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Huron .
p T.
�x ositor
taNt Plq,tt WlNnoth,
Brussels Post
10 Main Street 527-0240
Published in
Every Wednesday morning
ED BYRSKI, General Manager .
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Dramatic comeback
How about those Maple Leafs
I've been wrestlingwith my conscience the
past few weeks, trying to get out of an
unpleasant task, I've Concocted all sorts of
flimsy excuses in myown mind, but events
have finally reached the point where I can
procrastinate no longer. I must write my first
ever, "flow About Those Leafs," column.
As a former full-time sports scribe, I have
written numerous "What's Wrong with the
Leafs," columns-- everyone has. However, it
has never before been necessary to write a
column praising the long -downtrodden
I won't go on ,, , t great length, because,
we've all seen the games, Even if the Leafs'
fail to win tonight',$ deoidingNorris'Division
contest with the St. Louis Blues,- they have
already proven themselves a far better team
than anyone 'would have believed a few
months ago and deserve to be laughed at no
Remember the days when Leaf jokes were
all the rage? Why won't Rick Valve's wife let
him do the vacuuming? Because he's afraid
to go in the corners. That sort of thing.
Anyone who saw Vaive come back from a
painful injury and score a goal in the Leaf's
4-3 overtime loss in game five of the current
series must feel a pang of guilt over having
told that particular joke so many times.
The Leafs of course, are not the only team
doing a giant -killing actin the current playoff
season and while the top-rated clubs may
complain about a post -season set up that
by Patrick Raf tis .
allows this sort of thing to happen, it is
encouraging in many ways.
Leaf Coach Dan Maloney, a man who's
opinion on the state of hockey today would
have been considered insignificant last
January, put his finger on the importance' of
all of this a few weeks ago.
After the Leafs had eliminated the favored
Chicago Black Hawks in round one, Maloney
said his tearn's victory, like those of 'the
Hartford W halers and New York Rangers
indicated the NHL had reached something'll
has been striving for since the 1967 expansion
watered down the once -exclusive league.
• The very idea that upsets are likely to occur
at any time during season and post -season
play brings back an excitement that has been
missing from big league hockey for some
time. -
On the negative side, the idea of parity
plays havoc with your scoring pool picks, but
what the heck, you can't expect something for
My own playoff pool picks went for an early
nose dive this year, as I went for the obvious
in my choices. My original draft line-up
(before trades) was heavy on Flyers, Black
Hawks and Nordiques. I hear Brian Prop
shot a three -under par on the golf course th
other day, buta fat lot of good thatdoes me
Still, I can live with my open earl
elimination from pool contention (seems
always do anyway) in excitement and elemen
of surprise on good old Hockey Night i
What makes the uncertainty of playof
victory: more fun for me than anything, i,
watching the effect it has on color cpmmentaj
tor and demented dog -owner Don Cherrya
One night, Cherry is singing the praises olj
the Hartford Whalers and the next night h
all but sings 0 Canada in French as he give
the Montreal Canadiens their due. Dot,
hasn't got the faintest idea who is going to
win this series,.so he has to keep covering hi
behind. The former coach has even bee
forced to be nice to Montreal's MatsaNaslun
at times, which probably makes hint cringe"
The whole thing is so unpredictable, wh
knows, after tonight even Wayne Gretzkli
may have to break down and buy a set of golf.
clubs. I hear he sold his a couple of years ago
Figured he wouldn't need them for a while, I
The Seaforth District High School Drama Club, is making a dramatic
comeback, after a 15 -year absence from the local stage. The club was first
re -organized for a high school drama festival in Blyth earlier this year
and is banking on its local debut, coming up in June, to help the club
become a permanent institution once again.
The heavy turnout for auditions to the large -cast production, "Teach
Me How to Cry," shows the student interest is'definitely there. This
means all the club needs now is strong community support to make the
operation viable.
While drama clubs and Similar school groups may not be part of the
mainstream of basic education, they are •Integral to creating a good
overall educational experience for students.
Student organizers of the club have already seen signs of the kind of
support they need in the form of donations of material and furnishings for
set construction. Hopefully this is a good indication of the kind of support
they will find at the box office, once the curtain finally goes up for the
first time in many years. — P.R.
Another battle
Ontario farmers may have been another low blow in terms of their
economic future.
