HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-02-19, Page 4A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 19, 1988 -� .cp. • . MR. & MRS. D. BRUCE McDONALD Maggie Burton and Bruce McDonald were married on December 28, 1985 by Rev. Ralph Knock of Mildmay United Church. The ceremony and family dinner were held in a Christmas setting at Bruce's home in Carrick Township, Our g - continues to Monday, March 3 BIG SAVINGS. PAINTand WALLPAPER "Free water tray with wallpaper buys" ALL WALLPAPER 250/0 OFF BOOKS Selected Lot of IN -STOCK WALLPAPER 1,99 S.R Benjamin Moore REGAL PAINTS, 101:Y0 STAINS & VARNISH OFF' THOUSANDS of 500/0 IN -STOCK ROLLS OFF lc.' -. '),. SAVE WITH THESE 4'-*-.-- 7 CASH PRICES • PAINEBRAND T& PAPER "Interior and Exterior Decorators" MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527-1880 *tafvrt.i 3.ftnanciat 'erutre, DOUG ELLIOTT HARRY DenHAAN HENSALL AND AREA Seaforth shufflers to Hansell fiensall Correspondent VELMA ROBINSON 262-3205 UNIT TWO Dianne Gerstenkorn opened Unit 2's meeting with a Valentine to mom and dad. Eleven members answered the roil call with a Valentine wish. Dianne read a poem. Elenor A good time was had at shufflebo Mansfield gave the Devotional, Thursday afternoon as Hensall members Unit 2 has the flower for March. March 7 is were happy to have Harold and Mary World Day of Prayer. Coleman from Seaforth visit and shuffle with Shirley McAllister showed the film "Sum - them. Seaforth is planning to start its own mer of the Loucheaux" after a contest on shuffleboard club and are wished success. Indian names the meeting closed with a The high scorers of the afternoon were, Valentine love poem. Musical chairs was Walter Spencer 272, Vera Ross 258, Beth played, Hazel Corbett and,Jeanette Turner Smith 243, and 011ie Cooper 198. There will served a lunch. be no shuffleboard next Thursday, but it will Several MEMORIAL frie ds from Hensall, SERVICE and resume February 27. NORTHCREST NEWS Grand Bend area attended the memorial Rev. and Mrs. Grant Mills visited and service for the Rev. Percy Alexander enjoyed lunch with Nan Britton, after being Ferguson on Tuesday, February 11, held in guest speakers at the United Church on St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Owen Sunday. Sound.. Those in attendance report the crowd The lounge was decorated Friday for the was large, a loving tribute to the high regard tenants as they°held a Valentines potluck Rev, Ferguson was held in Owen Sound supper. Presbytery. Donations to the fund for Irene Davis, who has returned from Doctoral Studies, Presbyterian Church of hospital, had supper with her brother Drew Canada, 50 Wynford Dr., Don Mills, Ontario, Fowler on Saturday evening and spent an M3C 1U7, was a deep concern of Rev, evening visiting with tenants m the lounge. Ferguson, Rev. Grant Mills was the guest minister at On Sunday evening in the Fellowship Hall Hensall United Church. Rev. Mills spoke to at Hensall United Church, Miss Pat Rowe the children about Shrove Tuesday, Ash showed a film of a trip she took to the South Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. His, Pacific, of the Fiji Islands and New Zealand. message "Setting Guidelines" was about the Everyone enjoyed the commentary she gave. first Sunday after Lent in preparation for The Fellowship committee served lunch. Easter, HENSALL BANTAMS Ross Corbett welcomes everyone and the The Hensel] Bantams were able to break ushers were Ron Riley, Jim Parsons, Paul through the Exeter Jinks to defeat them for Alexander and Lorne Gackstetter. the first time this year 8-3. Next Sunday the guest minister will be Hensall's Jason 'manse, 'assisted by Steve Rev. Gordon Pickett. McCullough and Rob Taylor, opened the Audrey