HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-05-07, Page 26A14 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 7, 1988 Rurtal concerns are dle®Meeeld CORN PRODUCERS The five main areas of concern to area corn producers were presented by Ron Christie, Region 10 director for the Ontarhio Corn Producers Association in his brief. Mr. Christie called for a national sugar policy, "that is fair to Canadian farmers." Com producers want the government to put a stop to foreign sugar entering the country at "unfairly subsidized rates." The OPCA is also pushing for the promotion of fuel ethanol, made from agricultural crops, as a replacement for lead in Canadian gasoline, and grain alcohol use as an octane enhancer. Mr. Christiee chal- lenged the government to alter Canadian gasoline specifications to match US stan- dards for lead content. "Alcohol usage in gasoline could potential- ly use over $100 million in Ontario oom annually, with additional benefits of a lower lead environment," he said, interim stabilization payments, a new tripartite agreement with the federal and provincial government and a request for a countervail duty on US corn imports, were also addressed by Mr. Christie. FOODLANDHYDRO COMMITTEE Speaking on behalf of the Foodland Hydro Committee's 1,200 members, covering an area between Bruce County and London Chairman Tony McQuail questioned the neem for new Hydro facilities in Southwestern Ontario and the possible location of such facilities. Four years ago, Mr. McQuail explained, the committee accepted Hydro's position another line was needed out of the Bruce Nuclear Plant. "Since then, Hydro has developed the Bruce Load and Generation Rejection scheme, which allows them to get substan- tially more power out of Bruce. Load growth projections have been reduced and the technologies for electrical efficiency and cogeneration have increased," he added. Because of these new developments, the FHC is hesitant about accepting Hydro's latest, more extensive proposals for locating new transmission lines through this area; Mr. McQuail said. "Must agriculture bear the impact of these cities so that our society can continue to waste electricity in the manner in which It has become accustomed?" he asked. Organizations representing We rural population of Huron County had their annual opportunity to present their concerns to area parliamentarians recently. HURON COUNTY EGG PRODUCERS Wiliiam Scott Huron County director for the Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board, emphasized the advantages of the supply management system now in place in the egg industry and said reports that supply management is "on the table," in Canada - USA trade negotiations are making egg producers nervous. "Supply management provides a fair return to the producer, Egg producers require no income subsidy from the govern- ment. Insufficient egg producers are able to get out of egg production and either develop another part of the farming operation,•or get out of agriculture altogether, thanks to quota value," he said, Egg producers are able to pay their bilis and replace outdated equipment on income derived completely from the marketplace, said Mr. Scott. "They do this and still compete with other protein foods which do require considerable help from the government," he added. ' If government is worried about high quota values, the solution is in their hands. If prosperit-established in o er segments of agriculture, was the pressure would quickly come off quota