The Ontario Corn Producers' Association Is convinced multi-million
dollar subsidies to be paid to the United States Farm Program threaten
Ontario's 25,000 grain corn farmers. As a result they are requesting the
federal government take action to counter the United States farm bill
threat . Their request Is not unreasonable.
The U.S. Farm Program Is designed to force grain prices well below
the cost of production and at the same time to protect American farmers
from financial loss through higher government subsidies. Such subsidies
are expected to exceed 50 per cent of the grain market price. As a result'
Canadian grain growers will face the fuf brunt of lower U.S. grain prices
without the benefit of huge U.S. subsidies.
Ontario corn growers will be hit the hardest. The majority of farmers
in this province, unlike their prairie cousins are not protected by
Canadian barriers against U.S. imports, and have not had the benefit of
federal subsidies designed to Improve their Income.
As further example of this, in 1985, Western grain farmers received
well over $1 billion through Crow Benefit subsidies and the federally paid
share of stabilization payments. Although Ontario produces over 16 per
cent as much grain as Western Canada, direct federal support was less
than one per cent as large.
It is also a matter of record that the cost of production and market price
for corn are generally lower in Ontario than the U.S. and if there was to
be a fair market environment, with similar government support as in the
United States, Ontario corn production would be able to prosper, even
expand. The way things are now, however, Ontario corn production will
be driven down by over 8 per cent in 1986 because of depressed prices. It
is projected the decline in the U.S. grain acreage in the same year will be
6 per cent while the prairies experience a 4 to 5 per cent increase.
Because of the U.S. Farm program Ontario corn growers face financial
devastation equal to that of the 1930s, and with all the advancements
there have been since then it would be a shame to see the grain industry
in Ontario suffer. The government has taken steps to help farmers in the
west, now it is time to help the just as unfortunate here in the east.
- H.M.
FISHING DERBY — The annual opening day fishing derby was waiting to start before the official 7 a.m. starting time. There was a
held Saturday morning at the Lion's Park In Seaforth. The event keen competition for fishing space, as this tightly-packedfed group of
tis photo
attracted over 120 youngsters, many of them who were on ,.hand, youngsters shows.
Decay is food for thought
Anybody who has ever had potatoes that
wave back at them, milk that comes out in
lumps, or bread t�h��,t,,l1ooks like it should be
nth over with a Ire rehower,can appreciate
the plight of the single person.
After a rathei animated conversation on
this topic Saturday - three of us aforemen-
tioned people, decided there ought to be good
money in producing a recipe book that deals
specifically with ways and means to make
otherwise gangrenous food useful - at least in
some secondary sense. More than likely, we
determined, a recipe bock of this sort would
be more suited to single adults everywhere,
who when faced with normal recipes often are
forced to beat a hurried exit to the grocery
store to find the appropriate ingredients. Our
recipe book would allow people to use
ingredients they more than likely already
have at their disposal - or at least ready for
I can't count the number of times i've
peeked (and rather warily) into a dosed
container in my refrigerator and recoiled
when I've discovered that singiehandedly,
file managed to breed a whole new
civilization on my oval. It almost makes test
tube babies seem minute in comparison.
And every once in a while I get into a
healthy eating kick, and fill my refrigerator
with all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables,
so they'll be there for the taking instead of the
always tempting potato chips and chocolate
bars. Unfortunatelythough potato chips have
less tendency to go rotten, or soggy or
whatever potato chips do - at least around my
WEAT.SOCKS�.. �` ,her 1VICIIwr�r�li '
And although my intentions are good when
I place the foods of a healthy "man's" diet in
my refrigerator, the day I do the filling and
the day I start to do the emptying usually are
eons apart. The tesutt is less than severable.
There's nothing like finally craving a dose
of vitamin C but in reaching for the orange
discovering it feels as though it came from
some orchard nested in the midst of the
petrified forest. Apples, too, have changed. It
seems they've decided to begin the trans-
formation to apple sauce without waiting for
the helping hand of mankind. The cucumber
disintegrates, if not when it comes in contact
with outside air, then at least when it touches
a human hand; carrots have seemingly fallen
victim to what you determine must be a
premature aging process and lay withered
and undisputably dead in the bottom of the
crisper(?); some of the celery has suffered a
similar fate, while some is desperately in
need of artificial respiration as it lays
waterlogged and drowning in a bowl of what
is now rather murky water; radishes are no
longer red but black; and the Iettuce, well,
that's another story.