Christie opened the Devotional at scoring midway through the first period only the February 12 meeting of Unit One. She to have Exeter tie up the score within a read a poem. minute, Helve Fuss accompanied at the piano. Exeter opened the scoring in the second Lorna Spencer showed a film about the period with Taylor assisted by McCullough native Indian people for the study. It showed and Scott Bell responding for Hensall they are a close knit family, the children a McCullough from Taylor put Hensall ahead constant part of their traditions, and the with just over two minutes left in the second. changes others have tried to make in their The third period was to be Hensall's as Jim lives, many of which they do not want. Dickins from Brian Moir and Andy Phillips Potluck dinner enjoyed by 24 people in Kippen recently RATES O 3 Year Pposem Annual Compounded RRSP GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 11 1 � a, Semiannual . Compounded 10`„ 3 ea, Sem,•gnnual Compounded TAX CONSUL TING SER VICES put one past the Exeter goalie within seconds of the start of the period. Exeter responded with what was to be their final goal two minutes later. Moir and Dickins once again teamed up for Hensall and lead the attack that captured the win. A minute later 'manse scored his second of the night again assisted by Taylor. Dickins got his second of the night on a play starting with Hensall's goalie Rob Wareing who passed to Moir who set uo Dickins. This goal was scored shorthanded as Hensall had two in the penalty box, Dicldns was able to break out of his own scoring slump as he got his third of the night at 4:33 assisted by Bell and Taylor. Hensall's defence was hot and able to keep Exeter tied up until the final whistle. The boys will be hosting Huron Park at 8:30 tonight, Minor Hockey Day is Saturday. The Tykes go on the ice at noon followed by the Novice, Atom and Pee Wees, with the Bantams facing off at 6:15, This promises to be a fun day for all, See you there, • QUEENSW AY NEWS Valentines Day may be past now but pleasant memories of it will remain for a long time at Queensway Nursing Home in Hensall. Monday, the Kippen United Church Ladies brought a pleasant surprise to Bingo. They gave each of the ladies at Bingo a beautiful corsage. Tuesday, the residents enjoyed ceramics under the capable supervision of LB Baker and Judy Parker. The Christian Reform Singers were pre- sent Tuesday and provided some enjoyable music, Wednesday evening the Presbyterian Ladies, Arnold Circle, visited and wished residents a Happy Valentine's Day. The week culminated with a beautiful Valentines program presented by Alfred and Verna, Hopp, They played guitar and harmonica and sang several love songs and old favorites. The baking club was busy all morning malting cupcakes decorated for the occasion and the Zurich Mennonite Ladies also brought treats and helped serve lunch. Branch of Niagara Farm and Business Consultants (1964) 10Year Semi -Annual Compounded OI HE R RMS ANI) RA11 S AVAIL AlIl l SUBJECT TO VERIF CATION CALL US TODAY! Depu%11 Agon15 ler over AS Bank & 1 ru.l Cempalel•5 Pr* &ail Your ono stop. bast.enle SPOCn011515 for GICs HASP 5. Mortgages R Anrwmos SEAFORTH 96 Main Street, S. 527-0420 1x11 to l; OHrurm sun r /47c s, It 11 /21,0 111Ilnl‘ /or 1•nlrrr Hnl nht •//i-1•' • Reasonable Rates • Personal Services • No Advance Payments • Registered Tax Consultants Kippen Correspondent MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 St. Andrew's held their Annual Meeting, followed by a potluck dinner February 9. This was enjoyed by 24 people. Rev. Lorne Keays chaired the business, with Yvette Binnendyk acting as secretary. Voting privileges were granted for adherents as well as members. The