values," he con- cluded. HURON COUNTY MILK COMMITTEE Milk producers too, are "verylucky to be in a supply management situation," said Kenneth Ramsey, vice-chairman of the Huron County Milk Committee, Supply management helps to offset the cost of high wages, interest, hydro and veterinary ser- vices, he said. Mr. Ramsey expressed concern over what he termed "false advertisement," of non- dairy products, such as margarine, "Another of my personal concerns is the way we have gotten dropped from ROP (Record of Performance). Another was losing the drug chloramychicol, which was the best and cheapest product we had for dairy cattle, and another is all this talk of free trade, and what it might do to dairy and farming in general, as well as farm -related jobs," he said. • ..ts li new n 'lett a q llF.t S sJ11R.s.r will(, 1 SIIi .+ �r..:"rhtiik)ttii Poe DUBLIN AND AREA FUTURE SCIENTISTS - Wayne Rumford, Andrew Kennedy, Nancy Godkln and Andrea Moore were the Seaforth representatives In the Huron County Science Fair held recently In Clinton, All four students did well with Nancy finishing first In her division, Mol(wralth photo Residents attend wedding St. Columban Correspondent MRS. CECiLIA RYAN 345.2028 Louis Nolan, Vincent and Dorothy Murray Joe and Helen Nolan all of St. Columban and Anne Nolan of Clinton attended the Stockle and Glumm wedding at St, Aloysius R,C. Church, Kitchener on Saturday, May 3, The bride is the daughter of 13111 and Anne (Nolan) Stocliie of Kitchener, Joe and Wendy Murray and family of Whitby visited on the weekend with Ray and Vera Murray. John Hicknell of St. Mary's spent the weekend with Francis and Marie Hicknoll, Doctor Continued from Page A2 It won't happen right away, but your grandchildren will experience it. This is the first time I have made a public statement. if the people want government - controlled medicine or receive it because of apathy - so bo it. Most doctors and most patients are happy with. the health care system as It Is, Let us leave it alone. Tho government plans to take control of the pharmacists next - after that who knows - maybe you. Donald Kemp, M.D. Renfrew, Ontario Don Melody, a medical student at Western University, Landon spent the weekend with his parents, Ted and Francis Melady. Louise Ryan of Kitchener and Mary Jo Ryan of Southampton spent the weekend with their parents Clarence and Cecilia Ryan. A reminder for all parishioners and former parishioners of St, Columban R.C. Church are Invited to attend the 75th anniversary celebration of the present church on Sunday, May 11, Mass at 10 a.m. followed by a Tight lunch and social hour in the parish hall, Alex Baker honored on 65th birthday Cromarty Correspondent M ItS. It. I RING On Sunday after -noon Bonnie Cronin.' Old her sister, Jane hosted a birthday patty n honor of their father, Alex Baker, of WOOS! who was Oli on April 27, Those present at Bonnie and Danny Cronln's horn in Cromarty wore Alex Baker, Mitchell; !Wailer - le Hodgert, Exeter; Jim and Cindy Baker, Harley and Brittany, Mitchell; Marilypp and John and family • Julie, Jeff, Angela, Dr'eW, Sherri and Marti, Kuryville; Jane and Lew of Sobringvllle, Ronnie, Danny, Jennifer And Mark Cronin o1' Cromarty, A lovely ham supper with birthday cake and Ice 'cream was enjoyed. , Brussels Continued from Page A5 At the Ethel church there was it dedication of a memorial cross, the Sacrament of Baptism wus held for Michelle, Amanda, daughter 01' Robert ani( Christine Smith, the admission of new member's and Confirma- tion. The Ethel Church ladies are having 0 Ham and Turkey Supper on Sunday, May 25 from 4 p, m, to 7 p.m. In Grey Control School, Ethel. Sunday May 11, Mother's Day, the Sacrament of Baptism will be hold at Brussels United Church. We are pleased to report that Roberta Simpson of Brussels Is out of hospitaland recuperating at home following her accident. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada LIFE AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE PLANS, DEFERRED ANNUITIES INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE FLEXIBLENO LOAD R.R.B.P. NON•SMOKER8 RATES AVAILABLE REP Arnold Stinnissen 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAPORTH Tel. 527-0410 iyy vv s HAPPY BELATED; BIRTHDAY "FISH" MARK FISCHER r Thane, Mater 8.dllite Reception Equipment SPECIALISTS •DEMONSTRATIONS • INSTALLATIONS • BALES Verne, Ont. B&T ANTENNA SALES 402.7120 Brien MAO CALL NOW 1r It's (tI It's ruyi.YOne Mali, ono billt;daos it ilii 1 mei.'- W.ri .r - e.e eeral.rt - rW'u.w e.r r`ir - liter.°.te -eri.Yiewstel`..r --)Ys(i�rae - ARTICLES FOR SALE HELP WANTED SWIMMING POOLS factory outlet clearing 1985 invon. STORE MANAGER required for young company In tory of above ground pools. Complete package sold growing market, Barrie area. Must hove proven mot.. for 52.495. clearing at $1.495. Supply Is limited, Call chondlsing skills, rotall lumber building material °s- now (519) 653.0176" 0.19 portend!. Also Counter salesperson, minimum 1 yr. .. _ ,.... ._ _ - _ .. experience, Reply In confidence to The Barrie Banner. PIANO SPRING SPECIAL, Good condition from 1295 Box 344, 174 Brock Street L4N 2M2..-0.19 pianos refinished excellent Ione Irom $995. Player Plano completely restored Village Plano Shop (behind MA CHERIE Homo Foshlon Shows, Est, 1905. Jain our Kentucky Fried Chickon,) Elmira, (519) successful family of independent representatives In 669.2280. 0.19 presenting quality lingerie and lolsurowoar at In• home pantos for woman, It's lunl It's Easy! It's pro. STEEL BUILDINGS. Miracle Spon Winter Clearance Iliablol For information Coll coflocl (416) 632.9090 9 direct from our loctory, example 25 x 30 83,274. 32 x am to 4 pm.- 0.19 40 $3.992, 40 s 58 15.805. Other rhos to Cicero from. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _- All buildings aro complete with .errs and price In. A FRESH START. Linwood Homes Ltd. live In and on(oy eludes delivery. Coll loll iron Marcel Alfons your own modal cedar home and possibly earn 1.800.387.4932.- 0.19 •535.000 per yoor. Limited number el dealerships available In ,trio iod'eratls o1.Ontarl6.-Nero h o rare CLEAR SWEET WATERT Now Tochn'ology for treatingopporer. worm at the well or sistorn charring well to faucet pro. Jones In Calgary n + olgory il interestto a now ed (403)!786.16111 N 11 taction throughout entire water system. Rutty...5mol• gowrldgo Dr., N.W.. Calgary, Alberta T30 286.-0.19 ly.. .gad Tasting...water. bacteria. staining. chemicals „_- _-- and more, No Sall or Mossy Chemical -only 490 o day A LEADING l JTACTUAEA of packsggo Cedar to own 8 operate. Soo the results for yourself with our Homos ho+ o dlstrlbuloruhlp available on V00000001 6 -month Triol 0114,. 11 you Want Boller Water lar Bet. Island No franchise foo required. High returns. En. ter Country Living .call or write Water qulrlos to H. Randall. 2340 McCullough Rd.. Nonalmo Purification Systems No. 203.1030 Kamoto Rd. O.C. V954N2.