HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-03-26, Page 11Superintendent addresses institute
Belgrave Correspondent
The Superintendent of Programs for the
Huron County Board of Education spoke at
the education meeting of the Belgrave
Women's Institute held last week.
He was introduced by Mrs. Glenn Coultes.
Arnold Mathers outlined the work that
would be involved in a typical day in his
position and and
responsibilities ofthelained
the other the
office staff.
A point of interest was the fact the county is
beginning an Award of Excellence program.
The school and individuals will be recognized
for doing some different and worthwhile
p After answering ' questions from the
audience Mr. Mathers was thanked. Mark
Coultes entertained with a piano solo.
Invitations were received to attend the
following events: an executive meeting April
7 at the Londesboro Hall; the annual meeting
of the Town and Country Homemakers April
8 et Holmesville; workshop on "Water and
the Environment" April 21 at the Londesboro
Hall and the 4-11 achievement program, April
30 at the Brussels Community Centres.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Ross Taylor and
Mrs. Norman Coultes.
4-11 NEWS
The proper way to introduce and thank a
guest speaker was discussed at the third
meeting of the Belgrave Mannerly Muppets.
Members also talked about restaurant
manners. There were 15 members present.
March 25 is the next meeting date.
Seven tables were in play at the weekly
euchre which was held in the Women's
Institute Hall W ednesday.
Winners were: high lady, Mrs. Lorne
Jamieson; novelty lady, Mrs. Lawrence
Taylor; low lady, Mrs. Mary Chamney; high
man, Jim Coultes; novelty man, George
Johnston and low man, Mrs. Garner
Nicholson (playing as a man).
There will be euchre Wednesday starting
at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
The Afternoon Unit of the Belgrave United
Church Women held its Easter sheeting
Tuesday, March 11 at 2 p.m. in the church
school room.
The leader, Sara Anderson, welcomed the
members and visitor. The' minutes of the
previous meeting were read and tie tree-
surer's report given.' Offering was received
and sick and shut-in visits recorded;
In business; the Upper mom subscription
will be renewed and a hook loan libt'ary has
been set up in the church and an invitation
extended to all to use it.
Olive Bolt used the picture of the lord's
Supper for the Bible study and the poem.
Janisa Coultes conducted the worship
service. Helen Martin and Sara Anderson
continued from the Mandate. The education
of the Native Church and the Ministry of
Floyd Steinhaurer, Saddle Lake, Alberta.
Mrs. Anderson closed the meeting with the
Lord's Prayer.
Donna Higgins, RR 5, Brussels attended
the Provincial 4-H Leadership Camp Ontario
Pioneer Camp, Huntsville. Eighty -aux dele-
gates from all counties of Ontario enjoyed the
six day workshop. Co-ordinator was Joe
O'Neill, O.M.A.F. Guelph and guest speaker
for the banquet was Jack Hagarty, Director
R.O.S. Branch.
Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Coultes, Andrea and
Alison and Patti McDowell have returned
home from a visit with Joanne Coultes in
Victoria, British Columbia.
They also called on Wayne Cook irnd Mr.
and Mrs Michael McNeil also of Victoria and
Mr. and Mrs. Steve La Fortune and Steven
Stevenson of Saltspring Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pickell of Toronto
spent Saturday with Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler.
Mrs. Ross Plant of Hamilton and her
parents Rev. and Mrs. Ray Anderson of
Listowel were dinner guests with Mrs.
Kenneth Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Van Camp visited
Norma Davidson and family at Glencoe and
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Campbell and Mrs. Della
Powe all of London on the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis,Stonehouse spent the
weekend with their sister-in-law Mrs. Norm-
an Stonehouse of London. Visiting at the
same home was Mrs. Larry (Sonja) Ellis of
Whitevale, daughter of Mrs. Stonehouse.
