HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-02-12, Page 14A14 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 12, 1986 PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ---,,- SILLS HOME HARDW ARE Seaforth 527-1620 Home 11 Hardware r Think blg...for better results Send YOUR message across the province or coast to coast CANADA WIDE CLASSIFIEDS It's fast! It's eas rLI...One call, one bill, does It all! ° ARTICI,F.S FOR SALE BUILDINGS Factory liquidation of in - stock inventory Widths 30-120', Heights 10- 22 ft. All priced for immediate sale. Buy now, take spring delivery. Gulf Steel 1-416- 828-6262.-0-7 $ CHEAP FOR CASH $ All steel quonset buildings never erected, ship anywhere 40' x 100 for $9,999. Also 26 x 28, 35 x 36, 46 x80 and 40 x 60 straight wall (416) 699- 6151.-0.7 WATER PROBLEMS? RUSTY..SMEL- LY..BAD TASTING WATER...At last new technology eliminates these & many other problems FOREVER. Well to faucet purification for the entire water system. Eliminates distiller, liquid chlorinators, iron & faucet filters. FREE 6 -month trial offer - See results for yourself. If you want BETTER WATER for BETTER COUN- TRY Living Call (24 hours). 1-800-268-2656. Area 807 1-416-624-4344 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems 203 - 1030 Kamato Rd. Mississauga, Ont. LAW 4B6. The "Lowest" cost system that "Really" works. -0-7 ATTENTION MR. LANDSCAPER. Sawmill direct to you, Mini Ties 2x4 through to 2x8 Pressure Treated, Firsts & Seconds. Full load deliveries anywhere in Ontario or pick up small quantities at great savings. Call (416) 560-1080 days or (416) 883-4837 nights. Gary. -0-7 MAPLE SYRUP making supplies, new and used equipment, containers, etc. Write for free price list. Atkinson Maple Syrup Supplies, RR 1 Barrie, Ont. LAM 4Y8 (705) 722-3331.-0-7 SWIMMING POOLS. Factory outlet has a limited number of 1985 models left at ex- cellent savings. Don't buy until you com- pare us. Nobody beats our prices we guarantee. Call 1-(416) 523-6467 or 1(613)547.6434 for details. -0-7 $BUILDING CLEARANCE$ Clearance of quonset buildings from recent Canada Farm Show. One building is 46x90 with doors on both ends for $9,995. Other sizes available. Call (416)73116364--O-% "PENNY -ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily!! One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please all 63 cents tax). Two for $16. ( Please add $L12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Products, P.O. Box 905, Fort Erie, Ont., L2A 5N2.-0- 4-7 St).,EL BUILDINGS 4 only Quonset models order cancelled. Immediate delivery, first come first served: 25X44, 40X52, 46794, 55X160 complete with large sliding doors call tollfree Miracle Span Steel buildings 1-800-387-4910. (Que. 1-800- 387-4932 ) -0-7 -800- 387-4932)-0-7 STEEL BUILDING '12 price sale. Buy one building at regular price & get double length for50 per cent more. Phone Pioneer Sales Dept. collect (916) 678-1585 for info. -0.7 NORTHERN FOOD TREES, Old fashion- ed apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalog $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont. KOK 210.-0-7-9 TRAVEL WORK OVERSEAS. Fantastic opportuni- ty to work on a farm in Europe, Australia or New Zealand. Do you have 2 years agricultural experience? Are you single? Application deadline dates are drawing closer. Call or write: International Agricultural Exchange Association, 1211 - llth Ave., S.W. Calgary, AB. T3C 0M5 Phone: (403) 244-1814. Please state age. -0-7 CANADIAN MANUFACTURER of unique decorative acrylic coated tile roofing system requires aggressive salespersons for Ontario. Unlimited commission Income potential. Apply to Dura -Loc Roofing, Box 272, Courtland, Ont. NOJ 1E0. Phone (519)842-7301.-0-7 MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows Est. 1975. Join us in presenting quality lingerie & Leisurewear Fashions at "In Home" parties for women. Take advantage of our refundable investment opportunity for im- pressive earning potential and have fun at the same time. For information, call col- lect (416)632-9090 9 a;m. to 4 p.m. -0-7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EASY MONEY! Earn extra money as a part time Regal Representative. For your FREE gift catalogue, write Regal 939 Eglinton Avenue E., Dept. 767, Toronto M4G 2L.6.-0-7 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages and unat- tached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call, toll-free 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon till 8 p.m. -0-7 SERVICES OFFERED FARMERS experiencing financial dif- ficulties. There may be ways of solving your problems that you are not aware of. For further information contact Syl-Mar Financial Consultants (519) 449-2809.-0-7 EDUCATIONAL TRAIN to be an auctioneer. A proven dynamic cassette and book course that teaches the auctioneers bid call. Auc- tioneering for pleasure and big profits. Hundreds have learned by this method. Total cost of course $49.95 plus $5 postage and handling. Make cheque payable to PUBLICS OWN AUCTION SERVICES, 11724 - 139 Ave. Edmonton, Alta, T5X 3P3.-0-7 FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air- conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, L.egatfMedical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide, West Toronto. 