••0.19 Mississauga. Ono LAW 406. Serving Ont, Irom "" Thunder Ooy. Cochran°, Sudbury. Ottawa, Kingston,' ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE with of least 1 tut. Mt Forest. London, Mississauga, Muskokos. 0.19 toilful year In this hold required by rapidly growing (adorn Ontario newspaper. Good company plan and 10' 0 10 GREENHOUSE 5149. 1000W Metol Halide 5175. excellent hinge benoliis, located In ou'doot 'circa• Plus 10.000 gardening products Groot mhos. Send 'tonal orad offering good hurling. fishing. sports. Im• 52. for lnlo•potk Wei10m WOW, Farms. 0714 mediate vacancy. Coil Chuck Hudson. Record News, Seymour SI . Vancouver. B.C. V68 3N9 (6041 Smiths Polls (613) 283.3102.-0.19 602.6636 - 0.19 Huron xpositor ,►� 527-0240 e MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL until May 11 3000 6 sessions 40, • "SAE COMING 10 EXPOS Visit the forgedhydreponks PERSONAL store in Canadalust two blocks from Expo. Western PRESTIGE ACOUAINTANCE SERVICE Is en mltoduction Water Fors 1244 Seymour St,. Va0Oowar. B.C.. V6g bureau Tor unattached adults seeking lotting relation. 3N9 (604) 687 6636 0.19 ships. Successful, 'trilobite, selective. Coll toll free -- - 1 900 763-9163. Hours Noon till 8 pm. -0.19 TEMPERED GLASS, 28- x 76- 533 for porches. sunrooms greenhouses. dg mo HITACHI EDUCATIONAL Planerloin ter 51.795 Mow 52.695) Sid Tatham Wood- works Woodstock (519) 537.2660. 0.19 FREE. 1986 guide to study -whores? correspondence Diploma courser For prodigious careers: Accounting, 0580 STORE ISLAND 8 Wall shelving. glass shaking. Al,.condLlloning, Bookkeeping. eve,"0,,, Showcases. counters. steelastable shelving. pallet Cosmetology. Elot*ronics. Legol'Met sweaty,edksweaty,rocking Lovers New 1 Uted354 Adelaide St 5 Amt. psychology. Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide. Wast don, (519) 681.2754. Mon.•Fri, 9,5, Sat` 4.12.-0.19 Toronto. 1 800.268.1121,--049 STEEL BUILDING rolocmlon sole • We ore clearing out COMING EVENTS old stock • Sova thousands. We won't be undersold. Phone Pionoar Solos Doperiment toilet) for inform°• THE BARN, vendors wooled, Permanent indoor- out. Pion. (416) 6781585, 417.20 door Market, Formers Markel, Antiques. collectibles, STEEL OUIDINGS Liquidation: Various models, exam. etc. Open Sat. Sun. This year every Wed. Noon • 9 pm. ' le 30x50 with slide door $4,800. Sties up to 120 11. with auction sole at 6 pm. Hwy 78 at Fowlers Cornett wide, All priced for Immediate clearance. Call Just outside Peterborough (705) 745.1081.-0.19 '1.000-387.8148 or (416)8296262..-0-19 SPRING 000KFAIR. Sunday May 11486 II om. • 5 pm. A•2 BUILDINGS New t pas, sleet 8 wood. quantal, Cartideri Hall, Bag Yo+We 5t Toronto Raro 8 second y hand books, maps. prints 8 related Items, $1.50 en - cladding. For true value, action 8 answers (416) trance foo (416) 598.2014. • 419 6261794. leave message or collet* after 6 pm- even. __ _-_^._a _- _ _ _ ..,. Ings, week -ands. Ask for Wally. Free brethuro. - 4 _ 19 BEACON HILL SCHOOL 201h Anniversary REUNION - Friday. Moy 23rd. 1986 7 pm. School gym S5 adu11.57 student. Replies: 170 Aha, Of WO, Beacondield• Quebec (514) 695.3301.-0.19 ODUEVAIE MARKET opening Moy 1611, weekend. Crafts. home -baking. Collectibles. produce. Caner Hwy 86 and 87. Open Friday to Sunday nights. Phone (514) 579.1127 for fnformotion.--919 RIPLEY HURON WET F'estivol, sponsored by the Ripley AgrkoIIurar Society July 18. 19. Limited some ovoilobls (519) 395.5197 or write Firs, 03801 Vondert1 ek, RR, 4, Ripley, 1400 2R0.-049 �ttVESTOCK 811LL SALE 75 ROP Beef Sults qualify Red Meat Pro. green May 17 1986 4 30 pm 6 mites north Mount Forest 14w7. 