Michael Jardin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Jardin received First Class Honors in
a recent drum examination held at Ustowel
with a mark of 93 per cent. Congratulations
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and Mr. and
Mrs. George Michie were in Hamilton on
Saturday attending the wedding of their
cousin Albert Cole to Eileen Ryckman. The
wedding took place in the Chapel of Grace
Villa Nursing Home where they both reside.
Steven Coultes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Coultes recently received word he passed his
Grade 2 Music Theory Examination with First
Class Honors. He is a pupil of Gail Lear of
Londesboro. Congratulations Steven.
Rebekahs hold euchre
(Continued from page A7)
muffins and tea.
During the coming year, meetings will be
held on the second Monday of every second
month. All interested persons are invited to
attend the next meeting on May 12 at 8 p.m.
in the library.
The Worship Celebration for March 23 was
Christ Came To Inherit A World Already
Made, And Yet He Came To Remake It
Totally. It was given by Rev. Carpentier. The
choir had an anthem presentation.
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A Good Friday service on March 28 will
begin at 11 a.m. in Brussels United Church.
There will be a communion service on Easter
Sunday. There will be two Sacramental
services next Sunday. One at 9:30 a.m. at
Ethel, Knox Presbyterian Church and the
other at 11 a.m. in Brussels United Church. It
will include the Easter Cantata by the church
choir. Brussels United Church Sunday School
is cancelled for Easter Sunday. However,
there will be babysitting for kindergarten and
under. Bible study will resume on Monday,
April 7 at 8 p.m. in the church parlor of
Brussels United Church,
18 Main
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Old quilts displayed in Hensall
(Continued from page A6)
of his company and its internal structure,
explaining they work hand in hand with
Proctor Redfern as well as a London-based
advertising agency on projects of this nature,
and he distributed a typed summary of some
of the areas in which he feels Nordex Group
could be of service to Hensel]. He explained
Nordex would be prepared to be very flexibile
in any working arrangement with the village -
that is, they would work on a per diem, per
project or annual retainer basis. Village
representatives also listened to a short audio
presentation of a radio interview with Mr.
Ainslie concerning economic development
situations in the City of London.
At the conclusion of his presentation, Mr.
Ainslie answered questions from the group,
and left it with a rather comprehensive
. picture of the various elements to be
considered in economic development pro-
grams, some good ideas of how to set about
determining paths and goals for these
programs, and some effective marketing
strategies that might be implemented to
achieve the stated goals.
Agreeing that economic development is a
vital concern to the Village of Hensall, both
council and the Economic Development
Committee will be considering, the Nordex
Group proposal, and alternatives, at regular
upcoming meetings.
W ayne Scntchmer was the Junior Minister
at the United Church on Sunday morning with
Mervyn Melds greeting the congregation and
Cecil Pepper, Doug Kyle, Hans Gerstenkom
and Al Corbett as the ushers.
The Palm Sunday sermon topic was 'Entry
with Triumph.'
During the children's story Mr. McDonald
spoke of the Palm Sunday story and related it
to the cross. He then presented each child
with a cross made from a Palm brandy as the
children paraded around the church and
then out to Sunday School.
The choir, under the direction of Belva
Mass san
The congregation were reminded of the
Maundy Thursday service at 7:30 p.m. on
Thursday, March 27 and the Easter Sunrise
Service at 7 a.m. on Easter Sunday followed
by Easter breakfast as well as the Easter
Family Service at 11 a.m.
The Three Links Seniors met recently with
President Aldeen Volland presiding. Vera
Ross played the piano.
It was announced the Zone Rally will be
held in Goderich on April 16. Registration will
be from 9:30 to 10 a.m. The Hensel] club is
asked to host the May birthday party at
Huronview on May 21.
The President reminded everyone of the
euchre party on May 25 at 8 p.m, Everyone is
welcome. There will be free draws for some
extra prizes.
The April meeting will begin with a potluck
supper at 6 p.m.
