HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-05-07, Page 25THE HURON EXPOSITOR, 'MAY 7, 1986 — A13 23. REAL ESTATE WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527..0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 NEW LISTING: Egmondville, 2 storey brick home completely and tastefully decorated throughout, large lot, garage. Must be seen. NEW LISTING: Investment property? Try this. duplex 1 block from Math St. Excellent condition. NEW LISTING: 25,000.00, 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, 2 blocks from uptown. BRICK BUNGALOW : 3 bedroom, full basement, attached garage, excellent , location, close to uptown. 3 BEDROOM cottage, close to uptown, large lot, many extras. $40,000.00. BUILDING LOT 62' x 116' on James St. $12,000.00. 12 UNIT apartment building. Excellent income. Call for details. REDUCED: Goderich St. 3 bedroom 1 floor home, $35,000.00, LOOK AT THiS: 15 ac, vacant land, close to Seaforth. 5 ACRES: in McKillop, 2 storey brick 4 bedroom home. Paved road. 59 SEAT RESTAURANT: and take-out. Call for details. 121/2 AC. BUSH in McKillop Twp. mixed hardwood, $19,500.00 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW : located in the country with .a garage on a rented lot. Nice location. $24,000.00 COLEMAN ST.:4 bedroom frame home on a double lot, $27,000.00 20 ACRES: with fine brick home, barn and bush, on the Maitland River close to Seaforth. iSABELLA ST.: 3 bedroom modular home, large lot. $35,000.00 W RSON ST.: Excellent 4 bedroom, very modem, $65,000.00. STAFFA: 11/2 storey 4 bedroom, good condition, large lot. $38,500.00. EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom bungalow, 1380 sq. ft., nice family home on a large lot. $56,500.00 AUTO BODY: Repair shop. very modern shop with or without all equipment. Inquire. REDUCED: 575,900.00: 10 acres. 2 storey brick house, 2 sheds, pond, very nice. BUBDING LOTS: W e have a very good selection of lots in Seaforth, Egmond- ville and area. Call for your choice. ' AREA FARMS & COUNTRY PROPERIMS MCKU. OP TW P. 100 AC. Good house, shed, barn, near Seaforth. HOBBY FARM : 2 ac., fine brick home, steel covered bane, ,shed, much more, close to Seaforth. 565,000.00. 2 - 5o ACRE PARCELS, no buildings, tiled. 865,000.00 each. 121/2 AC. of hardwood bush. 519,900.00. 50 ACRES: Systematically tiled, no buildings. Reduced $55,000.00. 115 ACRES: Partially tiled, no buildings. Reduced 5150,000.00. 20 ACRES: Fine stone & brick home, 5 acres bush, river frontage, 5105,000,00. 75 ACRES: No buildings, 5120,000.00 69 ACRES: No buildings, 555,000.00. 51 ACRES: No buildings, 585,000.00. 150 AC.: 140 workable, brick home, excellent financing available. GODERiCH TW P. DAIRY: 136 ac. 195 L No. 1 quota and 80,667 L No. 2. 3 bedroom home, $500,000,00. DAIRY: 160 acres, 56 cows, 361 litres No. 1,200,627 litres No. 2; 2 storey brick home. 5550,000.00. 80 ACRES: Near Bayfield, nice bush with spring creek, $75,000.00, 111BBERT TW P. 100 AC. All workable, 3 bedroom home, 600 hog barn, paved road. COLBOILN E TW P.: Dairy farm, 150 ac. approx. 70 cows, 522 litres number 1, 188,000 L number 2, fine brick home. L34. AUCTION SALES [34.'.AUCTION SALES 34' AUCTION SALES •••••'•••••••••••••• • •• AUCTION SALE • : . • of smaller farm machinery, colter- • • fibres, antiques, brass and copper • • , Items to be held at WALNUT LANE • • FARMS, 11/4 miles west of Bornholm • o• n • Sat., May 17th .• • • • • • • • • • • R.G. GETHKE Auctioneer • 347-2465 • ®•••••••••••••e••••• Evening Auction Sale To be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario Thursday, May ..8 atep.m. Additions to last weeks ad. White 10 hp riding lawn mower with electric start, Arians 8 hp riding lawn mower, 5 hp garden tiller, handmade quilts, gas clothes dryer, dresser with oval mirror, beer fridge, 2 antique iron beds with brass fixtures, upholstered chairs, 2 pony saddles, truck topper for full size pickup, small table saw, window 50" x 56", 2M x 850 boys bikes, 1 girls bike, plus much, muchmore. CASH AUCTIONEER— RICHARD LOBB 482.7898 DOUGLAS JACOB 271=7994 or 393.6214 AUCTION REGISTER THURS. MAY 15 at 6 p.m. Auction sale of antiques, appliances and household effects to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre in Mitchell. Furniture consign- ments welcome. SAT. MAY 17 at 11 a.m. Auction sale of frame building on small lot and a complete line of honey making equip- ment to be held at Lot 8 Conc. 13 off Downie Township. Ralph Askew, prop. SAT. MAY 24 at 11 a,m. Clearing auction, antiques, furniture, appliances and mist, items to be held in the Village of Fullerton, Harold Davis, prop. 38, SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 W ATSON APPLIANCE REPAIR: Repairs freezers, refrigerators, ranges, dryers, wash- ers, dishwashers, microwaves, compactors air conditioners, dehumidifiers. Please calf 393-6180 or 527-1213 for service, 38-17-4 PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS.--:---. SILLS Home HOME Hardware HARDW Seaforth'527.ARE1020 RICHARD' LOBB Clinton 482.7898 AUCTION CALENDAR THURS. MAY 8 at 6 p.m. Tools and household auction at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton for Mrs, Lyddiatt of Blyth. and Brenda Bigelow. SAT., MAY 10 at 10 a.m. truck, bulk feed tank, tractor, snowblower, hay, rotary mower, tools, chains, electric motors, power tools, piano, etc., 4 miles east of Goderich on hwy 8 for the estate of Orval Bodges. SAT. MAY 17, 10 a.m. Furniture, appliances at Richard Lobb's Auction' Barn, Clinton for Geo. Fox, Seaforth and Mrs, Reid of Bayfield. THURS. MAY 22 at 6 p.m. Household effects; and 2 bedroom house at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn for Harold T. Pepper. House located at 57 Dunlop Street offered at 7:30 p.m. from auction barn. SAT. MAY 24, 2 tractors, 2 pickup trucks machinery, tools and misc. 11/2 miles west of Holmesville for . Mrs. Doris Batkin, 135. TENDERS WANTED PUBLIC AUCTION of the chattels of Mr. Hugh Hutchison and other additions consisting of antiques, household furnishings, automobile and farm machinery. DATE: Saturday, May 10. 1986 TIME: 12:30 p.m. DIRECTIONS: 33/4 miles South of Mit. chell on Hwy. 23. Turn right 2 miles. Part of Lot 3, Concession 7, Hibbert Township. For further Information, contact • Norm Whiting at 235-0680 or 235.1931 (Exeter) 1 GRASS CUTTING TENDER DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a W eek MAIN ST. for Seaforth Optimist Park All tenders to be in to Gerd Phillips, Egmondville, before5 p.m. Friday, May9, 1986. 139. CARD OF THANKS 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Large Estate Auction Five miles east of Goderich on No. 8 highway for the Estate of Orval Hodges Sat., May 10 at 10 a.m. Upright feed storage tank, IHC 275 diesel tractor with loader, 1970 Chev pickup truck with topper, school bus for storage, post hole digger, 3 pt. hitch blade, buzz saw, 6 ft. single auger snowblower, 5 ft. rotory cutter, tube hay elevator, gravity bin on old wagon, 3 pt. hitch disc, 3 pt. hitch winch, old wagon and flat rack, 9 telephone poles, acetylene torch set, Bainbridge power hacksaw, Rockwell 6" jointer, like new; portable generator, anvil,,battery_cl1 r- gere fengeir : 225 welder, tire.changer, stationary air compressor, 3 electric chain saws, disc sander, bench grinder, electric drills, skill saws, portable air tank, electric impact wrench, jig saw, small drill press, drill sharpener, approx. 80 electric motors, pipe thread- er, hyd. jacks gear pullers, C damps, chains and binders, quantity of V pulleys, cable, electrical wire, grain blower, tires, roller chain, old magnetos, some cedar rails and posts, scrap iron, small trailer for hauling goats, V belts, Bell upright piano. Luger LA 22 cal. 10 shot hand gun, 50 stacking chairs, lift top desk, sausage press, church pew, gun rack, milkbottles, a few other household effects plus a vvee e largeroffering of hand tools, chTERMS CASH LUNCH BOOTH AUCTIONEeli— RICHARD IOBB Note: Two auctioneers will be selling at the same time due to large offering. ` or or ` see • AUCTION SALE Of Antiques, Appliances and Household Effects to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. Thurs. May 15 AT6:00 P.M. INCLUDING: G.E. fridge and 30 inch electric stove (avacado); Admiral auto- matic utomatic washer (almond); G.E. automatic washer and dryer (avacado); GSW wringer washer; two single beds; four pressback chairs; buffet; wooden exten- sion table; hall table with ball and claw feet; washstands and dressers; two hump back trunks; secretary; wardrobe; moustache cup; three piece bedroom . suit,; gas.; barbs e;1Feclicler, „chaise, ,'chesterfield suite; china cabinet; coffee and end tables; golf clubs; bicycles; tools; Belsaw 1/2 hp saw sharpening machine (A-1); Iven Johnson 12 gauge single barrel shotgun; copper blow torches; homemade belt sander; old John Deere sales manual; chrome table and chairs; quantity of scale model farm implements and toys; J.D. 12 inch electric chain saw; power 'concrete trowel; Electrolux vacuum cleaner with power head; lawnmowers; Lawn tion 8 hp electric start riding lawn mower; Garden Master 8 hp riding mower; Roper 8 hp riding mower; garden seeder; fishing tackle; and mise. items. CARS: 1978 Plymouth Volare, 2 door coupe with Roadrunner package. 