HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-02-19, Page 12Al2 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 19, 1986 TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone CLASSIFIED 527-0240a 1.COMING EVENTS GARAGE and bake sale at Northside United Church on Saturday, April 26 at 10 a.m. 1-08x1 THE COMMERCIAL Broomball team will be, holding a bake sale at the Euchre Club, Saturday, February 22, starting at 10 a.m. 1-08x1 STRAWBERRY SUPPER, June 11, 1986, at Hibbert United Church, Staffa. 1-08-1 DANCE, Crystal Palace, February 22, `The Footnotes',, $4.00 per person, sponsored by Mitchell Agricultural Society, 1-08-1 ODDFELLOWS & Rebekahs Euchre, Wed- nesday, February 26, 8 p.m , Oddfellows Hall, Lunch provided. 1-08-2 NORTHSiDE U.C.W, Unit 1 will hold a luncheon on W ednesday, Apri130. 1-08x1 COUNT -DOW N Weight Loss Classes meet every Wednesday at the Orange Hall at 2:15 p. m. and another lass at 3:30 p. m. If anyone interested in the 3:30 class, please try to attend before the end of February. Only $8.00 to join and $4.00 weekly fees. No penalties for weeks missed. 1-08-1 BiNGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -W ealth. Jack- pot $200 must go. Lucky ball $120.00 tit not won). Lucky ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-08-tf LEARN C.P,R. Next course Saturday, February 22, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Seaforth Hospital. Call 527-1650 to register. 1-06-3 SINGi.FS DA NCE, Saturday, February 22, at Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9-1. Music by The W ildwoods. 1-07-2 112. USED CARS 1978 Ford Fairmont, as is, best ot't'er. Phone 345-2194 after6. 12-08x1 1973 Dodge Charger, beautiful cadillac gold colour, new paint job, automatic, p.s., p. b., good condition. Phone 482-9404. 12.08_2 1977 Mercury Monarch, 4 door, 6 cylinder, power steering, brakes, windows and trunk; cruise control, sports wheels, Quartz head- lights, AM FM cassette player. Excellent condition inside and out. Certified. Phone 527-0493 after six. 12-08xtf 13. USED TRUCKS 1 21. WANTED TO BUY BALED hay, call Jim Rose, 527-1217. 21-08-1 GOOD strong bull calves, pall ,ably a9 week old but will buy any age. C • 21-07.4 CASH paid for antiques, complete tpsartial l estates, dining, bedroom, g room old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc, 527-1847. r 527-1633 Seaforth. 1976 Chev half ton pickup. As is. $2000 or best offer. Phone 527-1215 after 6 p.m. 13-08x1 1979 Chev 4x4 Silverado, short box, black, V8, automatic, posi-trac, 4 new 6 ply tires. Phone 527-0276. 13-08x2 '77 Ford Crewcab Pickup heavy duty V8 automatic, new battery, trailer hitch and light hook-up, $2100. Call 527-1085 mornings or after 5 p.m.. 13-08x2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY 23. REAL ESTATE Tom Reidy Realty Ltd] M LS RFA LII11R MORRIS TOWNSHIP: Brussels area 200 acres on paved road, 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom house, 60 sow farrowing operation, large drive shed. UIBLtN: Mill St., 112 storey 3 bedroom home - JOHN S'1'.:212 storey 4 bedroom home, 111BBEII'1'TW P. FARMS FOR SA LE: 100 acres, no buildings 100 acres set up for hogs, 112 storey 4 bedroom home. 50 acres, 112 storey 5 bedroom home, barn set up for hogs. TUCK ERSMI'rll 'I'WP.: 99 acres, no buildings. 5. HELP WANTED NEW opportunity with Tops 'n Trends Leisure Wear for the whole family. Home party plans. Commission sales, terrific hostess plans. Call Vicki 262.5343, 5-06-tf "A Career in Trucking" Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800- 265-1260. 5-41-tf GODERICH & District Association for the Mentally Retarded requires: 1. Night support worker in Goderich for40 hours per weekon a rotating schedule; 2. A contract worker for individual support for 16 hours per week., 3. Workers for temporary or occasional relief. Please send resume to Helen Watson. Executive Director, P.O. Box 527. Goderich, Ontario N7A 4C7t Closing date February 20, 1986. 5-08-1 HELP WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned for Two Leaders PIG manure for sale in the Spring. Approximately 200,000 gallons. Call 345- 2550 or345-2503 for furtherdetails. 