HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-02-19, Page 11Horticultural books . moved The library cart of Horticultural books will be moved to the Public library so more people can take advantage of it. That was decided at a recent meeting of the horticul- tural society. President Steve Hildebrand presided. Members also voted for a member they felt would be a worthy recipient of the Horticul- ture service certificate which is usually presented each year. A contest to design a Seaforth Horticultural pin will be open to all including school children, Details of size, etc. will be announced at the next meeting. The deadline for entries will be April 9. Trees and shrubs will be available to - members again this year and the list will be at the March meeting. The society is planning to purchase hanging baskets for the main street, They c uld possibly purchase a few each year, Florence Elford of the program committee gave a rundown of the upcoming meetings. March • members slides will be shown, April - drying flowers for arrangements; May - a speaker on herbs and a herb plant will be given to each one present; June - a trip to Clinton to the Sloman school car; July - a bus trip to Humber College Arburitum and Cullen Gardens; August - flower show; September - Don Pullen "Good Things Grow in Huron" dessert meeting; October - cactus and November -window greenhouses. Two interesting films were shown named Planting and Transplanting, and Growing Together. The latter was on the Ontario Horticultural Society of which there are over 60,000 members. Door prizes were drawn for, one of them being a Valentine flower arrangement. The social committee served Valentine cupcakes and coffee. The next meeting will be a potluck supper held March 12 at the school at 6:15 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to wear green. New seed hybrids licensed at Co-op United Co-operatives of Ontario (UC01 has received licenses for two new seed corn hybrids, Co -Op 2695 and Co -Op 2880. Both will be available in the '86 planting season. Co -Op 2695 is a 2700 heat unit single cross with outstanding stalk quality and high yields. Bushel weight and grain quality are both excellent. Co -Op 2880 is a 2850 heat unit hybrid with a deep dark green color. This hybrid, has excellent dry down capabilities on a reen plant. so it will stand up under the most severe stess. High yields of top quality grain are characteristic of Co -Op 2880. UCO, the fourth largest seed corn operation in Ontario, has been in the seed corn business for over 25 years. At it's research facilities in Chatham, the Co -Op actively breeds and tests new hybrids for release each year, and currently sells 18 seed corn hybrids in a full range of maturities. FARM BACHERT MEATS Gan Us for your custom slaughtanng ncods �qq SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY 'Far +your ,lacier' sloes at beer 'PON Lamb' oi veal we speciates in home cured meats and old tasmaned cxoretry Style WI, sausage 110 1,110,0 added All moat Govt tnspOCted dWa moo ttonout 887-9328 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY — The women's division of the Seaforth Agricultural Society recently elected Its new executive. Named were: back, Lois Moore, secretary; Ruth Beane, treasurer; and front, Doreen Strong, 1st Vice; Helen Thompson, President and Mary Fotheringham, Past President, Mcllwralth photo Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell Durl Jim 527-1737 527.0828 527-0775 Alachlor hearing on today The Chairman of the Alachlor Review Board, Mr. Justice Gregory T. Evans, has announced the board will look at the decision by Agriculture Minister John Wise last December not to renew a temporary registra- tion of the widely used herbicide alachlor. The five -member review board was formed in November 1985 as the result of a request by Monsanto Canada Inc., manufacturer of alachlor, a corn and bean herbicide sold in Canada under the trade name Lasso. Fre-Iv in 1055 of alachlor was cancelled and a temporary registration granted under the Pest Control Products Act. Any person wanting to make submissions on this matter should attend the hearing in: The Pontiac- Room (Room 813), Phase IV, Place du Portage, Corner of Promenade du • Portage and Laval, Hull, Quebec. For more information, interested parties should contact Gordon Sample, Secretary of the Alachlor Review Board, at (6131990-1437. IT'S TIME TO TALK BUSINESS IF YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Give us a call. we offer financial aid in the form of loans, loan guarantees or even selling an equity position In your business We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course for growth and success for your business. And we can provide You with direction to get government assistance, both federal and provincial, as well as other vital information For an advance appointment. call , RON ROGERS, Manager 15191271-5650 - Collect 1036 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario NSA 6Z3 BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Federal Business 13en e federate Development Bank de Mreoppernent Canacig -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 19, 1986 — All IF YOU'RE NOT GETTING 0 �3 year GIC, interest paid annually. 2 ON YOUR em YOU COULDN'T BE GETTING A STANDARD TRUST RRSP Here's what else you might not be getting, unless you compare our RRSPs to the rest. NO FEES INSTANT TAX RECEIPT At Standard Trust. there are absolutely Thar tax receipt isissued before you walk no fees. Nu fees to get in. No fees to gel out, so you can file guar return the same out. No administration fees. 'Compare day. Compare our convenience to the rest. that tl ith other RRSP plans. 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