HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-03-26, Page 16A16 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 28, 1986— CLASSIFIEDS CONT —�- 35. TENDERS WANTED n MINiSTRYOFHOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Tender Reference Number S.F.T.(H,C.)86-07 For Landscape and Site Maintenance at 85 West Street, Goderich (OH -3) and 250 Picton Street, Goderich (OH -2). Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a,m. local time, W EDNES- DAY, APRIL 9, 1986 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOW EST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. n MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Tender Reference Number S.F.T.(H.C.)86-06 For Janitorial Services and Snow Re- moval at Queen Street, Blyth, Ontario (OH -1) Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, WEDNES- DAY, APRIL 9, 1986 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH BRODHAGEN TENDER You are Invited to submit a tender for tho replacement of tho existing slate roof on 5t. Peter's Lutheran Church, arodhagon. Soaked Tondors will bo received by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m. FRIDAY APRIL 4th 1986. Tenders will bo opened APRIL Eth at q:00 p.m. In tho 5t. Peter's Lutheran church board room. Tho lowest or any tender will not necessarily bo accaptod. Plans and specifications may be ob- tained on or after March 17, 1986 from Church Secretary Tarry Elllgson 19 Church 5t. Brodhagon, Ont. NOK 150 345-2547 TENDERS [37.NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CRED1'POHS In the Estate of IDA PEARLCLOSE All persons having claims against the estate of Ida Pearl Close, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, and formerly of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 1st day of November 1985, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of April, 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 10th day of March 1986. McCONNELL STEW ART, & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the administrator 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 THINKING of selling? Private investor will pay cash for equity. 527-0219. 38.49_11 LINDA'S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. Fast, efficient, courteous, trustworthy and reasonably priced. Phone 527-0219. 38-11-3 Fuel Oil Furnace 24 HOURSERVICE Repair and Cleaning Paratcheek �s 3Maintenance i PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, lid Eli NI I I um Home Hardware SILLS HOME HA RDW ARE Seaforth 527-1620 DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a W eek MAW ST. MITCHELL 39. CARD OF THANKS KOEHLE'R I would like to thank my relatives and friends for prayers, cards, gifts and phone calls while 1 was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Landon. Special thanks to Dr. Gall and Dr. Shaheed, and nurses on the children's floor at Stratford General and St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to the ambulance drivers and Colleen for a quick London. Adam Koehler 39-13.1. REGELE Many thanks to my family, friends and relatives for their cards and visits while I was a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Markus and the nursing staff. Your thought- fulness was greatly appreciated. Caroline Regele 39-13x1 ANDERSON I would like to express my appreciation to the nurses and staff of Seaforth Hospital for their care and support while i was there. Also to Dr. Rodney and Dr, Wong. Also 10 Robt. McMillan for all his help. It is ali greatly eatly appreciated. 39-13x1 PEPPER A very Grateful thank you to all my friends and family for visits, cards, books, etc. while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospital, Special thanks to the nurses, Dr. Markus and for the visits from Rev. Archie Robertson and Rev. Cheryl Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa. Sincerely, Lillian E. Pepper 39-13x1 High school teachers volunteer for school Secondary school teachers in Perth County who ar Catholic will have the chance to volunteer to teach at the proposed Catholic high school in Stratford, The Perth County board of education approved a "letter of understanding" between itself and the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic separate school board at its March 18 meeting. The agreement has yet to be approved by the Catholic school board. ft means those teachers volunteering to teach at St. Michael secondary school will be considered a substitute for those teachers who are surplus because of the lower enrolment in the public schools. Director of education Paul Sherratt said so far it is expected there will be about four teaching positions cut because of the Catholic high schwa l DENOMME Its difficult to find words to express the full feelings of appreciation to our friends and relatives for the kindness and thoughtfulness extended to our family during the loss of m' wife larine, for all who expressed their sympathy with cards, letters, beautiful Flowers, donations to various charities, mass cards and visits to the funeral home. To our friends and neighbors who brought food to our home, Fr, Pluto, without whose support and understanding would have made our loss even more difficult to accept. Our apprecia- tion is extended to St. Joseph's Choir and C.W .I.. Sincere thanks to Mike Falconer and his staff at the Ball and Falconer Funeral Home for their kind find professional service, Your kindness has been a great help and all you have done for us is deeply appreciated. Clarence, Michelle, Tony and Peter 39-13-1 (41'. PERSONAL LOSE WEIGHT NOW! Tenders will be received by the under- signed for necessary Grass Cutting HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock W EiNViTEYOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2819 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter& 229-43205 Kirkton • Snln and Elie( ,Vo • All Na 0,51 P,nducre • N Cal. •r le G,.fl n1 • Na only Suptuessos Appunm • InC- M,'Any each Guaran,no A d;.. 