HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-04-23, Page 12Al2 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 23, 1986 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIFIED 1,COMING EVENTS THE FRIENDSHIPCIRCLE, FiastPresbyter- ian Church presents Leslie Remington of Benjamin Moore Co. in "The Effective Use of Color in Your Home." Wednesday, April 23, 1986, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at Seaforth Public School. Admission $2.00. Door prizes. Tickets available at Hildebrand Paint and Paper. 1-15-3 BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games, threeShare-the-Wealth. Jack- pot $200 must go. Lecky ball $300.00 (if not won). Lucky ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-15-tf COMMUNITY SHOWER for Glenda Geddes will be held on Sunday, May 4 at 2 p.m., Egmondville United Church, Please accept this as your invitation. 1-16x2 RECREATION Fund Dance, Saturday, April 26, 9-1, Mitchell Community Centre. Music by Mozart Melody Makers. Tickets $5.00 per person available at the door. Lunch provided. Sponsothe Stratford and District Association ed for the Mentally Retarded. 1-16-2 MUFFIN MANIA Euchre at the Parish Hall on April 30, 7:30 p.m. $1.50. Door prize. Sponsored by Seaforth lioness. 1-17-1 SONS AND DAUGHTERS who have guilt are easy prey for evil men and women who would exploit them. The tragic fact is that most parents have no idea about the guilt in the lives of their sons and daughters. Sunday, April 27, 7 p.m. Bethel Bible Church Pastor Robertson will be teaching us how to remove all guilt and how to help our youth gain 1 clearconscience. THE 75th Annual Meeting of Family and Children's Services of Huron County (The Children's Aid Society) will be held on April 23, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. at 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderidt, Ontario. Our guest speaker is Alan Lesduied, Ph. D.; Family Court Clinic, London. Topic: "Whatever Happened to the Child Savers? Reconciling Children's Needs and Children's Rights." A business meeting will be held to review the operational and financial results of 1985, and for the election of officers. Also, new by-laws will be presented for approval. For a copy of the proposed by-laws please call 524-7356. Voting memberships available at the door - 51.00. Everyone is cordially invited. 1-14-4 RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC TUES., MAY 6, 1986 1:30 - 4:30 6:00 - 8:30 Central Huron Secondary School Clinton. Ontario Sponsored by the Kinette Club of Clinton [OST. STRAYED 5. HELP WANTED Phone Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.rn. "A Career in Trucking" Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800- 265-1260. 5-41-tf A TOUCH OF WICKER wants you on their team selling at home parties. If you enjoy people, flexible hours, excellent earning potential or if you are interested in hosting your own wicker party call 658-2593 5-16-2 653-3302. er Mon- day o MAN looking o doforlhou hive-inousework and look' after 7 after 6 p. mY 887-9124, and RR after rBrusselsl'hone 5-16-1 GDAMR requires occasional and weekend contract workers for community. living in Clinton and Goderich. Please send resumes and 3 references to Helen Watson, ExecutiveDirectorOnt. N7A 4C7. GDAMR, date Aprx il Goderich,1986 5-16-2 BABYSl1.1'Ett required for two children, ages one and five. May 20 -June 30. 8 a.m. - EgmondvillePCallCaro1527-0 3in 1. home517-1 PART TIME housekeeper wanted for work- ing family in the Brucefield area for cooking, leaning and general household chores.T f days a week. Applicant must be capable o above average work without sqp vt Apply in writing to Drawer 7, c -o Clinton News -.Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM 1LO. 5-17-2 PERSON to help in painting business, renceaasetbutnot essential. Call experience 22 7. SITUATIONS WANTED W ILL babysit in my home. Phone 527-0114. 