HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-02-19, Page 5BRUSSELS AND AREA Institute displays Tweedsmuir Book The District Annual isle be held In Ethel on May 13. The meeting concluded with a Valentine Tea Patty provided by Ruth Galbraith, lona Moore, Bernice MacFarlane and Verna 'Honey. NURSING IIOME NEWS Brussels United Church people held the weekly service at Callender Nursing Home. Margaret McRrien spent the day with her daughter Joan Miller. The first resident council meeting of the new year was held on Monday, with n few games of bingo being played, The Salvation Army representative, Doug and Evelyn Purdy, were present in the Max Watts gave a talk on the Heritage evening.. lollie Mc('ulcheon was busy on Foundation which promotes the preservation 'Tuesday as she went to lunch with •Michelle of various buildings and the different ways of Blake and also visited her daughter Marg in getting restoration done, Kathy Bridge, first Listowel ntith Colleen Rice In the afternoon. vice president, presided over the business. The residents also enjoyed cards on Tuesday. The committee in charge of the cancer The United Church ladies provided the canvass consists of Kathy Bridge, Edna entertainment for their monthly birthday McLellan, Peggy Cudmore and Doris McCall. party on 'I'hlu's(lay Howard Clark was the The next euchre party will be held on Tuesday only resident celebrat Ing u birthday in March 4 with Ida Evans, Ruth Galbraith, Fehruary. The music was supplied by Freda Jane De Vries and Peggy Cudmore looking Pipe and Phyllis Mitchell. after'it. It was decided to donate $100 to the Anne Smith played hymns on Friday Irons Chub Swimming Pool Fund. morning. Eva Stewart returned to the home from University Hospital on Friday. Every- one was glad she was able to return to Callender 1)1•:SSER'r Ea.'('II ITE On Monday, Fehrmry 10 a good crowd' al (nded and enjoyed the attractive array of desserts prepared and served by the members el Morning Star Rebekah lodge. Noble Grand Barbara Wails welcomed all. Aller sampling the desserts, le games of euchre were played. Prizes went to the following: Florence M cArter, Muriel Whtt- fielct, Jean Bewley, Freda Pipe. Muriel Brussels Correspondent EDNA McLEIJ.AN 987-9084 The curators had their Tweedsmuir Book, as well as several pictures, clippings and scrapbooks on display when the Majestic Women's Institute of Brussels held their February meeting recently in the 'library. Ida Evans gave the motto "Never too old to learn and never too young to listen" which was written by Iona Moore. Marie McTaggart read a resolution which was drawn up in 1966 regarding the length of ladies' skirts. TICKETS AVAIIARI.E Edna McLellan has tickets for the annual dinner meeting in April to be held at W alton Hall. Anyone yvishing tickets can get in touch with Edna. Ida Evans is making a collection of W .1. programs and anyone having older programs of the branch or district are asked to bring them to the next meeting. Marie McTaggart gave a report of the District executive meeting staling the !mem- bership fees will be 84. Oakville minister attends Cranbrook Cranbrook Correspondent M RS..M AC ENGEL 587-11645 Rev. Cheryl Anne Gayer of Oakville was in charge of the regular morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church on February 9. Rev. Don Mchmis was absent owing to 0 Young People's retreat he attended along with Rev. Rudy Plug, the United Church minister of Moncton. Those attending from Cranbrook were Diane Morrison, Anne Morton, heather Peale and Gerald Knight. They %ft on 61'iday evening returning on Sunday afternoon. FORESTEILS MEET The Canadian Forester's Court Woodbine M100 held their meeting in the Crnbmok Hall last Tuesday evening with 17 members present All officers except Mac McIntosh answered the m11 call The minutes were read and the treasurer's report given. Brother Jack Conley distributed the tickets for the beef draw in April. Sister Isabel Craig won the 5(1.51' draw and 0 lunch was served by ltrolher Ross Mitchell, Sister Patsy Dickin- son, and Sister Brenda Petrie. '1110 March meeting will be a potluck supper • '1110 Canadian Foresters had their card party on Febtour;y 14 with 15 tables playing. 