14 08 2 OLD Brock cook stove in excellent condition. Phone 887-6318. 14 08x1 ATARI computer, 600 XL, 16K, also disc drive, educational and game software. both on disc and cartridge, Priced right 527 0257. 14-08x1 WEEKLY SPECIALS. See our ad in Focus Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 114 mile south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508 14-08 1 1 ladies ski suit, size 12, worn only once Asking $50 00. Phone 345.2028 14.08x1 Itl'1'1'1)t'ItCRISP putt apples al Ail hell'' Slnl;ll:e, 54 per bushel and up 1'ulalut•', loos, apply huller. honey, II'l',I Alder ('In.rd 3lnndam and Tuesdays 524 8037 14 112 11 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Sea - forth. Guaranteed 60 days. Reasonably priced Phone 527.1213. 14-48-1f for the "March Break Program" Forms are available at the Recreation Office. Deadline for submission of written applica- tions is: Friday, Feb. 21 Please submit to: Marty Bedard clo Seaforth Recreation Office 122 Duke St., Seaforth Old dining room suites, bedroom suites, cupboards, tables, ward- robes, dressers, hallseats, book- cases, clocks, dishes, etc. Call 527-0376 or 273-0466 Contact JOE O' REIILY 345-2465 (' 11 A RLES W A LK O M 348-8197 M AURICE REIDY 347-2358 TOM REID V 347-2358 23. REAL ESTATE POTATOES. red and white number one, Hwy 84 at Varna Road South A Van Den Boomen, 236.4038. R. ft '2 Hensall 14.04-t1 DOUBLE cut red lover seed Bruce Coleman 527 1938 14 07x3 USED appliances, 90 -day warranty 887-9175 14.45-tf WOODEN table and chairs, sofa bed. much. bedroom suite. bunk beds. single beds: stove and frig. freezer, dryer and washer. dehu- midifier, humidifier, baby furniture. office desk and chair, electric typewriter. piano. dresser, chest of drawers. table saw, bookcase, coffee and end tables, captains bed 348-8244 No Sunday calls please 14.50•U QUALITY PRODUCTS Values beyond com- pare Call Vernon Burton. Miller Bruch Dealer 1519 524 9386 for industrial, home cleaning and personal care designed to meet your needs 14 06.4 FRAME budding, one storey. 301010 Phone 5270655 14 07 x2 FREE pick up of unwanted appliances. Call 887-9175. 14.36-0 7. SITUATIONS WANTED WORK WANTED: Experienced farrowing - room herdsman seeks work. Steady, depend. able, 10 plus W A , willing to make long-term commitment to right employer. Prefer central Huron, but will consider others. Write Drawer No. 16, care of Clinton News -Record Box39, Clinton. Ont. NOM 11.0. 7-08x1 8. CUSTOM WORK CHIMNEY SW FE 'ING Phone Paul Gridzak 482-9916 after 3:30 p m 8-02-8 9. FARM STOCK PUREBRED York Boars. also cross bred. reasonably priced. Call Brad Carnochan 527-1545. _______- FOR SALE: Fleeder pigs castrated, tail docked, Bob Robinson, 3455_2317 - 9-08-2 FORSALE: 2 year old polled Hereford bull. Call Leslie Campbell, 527-0346_ - -- - 8 -2 -- LIVESTOCK farmers: We pay cash for old poorly doing or recently injured or crippled cattle, also cows with milk fever splits or back injury, free of drugs. ticked up every morning. Call collect Ansenis livestock 238-2796. . 9-06-tf WATER PROBLEMS, nT 1 AST Mew tarh"o'ncy E ,?• ata( 114 tn",wr,ng .., nhHmg fnreve, 0 u'rvO rant •v,n e,ei, 'C.. la,an' nu',I caber fm the pole, waiter c, rr N, -Ppm 1-- i,.gyt. '41%..Pi NW; ' ''P, a ' a„." ' :,P•,S 1, Pori chla„natmc F .. ,,•a!Pc, w , tart 14a",e water bat1P•,a ctx" ",, „ r n^,,al Mnta,nnahnn 4nt1 'na'p Teeim a"A p•^, o, e' 1200',,, al mctanatronc ,w ,CPccr, ( ,cic'r,e a,"Prat1P fora, 'only n"1y Alk a tar 1,•tR4 4"<1 ,Telerate Menlh,y pay,r,Pnl r"a" 4CA. 4T'P 1 RE f 6 MONTAI TRIAL OFCER $PP 111.. • yovr•wn IF YOU WANT of TTER YdATER cog BE,TERQUALITY t IVINGPb,", TTia., Fro ,-n,• ,ter ,-'-'a•,'11n on 17,'. 4l, NPw Watn' r.,: svct-., CALL TOIL PREF 121 H't 11 ess 28125x,5 a•Pa 517 Ca•1 1416-5,24 4348 v 4V••"P 4;te• yVa"w P.t'"a'41'$VSa ynC a-41 3x an,a'p Road NA •5.• Oniarm LAW oea ThP r^A" RPaI,Y W^,kg 119. PETS TO GIVEAWAY: A male Doberman, 2 years old ora female Doberman. 3 years old. Good with children. Call 527-0369. 19-08-2 TO GIVE AWAY: German Shepherd and Collie cross good companion, all shots, trained, preferably to a farm home,! Phoneo Dublin 345-2068. 