7-16-2 PERSON willing to do housecleaning. 7Refer- ences available. 348-9614.1 18. CUSTOM WORK LAWN ROLLING. Gary Osborn. 527-8 42. 233 CUSTOM BACKHOEING, drain repair, erosion control, cellar' drains. laser. Call Fronk Postill 482-9101. 8-16-t1 9. FARM STOCK 1 YORK iANDRACE bred gilts. due in n- two o weeks. 345-2728. LOST Men's grey leather bomber jacket. Taken from Seaforth Arena at Broomball Banquet. Phone 527 -1403 3-1731 STOCKER SALE 1000 Head at HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. on 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 14, ARTICLES FOR SALE POTATOES, red and white number one, WOODEN table and chairs, sofa bed couch, Hwy. 84 at Varna Road South.' A. Van Den bedroomsuite, bunk beds, single beds, stove Boomen, 236-4038, R.R. 2 Hensall. 14-04-tf and frig. freezer dryer and washer, dehu- midifier, humidifier, baby furniture, office IH 510 seed drill, 18 x 7, double disc, with desk and chair, electric typewriter, piano, grass seed, like new. Phone 345-2198. dresser, chest off drawers, table saw, 14-16-3 bookcase, coffee and end tables, captain's bed. 348-8244. No Sunday calls please. 14-50-tf EVERGREENS: Pick your own. Dig your own. Choope from Blue Spruce, White Spruce and Fine. Flom 2-6 ft. Call Karl Schuessler, Brodhagen, 345-2683. 14-17-1 1984 Shadow 500, low mileage, shaft drive, engine bars, foot pegs, small wind screen, mint condition. Must be seen, must sell. Phone 482-3303 after8 p.m. 14-16-2 BUY NOW : Good seasoned firewood, only $100.00 fora 4x4 x8 cord. Free barn and house demolition, good used steel roofing.Call 229-8134 or 229-8969. 14-15-4 1984 Honda A.T.C. 125, electric start trailer hitch, in real good condition. Priced right. Apply to Doug Hugill, RR2, Seaforth. Phone 482-7467. SEED FOR SALE: Barley: registered and certified Leger, foundation Herta, $6.90 per 25 Kg., Soybeans - registered and certified Evans, certified Maple Arrows. White Beans foundation Seaforth, foundation Seafarer, certified Harokent, Jeffery Farms ltd., 345-2529. 14-13-tf 1985 Honda XL250Rmotorbike. Contact Ron Pryce, 527-0917. 14-17-1 LIVESTOCK racks, complete with roof for pickup truck. Call 527-0528. 14-17x1 2-C78-14 Good Year snow tires with Dodge runs. $25.00. 2 E78-14 summer tires, $30.00. 2 E78-14 winter tires, $30.00. 527-1974. 14-17x2 ONE boys dirt bike, one girls bike, one boysCHILD'S size, must be in good suit size 16, only worn twice, ideal fr CHILD'S crib,Pholarge rsize, in good graduation. Call after 5, 527-1896. 14-17-1 SINGER: Memomatic knitting machine and all accessories including ribber, .lace car- riage, table -linker and patterns, never used. Cost $1200.00. Will sell for $800 complete. 527-1032. 14-17-3 GIRLS 20" bicycle; portable coat rack. Phone 345-2636. 14-17-1 REFINISHED antiques including washstand, parlor tables, piano stool, chairs, sterling cream spoon, glassware, Jardiniere, button hooks. Call Steve 527-0211 after 6 p.m. 14-1734 1970 Traveliner, 21 ft. tandem axle, sleeps 4, 3 piece bath with shower, fully equipped, excellent condition. Phone 345-2562. 14-17-1 2- F225-75814 super lastic C.T.C. supreme radials on Ford runs. A viking 12 ft. cedar strip canvas covered canoe with paddles. 527-1899 after5:30. 14-17x1 [1 9. PETS GOOD home for a 10 year old female part Collie spayed, medium-sized, light brown. Also dog house. Country home only please. For more information please call 527-010434.2 21. WANTED TO BUY i 5 H.P. Meter Mill. Phone Terry McGuire 347.2796 or 345-2613. 14-17-1 TRACTOR dual tires with rims and hardware size 18-4-34. Phone 345-2465. 14-17x1 POTATOES for sale. Alphonse Cronin. Phone 345-2856. 14-17-2 32 inch 8 hp tractor style riding lawn mower with electric start, excellent condition. 