'fable 4 %%as lucky with players Muriel Illrnilton, Margaret Adams. Mei Jacklin, and Gordon Hanna Couple first getting a 0(m1 of 14 were lieeci Rappel and Morris 11oneylonl. high. Hazel McKenzie and Jim Mmrelly. 101%. Isabel Craig. Bill Craig, lone hands. Beryl Smith, 11111 Beirnes, table 14 - Munel Hamilton. Margaret Adams, Ralph Keifer. Maros% Adams, table (5•Margaret MacDonald, Anne Engel, Earl Mills, Elgin Adams never won a intoe at a card party • Belgrave meeting is opened with •r Belgrave ('orrespondcnl 511LS. Ik:W to sTONEl lOt'SE: 887-9487 The Afternoon Unit of the Belgrave U('W met m the church school morn for their Febniary meeting Sara Anderson opened the meeting with an Indian prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, treasurer's report. and sick and shut-in reports were given :41 rs Ross Higgins used the Moravian code of living. hymn and prayer for the worship service The Bible shady was in charge 01 Mrs Glenn ironies taker( from lake. "A Sinners Love " The program was continued on the Native BERG Sales -Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Stabling • Bunk Feeders Donald G. Ives R.R. 82, Blyth Brussels 687-9924 RENOVATIONS and REPAIRS Inferior and Exterior Indians 51r, .11111 hunter told the story of Albers filly from the Mandate and a p{ri-ainal testimony of 410 10(1110 couple from Arent ford '111' Nalive Church Signals New Grrertons was read by Mrs lowerence Tann Inr The annual meeting nI the United Church Women of London 1'nnlerencr will be held Apnl 14 and 15 at Central United Church, Stratton!. I te)ur(L(a.lu•M;11t1131 1.W billet and meals WGwlnnnstrr Reekend, Inrtdon. May 30 • June 1 and 5lnw 1 nitege, Si 'nomas, Angus 11 11 KNO\ 1 Ht 1(111 NI•:Wi keprnn0 va(ri'd 1111001' with Mrs George I'nu l er ,nor'tan 1+1 w elcrmu•d I he members of W hi(field, and Adah Stith. The Noble Grand invited all to come to the hot casserole supper and euchre on March 17 at 7 ppm, LODGE MENSPING The regular meeting of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge was held February 11 with a good attendance. After the opening of lodge the Noble Grand Barbara Watts conducted the busi- ness. Undraping of the charter was done by the Noble Grand, Warden, Conductor and Chaplain, Correspondence, consisted of a request for funds from Sick Children's Hospital, London, and a letter from D.D.P. Leona Connelly advising of the death of the husband of the Assembly President of Ontario, A message of sympathy Is to be sent to her from the Lodge. Vice Grand Mary Nichol and other members reported visiting sick and shut ins and also visited Margaret Rutledge on her 94th birthday, She was presented with a gift and card. Inez Cameron and Aloatha Rann are still in hospital, Lillian Moses donated floral arrangements for o draw. The treasurer reported the dessert euchre was (1 successful project. The Noble Grand thanked all who donated or helped in any way. The pianist, Verna Thomas celebrated her 60th birthday and was serenaded by a chorus of 1l appy Birthday. After the closing of Madge the social committee conducted a game of euchre and a gift and card were presented to Verna on behalf of the lodge. The lunch committee then presented her with 0 decorated cake which was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. 