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The Huron Expositor, 1986-03-19, Page 13
Selective demand iitt stockyards The market at Brussels Stockyards traded sold for an overall price of 80.41. on a selective demand with medium and overffin;shod steers being discounted. Cows so111'steady, pigs traded higher. 'There were 1047 cattle and 836 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -80.00 to 84.00 with a sale to 91:00.. Good Steers -76.00 to 80.00. A Limousin steer consigned from Dan Pearson Feedlot of Ethel weighing 1170 lbs. sold for 91.00 with the offering of 28 steers averaging 1286 lbs• selling for 81):60. Five steers consigned by Don Shiell of RR 3, Wingham averaging 1260 lbs. sold for 84,10 with his lot of 13 steers averaging 1207. lbs. selling for an overall price of 82.94. Seven steers consigned by Glen Coultes of RR 5, Brussels averaging 1208 lbs. sold for 84.00 with his lot of 13 steers averaging 1232 lbs. selling for an overall sprice of 82.92. Fourteen steers consigned by- Gerald Grubb of RR5t Mildmay averaging 1166 lbs. sold for an overall price of 82.20. Twelve steers consigned by Neil Edgar of ' RR 3, Wingham averaging 1123 lbs. sold for 81.70 with sales to 82,10. Twenty-seven steers consigned by George Underwood Farms of RR 1, W ingham averaging 1249 lbs. sold foran overall price of 81.02 with a sale at 85.25. Three steers consigned by Murray Vincent of RR 1, Belgrave averaging 1120 lbs. sold for an overall price of 82.40. Fifteen steers consigned by Brad Galbraith of 'RR 3, W Ingham averaging 1173 lbs, sold for an overall price of 81.55 with sales to 82.80. Thirteen steers consigned by Lorne Forest- er of RR 1, Lucknow averaging 1258 lbs. sold for an overall price of 81.12 with a sale at 84.50. Fourteen steers consigned by Vic Valan- stine of RR 1, Dundalk averaging 1190 lbs. sold for an overall price of 81.52. Four steers consigned by Fred Keis of RR 2, Mitchell averaging 1165 lbs. sold for 81.3'0. Fourteen steers consigned by Oscar Keifferof RR 1, Bluevale averaging 1175 lbs. sold foran overall price of 80.87 with a sale at 82.75. Twenty-eight steers consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon averaging 1256 lbs. sold for an overall price of 80.57 with a sale to 82.75. Twenty-two steers consigned by Doug Shiell of RR 3, W ingham averaging 1214 lbs. sold for an overall price of 80.60 with sales to 81.70. Thirteen steers consigned by Tom' Mc- Pherson of Teeswater averaging 1179 lbs. Three steers consigned by Robert Sproule of RR4, Listowel averaging 1216 lbs. sold for 81.75. Fifteen steers consigned by John Murray and Donald Thornton of RR 1, Gorrie averaging 1213 lbs. sold foran overall price of 80.10 with a sale to 82.00. Choice Exotic Heifers -78,50 to 82.50 with a sale to 90.00, Choice White-faced Heifers -76.00 to 79,00. A heifer consigned by George Blake of RR 2, Brussels weighing 1120 lbs, topped the market at 90.00 with his offering of 30 heifers averaging 1128 lbs. selling for an overall price of 81.23. Ten heifers consigned by Cecil and Karl Raszman of RR 1, Monkton averaging 1122 lbs. sold for an overall price of 82.55 with a sale to 84.75. Thirty-two heifers consigned by Fred Marshall of RR 3, Fergus averaging 1166 lbs. sold for an overall price of 81.04 with sales to 83.00. Ten heifers consigned by Don Boak of Ripley ave ra i 1105 lbs, sold d for an overall price of 80.13. Five heifers consigned by J.W . Baker of 5111, Bright, averaging 1158 lbs. sold for an overall price of 79.95 with a sale at 82.25. Thirty mixed heifers consigned by J.P. Connell and Sons of RR 3, Palmerston averaging 1086 lbs. sold foran overall price of 78.14 with sales to 82.25. Thirty-two hereford heifers consigned by the Matthews Bros. of RR 3, Durham averaging 994 lbs. sold for an overall price of 77.39 with a sale at 80.25. Five heifers consigned by Ron Menary of RR 7, Lucknow averaging 10181 bs. sold for an overall price of 78.23 with a sale 79.75. Six heifers consigned by Paul and Norval Faust of RR 2, Port Elgin averaging 1130 lbs. sold for an overall price of 78.58. Five heifers consigned by Ron and Rob Brooks of R113, Lucknow averaging 11281 bs. sold foran overall price of 77.85 with a sale at 80.00. Choice Cows -51.00 to 55.00 with sales to 58.00. Good Cows -47.00 to 51.00. Canners and Cutters -43.00 to 47.00. Heavy Bulls traded to a high of 64.50. Light Bulls traded to a high of 72.75. 30 to 40 lb. pigs traded to a high of $1.12 per Ib. 40 to 50 Ib. pigs to a high of $1.06. 50 to 60 lb. pigs to a high of $1.04. 60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high of .95 per Ib. Details ils u ove lied about program ram An Innovative measure that will tie loan payments to the prices of farm commodities was part of a $700 -million farm loan program announced in the federal budget. The new program will be available to current Farm Credit Corporation (FCC) clients during the next two years, starting April 1, 1986. "The Commodity -based Loans Program will link loan payments to fluctuations in farm IIrices„ giving potentially viable farmers in (fw-equity positions another chance;" said 4gricullture Minister John W ise. ...40 per cent eligible • Under the program, farmers with 40 per cent or less equity are eligible for loans with an interest rate of six per cent. Those with up to 55 -per -cent equity would get a rate half way between the six -percent base and