1101100a,lnlnethen1 month CaII Peter Hamming 527-0179 "if there are no volunteers this board will have to name teachers," said Ms, Sheeran, Stratford trustee Paul Parlee, chairman of the separate school funding committee, said the agreement will be signed "without prejudice." He said this doesn't mean the board supports full funding to Catholic schools. Mr. Parke said it would be foolish for the board to not work with the Catholic school board in case full funding is considered constitutional. Recently, an Ontario court ruled three to two in favor of full funding being constitu- tional. However, the Ontario Secondary School 'leachers' Federation and the Metro- politican Toronto school board are appealing that decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. Huron linked to province Sharing information between schools via Once hooked up and by using passwords, computers could soon become commonplace, the program is fairly simple and, says Mr. And Dave Bieman, computer co-ordinator Bieman, can be adapted to any computer for the Huron County Board of Education, system. People involved in the pilot program would like to see that happen as he has been use IBMs, icons as well as Commodores, "Sharing information" with educators across Ontario, Since last, fall, the co-ordinator has been involved In COSY, a computer pilot program funded by TV Ontario. He and 35 other organizations, including the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OiSE), some universities and school boards, have partici- pated in this program. Mr. Bieman describes COSY as a visual "bulletin board" which stretches over the province. There have been some deep theoretical discussion across the computer system, he says. Questions and answers also zip across the screen from one user to the other. He uses the school board's watts line to reach a data pack line in either London, Kitchener or Guelph. What makes the information intelligible is an $80 modem. 'Phis equipment piece translates computer languages to make them all sound alike. What Mr. Bieman would like to see is that each school in Huron be linked to a main computer at the board office. This would enable information to be shared across the county. However, that is down the road a bit, admits Mr. Bieman. He says that for now, he will await the verdict of this province -wide pilot project. Studies may be universal A two-year phase-in of industrial arts and family studies is possible for Huron County's Grade 7 and 8 students. A proposal for the phase-in, prepared by the administration of the Huron County board of education was presented to the school board at its March 3 meeting. The proposal is to be considered by the board as it prepares the 1986 budget. . Costs for the program have been estimated at $199,000 for the first two years, reported director of education Robert Allan. This includes four teachers at $38,000 each, busing estimated to cost $28,000 and materials budgeted at $19,000. Now, industrial arts and family studies are offered only at Seaforth Public School and Victoria Public School in Goderich. However, schools in the area are bused to the two centres. Students going to Seaforth are from Huron Centennial in Brucefield, Hensen Public School, Blyth Public School and Hullett Central Public School. Clinton public school, Holmesville Public School, Colborne Central and Robertson Memorial In Goderich travel to Victoria. At these schools, Grade 8 classes take 80 minutes and Grade 7 classes have 60 minutes. The classes are drvided;'but riot by sex, into the two programs and switch in the middle of the year. The school board's administration propose Grade 7 and 8 industrial arts and family studies classes be started at F.E. Madill secondary school in Wingham. There would be a reshuffling of where schools go to take the program. If accepted by the school board, it would start in September of this year. For the following September, in 1987, administration proposes that South Huron District High School in Exeter be used as a site for the Grade 7 and 8 program. The Exeter high school would serve the south end of the county. This proposal follows closely on the heels of secondary school principal Joe Wooden's report on technical education filed last fall. ' Primary education report to be studied Listowel Central Public School principal John Patterson will head a committee which will study the recently released results of the Early Primary Education Project. The ministry of education document, considered by many in the education field to be the most important report since Bill 82 on special education, makes 45 recommenda- tions. Some of those Include setting up junior kindergarten classesacross the province and , having kindergarten students attend all day every day. '1 Wallace Township trustee Dereck Ward said the care of young children today Is being turned over to society. "I feel society is being asked to do more than it should," said Mr. Ward. Mr. Patterson, along with three other elementary school principals, primary (K to 3) teachers, a trustee, a secondary school ' principal and a representative from the a Ministry of Community and Social Services . will study the province report. A presentation will be made to the board on May 6. at Seaforth Community Hospital during the coming 1986 season. Tenders are to indicate the equipment that will be used and are to be based on an amount per cutting and for Lawn Rolling the hospital grounds once, ata time to be agreed on. Separate tenders for each are to be submitted in writing prior to: S P.M. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1986 to HEFRYSCHWARZ Director of Maintenance Seaforth Community Hospital Seaforth, Ontario VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OURSPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. BUYING OR SELLING TURN TO TUE CLASSIFIEDS FOR FAST RESULTS P BE READY FOR THE HOT `HEATHER! AIR CONDITIONERS Clean & repaired FOR sop (plus parts it necessary) ONLY is (WATSON APPLIANCE REPAIR a division of (PHELANS PLACE) PH. 393-6180 PH. 527-1213 Sebringville Seaforth 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS t 39. CARD OF THANKS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARiEL MEIADY All persons having claims against the Estate of Marie Louise Melady, late of the Village of Dublin in the County of Perth, deceased, who died on the 29th day of January 1986, are hereby notified to send in hill particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of April 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated atSeafotth, Ontario this 10th day of Mardi 1986. McConnell Stewart, & Devereaux Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Seth:hors for the executers HARGREAVES 1 would like to thank my family, friends and neighbors for the many flowers, cards, treats and kindnesses i received while in the hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. W.F. O'Connor, Dr. R. Flowers, Dr. Mary Lee Myers, Dr. W W. Brown nurses on 6th floor Intensive Care Unit and nurses on 2nd floor west, Victoria Hospital for their excellent care. My. heartfelt thanks be Rev. L. Keays, Rev. S. McDonald and Major E. McGinnesfor their prayers and comforting messages. All was mucic appreciated. Victor Hargreaves 39-13-1 � Buying orselling, more people turn to the Cia ---. "rfietis. A marketplace of thousands with excellent values every day .and the easiest way we Imow to make or save money on everything from antiques to Zithers. Plus great -Bargain Counter buys and listings of services and jobs. ROSE KAT I want to thank everyone for their support in the death of my son David. Thanks for your flowers, cards and kind words. Many thanks to Hugh and Melinda for the use of their - hotne and to all that helped with the lunch. Words cannot express the way I feel towards you all. I also want to thank ReV. Atrhie Robertson for letting me have my little sayy. Elaine Rosekat and Fancily 39-13x1 Huron , . f , _...,0 or 570240 , Perth Continued from page Al Downie will pay 5118,296 this year. "We're paying 85,000 more for 500 less people," said Reeve Innes. The 1986 estimates include a 83 million, budget for roads, the two previously mentioned health grants. $686,945 for social services, $397 375 for general government and 8135,311 for planning. r�urcn Continued from page Al Health services, which takes in the health unit, home care and family planning accounts for $2.19 million. Recreation and cultural services total 81.6 million in this year's budget. This includes the $300,000 far the museum building reserve fund and $791,784 for the library. General administration has a budget of $746,428 developmentisis expected to spendear while e $490,585 this year. To pay for this budget of $18.7 million, the county will receive $10.3 million in provincial grants. The municipal levy will pay for $4.5 million of the budget. Fees and service dtarges are expected to provide $2.7 million to the budget. A federal grant for the museum is budgeted at $239,475 and $556,114 is expected in miscellaneous revenue. A highway department deficit of.$64,018 and a general budget surplus of $305,907 are being carried over to the 1986 budget. Those voting in favor of the budget were: West Wawanosh Reeve J.R Aitdlison, Warden Leona Armstrong, Seaforth Reeve William Bennett, Clinton tteeve Bee Cooke, Goderich Township Deputy Reeve Laurie Cox; Hullett Reeve Tom Cunningham, Goderich Deputy Reeve Johri Doherty, Morris Township Reeve Doug Fraser, Ash- field Reeve Allan Gibson, McKillop Reeve Marie Hicknell, Bayfield Reeve Dave John- ston, Colborne Township Reeve Russel Kemighan, Stephen Deputy Reeve ken McCann, Stanley Reeve Clarence Rau, Hensall Reeve Tim Robinson, East Wawa- nosh Reeve Ernest Snell, Stephen Reeve Torn Tomes, and Blyth Reeve Albert Wasson. Those voting against the budget were Tuckersmith Reeve Bob Bell, Howick Reeve Gerald D'Arcey, Hay Deputy _Reeve Claire Deichert, Zurich Reeve Robert Fisher, Elfeter Deputy Reeve LassyFuller, WirigharBoReeve e Bruce Meehan, TumberrY Reeve McBurney, Exeter Reeve Bill MIckle, Us - borne Township Reeve Gerry Prout, Geder- ich Township Reeve Grant Stirling, and Goderidi Reeve Harry W orsell with two vetes. Absent for the meeting were Brussels Reeve Hank Ten Pas and Hay Township Reeve fienel Wilder.