'Phomas thanked all for the memorable Continued on page A9 church service THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 19, 1966 — A5 SUPER SPECIAL TASTY NU 24 OZ. White Sliced 65 BREAD • "Our Premium Quality Loaf" so 1='f DINNER � ROLLS • °°j •�r YEAST OR CAKE DELICIOUS 1,69 DONUTS ,G Doi CHEESES Fresh Off The Block MAPLE. LI Ai PROCESS SLICES 2.99 III OLD CHEDDAR . 3.49 (1i IMMIMMINOK Stuart Stevenson. Lucky tallies - Verna Crawford, Beccl Rappel, Gordon Murray, Donald Clark; lucky head card - Thelma Keller, Bill Eckmier, The next card party will be held on Friday, February 211. CATERED MEETING 'rite ladies of Knox Church catered for the annual meeting of the Federation of Agricul- ture in the Community ('entre on Wednesday al noon. Mr. and Mrs Archie('rlrwford, Shelburne, Oliver and Dave Crawford and friend Shelly luekie, Gorrie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Cotton on Sunday, February 9. Visiting Ida Gurdon on February :o were Mr and Mrs. Sid Barnes and Mrs. Robin ('lay, all of Lndon. Family howling is scheduled for Friday at the Molesworth Bowling tones. Indian prayer 13ONF1.1 SS DELI FEATURES TIN END HAM 2.19. SALAMI 1.9911, TistyNu Bakery ( ?Cheese House 14 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527-1803 Knox tinted (hurl, Belgrave as well as parents and relations of the Belgrave Brownies aril their leaders: Mrs. Darryl Culbert, Mrs. William McKeon and Mrs. Robert Young to the Sunday morning service which was conducted by the Rev. John G. Roberts The children's choir. with organ accomp- animent sang "God Gives ills People Gifts." then jmned the Bmnities, to 011 the four cenlnl front pews 11AKESAIESUCCESS 'the FSrs1 Iielgrave Brownie Pack held a very sitecessful bake sale at the Institute Hall on Saturday. February I5 'rite enthusiastic young ladles sold many Continued on page A9 Aro you looking for a fresh approach to manure handling? FARMERS WHO CARE ABOUT GETTING THE MOST FROM THEIR CHEMICAL INVESTMENT $ MANURE MANAGEMENT WHERE: ORANGE HALL, SEAFORTH WHEN: MONDAY, MARCH 10 TIME: 7:45 P.M. Chemical application equipment experts will be on hand to show you what modern sprayer can do for you! REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED! MILTON DIETZ LIMITED INFORMATION DAY Fri. Feb. 21 10:00-4:00 South Huron Recreation Centre Exeter, Victoria St, E. FREE ADMISSION PURINA CHOWS /WFALTIIAIDS VEN+iTIIATIONF,QUIPMENT PI ,T(C/DFS SPRAYING EAUIPMEYT AERIAL& GROUND APPLICATION NOK •IWO Phone519-527-0608 R.R.4 Seaforth mob FlUrrSTREITE Or ramanit FURNISHING REFINISHING JOHN PATTERSON CARPENTRY 482-3183 * Interesting Displays and Speakers * 9:34 Registration, free coffee & donuts • Lunch Is available for purchase a Sponsored by Mutable Bayfield Conservation Authority, Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Agriculture and Food „um AUCTIONS UNLIM1TED Alter Hours 19 Main Street, Seaforth 527-1847 527-1633 BESIDE HILDEBRAND FLOWERS THE MAYFAIR SHOPPE OPEN 9:30 TO 5:30 MONDAY TO SATURDAY Complete Line of AIR, POWER and HANDYMAN TOOLS f J Servicegs HN691 N ENa� CD "Komi Fine Selection Of *ANTIQUE FURNITURE *QUALITY GIFTWARE •ENGLISH PRINTS *SILK LAMPSHADES •LACE ITEMS * THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS JEWELLER'S IScREWDRIVERS 99► 9' x12' TARP WITH GROMMETS 899 LADIES 10k GOLD RING WITH RUBY OR SAPPHIRE AND 6 DIAMONDS 95 Ge ce plus e�°r�'p a>n'd Chet�ue,N'Ice sz - yor' ot too, COTTON & LEATHER WORK GLOVES IN 9 PR. WELDING CLAMPS 9 etAREHCE DALE 3 SPECIAL SAVINGS PLANS are in effet t CALL OUR SERVICE MANAGER et 519527/120 and GIVE US YOUR REOU'IREMENTS NOW Pro•So,sat S.rA. rui`n4+ aa• r eMa Galea FiOnrs+Y 2e. (9116 GtYE1MMA fi/�ee// /�/� n>;gUta EMEN •S wow 5/4120 SIEAFORTH POE. CLEAN ANTIQUES, ETC. WANTED WE PAY CASH! ANTIQUE ESTATE SALES OUR SPECIAL Over 600 Auotlens in 8 Years Of Operation Graduate Auctioneer �� r: CINDY La�Rl. _EE -'- 5to,�e Niarta�er FAR EQUIPMENT LIMITED Is r,f AMOtfllI f AYR 6 ( Mini/du ,1 • W()()1 riff )c V M'Ij III tit