527-0859 after p.m. 14-17-1 HONDA V65 Sabre, 1984 bought new in 1985. low mile9;1 immaculate, under War- ranty, ar rranty sport -touring, fairing, lowers, engine 248-9449 leather c p t,chaps. Phone 229-67864or 5. HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS will be received for SUMMER JOBS at the SFAF10R 11 RECREATTON DEPARTMENT - PIA YGROUND - PiAYSCHOOL - lir TEF2 PROGRAM Application forms are available at the Recreation Office. Deadline for applications is Friday, May 2 at 5 p. m. Saturday, April 26, 1986 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers & Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves 519-482.7511 Clinton , Barry Miller 51$=235-2717 Exeter 519.229-6285 KIrktan Greg Hargreaves 519.262.2619 Hensall 519-262-2831 Hensel! AUCTIONEER: LARRY GARDiNER 1976 Gold Wing motorcycle, fully dressed including foot board and tank rack. Certified 62500.00. or best offer. Phone days 482-3339, evenings 482-5355. 14-17-2 1981 Yamaha 400 Special motorcycle, only driven 4 years, in good condition. $950 oor best offer. 887-6251. TO GIVEAWAY: Barn cats. Phone 527-0715. 14-17-1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS 11 MONDAY NOON 22 words - one week, $4:20; Iwo weeks, $3.70; three weeks, $3.20. Additional words 18 cents. BIRTHS - No charge ENGAGEMENTS - Flake rale of $6, with picture $12.prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and outline only, $15. Complete write-up $25, IN MEMORIAMS - $4.20 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 25 words, $4.20. Each additional word .06 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 53.00, each additional week - 51.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming events 23. Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale . 24. Property for sale 3. Lost, Strayed 25. Property for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments 10r rent 5. Help Wanted 27. For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted 29, For rent 8. Custom work 30. Room and Board 9. Farm stock 31. Notice 32. Vacations 33. Educational 34 Auction sales 35. Tenders wanted 36. Legal notice 37. Notice to creditors 38. Service directory 39. Card of thanks 40. In memoriam 41. Personal 42. Engagements 43. Marriages 10, Farm machinery 11. Hay and straw 12. Used cars 13. Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V.s for sale 16. Mobi'a homes 17. VCRs for sale 18. Computer corner 19. Pets 20. Swap or trade 21. Wanted to buy 22. Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY •8:30 a.m. to 5p.m MALE Siamese cat. Two or three years old. Blue or chocolate point. Phone 529-7238i. PERSON with proertyforsaleonManitoulin Island. Please call 527-0219 evenings.23.1 CASH paid for antiques, complete or partial estates, dining bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, docks, furniture, etc. 527-18472- or527-1633 Seaforth. InAgoodcconditicleaner, n Phe e945-$198�d211h--1a 3 PEAS, plant Tots this sprin , now we can mechanically pod your peas, t 10 minutes for one bushel. Watch for next ad in season. Formore information call 236.4766. iia ton Martin. LLOYDS AM -FM stereo, turntable, 8 truck with speakers. Best offer. 527-0042 after 3 30 p.m. 14-178.1 USED appliances, 90 -day warranty. 887-9175 TRAILERS: Travel, 5th Wheels, Hardtoppss, New and Used. Golden Moe, oe, Prowler, lionel, Elko. Hitdres Thick Caps, Running Boards. Sales, Rentals, Repairs. Camp -out Hwy. 8, 1 mi. w. of Stratford. 393-5938.144-14 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Sea - forth. Guaranteed 60 days. Fleasomably priced. Phone 527-1213. 14-48-tf FRE pickup of unwanted appliances. Call 887.9175. 14-36-tf Stove $50.00. Water heater, $30.00. Phone 527-1931. 