21. WANTED TO BUY 1 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 NEW LISTING: $32,000,001s the price on this excellent 4 bedroom home on Louisa St. Don't miss It. NEW LISTING: Building 1ot62' x116' on James St. $12,000.00. 12 UNIT apartment building. Excellent income. Cali for details. LONDFSBO RO :A bedroom home. 2 lots,. $30,000.00. REDUCED: Goderich St. 3 bedroom 1 floor home. 835,000.00. DUPIEX: Close to uptown. Freshly renovated. $40s. LOOK AT THIS: 15 ac, vacant land. dose to Seaforth. 5 ACRES: in McKillop, 2 storey bridt 4 bedroom home. Paved road. 851,000.00 REDUCED 822,000; Walton 2 storey brick 3 bedroom home. 59 SEAT RESTAURANT: and take-out, Call for details. I2t1 AC. BUSH In McKillop Twp. mixed hardwood, 519.500,00 1 ACRE LOT: 3 bedroom home, small barn and shed, 537,500.00 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW: located in the country with a garage on a rented IOL Nice location 824,000.00 COLEMAN ST.:4 bedrooin fiance home on a double lot, 827,000.00 20 ACRES: with fine brick home, barn and bush, on the Maitland River close to Seaforth, N. MAIN 81',: 3 bedroom home. 525,000.00 ISABELIA ST.: 3 bedroom modular home. Targe lot. 535,000.00 W I SON ST.: Excellent 4 bedroom, very modern. $65,000.00. STAFFA: 1tk storey 4 bedrtlom. good condition, large tot. 838,500.00. CGMONDVttIE: 3 bedroom bungalow, 1380 sq. ft., nice family home on a large lot. 856,500.00 EGMONDViI3E: 4 bedroom, frame on a targe lot, nice location. $40,000.00 1 FLOOR 3 bedroom home, dose to uptown. A large lot, wood stove and large dining room are some of the many features for only 535.500.00. HENSALL: large cortur1ercial lot with 3000 sq. ft. frame building, gas heat. 550 hy-dro.'OPEN TO OW11ttS. AUTO BODY: Repair shop. very dem shop with - or without all equipmenmot. Inquire. RF,D1('ED: 875.900.00: 10 aches. 2 storey brick house, 2 sheds, pond, very nice. BC'HDLNG LOTS: We have a very good sell'ction of lots in Seaforth, Egmond- ville and area. Call for your choice. 11. HAY & STRAW FAIR prices paid for antiques, cupboards tables. benches, tools, signs, household items. Phone Peter Bisback, 262 3505 1.05-12 HAY: Good quality mixed, baled hay. Easy loading for any truck or wagon. Mervin Beuermann345-2916. 11-0811 1.1.2. USED CARS 1 BAILEY REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 82 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario Bus. 482.9371 or Res. 523-9338 CLINTON: 357 James Street, 1 floor frame, 2 bedroom home, electric heat, newly decorated Under $30,000 00. REST.%L'ILAN'r AND GAS BAH: Fully equipped, seats 32 people. Three Ie'dntnm apartment above. Good family business t('IIE,S: Hallett Township, good home. banns for 600 hogs and 1(1(1 veal calves All offers presented. .('REN: 3 bedroom brick home. like new throughout, 111111(41 Township. adjacent to W ildlde Sanctuary. to ACRES: A good brick home and small barn k c'rued near Kinburn, well land• scoped IIRI'i sE:IS: 3 bedroom home on atrner nl Tnrnberry and Queen Street Asking S:12,1100.00. - 15 %CBIS : Mullett Township ham. f,:une home, adjacent to Holten W Id - life DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON 22 words - one week. $4.20, two weeks $3.70,. three weeks, $3 20 Additional words 18 cents. BIRTHS - No charge ENGAGEMENTS - Flare rate of $6. with picture $12 prepaid MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks alter date of wedding After this time, p5010 and outline only, $15 Complete Wbde-up $25 IN MEMORIAMS - $4 20 plus 35 cents per line of verse CARD OF THANKS - 25 words. $4.20. Each additional word 06 cents 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each additional week • $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Coming events 23. Real Estate 2 Yard, Garage Sale 24, Property ler sale 3. Lost, Strayed 25. Properly tor rent 4 Found 26 Apartments for rent 5 Help Wanted 27 For sale or rout 6 Business Oppor Lundy 28 Wanted t0 rant 7 Situations Wanted 29 For rent 8 Custom work . and Board 9, Farm stock 3031Room. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11. Hay and straw 33 Educational 12 Used cars 34 Auction sales 13. Used trucks 35 Tenders wanted 14, Articles for sale 36 Legal nonce• 15. R.V.s for sale 37. Notice to creditors 16, Mobile homes 38. Service directory 17. VCRs for sale 39 Card of thanks 18. Computer corner 40 In memoriam 19. Pets 41 Personal 20. Swap Or trade 42 Engagements 21. Wanted to buy 43 Marriages 22. Wanted PHONE 527-0240 1 MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 8:30 a.m. to 5p.m. 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE: fat 29, Con. 14 Logan Twp., Perth County, 100 acres approx. 93 acres workable. Buildings include 11/2 storey frame house, one storey feeder hog barn, timber frame barn, and a 1350 bu. grain bin. Asking price 5120,000. Approx. $6,000 tie drainage loan is to be taken over in addition to the purchase price. Certified deposits of $10,000 must accompany any offer. For more information, contact C. Elder, Farm Credit Corp., Stratford, 271-0460, if no answer call 824-6360. 24-08-1 ulli .ars REAL ESTATE LIMITED MAMM!, IWU.DFONG 482-322.9 HEATHER ER BFyNNEW IFS 345-2862 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE bedroom apartment. 5250 Phone 527-1577 26-08-1 Tiy 0 bedroom apartment includes heat, frig, stove, washer. dryer and parkin Quietbuilding References required. Available April 1. Box 485, Seaforth. 28.08-tf 1 NEW LISTING: Vacant building lot. dose to uptown. NEW LIMING: Dublin, one floor brick home. 3 bedrooms, oak kitchen. att'd garage 850s. YEW 1I:,TI:YG: Triple% showing good return in excellent location. NEW LISTING: FSveplex, excellent brick building in mint condition. YEW USTL'NG: George St., one floor maintenance free home, fireplace, games room, family room. 2 baths, only 1'7 blocks from uptown. JARVIS ST.: Excellent family sized home featuring maul floor laundry and master bedroom, family mom. Close to uptown. 855,000.00. GEORGE ST.. Duplex with separate utilities showing good return. REDUCED: 849,500.00. Brick bungalow maintenance free, central vacuum, att'd garage. GOOOF:RiCH ST, : 11/2 storey aluminum sided. main floor family and laundry. 16 x 32 inground pool. 840s. CUURCH ST.: New home to be oon- struded bungalow style. maintenance free 8 GM'ONDVIIIE: Reecnt ve style home, split level style. central vacuum. built in 1977, att'd double garage, situated on double lot. G4I)EI1IC11 ST.: Omer says "sell" 2 storey home over 1800 sq. ftplus more, att'd garage 8605. EAST W iLIAM : 2 storey h ome, modern acorn kitchen, 11/2 baths, main floor laundry, full basement, gas heat, double lot. 834.900.00. WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER PROPERTIES TO CHOOSE FROM. CAU. FOR YOUR CHOICE TODAY 28. WANTED TO RENT TW 0 or three bedroom house orapartnw nt in Seaforth needed by March 1 Call 527-0377 28.06.4 W ANTED TO RE: NT or share crop land in Winthrop or Dublin area. Phone 345-2198. 28-08x2 ammemossmorronommesammomos 31. NOTICE ARE you living with a drinking problem?. Ai Anon can help. 527.1650. 31.08.1 34. AUCTION SALES DOUGLAS JACOB 271.7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER SAT. MARCH 1, at 11 a.m. : Auction sale of appliances, antiques. furniture and mise, items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, in Mitchell. Consign- ments welcsorne. RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7858 AUCTION CALENDAR FEB. 22, 10 a.m. Household sale at Richard Lobb's Auction Sam. Clinton, Ont for the estate of Lula Smith. plus additions. Cash In In On =rp �►sitor Cash 8t Carry $1 *CLASSIFIED CarnarJUST • Use as many words as you like, • One item per ad e item must be priced et under 840 and price must be in the ad • Only for private individuals, selling • Payment must be enclosed with ad Written On The Expositor coupon persenal possessions MY AD 1973 Plymouth linty II, good 318 engine with 56,200 original miles. Automatic transmis- sion, Selling as is. Phone 527-1630 after 4:30 p.trF. 12-08-2 Wonted to Buy: MAPLE SAP front up to 400 taw.. Contact WINTHROPINTHROP MAPLE SYRUP both and Stole Storey 527-1049 1,f 27 1049 • My nacre �.®-®On= aim. ®oo.mos diesel ..rtedam Bring or mailto, The Heron Expositor 12 Main St„ Bo* 69, SEAFORTH, Ontario MOKC 1 W O $1 enclosed fail+ dile: isms mew ma, mem, mad =MY as11 maw mi. ottes maw am goeseir lemur at,110 vas tater • t 't