HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-03-26, Page 14A14 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 26, 1986 TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone CLASSIFIED 527-0240d 1.COMING EVENTS BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00. 15 Regular $20.00 games, three Share -the -Wealth. Jack- pot $200 must go, Lucky ball $220,00 (ifenot won.) Lucky ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-10-tf 15. HELP WANTED 1 FULL TiME salesperson required. Mature applicant should possess good public relation knowledge, neat appearance, willingness to learn and a chance to grow. Experience is not a prerequisite. Apply in writing to Anstett Jewellers, Box 52, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1W0. • 5-13-2 Hall. Euchre,ELECTRICIAN or 4th year apprentice for the ODD FELLOWS & RebekahSeaforth area. Apply to Sills Hardware, P.O. 26, 8 p.m., Oddfellows Hall. Lunch pprovided. MarchBox 10, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 W 0. 5-13-1 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Sea - 1 -12-2 forth. Guaranteed 60 days. Reasonably EXPERIENCED bartender, full time. Apply priced. Phone 527-1213. 14-48-tf ed through RADIO OPERATORS Course offer-ain person, Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. • ed t• hrough the Goderich Power Squadron at p 5-13-2 Robertson Public School, Goderich, Ontario commencing ggA• Charlton524-2578.ril 3 at 7:30 p.m. P1 -one 11-3 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE WOODEN table and chairs, sofa bed, couch, bedroom suite, bunk beds, single beds, stove and frig, freezer, dryer and washer, dehu- midifier, humidifier, baby furnitpre, office desk and chair, electric typewriter, piano, dresser, chest of drawers, table saw, bookcase, coffee and end tables, captain's bed. 348-8244. No Sunday calls please. 14-50-tf ATTENTION Dairy Producers: Herd health seminar featuring, Dennis Martin, Dr. Hugh Klugson, Dr, Gaylon Josephson, Dr. John Herrick and Joe Scolaro. Lunch provided. April3, 1986 at Seaforth Legion. 1-11-3 EASTER PIE SALE on Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m. at EMA Food Store. Sponsored by Seaforth lioness Club. 1-13-1 "GENEALOGY - GETTING STARTED". Beginner's Workshop, Tuesday, April 1, 1986, 7:30 to 10 p.m., Goderich Township Community Centre Holmesville. Admission free. Everyone welcome. Bring your ques- tions and problems. Sponsored by the Huron County Genealogical Society. 1-. 3-1 THE regular meeting of the Seaforth Happy Citizens will be on April 10 at 1:45 p.m. in the Legion Hall, Please note change of date. . I PLAN to attend a meeting of the Huron County Branch of the Architectural Conserv- ancy of Ontario in the auditorium of the Clinton Town Hall on April 8 at 8:00 p.m. Mr. W. Hitchins, Chairman of London L A. C, A. C. will present an illustrated lecture on historic homes of London. Refreshme1-nts. REMEMBER Seaforth Optimist Canoe Races, Sunday, April 6. Regist tion 9:30 Starts at Egm nlebridge. Breakfast available. 1-13-2 DAIRY FARM HELPER required. Employ- ment from May 1 - Sept. 1. Tractor experience required. Contact Tom Melady, 345-2152. PART TIME R N, would like mature person to come in to the home to look after 6 year, 3 year and 5 month old. No evenings or weekends, summer off, Call Pam GordonS n 527-0868. "A Career in Trucking" Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening interview and job, placement information, contact Mery Orr's . Transport Driver Training, London, 5-4800- 265-1260. 1-tf TOPNOTCH SALESPEOPLE REQUIRED. A fantastic earning. Contact Central Supply, Ingersoll, 485-3481,. 