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The Wingham Times, 1905-03-02, Page 1
k VOL XXXIY.—NO. 1725. You'll oke No MisIake If you leave your order for Clothing with us. We'll be pleased to show you some nice lines of goods for Suits auI Overcoats and feel certain that we IA ill be able to satisfy the most fas- tidious taste in the , matter of dress. Gent' Furnishngs In this department you will find our stock complete and up-to-date. Great ti'ariety, fine quality, and very rea- sonable in price. A pleasure to show goods. Ho 11 iltil Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. _ MARRIAGE LICENSES Iseeed by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 ,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added toprincipa130th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. 8. Vnnstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,235,280.00. Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00. Total Assets, $26,553,846.67. President- Hon. Wm, GrhsoN. Vloe-Preeident and General Manager -J. TUBNBIILL. Assistant Gen, Manager -H. M. Weasels DIRECTORS John Proctor, Chas. L. Dalton, J. 8, Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge. Inspector -B. WitLvon. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on deposits of 111.00 and np. wards, and added to principal on 81st May and 8OUt November each year. Beeelat Deposits also received at current rated of interest. W. COB/301714D, Agent • DICKINSON a ROL MKS, Solloiters. GROCERIES,... When you want the fresh- est and best to be had for the money, conte here. We handle only the best in staple and fancy gro- ceries. CROCKER LISA We invite you to see some very choice lines which we have in Fancy China and Dinnerware. R. rr WIN(iHA1VI "1'IMES. A Hutchison: - Gr,OCERIEs AND CROCKERY. ' Phone rig. • Prompt delivery. I SELL REAL ESTATE No matter where it is! ! I have for gale now some fine town property which for location and convenience cannot be excelled. I t makes 110 diiforence whether you want a * O 00 building lot or a 510,000.00 farm, or any other kind of Real Estate, I want to hear from yon. Just the property you want may be on my list. I am not only in a position to most advantageously serve the man who wants to buy a home or a farm, but I an in the hest possible position to servo the man who wants to make a profitable investment. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VM1STONE BLOCK. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Busine Mr. Thos. Fe John Taylor's bu tuok possession will move his st Taylor's shop an nese in the Tay has not been end some months an intention of taki We hope the cha and that he ma excellent health. wishes for succes s Change. has purchosecl Mr. herfng business and esterday. Mr. Fells ck of meats to Mr. will continue the busi- ir stand. Mr. Taylor ying good health for has sold out with the a trip to the West. ge may be beneficial soon be restored to Mr. Fells has our best in his new stand. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. Going Hamilton. Mr. H. 0. Kent who has been at the local branch of t Bank of Hamilton for upwards of t years is being trans- ferred to the head 'office at Hamilton and leaves this week. Mr. Kent has made many friends in 'r- iugham who will be sorry to hear of bis leaving, but pleased to hear of his prouotion, Mr. Kent has been an active wc.•ker in the League of the Methodist Chi rob and in the Local Council of the R. C. of T. in both of which he will be lased. His position as Teller in the ba k here will bo taken by Mr. Reid, of G rgetown. BIG SALE of stylish Top Skirts at Isard's. Prices begin at $L75. Pringle & Groves are payiny the high- est cash prices for sheep skins, hides and tallow, delivered at the tannery, Chap - man's old stand, Wingham. Married The Dundee Ba ing interesting sol at Dundas. ner gives the follow- iety note concerning a young lady a fo-lmer resident of Wing - ham and whose rrriage was announced in our last issue :-Dundas is about to lose one of her mo it attracttve daughters, in the person of 13iss Winnie Sellery, eldest daughter o' Rev. S. Sellery, B.D., and one whose al lance will leave ablank with a large cirole of friends. We are glad, however, t';at the circumstances are not without heir compensation as. pests to the lady herself, as she is about to enter that state which' all look for- ward to as a oro vn of joy. She is to be married on Satn'day to Dr. Curry, an WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 2. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Prof. Shrieve Dead. Word has reached tortn of the death very suddenly at his home in Detroit of Prof. Shrieves. The de •eased was well known in Wingham, ha' ing been a reg- ular visitor here for the past thirty years, selling his own medioin .1 preparation, "Pride of the Valley." le was here at the last fall fair. purin ; his uumerons visits he made many fr-nds, who wi 1 regret his sudden demi, Farm Sto :k Sale. Mr. Hugh Ross, of concession 1, Turn - berry, two miles eat- of Bluevale who has sold his farm wi 1 have an auction of farm stook and in/Mordents on Thurs. day, March 9th.` . dr. Rose has some good stock and it vill pay farmers to attend the sale. M , Rose will move to Winghant,in a few weeks. F. S. Scott of Brussels will be he auctioneer at this sale. A number of articles of 1 usehold far• niture for sale, all in g o epair. Apply at residence, Patrick eet, until Satur- day, March 4th. Mrs. W. T. J. Homnth, National E tertainment. The Westminste Guild of the Pres- byterian0 '�preparations Churolt i making for the holding of a National entertain- ment and hot sup +er in the opera house, Wingham, on the 3vening of St, Patrick Day, March 177 .h. Some excellent talent is being ser nred and this enter- tainment promise to be one of the best of the season. omplete particulars will be given in o r next issue. Winghan The Directors of cultural Society day afternoon. in connection wi was taken up an mittees appoints were set for Thu tember 28th and tided to have ex 's Fall Fair. the Turnberry Agri• elcl a meeting on Mon - he preliminary work h Wingham's fall fair all the necessary com- The dates of the fair sday and Friday, Sep - both. It was again de- ert judges at the fair and this year twt'- judges will have charge of the horses, ot'a for heavy horses and one for light horses. Last year's fair was one of the . )est in the history of the his buggy, cutter, har society and this year the Directors have destroyed, and he Carr' set out to make this year's fair better Messrs. R. A, Hutch than any provides one If the citizens Mills were the owners df Wiugbamd the farmers of the and former's loss is district heartil co-operate in the matter by insurance, but Wingham oan ave the best fair in this insurance on his por section. FOR. SALE --Two stor ottage on Minnie street. For parti , ars apply to Mise Little, over Mies Boyd's store. Si1905. A YEAR IN ADVANCE DEPART:D FRIENDS. 1 Wingham Hock " Luc ists Mobbed at 0w. JOIE- ELIIO'rT, Wingham Hooke club went to Luck - One of the pie-.-eer residents of East now on Friday last o play the final game Wawanosh died It the hone of his son of the season for t e District, and were on Thursday las in the person of John defeated by a scor of 3 to 2. But in Elliott in his KOt 1 year. Deceased had the previous gam the locals won from enjoyed excelle health nearly all his Lnckno,v by 15 gi ale to 2, so they finish life and was ill or ouly a few days prior the district with f comfortable margin to his death. e lived for many years of la goals, The Wingham boys will ou the lath co cession on the farm now f now play home d home games with eon, Irwin Elliott, Da j Harriston or Mo nt Forest for the silver er of John J. Elliott, H. Elliott of this town. (trophy which is ut np for the Northern League champi ins. Wingham team ok place on Friday after -complains of th- rough and unsports- acon occupied by h' ceased was fat V.S. and Mr. The funeral tr noon to the Quite a Fur Stor in Wingham. Wawauosh. Sound judgment on the part of a wise. rich man from near B grave. This au last Saturday passed all the re be- cause he thought A. R. Smith's s • nadian Raccoon Coats were tl e newe and best and bought one for $5 , 'art cash. By the way, A. R. Smith ::.ld Fur Coats 111 all directions this F. ter, viz: east, west, north and south; has only 2 prime Raccoon Coats left at '45 and $50; also 1 Black Car Lamb Co at $23 worth $30; 1 Russia Calf Coat at 820 worth $25. Who will get them? R. Smith will sell this week that fin lot of Tailored Regent. Brand Oyerco s that he bought only last Xmas at cos this week to make room for his new epri g stock of Picca- dilly and Regent Bra 1 Suits, the best fitting Clothing in .anada. Come, come every man and b y, come to the farewell sale of Overc is this week at A. R. Smith's. -He 'e is to the rich and the poor. Be sure an bring your purse. Stable Burned The large fratne sta the store occupied by completely destroyed afternoon last. The o unknown and when fi were coming through north end of the buil Bugg was nsing