Chi. TNR BROWN, L. R. C. P., London, England. i ,, ounces of chopped met, two ounces of t mite Reynolds, Mi 134 erg son, caD"is.eases of Eye, Ear, No ee and Throat. Comp.', Miss Matheeen, Miss Wilson, TuWill be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingliani 4111 Miss Otonunegs and H. Meuuing. each month. Hours from 2 to fip.m. BOARD Or HEALTH-ThOS. Bell, Yu' thg figures were $11,312,000. ounces of mashed potatoes with two iu the same time from 422,000 bushels Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, to e, , . grated cheese, and eeasou with pepper In 1890 our exports of cattle were and salt. Stir this all together with a valued at less than $7 000.000. For 1903 • gill of milk, and, if eggs are cheap, use two well beaten (yolks only.) Pat all (chairman), 0. J. Reachne, Thos Greg- VANST0NE, into a battered dish, set in a good oven. ory, Joni Wileett, V 8., J. B. Ferguson, -KPrivate and Company funds to loan at lowest When the top is of a golden color the Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, rate of interest. No commission charged mom BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC 3,000,000. was 827,000 square miles; to day it is The area of the United Statei, in 1600 padding is cooked. One of the best ways to keep your Medical Health Officer Lar, avence. Aienadvefrariacproperty bought and k Wingham The population of the country has stomach clean, strong and healthy, is by inereased in the same time from 5,308, drinking a glass of cold water every JOHN RITCRIP, 000 to over 80.000,000. morning immediately atter rising, and t It was not until 1820 that the United just before retiring at night. This e States began producing coal. Ia that simplhealth rule will enable yon to laugh at the ailments which owe their year production was limited to 365 tons. In 1900 produntion ran beyond 2origin to a disordered stomach and liver, te tons. or to the chronic constipation from which so many persons suffer. Gold production began in 1310 with an output of $2.463. in 1903 the total Potted Ham. -Grind or chop fine some amonntedto over 74,1e millions. boiled ham; add to every pound two The United States did not begin mak- ounces butter. four fine minced anchovies ing steel until 1870, and in that year previously soaked in cold water and production refigures were over 10ached less that 69,000 tons. freed from skin and bones, a quarter Laurier lamented the, When the cutting of what is known as For 1900 the necessity of includ- ,000,.. teaspoonful pepper, a quarter teaspoon - Ing a clause in the bill exempting the •fal grated garlic; rule all well together the Colborne hill in Goderich township 000 tons. C.P.R. from taxation in the new Pro- and press the mixture into a srnall jar; was undertaken, it was agreed that the In 1530 the railways of the United vinces, a provision which could not be pour half an on.uce melted batter over, • ,States a a mileage of 23: even in 1360 t about $1 100 would be defrayed byhad avoided ender the terms of the original i cost, aak keep in a cool place. This is very Goderioh and Colborne townships, Clin- the total was less than 31,00; to -day it eontract.nice for sandwiches and for stuffing ton and Colborne council. Colborne'e is 200,900. Separate Schools Must Remain. • eggs. share, as agreed upon, was $100, but the Exports of cotton have grown feom Sir Wi:frid devoted more than an hour council of that township has refused to less than 300.000,000 pound!) in 1830 to If your kitchen range or stove has got to an exposition of the features of the pay the amount and a suit has been en - bill relating to education. He comment- tered to secure payment. ed on the fact that separate schools had • been authorized by Mackenzie in 1875 and confirmed by custom and practice The Toronto World thinks that if a ever since. He argued that Parliament lot of Liberal officials are not dismissed had no right to takeaway whet had been : to make way for Tories the hungry heel - granted to the Territories, and asked his ers in the Tory party will cause trouble. hearers to suppose it was 1667 instead of It declares Dr. Jessop of Lincoln, and 1905 and we were granting confedera- : Fraser of Welland, "are bound by pro - tion to the Territories, would they say mise to resign" if the axe doesn't fall they would grant separate schools to soon. Ministers are "deluged with Ontario and Quebec because they had applicationslfor positions that may not them, and refuse them to the Provinces ' be vacant," 'it eaye, and the cry for of Saskatchewan and Alberta, which ' spoils goes tip its a grand chores. The had them also? Sir Wilfrid added that patriots have sharp appetites, and Whit - though Parliament in its supremacy need ney'e troubles are not to be sought after. not necessarily grant separate • chools, -Hamilton Times. yet it was a covenant which they had no more right to disavow than they had the I covenant with the C.P.R. for exemption A. famous physician upon being asked recently what is the chief cause of ill- , 1 health, replied: "Thinking andealking about it all the time. This ceaseless introspection in which so many of the from taxation. EXTREME CASE OF rising generation of nervous folk in- dulge is certainly wearing them out. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. When they are not worrying as to whether they sleep too muck or too Astonishing- results obtained little they are fidgeting over the amount by the use of Dr. Chase's of food that they take or the quantity necessary for health. In short they MTLES, SO, Wcolistee, Essex Ca, Ont., wr.tes :-" When I began Dr. never give themselves a moment's the ute of Chaae'e Nene I ocd I was confined to my bed ; pegeeetwitweeseoeepete with what the doctors mtd was riervout Venom sly stomach was very weak and .0 seftlitintot sleep, Nervous dells end trembling would come over Inc at ' The reply of Mr. Whitney to the de - eines atd I seemed to be pntation from the temperance organize - g tang weaker end weeaker alt the tini e tions which waited upon him Friday af- Theralthatm als*Pg:n5 cn ternoon gave every assurance that the top ee held %alias meted me meth suffer. eW televernmett, if it passes any legis - I al leg and anxiety. ° lation on the question, will but attempt " After using late , rto strengthen the existing law. Mr. eozen boxet of D. t Chasea Nerve Food 1, Whitney called the attention of those began to gain in weigte i who asked for a radical measure of km - 11 end t feel stronger. Nerve Food. since ,ben 1 bave been perance to the fact tbat bis colleagues greauelle restoted t *1bad been as yet given no opportunityt� ack can air teat the irnpre,vernent hhigmy,,, WrI•135 heath and in leciang • been discuss what their policy on such great A month's treatment for 50c. Alt bas •., - semetlung %ender:al. I used in ail forty Laical:questions should be. He went On to say druggists, or The VitilsonFyle CoLim WU!. Niagara titsfrIrViellefttaao teractelnrimterni fieetioitstall ttdtroY tat! i that after hearing the various views of Falls. Oat, Sole agents idr deeede. ing ham tetteas di crdtts. all those interested in temperance legisbs- Dr. (Asses Nerve I•ood,b0 centra bet.. Tsand tion, the Govetntadnt would make whitt spurted yrnt ster..tt imitatlons the portrait GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. The Country Editor. He is the hardest worked of men, A busy chap is he; ae wields tue inetemet or the pen With great tacility. Ele chronicles that "Bessie Brown Has married Witham Goode," Than to the woodpile hustle e Own. Aud splits a lot of wood. He writes two columns of advice '2o cure the people's ills. Then does ms aprou 10 o cce And prints a hundred bills; And it sumo callers then Mere are, His tuky hands he'll wash, And trade a year's subscription for A "punkin" or a squash. over 3)-4 billion pounds in 1903. spottted with grease while cooking, and The number of tel. -grams sent has-, you cannot get it to polish, a good way 1 He states "Hi Higgins is in townto remove it is as follows: Take a little 1 Upon a load of rye"- increased from 9,000,030 in 1870 to near- Then takes the upper cases down hand brush, preferably the one used for 1 ly 02,000,000 last year. And fixes up the -pi." brnshing the pans before putting them Immigration has increased from 8385 away, smear it well over the greasy in 1830 to 857,000 in 1903. • parts. Afterwards blacklead as usual, The value of farm animals hes in- and yon %sill fiud the grease has disap- creased from $544,000,000 in 1850 to uP• peared, and a brilliant polish will be the wards of three billion dollars to -day. result. The value of all farms and farm pro- Mix the yolks of seven eggs, half a perry has grown from less than four pint of cream and one ounce of butter, billions 1850 to 20toe billious in 1900. broke ap into small pieces, with three Thettotal wealth of the natiou has spoonfuls of flour; whisk the whites of grown from seven billions 1850 to the eggs to a snow, and when ready to in $94,300,000,000 in 1900. be fried mix all together. Fry in a little bracer as thin as possible. Do not taro them in the pau, bat as they are doue, turn them out one upon the other, sifting sugar between until you_ have enough. A few seconds is enough to cook each, but they imnst be served immediately and kept very hot. Aver- age cost, Is. 6d. WOMAN'S GREATEST ENEMY. Constipation the Cause of .5Iost Women's iroublee-An easy way to Permanently Cure this Painful Cundition. There are few women indeed who do not suffer with chronic constipation. Nearly all are slaves to some kind of medicine to correct this trouble, awl yet theym get nothing but tepprary relief. One period of constipation is followed by another, and it's physic, physic, physic, year in and year out, till life becomes a btuden. • Therois