HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-03-19, Page 18A18 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 19, 1986 - CLASSIFIEDS CON 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY I [38. HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every 'Thursday at 12 :30 p.m. All classes of livestock W E 1NV1'i'E YOURCONSIGNM ENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton PLUMBING HEATING - i d ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SILLS Home nnHardware HOME - HARDW ARE Seaforth '527.16201 138, SERVICE DIRECTORY 39. CARD OF THANKS LINDA'S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. Fast, efficient, courteous, trustworthy and reasonably priced. Phone 527-0219. 38-11-3 THINKING of selling? Private investor will pay cash for equity. 527-0219. 38.49-tf Fuel Oil F.urnace 24 HOUR SERVICE Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 STIF.I,P . Thanks to the ambulance men and Dr. K. Rodney and medical staff of Seaforth Community Hospital. Visits from Rev. Vanslyke and Rev. Lamble were appreciated. Also, thanks for cards and inquiries. Earl Steele 39-12x1 r atrtw #la•r.x..x...- arrwwrtn:!!!r1t1 sttA1 rllllll - rwlw rA Think b1.,.toil:; I l end YOUR meesage across t ((='')C,1\1 AE Icn CLAS 2I<rltlr4«irr cur rs It's ®esrrtrln a`. . rw`w a.r yWwOfW cell,_t°ntl �Ib tlIMY W!M sY! A!• � � rW! 111111'1111 DOERR'S Appliance & TV G. E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a Week MAIN ST. MITCHELL ARTICLES FOR SALE BUILDINGS Factory liquidation of in -stock in- ventory Widths 30-120'. Heights 10-22 ft. All priced for immediate sale. Buy now, take spr- ing delivery. Gulf Steel 1-416.828.6262.-0- 10,12 $ CHEAP FOR CASH $ All steel quonset buildings never erected, ship anywhere. 40' x 100 for '9,999. Alsd 26 x 28, 35 x 36, 46 x80 and 40 x 60 straight wall (416) 699-6151.-•-0-12 SWIMMING POOLS. Factory outlet has a limited number of 1985 models left at excellent sav- ings. Don't buy until you compare us, Nobody beats our prices we guarantee. Call I-(416)523- 6467 or 1(613)547-6434 for details. -0.12 riLEAR SWEET WATER! At last New Technology eliminates Rusty... Smelly... Bad Tasting Water, bacteria, stoining, chemicals and more. C.S.A. approved. Proven in over 12,000 in- stallations. Only 49 cents/day to own and operate. Ask about our FREE 6 -MONTH TRIAL OFFER. Bad water can be your profits worst enemy. Your property and life is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Clear Sweet Water... It's your Right! Call now 1.800- 268-2656 (24 hrs.) or 1•(416)624.4344. AZTEC -0.10,12 "PENNY -ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters quickly and easily!! One wraps all. Uses freo bank wrap- pers. Only 58.95 Postpaid. (Please odd 63 cents tax). Two for 516! (Please odd 51 .12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny•Roller Products, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2.-0.12 MIRACLE SPAN - or WONDER Steel Buildings. Wo'!l moot or beat your best price on quonsot all stool buildings with similar specifications. Call our factory toll free 1.800-387.4910.-0.10- 12 • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Call Tlme FIDDLE 8 COUNTRY fM1USIC. Roca/ - dings not found in stores any more. Free moll order catalogue. Tho Music Born, Box 3098, Mount Albert. Ont. LOG IMO. -0-12 PAIN CONTROL without Pills with electric im- pulse (T.E.N.S.) machine (as seen on T.V.'s Marketplace program). Money back guarantee satisfaction. Dealer inquiries invited. Toll free call 1.800.663.4350.-0.12 SERVICES OFFERED VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. FARMERS (BUDGET NEWS) Phone now for o free copy of the February 26th budget changes. Ap- pointment times available to process 1985 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS CON- SULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E., London, N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1.800-265.1002. In business year round helping formers for over 34 years. -0-12 NHL Hockey Fights • two hours. VHS. Bela, 537.50/eo. plus 52.50 P. 8 H. inior/orders: Odyssey. No. 168-720 Sixth Si., Now Westminster. B.C.-0.12 TEMPERED GLASS. 28- x 76" 830 per shoat. Sid Tothom, Woodworks (519) 537.2660.. -017..13 VACATION PROPERTY PERSONAL NEW PRESTIGE ACQUAINTANCE SERVICE is an introduction bureau for unattached adults seeking lasting relationships. Successful, reliable, selective. Call toll free 1-800-263- 9163.-0-12 AUCTION SALES GIGANTIC FARM Equipment and Motor Vehicle Clearance Auction. Friday, March 28, 1986. 10 a.m. sharp. Now and used equipment Including approx. 50 tractors, 40 cars and trucks, A.T.V.'s and over 250 pieces of all types of farm equip- ment. Special nolo: This is our annual Spring Clean-up solo featuring a complete storage sh- ed of surplus parts and accessories Including tools P.T.O.'s, batteries, mufflers, hydraulics, disc blades, cultivator tooth, fenders, top links, etc. Will bo sold totally unreserved and ab- solutely to the highest bidder. Terms cosh/Visa or good cheque day of solo. Not responsible for accidents on property. Auctioneers Bruce Ward, Lloyd 81nns and Don. Glover. Wayne Word Farm Equipment Hwy. No. 6. Wlorton (519)534.1638 or 534.2980.