part of on Friday. rle at the rear of Miss Boyd was ?y fire on Friday igin of the fire is t noticed flames be roof of the ing. Mr. Herb the stable, and ess, etc., were d no iusurance. son and T. A. of the building, artially covered r. Mills had no on of the build• ing. At the time of be fire the ap- parent mismanagemen • of the Brigade Slaughter Sale of Np Spring Dross vas severely critizee by a nutr her Goods -1250 yds of w plain effects in I of spectators and w may say that all the latest ma cash, as these g priced. gaud weaves. Terms' we believe their was jest ground for ds are new end i=,, { criticism. The fireme t were on the spot G. E. KING. and had the hose read in ample time, a Horse Fail The officers and berry Agricultural horse fair on the m ham, on Wednes March 8th, at whicl ed as follows :-He harness, $3 and $2; harness, $3 and Next Week. irectors of the Turn- 3ociety will hold a arket square, Wing - ay of next week, prizes will be award- vy draught team in Agricultural team in ; General Purpose but the hydrant at M on's corner was frozen and this caused considerable con- fusion. A number of to the hydrant at Lloy number to Roderns' co delay two good stream: playing on the fire frot Roderus'. The TIMES i raking at the memb- Brigade as we believe team in harness, $11 and $2; Single driver little thanks for many o in harness, $2 and $1; Horse shown to they do, but we believe halter, (barred ifs sown in harness), $3. considerable mismanage AU exhibitors are to be or mast become and sooner these matt members of the Smoiety. Entries must the better for all pa be made with the 3ecretary, H. B. Elli- has a splendid system .+ ott, at the TRIES ecce before one o'clock fire protection and al on the day of the fair. Judging will hydrants, etc., should commence at,2 o' lock. A number of I working order. We prominent horse uyers will attend the hydrant at Mason's c• felt and it will aff rd an excellent oppor- 1 and the Chief so inf tunity for farmer of their stock. TI means of attractin people to Winght first venture on t prove successful be held. e firemen went 's corner and a er. After some of water were the hdyrant at not desirous of s of the Fire e firemen get the good acts that there was meut on Friday, rs are remedied ties. W ingbam waterworks for the machinery, e kept in good nderstand that the rner was defective rmed the Council and others to dispose ! a few weeks ago. .._ new hydrant has is fair should be the i been ordered. The 3eople of Wingliam a large number of ; have considerable xenney invested and a m, and should this I disastrous fire wld mean financial part of the Society' loss to money and a Chief and mein - other fair will likely • hers of the Erigad are expected to faith - 1 fully perform the r duties. We hope ] that it will never again he necessary to NOTICE -I have arranged with rho' refer to the matte , of mismanagement, Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember you need not pay until you are requested to do so by me, I thank all those who have done business with me and wish you all every prosperity. ROBT. MCINDCo. 1 Ens. There pass EastW awano Sunday morn wife of Mr. years. Decoas some five years left one side of the stroke she with bilious f which caused h, was a native of inghamshire, En country twenty - her hnsband she and four danght sympathy of th bereavement. the Wingham afternoon. cemetery in East SAMUEL II:DI'LR. d away at her home in h, nearWhitechurch, hurch ou g last, Sarah Chalfont, amuel Peddle, aged 54 d had a paralytic stroke ago, and the effects of it er body useless. Since as suffered a great deal er and heart trouble r death. Mrs. Peddle igh Wycoinbe, Buck- land. and came to this ix years ago. Besides is survived by two sous rs, who will have the community in their he funeral took place to cemetery on Tuesday For Blind, D Mr. H. F. Gardin the Institutue for ford, and Mr. R. >! dent of the Inetil Dumb at Belleville joint campaign, Mining the name Province under t could be benefitt respective insti books and medil vided at the in f and Dumb. , Superintendent of ae Blind at Brant- ithison, Snperinten- tion for Deaf and , are undertaking a ith a view to ascer- of all persons in the enty years of age who d by courses at their ntes. Board, tuition, a attendance are pro- :itutes to the people they are intended tc-aid, While both have reached and be iefltted a very large pro- portion of the 'Kind and deaf and dumb, it is felt there -re many more who could Ainerican gentle man, who has received be helped if the )y knew of