1973 Ford Pinto. Both cars sold as is. AUCTIONEe.ft— DOUGLAS JACOB 271-7894 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GARY EARLGRAY All persons having claims against the estate of Gary Earl Gray, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 13th day of April, 1986, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 28th day of April, 1986. McCONNELL, STEW ART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor 1 K and A ceramic ladies: Thank you for your patronage over the last seven years and all the treats, smiles and good times that you brought to our home each week. Tuesday night ladies thank you for the plant and picture, Wednesday night ladies thank you for the flowers and chocolates. Best wishes for you and your families futures. Ken, Anne and Family 39-19-1 SKEA Many thanks to friends and neighbors who visited me, sent flowers, cards and treats while I was a patient at University Hospital and since returning home. W innie Skea 39-19-1 MCGRATH W e would like to thank our family and friends for the cards, gifts and calls while Matthew was in the hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Markus, Dr. Marshall and the wonderful nursing staff at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Jim and Sharon McGrath 39-19-1 MEDD We would like to thank Dr. Steed and the 2nd floor OB nurses for the care we received during our stay. Sharon and Stephen 39-19-1edd McMILLAN Iwish to thank our friends and neighbors for the flowers Mass cards, sympathy cards and •food brought to the house during the sudden -loss of y appreciated. brother .Rank. ryand Billl M Brian 39--19x1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GORDON EMERSON HEARD All persons having claims against the estate of Gordon Emerson Heard, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 27th day of January, 1986, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 15th day of April 1986. MCCONNELL STEW ART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executrix 4,0,Vii*:'• 3tre' 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT BARN for rent. for 400 fattening pigs, with liquid manure system available. 527-0265. PASTURE for horses for rent with rail fence enclosure. Phone 482-9307. 25-19x1 3 bedroom house for rent, available July 1. Phone 527.0877. ONE bedroom ground floor. includes heat, hydro, frig, stove and laundry facilities on same floor. Available August 1. Senior preferred. 527-0964. 28. WANTED TO RENT WANTED: House in the country to rent for September, October, November December. Call collect 416-832.2761, Doug Gilmore, ext. 261. 31. NOTICE KICKS cucumber contracts available now at `Norm Kramers, Lo Conc. 2, Tuckerslnith p7-0076 and at Shirley Kramers, Dublin 345.2254. 31-19'4 INTERESTED in how you look or how you feel, are you trying to lose wei t? Arg a ppraisalycari rovideaperson, p to help. you attain your. ggoals. Call 527.1182 for appointment. Drusilla Leitch, Registered Fitness Appraiser, C.A.S.S:. • 31_19.2 EXETER UNRESERVED AREA AUCTION We have been Instructed by two area farmers to sell their equip- ment without reserve Located at the south edge of Exeter, on Hwy. 4, next to Huron Motor Products on TUESDAY, MAY 13 AT 10:30 A.M. 40. IN MEMORIAM t.EEMiNG: In loving memory of a mother, Edna (Michell) Leeming passed away May 11, 1977. Though years may pass before I see, My mother's face once more, The faith she taught me at her knee, Will lead at last to Heaven's aughter, Norma 40.19x1 dear who 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY LIVE MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS. "Main Street West" would like to perform at your dance or reception. live musicis the best music. Reasonable rates. Please call Hudson W arr524=2144, Arlene Dambraugh 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 p.m. 3816xtf CONSISTING OF TRACTORS: J„0.4640 diesel, c/w cab, duals, remotes, 3200 his.; J.D. 3130 traitor, duals, front fuel tank, 2100 hrs.; J.D. 2130 tractor, fully equip' ped, low hours; F.W. 20 Ford, 4WD, 2100 hrs.. 24.5.32 tires; int. 2 plus 2, 4 WD Tractor, Mod. 3588, 1750 hrs.; Int. 186 tractor. hydro -trans., 1500 hrs. TILLAGE & PLANTING EQUIPMENT - int. 40' vlbra shank turf.: 10. 27' vlbra shank cult. with finger harrows; 23'S” Norse Cult., demonstrator; Int. 30' vlbra shank Butt. with walking axles; 171.6' Kongskllde 3 PTH, hyd. wings with finger harrows; Triple "It" 13' cult. Ow land levellers & rotary harrows; tooaskilde 171/4' cult. with buster bars S. finger borrows; 12'. 