5-13-1 REQUIRED licenced Electricians 3rd, 4th, 5th year Electrical Apprentices licenced Plumbers 3rd, 4th, 5th year Plumbing Apprentices CAL1,235-1516 John Rosenberg J.M.R. ELECTRIC LTD. HENSALL United Church Beef Barbecue, Wednesday, April 9, 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Adults $6.50. Children 5 to free. Tickets call 262-140. ;under 511years • SINGLES DANCE, Saturday, March 29, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9-1. Music by Country Connections. 1-13-1 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Sesquicentennial Variety Night will be held Friday, May 9 at 8 p.m. at the Stanley Complex. Tickets available 262-5857, 262-58547 262-5367, anytime after April 1. Only 450 tickets will be sold. 1-13-2 SPRING SW iM and Fitness Program starts April 14 1986. Call 482-3544 for further information. 1-13-1 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT presents "PLEASURES PROBLEMS AND PRESCHOOLERS" CONCRETE FORMING EMPLOYMENT WANTED: ambitious, hardworking per- son. Valid driver's licence. Good wages depending on experience. PHONE 482-9611 CANADA number one lover seed for sale double cut red clover, Rick LeBeau 48 4 1194 4 after6 p.m. DOUBLE cut red clover seed. Bruce Coleman n 527-1938. DOUBLE cut red clover seed for sale. 10 e 527-1717. POTATOES, red and white number one, Hwy, 84 at Varna Road South, A. Van Den Boomen, 236-4038, R.R. 2 Hensel]. 14-04-tf 121. WANTED TO BUY GOOD USED antenna rotor. Phone 527.1. 43-13 • WANTED TO BUY Old dining room suites, bedroom suites, cupboards, tables, ward- robes, dressers, hallseats, book- cases, clocks, dishes, etc. Call 527-0376 or 273-0466 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 18 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON 22 words • one week, $4.20; two weeks, $3,70; throe weeks, $3.20 Additional worsts 10 cants. BIRTHS — No charge ENGAGEMENTS — Flats rate of $6, with picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES — Free for 8 weeks alter date of wedding Alter this 831110, photo and outline only. $15 Complete write-up $25. IN MEMORIAMS — $4.20 plus 35 cents per lino of verso. CARD OF THANKS — 25 words, 04 20, Each additional word .06 cants. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE — $3 00, each additional week - $1.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1, Coming events 23. Real Estate 2, Yard, Garage Salo 24 Properly ler sale 3. Lost, Strayed 25 Property for root 4 Found 26 Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27 For sale or rent 6.. Business Opportunity 28 Wanted to 1001 7. Situations Wanted 20 For rent 8. Custom work 30 Room and Board 9. Farm stock 31 Notice 10. Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11, Hay and straw 33 Educational 12 Usad cars 34 Auction sales 13, Used trucks 35 Tenders wanted 14. Articles for sale 36 Legal notice 37 Notice to creditors 38 Service directory 30 Card of thanks 40 In memoriam 41 Personal 42 Engagements 43 Marriages ONE light brown shaft saver golf bag with ' brown shafead t sa saver offer.0 or best golf bag, $32,00 or best offer. 527-0752, 14-13x2 MINGO BARLEY; Also mixed grain. Bbth suitable for seed. Priced right. Contact Robert Fotheringham 482-9196. 14-13-2 MIXED GRAIN 30 ton. One hyd, fertilizer lz 2 auger. 527.1480. 125 Honda Motorbike, 5 hp MTD garden tiller. W ilfred Drager, 527-0437. 