minutes of 1985 Annual Meeting were read and adopted. Reports of various committees were read and approved, namely: Stewards, Mission and Service Fund, Trustee and Memorial Fund, United Church Women, Sunday School, Ventures in Mission, and Session of Elders, Two new elders were elected for a five-year- term: ive-yearterm: Bill Coleman and Lloyd Lostell. Four stewards were elected for a 3 year term: Doug Cooper, Ken Faber, Jim Consitt, and Grant Jones. Lois Jones was re-elected as church treasurer. Hank Binnendyk was nominated as the delegate for Pastoral Charge to Presbytery. Two new members were elected to work on the committee for Ministry and Personnel for 1986, namely Ruby Finlayson and Hank Binnendyk. Auditors are to be David Cooper and Bob Cooper. An invitation was read regarding the church service to be held on August 3 at Stanley Township Recreation. Centre. This is in connection with Stanley Township's 150th ,Anniversary. A motion was made to cancel church service in Kippen on Sunday, August 3. An anniversary date was set for St. Andrew's 119th anniversary, this will be on Sunday, October 19 at Kippen. A committee was put in charge of anniversary arrange- ments with Myra Lovell as chairperson, and Uoyd and June Cooper, David and Barb Cooper, Sandra Turner and Susan Faber to help on this committee. The United Church W omen held their February meeting on Tuesday, February 11 at 8 p.m. The hostesses were Helen and Susan Faber, Ruby LeFaive led the worship and Myra Lovell presented the topic "The native people of •Canada." The U.C.W. budget was presented and approved for 1986. KIPPEN EAST W I On Tuesday, February 11 a quilt was put up at Frances Kinsman's home. A potluck lunch was enjoyed the first day. Those ladies who have put in stitches to date are: Frances Kinsman, Mona Alderdice, Grace Pepper, Evelyn Workman, Beatrice Richardson, Gertie Moir, Grace Drummond, Marlene Continued on page Art 527-0557 - ^Thurs. Er Fri. February 27 Et 28 til 9 P.M. OPEN: Sat. March 1 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. McLaughlin Chev=Olds Ltd. 13 Math St. Seatorth 527-1140 • Service • Selection • Savings • Satisfaction • Leasing NIVORTNIIRTMS Delivery Available STeFiR4aWNI mina. =101111111111111110 SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1WO TELEPHONE 527.0910 FEMANN WIN OPEN MON. to FRI. 8-12 & 1-6 SAT. 8-12 ff/rfilW; (y�j/ 11101174AA Homemade Puro and SAUSAGE Plain or Garlic frena CH�CtiEIN 99 WINGS • FISH AVAILABLE 45y COOKED 1.9 9 HAM lb Frosh PORK 1.39 SPARERIBS lb. SALMON STEAKS. CRUNCHY PERCH COD TAILS. SMOKED FILLETS t► .moi .mot 1111.011014111 Engineered for the discriminating buyer Book NOW Thru Feb. 28/86 & Savo With Discounted 1985 Prices ti\ Just Hair of Seaforth are proud to announce their now name and stress the fact they ere not "Just Hair". but much, much more > = : r`�*' 34 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH 527-0312 Specializing in hairstyling, tinting manicures, pedi- cures, waxing, facials, ear piercing, colors, scarves and morel SPECIAL With every purchase of a Seasons Color Analysis we will give you a FACIAL for %2 PRICE 11,54, FELDMAN{N ALurnum CLAD WOOD WINDOWS me felOmann aluminum clad patio door Cook's Producers Meeting and Crop Planning Seminar February 24 - Brussels Community Centre (Brussels) l=ebruary 25 - South Huron Recreation Centre (Exeter) ** Combined Meeting for Exeter and and Kirkton Area Producers ALL MEETINGS START AT 11:00 A.M. EVERYONE WELCOME CONTACT YOUR NEAREST COOK'S BRANCH FOR MORE DETAILS HDFFMEYERS... FOR 80 YEARS SERVING PERTH AND HURON COUNTIES With Quality Lumber & Building Products Seaforth Sebrmgv�l " ' le ._-. Centralia 228-6661 Walton 527-1540 887-9261 Hensall 262.3410 Kirkton 229-8986 6