--0.12 12 x 50 COACH. Carport. Shod and Breerev.ay. furnished, private. Excellent condition. Gateway Park. 5t. Petersburg (519) 586.2460 or (519)586-3693.-0-12 LIVESTOCK SIMMENTAL Herd dispersal. Sal. March 72. 12 noon for Jack Dance of Ayr. Machinery con. signment Sole. Monday. March 31, 10:30 a.m. Consignments welcome. Spring Draft Home 8 Equipment Sale Wed. April 2nd al 9 a.m. con. signments welcome. All soles to be held at Cor• son's Soles Arena, 1 mile east of Listowel on Hwy 136. (519) 291.2049.-012 EDUCATIONAL FARM SERVICES FARMERS Experiencing financial difficulties. There may be ways of solving your problems that you are not aware of. For further informa- tion contact Syf-Mar Financial Consultants (519) 449.2809.--0.12 WANTED TO BUY WANTED: Two -Colour Addison Plastic radios. Paying 550 and up. Phone collect (416) 688- 1420.--0.12 HELP WANTED Train for o JOB with o Future. .with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) - 5011.Brantford303 Colborne E., (519) 743 0223..---0-12 WANTED TO BUY BE READY FOR THE HOT WEATHER! NASA. Many thanks to relatives and friends for flowers and gifts while I was in hospital with Renee. Special thanks to Dr. Rodney and the nursing staff at Seaforth Hospital for their kindness. Tracy Nash 39-12-1 ROCK The family of the late Melvin W illiam Rock of Calgary, Alberta wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for charitable donations, sympathy cards, telephone calls and gifts of food. Also a sneclal thanks to W m. G. Rock of Stratford for the lovely white chrysanthemum bouquet, and a beautiful floral arrangement of red roses, white carnations mauve statice and mauve liatris with red ribbon bow from the Alberta Motor Association Travel Agency Ltd. as well as another of yellow roses, white carnations, mauve statice and mauve liatris with pink bow from the Social Club of the Motor Association where he was a Senior Consultant, and Tour Manager for Mandarin Tours Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Also thanks to Doctors and nurses of The Toronto Hospital for their caring and sharing that Melvin had shown to him, also to the volunteer social worker, Mrs. R. Block, for her kindness and generous concern for his well being, and consideration shown to us when we visited our loved one. Thanks also to everyone who helped in any way. Mrs. Arthur (Mae) Rock and Families 39-12x1 AIR CONDITIONERS Clean & repaired FOR 0925 rt (plus pas if necessary) ONLY Gtr• (WATSON APPLIANCE REPAIR) a division of (PHELANS PLACE) PH. 393-6180 PH. 527-1213 Sebringville Seaforth 139. CARD OF THANKS McLLW AIN Thanks to all who sent me treats cards and flowers and special thanks to Dr. Rodney, Dr. Manors and the nursing staff. Carrie Mcilwain 39-12x1 W HYTE Many thanks and much appreciation to family and friends who made the time spent in the ho-pital a little more bearable with visits, cards and gifts. Special thanks to the Seaforth Ambulance guys and Clayton David and Joanne oa n McClure.yte 39-12-1 140. IN MEMORIAM 140. IN MEMORIAM husband JameOTT: Ins Willard who ving memoof away March 15, 1979. The years may wi,pe out many things, But this they ,wipe out never, The memory of those happy days, W hich we have spent together, Lovingly remembered by Virginia. 40.12x1 M¢LAUGHLIN: In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Michael, who passed away one year ago, March 19, 1985, We often sit and think of you And think of how you died, To think you couldn't say goodbye, Before you closed your eyes. The blow was hard, the shock severe, W e never thought your death so near, And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without a farewell. Never more than a thought away, Loved and remembered in so many ways. Remembered always by Mom, Dad, sisters Debbie and Cindy. 40-12x1 SMITH: In memory of Glen Smith who passed away March 13, 1983. We often think of bygone days, When we were all together, The family chain is broken now, But memories will live forever. Sadly missed by his sister Agnes Hunter and Kevin and Karen of Mississauga. 40-1251 141. PERSONAL. LOSE WEIGHT NOW! 1 MALONEY: In loving memory of a beloved grandmother, Nora, who passed away 1 year ago, March 22 1985. I think of the day you passed away, There was little I could do, But memories never fade away, For I always think of you, And often speak your name, For all I have are memories, And your picture in a frame, Your resting place I visit, And place flowers there with care, And my heart is filled with sadness, As I turn and leave you there. Sadly missed Fy Anne Marie. • Sale and Ellecuve • Alt Natural Products • Nn Calorie Counting • Naturally Suppresses Appetite • 100% Money Back Guarantee 1 lout 181bs. In less Than 1 month Call Peter Hamming 527-0179 40-12x1 IT00 LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 ANTIQUE SHOW and Tea, Saturday, May 22, 1-5 p.m., Main Street United Church,i Mitchell. 