14.13x1 ALOL'TDE EASTER WEEKEND SALE, savings callroTr through Monday. at 52 70482, For fantastic SEED FORSALE: Barley: registered uncerti- fied Leger, "Foundation Herta" $6.90 for 2.5 kg bag. Soybeans - registered and certified "Evans " certified "Maple Arrows" white beans, "Foundation Seaforth" and "Foun- dation Seafarer" Certified "Harrowkent." Jeffery Farms Ltd., R.R. 2, Staffa, Ont. 345-2529. f MAN'S used bicycle for sale. Phone527- 0284, JENNY2 belt and danpetallkblee tnew. s$65.00. safety 527-1671. 14-13x1 IVAbf or.27=I delIuxsdccdit ns ; ,. hes ' A series of 3 Parenting Classes for parents of children aged 1-5 years. Classes will commence TUESDAY. APRIL 15, 1986 and will be held at Health Unit Office, Seaforth Hospital. For pre -registration or further informa- tion, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 527.1243. SHIPPING CLERK required for expanding automotive parts manufacturer in the Exeter area. Suc- cessful applicant should have good typing skills, and some knowledge of export documents and custom papers would be beneficial. Hours are flexible. Attractive salary and full benefit package to self starting individual. Please submit resume to: Fleck Manufacturing Inc. Canada Avenue Huron Park, Ontario NOM IYO Attention: Mr. John Bloom MMUS WANTED FOR CASH 15. R.V. s 10, sate 18. Mobile homes 17 VGRo for sale 18. Computer corner 19. Pets 20 Swap or trade 21 Wanted to buy 22 Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - B:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dining Room Sultes, Bedroom Suites, Living Room Suites, Old Country Furni- ture Including cupboards, old tables, chairs', glass, china, iewellry, press back chairs, gramophones, old telephones, round oak tables, almost anything that Is antique or collectable. 527-1847 DAYS ggod co'l'4 1 n3, I RI; ‘1. l ul litt'Ititil'. puce apples at Ari Bell's Sheller, $4 per bushel and up Potatoes. ,inions. ripple butter. honey, fresh cider. cloeed Mondays and Tuesdays. 524.81141 24 7. 1982 Kelvinator dryer, white, excellent condition. 527-0535. 14-12x2 15 pieces of refinished antique furniture including pressback chairs and parlor tables. Willing to accept reasonable offers. Call Steve 527-0211 after6 p.m. 14-12x4 FREE pick up of unwanted appliances. Call 887-9175. 14-364 Seed Beans Certified Seafarer Available by early order only until April 2. Call R.T. Bolton & Son 527-0559 • Art or Cindy Larivee THE MAYFAIR SHOPPE Seaforth 23. REAL ESTATE Tom Reidy Realty Ltd. 527-1633 EVENINGS $$$$$$$$$ 123. REAL ESTATE 1 MIS REALTOR MORRIS TOWNSHIP: Brussels area 200 acres on paved road, 11h storey, 4 bedroom house, 60 sow farrowing operation, large drive shed, DUBLIN: Mill St., 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home. JOHN ST.: 21.2 storey 4 bedroom home. IIIBBERTTWP. FARMSFORSALE: 100 acres, no buildings TUCKERSMI'F71' TW.P.r'09"'nt•res, no t buildings. Contact JOE O'REILLY345.2465 CHARLES W AIJCOM 348-8197 M AURICE REIDY 347-2358 TOM REiDY347-2358 5. HELP WANTED CRONIN TRANSPORT has an opening for a full time accounting clerk Experience preferred. Apply in writing to P.O. Box 54, Dublin, Ontario, NOK 1E0. 5-13-1 a week RELIABLE children, babysitterneeded days preferably in my home. me Call 527-0998 anytime. 5-13-1 KELP WANTED Ap licatfons will be received by the undersigned for TWO — PARKS MAINTENANCE POSITIONS 8. CUSTOM WORK LAWN ROLLING. Gary Osborn, 527-0642, 8 9. FARM STOCK FORSALE: Jersey cow, 3 years old, 9ide l family cow. 887-6975. LiVFSTOCK farmers: We pay cash for old poorly doing or recently injured or crippled cattle, also cows with milk fever splits or back injury, free of drugs. Picked up eve ry morning. Call collect Ansems U 9 0o ( 238-2796. 