3 PTH cult.; Kongskltde 3 PTH row crop Coit.; Kongsktlde 6 row cult. with rolling shields; 21' Vetter rotary hoe; J.D. 23' flex disc with finger harrows; Int. 18' tandem disc with hyd. running gear; 12' Kewanee disc; Int. 800 cyclo 12 row air planter, 30" c/w insectkiders, monitors & drums; 20' Turns* packer; J.D. 5 furrow 18" plow, semi -mount hyd. reset; J.0. Mod, 2500, 7 furrow plow, auto-resets;White 4 furrow plow; 400 gal. saddle tanks & pump; 400 gal. Hardttprayer, 421/2 booms (new); Pony trail 22' finger har- rows; 9 shank anhydrous applicator, 3 kit with controls, 16' harrow gater; Dayelman stone picker. - FORAGE HARVESTING EQUIPMENT - J.D. Mod. 38, forage harvester with 2 row e®m head & 6' pick up head; Gehl forage wagon with 8 ton running gear; New Holland 717 harvester c/w corn head; Case forage blower cfw plass; J.D. side rake; New Idea mower, Heath 4 row bean wtndrower, United 300 bu, grain buggy with hyd. We: 5. gravity boxes on truck frames; Nevi Idea 31', 6" auger. MfSCELLANE2415; 96" Hagedorn snowblower, twin auger; 60" McKee snowblower, twin auger; 10 H.P. Case lawn mower; 8er•Vac 6' single auger snowblower; Woods 3 PTN & rotary chopper, J.0.7', 3 P714 blade; i4" portable hannmernilll; raefil'mix- nillb 2 older wagons° hay haslet. N®7E - Verbal announcements take prddedEEee aver written matarled • Sublecct to additions & deletion's. Single consignments Included. No small item, attend early. , TERMS; CA514 or CHEQUE • .. A,UOTIONEERS,LIOUIDATORS,'APPRAISERS, TENDER BROKERS & BUSINESSCONSULTANTS bruteRf Ihwellm4$2.71Ai D.J.C. General MWaif►tenancO 'Parking Let $tripe Painting & Maintenance Kitchener office 745.4156 Seaforth Office 521'-1225 Member ei the Better Business Bureau MUNRO: Treasured memories of a dear uncle and great uncle W illiam Vaughan (Buz) whom God called home on May 6, 1967. Memories drift to scenes long past, Time rolls on, But memories last, Sunshine passes, shadows fall, But loving remembrance outlasts all. Always will be loved by his niece Mary Helen, Bob and great nephews Shawn James and Curtis Vaughan. Fuel Oil Furnace 24 HOURSERVICE Repair and Cleaning Paratchek'�si3Mantenance HUGHL: In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Leverne Hugill who passed away May 10, 1985. The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought the end was near, And only those who have lost can tell, The pain ofahting without farewell, More each daypwe miss you, father, Friends may think the wound Is healed, But they little know the sorrow, That lies within our hearts concealed, Lovingly remembered by Janice, Marty Jamie, Gwen, Lyn, Jamie, Leanne, Ted and grandchildren. 40-19x1 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES - »ery'Iilursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock W E INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS VIetortlargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236=2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton WEALS IIUGI L: In loving memory of Joseph Leverne Hugill and his daughter Lori (Hugill) Reid who passed away one year ago. There are two links you cannot sever Love and memories last forever. Fond memories, Dad and Helen, sisters Joyce and Karen and their husbands, George and Ron. 40-19-1 tWortL: In loving memory of my dear husband, Leverne who passed away one year ago, May 10, 1985 - When evening shadows are falling, And I sit quietly alone, To my heart there comes a longing, Wishing you could Come home So many things have happened, Since you were called away, So many things to share with you, Had you been left to stay, Many folks may think I've forgotten, When at tirnes they see me smile But how little they know the heartache, My smile hides all the while. You are where I cannot reach you, Your voice 1 cannot hear Yet I know you walk beside me, Never absent, always near. Sadly missed but always remembered by wife AM1a. 40-19x1 Abattoir and Meat Market H 83-31h miles eastof Exeter. 235-1123 'Try usfo+ CUSTOM EHLING and PROCESSING KillDays Tuesdays OURSPEC' IALT Home cured and smoked meats pro ces.4ed exactly thewayyou tike it FTOO LATE TO CLASSI 1985 Qiladld four wheel ATV. Only 244000 km. Phone 52nner '230' 7-0464. 14-19-2 PLACE a sayer or two of aluminum foil under the cover of your ironing board to help reflect the heat. Ironing goes easier too. Idle items Clyam— move fast and easy wWhen you sell them with a Classified Ad. 527-0240.