6 (519) 334-3497 (705) 459-903t. 0.19 FRIDAY MATY I6, 6 pm. Carson's Light *Heavy Hone 8 Equipment consignment sole Consignments ac- Eepled. Horses for everyone's needs at Carson's Soles . Arena 1 tinge east of U'stowe4 an Hwy. 06. (519) 291.2049-0.19 CENTRAL ONTARIO ANGUS SALE, Sol, May 10186 1 pin. 2 young Buns. 5 yearling Heifers, 44 young taus with calves. Brubocher's Sato Arena. Guelph (519)056.9249.- 0.19 FARM SERVICES FARMERS Exp()riencimg Finant)of difficulties. there May be ways:of solving your problbeiis that you ore not aware of. For further information contact Syi-Mor *honed Consultants (519) 449.2809.-0.19 Ti*V8l. MISCELLANEOUS NEED CLUB FUNDS? Raise big dellors. sell fomout Cherry HB) Chedise. gilts, Plan pre d+r{stirs}. hind raising campaign now. Free fund raising kits for ter. 0100 clubs. sports groups, schools, churthes. etc. Con. tett us today. 41 Laird Dr. Toren, Ont. M10 314 (416) 413.9494,--419 • • • • • FROM THE GANG • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WORKS FOR EVERYONE • 2140 FEATURE A • NIGHTMARE 0 OM - LM ST. 2 • • .4 • • • • • • PRIDDY'S 0 RIVENGS • • FRI., SAL. • • SUN. • 8100 P.M. • f'Zunl• • ••••••••••••••••i0•••4•f•1•••••••••••• ,• •,0YYYf YYYY YYYYYY YIWY,p WYYYYYYYYYYY04YYYWYY,YYYY. GQDII ICH 524.7111 So let the Huron Expositor work with' you to promote & sell your business & products, -..there's no lime like the present, TRI HIUARI WWII" W YYYYW 440/ 040 40440 03,0,00000 Y VIP Y0Y 4 WWWYY 04,1110004,* 4 4WY400 YYY WHAT HARM • WHEN Al b+ • THE • • • • 1 1f,l�i • •• • - _ _ • �jsv4s s• TUESDAYS ARE $2,0'0 NIGHTS�r.tptt ENDS THURSDAY, MAY 8 7�:�.�3yy0-� [��-�3r�� A STEVEN seanf R,l Fri N • • • • • • •'•••••••••••-•we*aro -••••••••-••---•-••••- _mei MOMS WOMB MEI Ili MI6 MI Bili tl4 HART LODGE, Hotiburron Highlands, Tennis. heated ° The Only way to get /�: pool whuftpoel, boats golf nearby.lisrc by. le. oom•1 t YOUR modohons some e r ton'dit:oned, TN., Fireplaces, licensed dining,tournamentt. enteribinmen`t, sopet•1 ,,,LL in 2x.5 million homes1 tired children"! program,. Law June rater. '00111 ad i.804161.7699 foo brochure -019 in Canada for 1.. VACATION IN HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS fat rMlfol. s659 °6 t bea°ry. Swim • Sunbathe• Fish.Enfeyt mseft romp• l firers 8 dart. Stay in cloon modern' colleges, special r rotes Spring 8, Fag. COI Ruby's Callsges. RR. '141 or in •is 4•i,50( rlofnes Minden KOM 1It0 (705) 499-2'93 -0.19 51 in Ontario. for • ll HiiELP WANIID• - 1. Pia,Vel yOlir ®95• IM 1I WORtiOVERSEAS Fantastic opportunityfoworkarra ii.-CIasslfiedAd form in Atist'rotra New Noland, or Europe Db Out .. hovel ea8togricultorofe.perience?Are yousfrigle7 tjy'callifigourhelpfulclaaalii•d Applcauon'deddlmedolesate drawing:closer Collor) a(�•VlS6'!r5'8t 1 (i-3-2.'141132----2" 403 2Mtet 11)llat111 Ave?,S.W.utta lgary. A110e 3C S•1 Huron I Ron. 1211 ltlh'A5olgory. Alto. T3C OMS H _ 2 1 1. xpositor 1 TRAIN FOR A JOS with a luture,•.011 Trl-County - - 527 024ej0 -. Truck Driver Training. Job search asssionce a®�e`® r®lei q'Fes ds sv ea ®ss®11®ItEi'.,, available. Kitchener 720 King E., (5:9) 743.5011. Brent. : e: ford 300 Cc"?otbarne E., (519) 756.0223.-0-19 - . ..:.. NEED HELP! ...to prune a treei out your lawn or tend your garden? You'll find it right here in the classifieds. CALL NOW Make Mother's Day Special Brunch... Served 11 a.m. - 2.5O p.m. Dinner.. • Served from 5 pm Reservations Recommended 565-2611 THE LITTLE INN of BAYFIELD Mair) Street, Bayfield positOr _ ,. 527=0240..