12. USED CARS Service Available POWER LAWN MW MOWERS 482-9481 Duties included regular maintenance functions for the lions Park facilities and ground; to maintain the Optimist Ball Park, soccer field and grounds; to maintain Victoria Park and the main street flower beds and boxes; to maintain the Baseball Diamond and Community Facilities at the Seaforth and District High School. Forms are available at the Recreation Office. Deadline for submission of written applications is: FRI., APRIL 4 riease Submit to: MARTYfBEDARD c o Seaforth Reerealon Office, P.O. Box885, Seaforth, Ontario ' NOK IWO 1969 Malibu classic, sport coupe. V8, auto, reliable, good running condition, requires body work. $500 as is. 345-2184. 12-12-1 21. WANTED TO BUY FAIR prices paid for antiques, cupboards tables, benches, tools. signs, household items. Phone Peter Bisback, 262-350521. CASH paid for antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. 527-1847 or527-1633 Seaforth. 21-0711 REALESTATELTD. BROKER 82 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario Bus. 482-9371 or Res. 523-9338 NEW LISTING: Hwy. 4, 2 miles south of Clinton, 6 acres, 4 bdrm. home, large drive shed and frame barn, all in gond condition. BRUSSE1S: Commercial building on main street, oil heat, apartment above, walk-in vault. Very reasonable price. 15 ACRES: Hullett Twp., farrowing barn, frame home, adjacent to Hullett Wildlife. BRUSStelS: 3 bdnn. home on corner of Turnberry and Queen Street. Asking $32,000,00. 10 ACRES: Good brick home and small barn located near Kinburn, well land- scaped. 21 ACRES: 3 bdrm, brick home, like new throughout, Hullett Twp., adjacent to Hullett Wildlife Sanctuary. 5 ACRES: Hullett Twp., good home, barns for 600 hogs and 100 veal calves. All offers presented. CLINTON: 357 James St., 1 floor, 2 bdrm., frame home, electric heat, newly decorated. tinder $30,000,00, CLINTON: '/4 r $®LD1 of Hwy. 4, 3 bdrm. 1 floor iwrr,<, .,, . taxes. W ALTON: 11/2 floor frame home on i acre, 4 bdrms., oil wood heat, large garage. Under $30,000.00. MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LiMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524.2966 'Ws Mayas Number Ons, But We're Still Trying Harder,' . o,. CALL US • TO WELCOME YOU HOME FARM FOR SALE 130 acres just outside of Seaforth, 120 workable, good cash crop land. Excellent large older country home, large modern kitchen, main floor laundry, large living room, dining, four or five bedrooms, beautiful winding stairway. For inspection of this choice property contact: Ken Thompson Maurice Gardiner Real Estate Ltd. Res= 524-7514 Office: 524-2966 Cash and Carry Classified Corner Sale. Goo3 d scondit on.sition $40.00. car seat Phone 482.7170. Toastmaster Continuous Cleaning 12x9 pan.leaning Oven Broiler. Greatropeople for or g sudent. Large Asking $35.00. 527-1671. K 1978 Deuge Brougham, as is, best offer. 527-1992. 12-13x2 1979 Cnev Impala, 2 door, V8, auto, p.s., pie., asking $3600 or beet offer. Call Dolores 527-1055. 12-13-1 • 13. USED TRUCKS 1974 Ford half ton with cab, as is, best t313-1 r. 527-0815. Cash In On FEXpositor Cash & Carry CLASSIFIED Corner JUST $1 • Use as many words as you like • Item must be priced at under $40 and price must be in the ad • Payment must be enclosed with ad written on The Expositor coupon MY AD • One iteral per ad • Only for private individuals, selling personal possessions 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE QUANTITY of good first cut conditioned baled hay. Mervin Beuerman 345-2916. 11-12-2 USED appliances, 90 -day Warranty. 887-917517-91 My name Bring or mall to: The Huron Expositor 12 Main St., Box 69, SEAF'ORTH, Ontario NOK IWO mons ass immo ass .®.® ®®®�.®®�.®®�,®�,®®�:.�,�n+,::.�.®®,gym; 81 'enclosed Pt;