Although it's been stored in a tupperware
container (to promote a longer life), you're
almost sorry you made such a noble effort,
because the Iettuce now not only appears
(and smells) like an apparition from the
swamp, but the container is better off tossed
in the garbage since it apparently has been
slimed for life.
Orange juice too, can undergo some
changes if left alone too long. There's nothing
like spending months steering dear of
alcoholic beverages only to find yourself
falling off the wagon one day simply because
you drank fermented orange juice. i guess it
makes for a cheap champagne breakfast.
And speaking of cheap - you know things
have existed a mite too long In the
refrigerator when you open the door one day
to find cheap is now spelled CHEEP and all
the eggs have hatched.
Oh, the life of the single adult is never
boring. it is not however, always pleasant,
especially when it comes down to the fact that
it's hot always a guess who's coming to
dinner but guess WHAT'S coming to dinner
gante plan.
Then again, a little penicillin never hurt
anybody (without an allergy to it) and all that
culture (mould) you've bean cultivating all
these months inn always be put to use be - say
a garnish. t mean, who ever has parsley on
hand anyway?
Reader disputes columnist's theory on homosexuality horigin
taken fromthe
get turned on. Why do married men with do, In 1 Corinthians chanters vase 3 says g
about sin. A verse is
wives read them to get tutted on? l don't any sexual sin is wrong that means sex Bible and preached on, When was the last
know what you consider pornograPhyon T,V, without marriage, ini case you didn t know. K time you heard in church that getting drunk
but thesoapsand a lot of other shows are Wrote was PreacJ►ed in the chtttr�tes About this and wild paries were wrong. booze is a way
things I Wouldn't want my children to watch. there might be less young girls on the pill. of life today. You can't even go to a Joest
They act like illicit sex is the normal thing to Jimmy tants of all preachers not preaching hockey game without young people drinking
beer. There are very few events where there
isn't a beer tent. Because itis so pdpular does
not mean it is right. if Galatians Chapter 5
verses 19 and 21 were preached on more
maybe there wouldn't be so many lids killed
in accidents because they were drunk. When
a sermon is preached at the funeral of a young
person killed in an accident because he was
drunk, maybe if a different sermon was
preached in drurdr it wouldn't be necessary
ata funeral.
If the program caused you so much
discornfortwhy did you watch it, did you need
to fill your column. You could use your
intelligence and knowledge to make your
articles more interesting. Just what you have
said Jimmy Swaggart did, calling people
dowyp .you have spent your whole column
doing. Have you ever heard about the spec in
other's eyes when we have a board in ours.
Let tis read of other things rather than your
personal "opinions. Audrey Robson
Mr. Broome People are not born homosexuals, it is
I read your opinion of Jimmy Swaggart. I something that happens as they grow up that
• am happy to say not everyone ogre with makes them that way, la Romans c'lapter 1
you. More people attended his three day veise2S-3l itsa:nhte osexualityisaaia. You
meeting in Toronto then will read The seem to he on tap of ail the porno Tangs, is. this
Expositor in a year. His ministry helps to feed the t of literature you read? You ask why
thousands of children everyday. Who do you would a child molester read these rings and
Cutbacks threaten establish
1. bl cent of self help groups
message to support sudr innovative and
current approaches to health care that time
Women BeingPfellprxiject is demonstrating.
