HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-03-26, Page 2SiNCE 1860, SERVING THE COMMUNITY FIRST IncorporatIng • Brussels Post 10 Main Street 527-0240 Published In SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Every Wednesday morning ED BYRSKI, General Manager HEATHER McILWRAITH, Editor The Expositor is brought to you each week by the efforts of: Anne Hutt, Joanne Jewitt, Stephanie Bob McMillan, Cathy Malady and Patrick Barris, Pat Armes, Bessie Broome, Marlene Charters, Joan Guiche aar, Levesque. Dianne McGrath, Lois McLVwain, Newspaper Assoc. Member Canadian Community l ew paper Association' Ontario Community Ontario Press Council Commonwealth Press Union International Press Institute Subscription rates Canada $20.00 a Y e year, In advance advance Outside Canada $60.00 a year, Single Copies - 50 cents each 1986 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,' MARCH 26, Second class mail registration Number 0696 Vital presence One way or another it'll be the means to an natondrJacques Hebert, in The significance of the hunger strike by support of the Katimavik program, cannot be more stronglyelt than in felt program, Seaforth. A long time beneficiary of the volunteer youth Seaforth felt a tremendous loss when government cutbacks forced the elimination of the Katimavik program last Spring, and consequently, the removal of a vital and generous presence in town. Yet, vi while the effort of s ommendable coneforce wonde sreinstatement wiil the he Katimavik program accomplished by his willingness to put his life. on the line for the sake of today's youth. And just how much of a precedent would he basetting f n the government concedes to his demands out of compassion, orny youth. a genuine concern about today' At 62 -years of age Mr. Hebert must feet strongly enough about his ending cause to ignore repeated warnings from doctors about the irnp health risks such olseems a asevere striketd evoke. Yet, self and almost desperate mesas to makeivation as a means to any ends certainly the federal government, sit up and take notice. anyone, including is taking Its Mr. Hebert has admitted the strike, now in hewillcontinue until toll and that he is greatly weakened. Yet, ram he founded a the government restores Katimavik, the youth job program decade ago. expires a year ahead of time at the end of June, paid Katimawhich exp for community service work. about 1,70000 youth annually $1 a day Participants were given a $1,000 honorarium at the end of their Last year, during the International nine-month term. Year now both the the United d Nations the Katimavik program, e pe r Australia are modelling programs of their own after it. On an ayer,a9 Katimavik program has produced some $60 -million In assst3ts to ti communities across Canada, by providing physical labor to build parks and community centres. It also afforded its members the bridges, senior citizens members opportunity to share themselves with various communities by allowing them the opportunity to work with children, and the handicapped. Katimavik was made up of members of all ethnic groups, religions and economic levels. it gave the community it served a taste of the diversity of the country. The programm was a means for all Canadians to experience l personaand one that growth and increased life skills. it was a beneficial program, the federal government to deserves to be around ebert little theer. decciut ision by has to wonder ver much • ike by Mr. adament cut such a program. To date while Prime Minister Brian Mulroney there' 11 be an alternative program to Katimavik, he is also quite in stating he will be looking into the issue later this month, not now. With Mr. Hebert refusing to give up his hunger strike until somethingit comes of it, and Mr. Mulroney refusing to give in to human compassion concrete appears the two are destined to a deadlock. And while the communitiesthat have in the past benefitted from presence tavik are generally sympathetic to Mr. Hebertcaue, o most can't accept his means of doing business With ltoh,ng°his hunger' ent. Because isn't it really, almost a terrorist tactic, ,n employing to act out of strike against the federal government. By g government up for compassion for human life, Mr. Hebert is setting the gicver government allows Mr. Hebert's hunger strike, and the threat of similar confrontations in the future, should they If the gshouldn't everyone use it as a means his death a color goals and/ whyires in fife, to achieve w kr g e He has awakened the country thgutvalue how muchKatimavik more and can be importance of the country's youth. The hunger strike may be perceived as a means to an end but ahe ccomplished is questionable. or question now centres on what end will come first — government stubbornness After all our Senator Hebert is no Mahatma Gandhi. — H.M. The actual war began only yesterday, but the rhetoric of war has been floating for months. of It began with a "murderous rt on act or terrorism," in a Paris airy 27 ,1985, This