2-1 ANNUAL DINNER MEEI'TNG, Town and Country Homemakers, 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 8, Goderich Township Community Centre, Holmesville. Speaker Bill Brady of Transplants International. Advance tickets only $8.00. Call Lois Hodgert 527-0046:112-1 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent. 5250.00. Phone 527-1577. 26-12-1 FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home cor• respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air-conditioning, Book- keeping, Business. Cosmetology. Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretory. Psychology. Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide. West Toronto. 1- 800.268-1121.-0.10.12 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of In. struction. Noxi doss April 51h to 121h. For Infer - motion contact Southwestern Ont. School of Auctioneering, (519) 469-3936. (519) 537-2115 P O. Box 145, Innerkip.Ont. 14011M0.-0.10,12 FAMILY TAX Planning: Learn loopholes to decrease texas. Earn money preparing returns. For free brochure, vrrito U 8 R Tax Schools. 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg. Manitoba. R30 286. -0.12 PIANOS WANTED. Not necessarily good condi- tion. Give name. height, number found under top lid. Or have us refinish, restore your piano. Village Piano. Elmira. (519) 669-2280.-0-10-13 !KELP WANTED -- Rich volume hospitality MOUNTAIN RESORT accepting applications for Surruner employ- ment. Send self.oddressed envelope: Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass. B.C. VOE 250 Alters tion: John Golf. No Phone coils. -410.12 MSC/ LLANEOus FARMERS WANTED wh.o ore paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times ovaitable to process 1985 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford Si. E., London, N5V 229. Call toll-free 1- 000.265-1002. to business year round helping farmers for over 34 years. -0.4-16 ive a ttideiit that first b.g bnak. LOTTO PLAYERS! Winsystem/Ono guarantees Lotto profits. Tested. proven. simple formula comes complete far only 54.95. Winter Nor- thwest, 71-1497'/ Queen West, Toronto, M6R 1A3. Quantity discounts. -911 COMING EVENTS ST. LAWRENCE RiVER CRUISES. Romontic cities, Ilse world famous 1000 islands, the remarkable international Seaway and locks, tipper Corrado Village, spectatulor shorelines and more. Spend four or six days Spring. Summer or Foll aboard the elegant Canadian Empress. Visit your travel professional or dial -a -brochure toll free 1.800-267-0960.-410,12 Attention COLLECTORS! Mark it an your calen- dar, the Sib Annual Forest City Nostalgia and Antique Show and Sole returns to Centennial Hall, 550 Wellington St. London, Sal. March 22nd. 12 noon to 9 p.m. Sun.. March 23rd 11 p. m. to 6 p.m. Admission only 52 featuring over 60 quality dealers. What o Show! (519) 679- 1810.-0'12 Former SMITH FALLS RESIDENTS - Settlers Days and Old Home Week Tenth Anniversary from June 28th to Jury 1st. Pre -Registration Kits (55) and information write. Millie O'Neal, chairper- son. Smiths Foils Settler's Days, 86 Reunion Committee. 111 Brockville St., Smiths Fails, Orta. IK7A 3Y1. Make e commitment '"Return set Smiths Falls 1986".-0-12 r DYNAMIC, fiord working, career oriented in 2 dividuals needed as ogriculturel marketinc I representative. Soles experience not required Good attitude, eagerness to learn and succeec I is required. Above average income and incen.1 five. Send resume to Box 'F" OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ontario t6J 5A8.--0.12 I QUALIFIED LEAD PRESS PERSON required for I prosperous Southwestern Ontario Publishin` 1 operation. Must have experience with GOS- 1 Community Web Press and good mechanics skills. Apply to Ken Crawford, Otter Printing. 1 P.O. Box 190 Tillsonburg, Ont. N4G 4146 (519 I 842-8652.-0-12 1 INVENTORS you coo profit from your ideas. For I Hutch ar free information call or write Pacific Inventions - X 0514®qe Inc 2 Rima Ct.Efobicoke, Ont. M9C 4C8. I [ ski 1527 0240 ®r®®®®!®m®00r The Only way to get YOUR ad in 2.5171illion homes in Canada for $659.00 or in 1,241,807 homes in Ontario for 5195.00 Place your Blanket Classified Ad by calling our helpful classified ad -visors at Give them a summerjob. Every summer, students provide a wealth of talent knowledge and ingenuity that every em- ployer can tap. As an employer, you will benefit from the energy and enthusiasm students bring to their summer jobs. The students in turn will gain the experience so valuable to entering the working World. Of course students are willing to do just about Employment and Immigration Canada any sort of work available, but ideally, they would like to find employment related to their field of study. This would heap ease the transition from school to work, and help eliminate the "no experience/no job" bias that they may face when seeking full time employment Hiring students makes good business sense. For every type of jot leu can offer, there's a student more than w!Iling to work. Canada '86 Emptor et immigration Canada I Phone (416) 621-6515.-40.12 ,• f