the advan- an excellent app lintment as Dr. Noble's assistant at Hon Kong. They go direct to Hong Kong, Miss Sellery is a great favorite with all who have the good for- tune to know Ver, and her departure from Dundas w 11 be a cause:of sincere regret to many. The many friends of the bride here pRsh her and her husband niftily happy yea,Fs. tages offered. One part of the campaign of the superintendents named is the send- ing out. to the school. teachers of the Province a oir ,itlar reciting the above facts, request ng theft to assist in the work by reading the same t6 the pupils and asking th-. latter to gi'ro the names of blind, deaf and dumb young people of their acquain twee. as we would soone - devote a column to the good work of at fire brigade. COUGHS, COLDS Why let them linter ? ? OUR Laxative Gold Tablets Will break up any cold. 25c a box. Every box guaranteed. For sale only by Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST. WIN GEIAM. Nectdoor to Post Office. 01I RLRS COX. manlike treatmelt to which they were subjected, not qtly at the hands of the Lucknow player; but also of the specta- tors, among rr h m were many business mon of the places one of the ]atter head- ing a mob whicl encircled the Wingham 1 boys and struck.ieveral blows at them, while members .f the team assisted in the disgraceful work by using their stinks and chinks of ice. Manager Davison and the4.ncknow police should put a stop to s ich rowdyism if they want clean, le 'itimate sport, but it would seem as t lough the crowd enjoy- ed suck work, a- some of the y.onng ladies took a hanin throwing missies at the Wingham players. Referee Mc- Connell of Harris un was very impartial in his rulings, bug was simply told to stand back, that laucknow was going to slug the game out but nevertheless he did his best, and Gingham players ad- mired his pluck. 'he game started very fast, as the ice was keen, and Wingham The death oc nrred at the home of landed first goal, r ich Galloway made on a nice shot, but ucknow goal umpire Mrs. A. Daws.. , Diagonal street, on refused to put np xis hada, RS the goal Friday morning' last of Charles Cox, a went through th net, so Hippo brought former resident if Goderich, in his 52nd year. Deceased had been working as it around in fro t and scored again, wood turner in he U uion factory for the when Referee M Connell ordered the past five weeks. )n Wednesday, not feel - goal umpire to pu up his hand. This Mg well, he did lot go to his work and started the crowd, nd several spectators on Friday morni ig he was no better and jumped out on the 'ce, but were soon before a doctor could reach him he cleared, and in a f minutes Lucknow 'tied the score, ami the greatest uproar, passed away, thee cause of death being only to be taken ba k by Hippo landing heart failure. Leceased was a quiet, in- Ianother goal, m king the score dnstrioue man ind a member of the + at half time 2 to 1 in favor of Wingam, Presbyterian Ci-uroh. His wife was In the second half ucknow got their summoned from Goderich and the fun - orders to cut down ingham's midget oral took place tc‘the Wiugbam came - for wards End scop th scoring, and at tery on Friday forenoon. Deceased was i once started sleshin and tripping, so twice married ant leaves two grown up that it soon became i to la children residing in the United States'. possible play and a widow and one child residing in good hockey; but a ids along the ice Goderich. Mrs. Jos was preparing to scored for Lucknow. and made the re move to Wingha a when she received cond tie in the ga Lucknow, then startewhi the news of her Imsbaud's death. The defena a rush ave L bereaved will ha© much sympathy in defence, and Dave L their sudden atiiic-wlon. now jumped on the Will the person who to Famb cap from Han Friday afternoon las and save further tro a cowardly blow, i threats of punching the Persian j a few minutes as i Co's store on eturn the same, bat the ice was soo Inowwasputonea ] nice shot from in ended at Wingham awrence of Luck- e and dealt Wilson allowing it up by etc. It looked for mob law reigned, cleared and Luck - le. ljead by Habbick on a ont of goal. With Arrived itCalifornia. eight minutes to pity, Wingham tried I hard to even up he score, but the The editor of the TIMES is in receipt of danger of being cut to pieces was too a letter from hi; old friend Mr. D ' great, and the game ended :, to 2 in Stewart, who wits the members of his favor of Lucknow . family arrived at their new home in • Los, Angeles, Cal. on the evening of February 15th aft