lead to a "show of resolve," by United States naval forcescto off hpeicowhero with government was being, honest with them. borders only Libyan coastline, Since the U.S. least the American people could feel their nt Libya U.S. as g placed "what Navy is hardly on good• enough terms cold the U.S. Navy war looting." been ThionKhadafy to drop in on him for tea, they And how is the Canadian government ast of This means the have of legitimate reason to nods the gulf, reacting to the conflict involving their NATO amounts to a ao plane or shipally The External Affairs department has navy will regard any Y o ter ih p of a us less p1Q of salt water is but Ahad on the two countries to "rho r at e closing on them "to have hostile intent,' and avoid any action that will egg stuff, but The catalyst for the battle wasgthe decision to knock out hostile missile bases on the situation." Chis is not very strong of the U.S. to send fighter of deaths„ in the Libyan shore. at. feast it makes sense• across ar Khadafy's Everyone on both sides knows this is why d the attack.rent only the U.S, wioanr,r' • the U.S. ma e Gulf of Sidra. of course, is the continues to deny it. U.S, Defence Secretary The main danger here, sttf the a Sec missile site possibility of this one,) yard taspreadingoss that i to Caspar WeinbergerN Ys and Ph1 belt you one,) battle in countries blasts this way, become a full-blown lobal destruction. W e "We do not believe our men should be canonlyof hope American strategists have being fired at buired to y SA-5ct emselves to risks of missites and not do correctly assumed that no greater powers h something about the SA -5 site." interestnanely the Soviet Union) have in r Now if Weinberger was really concerned in Libya to noir them about having his men "subject themselves to dangerous game. and it risks of being fired at by SA -5 missiles," -• A lesser danger existst seetmsugthe high why would he order them to cross something is being overlooked.called "the line of death"? are -- Did W einberger think Khadafy was command of the United States of America --holing Come on Caspar! that they ., Martin Mull he champions of re ain't, cannot bring themselves theye aiereti to to u the American government had just have the means to enforce it. press about justStill, in this case, perhaps it would have accomplish. announced openly that' n Khadafy neutralize makesth • h s Ronaldut testing Reagan claim to the Gulfnof nervous, so they are g g applaud their been better to let the Libyan it havehis missiles -- some people would --and eat too for thatn matter, about aard decision and some would scorn it. But, at gulf Sidrabeyo�dd�culouas des the Gulfs oft Sidra is totally to Exdoesn't me sense ternal AffairsaCanada,'Doesn't have a position" on whether the American manoeu- vres were an intentional provocation of Khadafy, would Canada jusot? Can t rather nota not figure say? Probably the latter. Khadafy of course, deserves everything he gets. He is obviously a war -monger with a chip on his shoulder the size of the Gulf of Sidra. He is the one who drew his arbitrary and illegal line across international waters. Unfortunately, international law has little inch, because the United Nations does not It's official. Eve'rryyt�h'iing Is official. We now have the official cjiocotate bar of F tpo 88 along with the official car, bank. deedoraft, and heaven knows what else, it seems every time I see a television ad or pick up a magazine I'm bombarded with nothingmean but official this or that. Does anythingto purchase the ll official running theshoe of tee I will be able rerun faster end farther/ W ill the shoes even fast until the 1992 Olympics? Then there is the official car of Expo 06. VIMhe able tad rave to uarraanttee me entrance 10couver in extra any of Willthehailg to any of the pavilhons at this well advertised world's fair? No hatch's nice to !sneer you are driving the official car of Expo 'M. Nothing Official' is such a funny can be official until some official makes it official. flow con the official be • of oifiI until some other official makes Follow me/ if you do you should be an official something, that's for sure. The thing using the word "official" d advertising rtisoffiing i and one is sure just who ma e neither are uity awe Witt veers air ,»inhat product is necessarily a better product. There is oneofficialdrinkthat is k runs iced extensively at ntarath nS an The only problem is most of the runner's official drink is just plain old H20. Advertisers will attest try to have their product associated with the nest wholesome of events. official goodies are is of productsiveenat are thets, Expos, sporting evns, of PopOlye' events, the Nape's visit, and even the Royal wedding. It is obviously advantageous to be deemed official,official drink"ofof little porn hi being the convention. Have you •noticed with all the brands of cigarettes sold, there is no official some brand of Expo or the O1y� Wth holesome. only want% to he ossocint I don't think f v�e ever