now a sure cure for thiscondi• tion and a enre,that does not have to be repeated. It is Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill. Dr. Leonhardt, of Lincoln, Neb.. is the author of the] prescription. He need it for years with wonderful success in his own large practice as a remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness and constipation. Many ladies who have suffered for years are nowenjoying good health and a perfect freedom from the old constipa, tion through the use of Anti•Pill. Mrs. Tabb, 287 1meraid, St., north, Hamilton, On., says: "I am no longer troubled with COTi. stipatioa, I cannot ptaise teo changes in ges n the existing law it thought BIG SAL1 of stylish TOrl Skirts at imps hoOk sutbor, arc co every bal. wise. /wines. Prices begin at $1.76, lAnd when the ems" ia straightened oat The furniture he cleats--; Then sets a stick or two aboae The tariff and the trusts. His paper cheers ns every week - It does whate'er it can To keep the slush off Freedom's peak And save the rights of man, So come ye freemen of this land, 1 And let's be thaakful for I This bulwark of the nation, 1 1 The country editoe. Unless one is willing to do the work properly, it will be better to varnish or paint the floors, although, when proper- ly done, nothing can be more beautiful than a well -waxed or oilded floor. The rock on which most people split is in the use of too much Wax or oil, and not enougloharci rubbing. The boards for floors should. be well seasoned, and planed on both sides. The planing on the under side is to prevent the wood from absorbing moisture. The boards should be made from one and a quarter inch plank and be laid over another floor of cheaper wood. If yon can afford it, put felt between the two float to deaden sounds. The boards being tongued and grooved, them will be cracks between them. trignsibir of r. W. Chase, the famous re. a XOTIOE-I have arranged With the Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me On notes or niortgages, can pay, principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember yon need not pay until you are reqttested to do se by me. I thank all those who have dene businesstvrith me and wish you all every prosperity. ROUT, MOINDOO, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies* Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator on which -woman can depend "in the -hour and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1. -For ordinary cases is by far the hest dollar medicine known. 147o. 2 -Por special cases -10 degrees stronger -three dollars per box. ladies -ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggiste in the Me !minion of Canada. Mailed to any address On receipt of_priee and four 2 -tent postage Mamie. Who Cook company* Windsor, Oats Sold in Weigher!). by A. I. McCall &, Co. A• L. Ran:dame and Walton McKibben, druggists 50 YEARS' narEXPEttlENCE TRADE MARKS Dcstorts COPYRIGHTS ea0. An.Verie tentifeg a tlicieh and dteeriptlen alto quietly ascertain nor opinion free whether air invention is prearibiy piktertetee. Comma:len Gone strictly cotithiential. Handbook en Patent,. tent tree. Oldest agency for secure:R.1)/1ton". PstOnta ,tation through Munn & Ce. steeled veceinaties, Intb20tehhrge, itt tbe $dttllifiC iitnerican. A handsome,' Illtiterat•d weekly. Y.nreett e4r. natation of any se:tonne ieurrial. Term*, TS It Bain r ortbs, I. 110.1 by clieetvadeelell. & CO 3616&astray, New Yjk /moth Office. kv r A. MORTON, CY • BARRISTER, &c. Wingham, Ont. E. L. Diognomie tbrrimry HoetieS DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN. OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham. J. IRWFN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of DentalSurgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Tea T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. Y Y • DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingham D. D. S. -Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. j S. JEROME, L. D. S. Has a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine, Special attention to the care of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed OFFICE.- In Chisholm block, next door Hamilton's Drug Store. to W A. CURRIE, WINGECAM'S AUCTIONEER Is now prepared to attend the wants of those requiring his services, at a reasonable price. No necessity of going out of town for an auc- tioneer. All enders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. A LEX. KELLY, 'Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receiveprompt attention. JAE. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huren mai Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. F S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. LICENSED AUTITIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales in this section, Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Date and orders can always be arranged at the TIMES office, Wingham. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't grairantee that you win sell becaute you may ask more tor the article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Times and try this plan of clitipokag of your Stook and other articles. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRIINK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LRATR TOR London 0.50 &n.... 8.10p.m. Toronto & Bast OM a.m.... 8.05p.m. Kincardine -11.10 a.m1.40 min.... 8,55p.m. ARRIVEFROM Kincardine 0.M11.15 sen.... 3.05 p.m London OLIO 7.95 p.m Palmeraton 9.85 Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.... 8.88 pati L. HAROLD, Agent, Winghem, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAITiVrAl. TRAINS TJEATR TOR Termite end taat8,57 MM....tett p.m Teeewater 1 17 ean....10.4S p,m. AniCiyi non Teeswater 6.57 a.re art p.m. Toteitito arid bast.1.17 mra. 10.43 p.m' foam .1. H. saibtiiii:•Attool,winihani. T. C. Ef.ronn, oTTAwa, ONT. President of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental rnion, local conditions. The outlook, he believed, was most promising. Thr Union had passed the trial stage, and had proved itself of inestimable value to the farmers of the province, hence the prospects were most en- couraging. One very pleasing feature of the annual banquet of the ex -students was the presentation of a cabinet ot silver to Dr. James Mills, ex -presi- dent of 0.A .0, The officers &octal for 1905 are: President, F. C. Elford, Ottawa, Ont.; vice-president, (500. A. Robert- son, St. Catharines, Onto secretary, Pr of . C. A. Levitz, 0 A . C. , Guelph; treasurer, Prof. II. L. Ilutt, 0. A. C., Guelph; board of control, ex - president E. C. Drury, Crown Hill: president G. C. Coalman, (;uelph; M. McCallum, ShakeNpearte G. A. Putnam, Toronto; D. R. McMillan, O.A.O. Two portraits were unveiled and presented to the college. The first was that of the late Prof. Panton. His character and work were fitting- ly eulogized by Mr. Walter J. lirowre. 0, 0. James and Dr. James Mills. This portrait was a gift of the ex - students of 0.A. C. The second por- trait was the class memorial of the graduates of 1904. It was a por- trait of the ex -president, Dr. James Mills. Dr. J. W. Robertson spoke in fitting terms of the excellent work of Dr. Mills, and IL L. Fulmer, '04 spoke for his class. . Government Whitewash. The NVashingt on or Government whitewash is made as follows: Take half a bushel of unslurked lime, slack it with boiled water, cover during the process to keep in steam, strain the liquid through a fine sieve or strainer and add to it a bag of salt previously dissolved in warm water,. three pounds of ground rice boiled to a thin paste and stirred in while hot, half a pound of Spanish whit- ing and one pound of clean glue, previously dissolved by soaking in cold water and then hanging over a. slow fire in a small pot hung in a. large one and filled with water. Add five gallons of hot water to the mix- ture, stir well and let it stand a few days covered from dirt. It should be applied hot, for which purpose it can be kept in a kettle or portable furnace. It is used by the Governs- ment to whitewash lighthouses. pint of this 'whitewash mixture, if Properly applied, will cover one square yard and will be almost as serviceable as paint for wood, brick or stone, and is much cheaper than the cheapest paint. itoup In Fowls. Dr. A. R. Ward of California, who is an authority on fowls and a. Veter- inarian, recently stated before an as- sociation of his medical brethren that roup in fowls has been shown to be distinct from human diphtheria. The remedies for roup must be cheap in order to be of general application. Roup is widely distributed in Cali- foi nia. In an outbreak ninety-one hens were treated three times with. kerosene, with the result that 61 per ccnt, were cured. Kerosene appears.. to be the best remedy for letup,. Tinc- ture of iodine was also quite effective in certain outbreaks of the disease. It was not found possible to prevent the spread tg roup by the use of cor- rosive sublimate in the drinking water in the proportion of 1 to 2,000. Quarantine and isolation, witli thorough disinfect ion, gives best re- sults. ligation for rigs. A suitable ration for the growing pigs is made of taw parte shorts and three parts corn, where these feeds are available. It may be found pro- fitable to substitute tanarige for the shorts in some cases. Tankage is n packing house product of high feed- ing value. It produces eery desirable results when fed in connection with corn. As the pigs get older the pre - portion of corn may be increased. The growing pigs should have suffi- cient protein in their food for the protection of good bone and strong frames, and it is essoitial that they be pushed to maturity as rapidly as Possible. -Indiana *:lsperitaent Stitt - 0a.