Following the business portion of the
meeting Alf and Vera Ross conducted games
of euchre. Winners were ladies high, Gertie
Moir; men's high, Hilda Payne; ladies low,
Annie Reid; men's low, Carl Payne; and lone
hands, Peart McKnight. A social hour
followed convened by Nellie Riley and Alice
Ferg, assisted by the entertainment commit-
The residents of Northcrest wish, Jessie
Armstrong a speedy recovery. She is in South
Huron Hospital.
The residents enjoyed a St. Patricktluck
supper Monday night with a welcomer return
of Olga and Ernie Chipchase who treated the
party to shrimp which they brought back
Hoechst Canada Inc.
just seconds after assisted by Taylor and
Vanstone. Scott Bell from Dickins and Moir
put in the final marker to make it 5-1 Hensall.
The boys had a bye into the "A"
championship because of their win and
Goderich went to the "B" championship.
The upset game of the weekend came when
Exeter Blue and Exeter Sabres played off to
advance the winner to the "A champion-
ship. The blue team has yet to beat the
Sabres, but were determined to have one
more game when the final whistle blew it was
Exeter Blue 3, Sabres L.
On Sunday the Exeter Blue and the Hensel)
boys stepped on the ice for he championship.
Both teams were ready and a great game was
played. Hensall once again was, first on the
scoreboard when Vanstone and Moir set
Dickins up for his first of the`game.
with them.wa, b ..Within a minute H all,had gone ahead
' r
enjoyed shuffleboard and acds hr
on Thursday afternoon. found the mark. Eiceter po d d with their
High scorers were John Pepper 253, Pearl first markerwith jUst overa minute left in the
Taylor228, and Jeanette Turner and Dorothy
Brintnell 202.
The Hensall Horticultural meeting was
held last Monday with President Sheila
Reaburn opening with a St. Patrick's Day
poem. It was bring a guest night.
Jack Smith introduced the guest speaker
Jean Barnett. Her topic was "Roses." She
did a thorough job telling the history and how
to plant and care for roses.
Mrs. Barnett showed slides and had a large
display for everyone to enjoy.
Mary Burkhart of Eillison Travel, W Ingham
also spoke to the group about a bus trip she is
planning for Tuesday, June 10. It will be in
conjunction with the Bayfield Horticultural
Society. There will be about 30 seats if anyone
wishes to visit the Iris Fields.
Everyone was asked to fill in a question-
naire on the making of a better horticultural
society. Sheila thanked Eileen Rennie and
011ie Cooper for organizing the meeting and
the delicious lunch.
The Hensel! Bantams are the "A" champs
for 1985-86 Huron Perth Tier 13 Bantam
The boys faced off against Goderich in their
first game Friday night. Both teams were
determined to win and as a result a good, fast,
top rated game was played. The first period
was scoreless with Hencall's Jason )manse
assisted by Rob Taylor and Steve McCul-
lough hitting the mark tate in the second.
Goderich responded with just over two
minutes left on the clock Hensel] blew the
game wide open in the third as Shawn
Vanstone, assisted by Brian Moir and Jim
Dickins was first on the beard, only to be
followed seconds later by Dickins assisted by
Andy Phillips and Dwayne Lawrence.
Imanse scored his second of the night again
Exeter was he only team on the scoreboard
in the second when Rob McKnight hit the
mark unassisted.
The third period belonged to Hensall as
Dickins from Moir and Bell. Taylor from
Imanse and Volland, Bell, from Dickins and
Rob Wareing, the goalie, Moir from Dickins
and Wareing and again Moir with his third
from Vanstone and Wareing. All hit the
mark. Moir's third goal carne with four
seconds on the clock.
Thermal score for the "A" title Hensall 7,
Exeter 2. Congratulations boys.
The potluck dinner for all the Hensall
Minor Hockey and their families is April 6 at
the arena.
Thursday, April 3
Seaforth and District Community Centres
1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
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