r a pleasant journey of five days an Stewart speaks ve received from th and has many goo our obliging G. Harold for way it ed all the necessai with the trip. M cold weather all the way through j Missouri, Kansas California the a grass 1s up four people are busy 1, is pleased with til finds quite a diffe One Thing is GertaBn If there ie any trouble with your eyesight you cannot have it rem- edied a single day tco scan. It is certainly getting worse if - permitted to continue -but glasses ::ill probably stop it at the point : , where the error had attained when, yon began to wear them. So it may be of utmost import- ance that you see us the first day you can. AI1McCaII& Go1 LIMITED. Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, • ONT. . . ;�...� Usin' up a Scraps. [Ext wage.] It's queer what A ntie Beck, our cook, Can make with Il th' scraps - She jes' gets out •r little book Au' reads it, w le she taps An' beate 'em up :ith her big spoon, Then pours 'e in a pan, An' shets 'em in h' stove, an' sez, "There, now, y little mau ! " She bustles 'rou d' an' pokes the fire, An' opens up le door T' find out if th puddin's done, Or bas to bak some more. But, oh, at last'• she takes it out, All puffy in t_' pan, An' sez: "No -v here is sonethin' good For auntie's ittle man." • An' when I ta: to it, sweet an' brown, An' all puff -1 up in hills, I wonder ho she makes such good Stuff oat of ittle pills Of bread, an' c urabs of cake, art' milk, An' raisiu' 1L a pan- "It's all," says nude, "in the art 01f mixin', li tle nun!" An' then she s • Like that frog Some folks the Some throw ' Some make th' Th' serapin' That is, if they s: "An' life is all Clay r' day ; save th' little scraps, in all away ; weetes' puddin' from th' pan- ed learned th' way. Farmers in reed of he for the com- ing season would d + w 1 to call on C. J. Maguire, rea state agent. Mr, Maguire is local a, -nt for au immigra- tion agency. Fon SALE -A good storey and a half frame house, with four rooms, pantry and woodshed downstairs and four rooms up stairs; hard water in woodshed and soft water in kitchen. Apply to, II Rona. ILtxwE1 L, Tailor. I five nights. Mr. I +++++++++++++++4-4-4.÷+++ ry highly of the service I ;ir railway companies i �c words of praise for i r Wingham's Le ÷4.-e÷÷-1-4-4-1-1.÷÷÷÷4-1-1-4-÷4-4-4-4-4-1-+4.4- 4- T. 11. Agent, Mr. L. ] ; T `4:1'' which he had arrang- I -4-.* '1t,. y details in connection 1 t f . Stewart reports very . .fi •t. ading Shoe Store nd Calorado but in ; -F- wers are in bloom, I �. ind five inches and I ,1+- lowing. Mr. Stewart t country thus far and . ence in the climate. f i - Discrediting Sport. The unfortunate outcome of the hockey match between a club at Smith's Fa back to a fine Can death of an Alexa oronto club and the is was a serious draw- dian game, but the rdria player from a deliberate blow given by a member of a competing team was infinitely worse. If hockey players are going to allow the inevitable risks of t • 4- •1- 4. 4- 4- + he game to be aggra- f vated by deliberalte brutality public at opinion will make short work of the .F sport. It is not uncommon for players ne another quite un- •� eed, it is quite sun. 1 F. .1.1 re so few dangerous 1 bre where the play- ers rush about wit great speed and con- k tend. at very close quarters. The blow to have been a delib- + + nprovoked one, for it ."`-. is alleged that th, re was an equally do- :q liberate effort to disable the homicide ' by the foul use f the hockey stick. No• q. thing can save t}ie game from general reprobation an dj effective umpiring and + �1 the prompt infi.iction of penalties for - misconduct. 7 he severe condemnation , of Rugby footfall by President Eliot of Harvard University might with a good deal of approl ;lateness be applied to , hockey.--Tororfto Globe. I .i ,+++++++++++; •*++++++'i•+++++ to seriously injure intentionally. In prising that there accidents in a sera at Maxvillo seem erate bat not an Our Bargain TaWes are very attractive to shrewd Shoe buyers. Keep au eye on them. When our Shoes get on the Bargain Table they are snapped up quick. Friday we will put out probably 50 pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, in a:1 sizes and sty If s - If the weather is right, they'll be gone in a short time. They will not linger long in any event, and if you want a real good genuine Shoe Bargain, come early and Save a Third or a Ha..lf It will pay you well always to keep an eye on our Bargain Tables. You can save lots of Shoe Money by doing so. W. J. GREER Shoer to the People.