Yourreaders maybe interested in !mooring Our philosophy is current with the Health
about a health promotion project designed to Promotion principle's of the World Health
promote the establishment of self help organization. We wish to ernpow��leto
groups that is being placed in jeopardy by increase control over and in.psov'e ir` owd
federal government cutbacks. R member health.As stated in a discussion t eo wla e
when the federal budget came out a le of W HCl This is derived fro mi a
months ago? The conservative government conte tion of `h ' as theexten dh
talked about getting tough! They talked of an dual or group is able; en the one
cutting beckon freezes on civil servwe jdlrsand puttrng andoto nttheeo a td ttoo�ng h C neidomfatio (1 . wagg®rt, Christ
The Women BeingWell is being the environment. 'health is, th , i greatly distressed when I read the more people and ministers to be prepared to
directly affe ! by ese 1 . howling as te resaur a far .er day lite snot the article - Via: weeks Expositor' by Dave take a stand for Jesus and not compromise
completed a very successful first year, we objective of living; it Is a hive oon�t - just because they are, afr id to step an
haveto continued pun work for two emphas g - po P� -, B list condemning
a cle. 1 people's toes. I for one am proud to say Pm a
moreproposed We have been 'applauded and as hzni scam and iso herresoti pt o; consider, wasnilfery bad taste fo a mart who born again belfeve>`and vidl Mime stand for
years.well as physrral capacities. The Cance t of r
encouraged by Health and Welfare and by health promotion is positive, dynamic and +rites a weekly column in our paper` Jiri my Jesus alongside Jammy Swagvgar ,o
those with whom we work directly and empowering.•, Swaggart, in > opinion is the greatest o
supervise our project. i"tnhdmj;foehealth pitroohon and prewar= Pita-thetae a as been the'mlki the World a ns" of ,i �/���d
There is no question of this Shared
tion is s ly eeonomical..Otte taitire messag f sal" widen
success. our results are being shared withforming tho'lisarids of hie .lives lof sur Ttiar k you for yourncsponse W my cuimm�
... • We invite ell former resuients of Hams
health educators at a .motional ra ifere We Wei n of� wsr i'esottt,ee art eveay b' hearuig the n; 4e of Towdrehrp t6 a funfilled weekend July 2d and this we@!t. "f would like td however dar£fy a
next month'. The training" prograirx: ice �f ��valwrteei''b�fhirty transformed Y 27, 19$6r ..,. . ' ._:... ...<.... coapte,of ursinuations. is was suggestedthe
designed fs,-lree i dupheateji and offered w t oras less than two-thirds theaverage salvation- we. , would ,appreciate receiving pi
I believe the '- eats. sip anyone. f have given. over
th ecour e. Thenars a and and for training ve salargo of one Mildly physi an. reason Mr him is b along.a book fors tib see torten ye t tb a number of charitable organfza-
cis, condemn hem is becaGse offormerr'esrdents`;their drnesandhrs
e and nacre people ba withmany oth conal ti ted at wh e I ce od and have
the c dices tenth= the desire to **mite their own health and Readers who sup; r rt the . concept t of his message of bulb hs too hard for thertt to aswefireoomp, . g ulan't
dP e w gpepp e. My Bible Weft: �n t he last days, they visit the Towfrship Office at thereuninn':. coater u es a rtain1Y co
well being by forming, or joining self 1t' arm roto ? , rove theheirl tiof10 tak for our valuable s c tri tiles material
. of the gospel said Thank You y s>a - , afford it. Secondly my reading
t niu• of living to' promote_ their ' dearth( Il " ti will make fun by untie= wayvrehopetofeatirburforinert+eSiuents pf incudes auUioi"s Ken Follet, Wilbur Smith,
'H V4eiie futurefttudinghlutbeast Minister a synthesize person alc lti andeoclalOs ' tt. shall be pe,_ ided1u addicts Harris Township wlio ' .'It etheiwise not Jacls'H ggins, StewartMustarvt'andany
£$'vers, I vWonder just how many . , g .. .
the h ,Jake approval fn St fie s re healii'i ro create a healthier who atop*
u tip tit a 1 _, . y trans- 've an invitation to • e many planned other goat welters and books t cart get my
irnmine Jake Rpp.. When staff Jamie wefts .tiealthier futuro are aceto rY. ape IMO
fo thedhohfh haw a heti eo ti back together th of thin foilbeomin" r+etaniont - hams on. I don't read Playboy Penthouse
fitrrnuhedt last montli tefor several.
funds were . neevappii Will
c to health deli , f J 4rlIa• rorYide .aha had thein p
0[ pllt� by_Mr Brvoitiev P 0 Boli or Hnstler.but am very fauWlar with prem,
f " d to trite us !ort for several weeks. people ur eoataci T (• one the t' IIAi' VV'hen you coricft rrai verend Swaggart of Hse Lskearad, Otitario which again -.1:?.
Is not a ca3nie. ASD vie Branine
in flier this flmdmgwill ap royal. 'and a Murra Cardiff Jesus Christ. W e need ew` fbryonrlettef,
s� there has been��o cvttitYl �appmval. and ask for y are condemning _ - _ . _ .
zenith 2i4 9) and h a you �_.-....
Valerie Bolton
Women Being Well