purchaseduthe was official product of anything purely by accident. I' m always a little suspect about anything or anyone for that matter that claims itself to be anon official, but Meths f paper tend v rie indicate of a official plates are a variety of ways to acquire dilater Sometimes when watching a hockey game I wonder just how official the official is. Sometimes when t work with someonee I wonder with jua dozenletterstheir grees me. Offiaaldoesn't t how official a lot of always hold a tot of water with me. After all last Friday was the "official" hist day of spring .... official or not it didn't feet like spring io me and that's what counts in the long run. Glad to be Canadian buried by the When Katimavik was Use Conservative government diuitog budget. the delve of government ng the cad tri) acid or the Canadians until the Cana en feed ,diefeathers, A handful riot the least bitd reeent rim spoiled. the Stanley rayl. journalist in Canadawhile some were I've always known the truth of that But seriously, being a low couldn't care earth Isonal life, all t threatening. For the sgepaotnt offended and most as rtaialy statement as It but only recently app edI come personal realize lustjournalists are allowed the freedom tafivety how much that statement also applies m my with their job. And because o it is Bard to working status as well. open and safe Canadian Society ittis hard e• Every week when t sit down to write this or so other no U abort the oasts OrteL to ere.which things t can thank t a must rathe do, area I read areeet Y t�wss freaoins m other country have been things t could do, that to mus p a revelation and that would probably , through aCanada's wiped out. The article WAS I'v glad and part Yet Pm able, now I can Mete honestly Y,live Freedom of the Press, turn out a column on a and work to Canada. Countries like E3 Salor weekly basis about whatever or whoever I Senator ,facgnes He ee use he was g to coat US f one ouuwr Fitt* Oberle a theutuhe hg death of father of the thimavikng. be But to go on gain Science Minister plan henherle the founding strike of tint gcaticellation is ennotmced his grandiose ested a just of strike to p and till yourself there ceuld be $5 billion worth of 0 Most to not very clever, Tod by this lousy the Canadian Aerospa tampanist of over any deii't w made we could he Said, would go to f loud the work, government isn't worth it. Instead, a .Col into, dual expettose to lead a tong, U Toronto tandi�t�At�te.dde-Bellevue. Qlue bla hsh Colianthia. Newt >indland to �t}ibatrbrained use his verbal 0Uack an the Tories rather than a pilin anN the bas got lobe be ` ng news lifrthreateuing lounger strike. o schemes Weran«meupwm like gas stations fit the b t Veilin g for 00 find enodgh motley foe jo less fortunate fellow man here on etirtft. It boggles the numd, ,._ o thousands of There are hiirtdrecie• " . . young, White Males between tribe of 18 and 35 wQ110 are .. unenw Y dir�innless ande' Ioekforward to a Nowthat " ds of ytriernployed from tidos thousan Conservatives w to are viewed e for exaYnP = He should be protesting isle seine bundu wastelands. m themost favorable reaction Those wtto have been there reporttronhtiri YhoW ed about gettitur the barrass control the i deficit down and cutting back on their one weeks certain does And still eclat ri io beep fou t about evetY self t ogle it may prove a teff flit them � tn�ptsah•Sthas been lulled spending d d ., �iey hatnrnered Whatever 'e o e fill o a a ton the worst i ran eoipei t is tet ilk during the PBf.) : with amine of tit g KritttrioliilE and then, at W ek, a itifine d reoeoVe letterto t ttstapm the sky •e edttoir, � aboutomethin teM+yd ff if I the write srcus,abu tttitftePOslibt staht CAnd anada ltbuild ah Riede in gist ek c it li (Continued fin page Al2) about something WtaliY different the follow, m'Chde, f#aiti Indo Cont n ing week. rU Ifve td rt�r+`t it lifter s wit$ there'll be no more mention of the Britnns' wank. doesn't Some weeks, I know, Ute tohimn Other eat with other weeks, like the • e errs °� , . ,..... _ . or - be pas eo le.asoUuetstrytopce}+igl P. ingforvepesi tori ee Ikrio ilii So what di they oin ? tilteredUr the worwtatlin expectetatte drA t'•$ttmig e'er t inolencr' with somee inhh small pmgr ns. tike the s tuatiot► �'� week I ImE �r to rePo� : totaIlY escal ted on seen of teat week, attnotmhfed that will be very bleak. Many will never have lobs have an army of is Hopi only yed persons wandering We shameful, but downright dangerousrfns_ e don't need stupid programs cater ti Action and service stations npaag hat one to a few and discriminate segment of our societY• While squtandering billions and inipover fishing the rest of us, this novo ceil spde of of al masquerading as a governmenttable at et to prove its priorities are qu one up Sondra Wilda should not have gate side Connie Conners face with an eat`ruigwg slap. She should have don ox n I gloves and laced the jaw himself. Ned suppose nett. Anyone soitnmn e to not possibly feel anything.