14 -15 -if LADIES 3 speed biig; it e " frame, 4 men's 3 speed bicycle, 14-17-1 WANTED FOR CASH 123. REAL ESTATE Dining Room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Living Room Suites, Old Country Furni- ture including cupboards, old tables, chairs, glass, china, jewellry, press back , chairs, gramophones, old telephones, round oak tables, almost 1(nything that is antique or collectable. DAYS 527-1847 Art or Cindy Lartree TH'EMAYFAYREilliOPPE €Worth EVENINGS 527-1683 23. REAL ESTATE Tom Reidy Realty Ltd.. BATTERIES Cars, Truces, Ti" actors. Lawn IAurpme.nt BEST PRICES AND QUALITY 1N TOWN. SEAFOI,Tti 527 0120 W1NCENI'.'e FARM EQUIPMENT LIN{1111) �� a !!t 10. FARM MACHINERY Whyte Bros. Farms Ltd. presentlyhave an opening for a BOOKKEEPER Slimes -4u] applicant will be responsible for various duties including reconciling bank and recording cash disbursements and sales journals. Also the individual will be required to prepare invoices and maintain records for the Feed Mill and Grain Elevator Operations. Knowledge of agriculture would be an asset. This position could be part-time or full-time, depending on the individual's qualifica- tions and preference. Please enclose a resume stating experi- ence and salary expected to: Whyte Bros. Farms Ltd. R. R. 2, Seaforth NOK IWO A Henry Ferguson TE 24280 tractor with continental engine, recently overhauled; three piecesof equipment to fit three point hitdh. (A) Woods 5 ft. Dixie atter (rotary mower); MIA two furrow 10" plow. (CIA 61/2 ft. John Deere cultivator. Wiff sell separately ortogoiser. 527-1699af r 55',3{3: 10-17x1 11. HAY & STRAW BALED wheat straw. 527-1325_ 12. USED CARS 11-15-tf ei I1E ALTO1I MORINS TOWNSHIP: Brussels area 200 acres on paved road, 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom house, 60 sow farrowing operation, large drive shed. DUBLIN: Mill St., 116 storey 3 bedroom home. GREY MP.: Moncrieff arta, 100 acres, 2 storey 4 bedroom brick home, excellent repair, barn set up for 30 ties, milk house, silo; Land has been rotated and well cared for. HIBBERTTWP. FARM FORSA1E: 100 acres, no buildings TUCKERSMIT'H TWP.: 99 acres, no buildings. Contact JOE O' REIII.Y 34 5-24 65 CHARLES AIROM 348-8197 M ALIRICE REEIDY 347-2358 TOM REIDY347-2358 Mletrrice (ARDINER REAL ESTATE LTA t Slxate,1S1. ' 521,2966 Cage Layer's 11.000 production quota on 100 acros north of Godorich. Full stair stop, auto food, excellent home, largo drive shod and bank barn. Cage Layers Fully automated high rise barn with production quota of 19,000 on 75 acres in Bruce County. Cage Layers 14,000 quota. multitior cages, automatic clean out and food, drive shed and work shop. Very nice 3 bedroom home on 50 level tiled acres. All buildings In top condition. Close to Dresden. Cash Crop 130 acres near Seaforth, 120 workable. Beautiful older born ft, 4 or 5 bedrooms. Must bo seen. For Sale Huse at Klnburn on large car - nor lot 247' x 132', 3 bedrooms, main floor laundry. House aluminum sided and mostly in- sulated, oil F.A. heat. Three other buildings on property. Taxes under 1300.00. FOR FULL DETAILS CONTACT KEN THOMPSON Maurice Gardiner Real Estate Ltd. 524-2966 or 524-7514 Cash & Carry Classified Corner Gold hard -twist carpet writable for stairs, 23' R 37" 620.00. Call 527-0528. 3 pair of soccer -baseball shoes, size 4, 6, 8. $10,$12 and $15. Each used only one year. Phone 482-3183. Irma® am. ®®®® ace. goat 1.e..®•mtita 4:rm®®,®.gym®®®, 120 worn F x ®sitor Cash & Carry JJT CLASSIFIED Corner 1979 Chrysler Cordoba, p.s., p.b., p w. f V8. Asking $1,700 as is. Phone 345-2178. 12-16-2 � as you like A One item per ad sr Use as many a Only for private individuals, selling ® Rem must be Priced at under $40 and price must be in the ad Y e Payment must be enclosed with ad written on The Expositor coupon personal possessions MY AD 1976 Ventura for sale, as is, 78;000 klms. Best offer Phone 527-0448 after 6 p.m. 12-16-2, '73 Dodge Polaris, 8 cyl., new front tires, brakes and exhaust. Phone34S-2819.12-17-1 1975 Ford LTD, Lindau, 4 dr. good, solid reliable ear. $1600.00 as is. $1700.00 My name certified: Phone 5274319; No:Sundays calls. 12-17-1 Pring or wail to: The Huron Expositor \ 12 Main SL, Box 69, SEAFORTH, Ontario SOK IWO $1 enclosed f