the going FCC rate for 10 -year, fixed -term Mortgages , Currently, this would be a little over nine per cent. Up to 5.000 farm owners could be eligible finder the program. The measure will benefit farmers unable to meet the repayment terms of conventional loans. These' latter loans e no allowance for years in which incomes p because of depressed commodity prices. The new program will see loan payments and the amount of outstanding principal rise and fall with the farmer's ability to pay. The pmgram will be evaluated at the end of two years and a decision made about whether it should be continued and expanded to include other farmers. Mr. W ise said the federal government will also soon introduce legislation to set up Farm bebt Review Panels. These panels will advise farmers on restructuring their debts and help them make arrangements with creditors. In Oddition, the FCC will receive an injection of FARM THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 19, 1986 — A13 funds to allow it to participate in debt restructuring without increasing interest rates to other borrowers. "W e know that Canadian farmers have not shared fully in the recovery enjoyed by other sectors of the economy," Mr. Wise said. "The commitments made yesterday to the budget recognize the special circumstances and pressing financial needs of our farmers." The Minister indicated the FCC's financial ' structure would be strengthened to give It greater flexibility in managing its portfolio of $5 billion in long-term loans to Canadian farmers. Mr• Wise said the government has also taken steps to ease the transition for those farmers whose operations are not viable and who must seek other work. The Canadian Rural Transition Program will offer such farmers job counselling and retraining, as well as Warta financial help. The Minister made it clear the moratorium he Imposed last September on FCC foreclo- sures will be lifted only when the commodity - based loans and rural transition programs are up and running. WE'RE OFF TO DUBLIN—The Huron Strings entertained patients at the Seaforth Community Hospital Friday with music In tune with the St. Patrick's Day theme. Members of the muplcal ensemble are, will cost $195 million "All these measures, which will cost the federal treasury $195 million over the next two years, demonstrate the high priority this government has placed on agrimIture," Mr. Wise added. He noted the February 26 budget also extended to January 1, 1988, the three -cent - per -litre federal tax rebate available to farmers on gasoline and diesel fuel for off-highway use, This measure will save Canadian primary producers an estimated $120 million. New constitution enacted at annual ' 4-H meeting 4-H co-ordinate a quality Ian and "To P program" is one of the 'objectives stated in the new constitution of the Huron County 4-H Club Leaders' Association. The new constitution was enacted at the Association's Annual Meeting held March 5. Dianne Oldfield, RR 4, Seaforth was elected President of the Association for 1986 and presented Terry Smith, RR 1, Walton with his Past President's pin. Adriaan Brand, Crediton; Sandra Turner, Varna; Mary DeBoer, Exeter; Barry Cleave, Varna; Donna Hayden, Goderich; Alan Powe, Exeter; Bev VanNinhuys, Bayfield; Lawrence Beane, Brucefield; and Margaret Rae, Wroxeter were also elected to the executive. Lorianne Schmidt and Keith McLagan brought greetings to the group from the Ontario 4-1-1 Club leaders' Committee. The Huron County Association has a membership of over two hundred volunteer 4-H Leaders dedicated to helping with the mental, emotional, social and physical development of young people. r Huron FExpositor call 527-0240 $ $ SAVE $ $ Thursday Only \1nnnno nn TIRE CANADIAN TIRE SEAFORTH 9 ea Smoked PICNICPORKand HAMS �,©„ 6 Ib. Avg. Grower's Brand 19 oz. BEANS .69 Store Sliced COOKED99 i HAM Freezer Cut PORK lb. LOINS 1Y9 12-14 Ib. Avg. FISHSa mon Steaks Cod Tails I 0 (/ AVAILABLE SmokedFillets Crunchy Perch Medium Lean Fresh GROUNDc BEEF 169 Schneiders BOLOGNA Store Sliced 189 Ready to Eat DINNER 99 HAMS 1 lb. Smoked PORK CHOPS AVAILABLE THIS WEEK 0 rders en from left, Lorne Lawson, Stanley Hillen, Marie Flynn, Warren Whitmore. Wilson McCartney Is the other memberl Nlwraithphoto L".•:�;:�..�.!:�1T;�'RII�RR::R::; �R:� :� �TR•�''.ri::n.—....:].r.T..: r ...... Let us develop and print your next rolls of color print film, you will receive our special service featuring quality developing and• printing and guaranteed satisfaction. SUPER SIZE new 4" width • COLOR PRINTS • DISC 4" x 5" 110 SIZE4" x5" 126 SIZE4" x 4" 135 mm 4" x6" matte finish available at no extra charge. .LOW EVERYDAY DEVELOPING PRICES 12 EXP. 4.39 MAX.:! 15 / .69 MAX. DISC ¢i; 24 EXP. 9.09 MAX. 36 ExP.13.99MAX. DEVELOPING 11 PRINTING OF C.41 COLOUR PRINT FILM A SECOND SET' OF PRINTS FOR A LOW ADDITIONAL CHARGE 12 exposures1.00 exile 15 exp. disc 1.50. 24 exposures 2.00e.i a 36 exposures 3.00e•Ira 'only at time of initial developing and printing of C-41 colour print film STEDMANS The Tru -Spread Dry Fertilizer Applicator is the most accurate dry spreading machine on the market today regardless of the formulation of fertilizier used! AT THOMPSON's .. . "We're improving our services to increase your profits" Call your nearest branch today! Mitchell - 348-8433 Henselt - 262-2521 Granton - 225-2360 Port Albert - 528.190i Ailsa Craig - 293-3223 1�.