1-800.268- 1121.-0-7 HOW TO PLAY Popular Piano. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed. Free information, write: Popular Music Systems, Studio 25, 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, BC, VIZ 2112.--07 SUPER SUNDAY SALE ALL BEDS DRASTICALLY REDUCED SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM WATERBEDS95 9 Starting at 1 BOOKCASE HEADBOARDS00 199 As low as 4 POSTER 9 00 BEDS 1 AS IoW as 15% OFF Padded Rails . We will be CLOSED SATURDAY, FEB. 15 to get ready for this sale! wsn tip Couufij �Ctnp Mlaten �3l eds SEAFORTH 55 MAIN ST. S., 527-1520 (Across from the Post Office) OPEN 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Wednesdays Anglican Church holds annual vestry meeting St'. Thomas' Annual Vestry meeting was held in the Parish Hall on February 2 following the morning service, Following a congregational luncheon in the Parish Hall, the Annual St. Thomas' Vestry was called to order by the Rev. Gordon Simmons. Emma Friend was re-elected vestry clerk with Marlene Britton elected as deputy vestry clerk. Mrs, Friend read the minutes of the last Vestry meeting, followed by the presentation of the annual reports. Officers elected and appointed were: Rector's Warden, Nancy Larone; People's Warden, Bill Southgate; Lay Delegate to Synod • Gordon Wright; Substitute Lay Delegate,- Shirley Dinsmore; Organist, Bob Palin; Sunday School Co-ordinator - Helen Southgate; Choir Leader, Nancy Larone; Board of Management - Bob Palin, Pat Troutbeck, Bob Dinsmore, Francis Teatero, Leo Teatero, George Hays, Marlene Britton, Shirley Dinsmore, Emma and Charles Friend. Treasurer: Bill Southgate. Envelope Secretary, David Cornish.'. The Rector thanked all who helped during thepast year by taking services, working and leading in the Sunday School and for all the work the ladies have done in the Altar Guild, in helping with the renovations and the preparation of the suppers and ba7.aars A special thank you was given to the church for its' support of a number of community projects to which people gave of time and talent. The congregation is reminded of the pancake lunch and supper, February 11 and the spaghetti dinner March 21. Stratford firm chosen as architects The Stratford architectural firm of Kyles, Garratt and Marklevitz will continue on as the consulting architects for the Huron County board of education. The firm has been acting in this position for as long as trustee John Elliott has been on the board, about 12 years, and he wondered why the firm was only getting an 18 -month renewal period, rather than the full term of this board which is three years. • Management committee chairman Tony McQuail told the February 3 meeting of the school board a local architectural firm had expressed an interest in becoming the consulting architect. Mr. McQuail said the short time frame for choosing an architect made it impossible for the local firm to make a presentation. The chairman said his committee only had one month to look for an architect and besides the Stratford firm, there was only the one local firm expressing interest. Mr. McQuail said the 18 -month renewal period would give the local Cum a chance to compete. Both Mr. Elliott and trustee Joan Vanden Broeck suggested by not renewing the Stratford firm for three years, the board Ls "casting aspersions" on its reputation. However, Mr. McQuail said he has "no strong or serious reservations.' about. the SttatTotii'.ftifil$O0ilyrifirkfddi l lP0/80lii;iflt6 local firm to have a chance to compete. The management committee chairman said the architectural firm doesn't receive a retaining fee, but does receive a certain percentage of every project. i ,;.,,,,,,,vANpELT 9 S Used Furniture & Appliances LOCATED ON THE MAIN STREET IN MITCHELL (beside Scott's Dept. Store) PHONE: 348-8244 THINK SPRING! Join our delightful spr- ing bus tour to Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, April 7th to Ilth. Limited space available. Call today CLARE BURT TRAVEL, 1-800-268.3090.--0-7 PETS BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of instruction. Next class April 5th to 12th. For information contact Southwestern Ont. School of Auctioneering, (519) 469- 3936. (519) 537-2115 P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. I10J 1M0.-0.7 IRISH WOLFHOUNDSregistered CKC and Vaccinated of champion parents with gentle temperament Various colors and ages. Suitably priced for pet or show. (705) 382-6115.-0-7 LIVESTOCK WS NOT TOO LATE! Learn Income Tax Preparation. Basic or Advanced Courses. Write U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6. No obligation. -0-7 urday e ►. MONDAYTO SATURDAY O a Ontario HEREFORD Prestige Sale. Markham, March 29, 1986. Selected bulls and females. 70 head sale. Information contact Ontario Hereford Association. Box 68, Langton, Ont. NOE IGO. (519) 875- 4803.-0-7 75-4803.- -7 Earley's Club CALF Sale Saturday Feb. 15th 1 p.m. Shores Sales Arena Glanworth. 80 head of steers and heifers. Chianinas, MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Ap- pointment tithes available to process 1985 tax returns in yourhome. FA1tM BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E., London, N5V 20. Call toll'free 1- 800.2651002. In business year round help- ing farmers for over 34 years. -04-16 Limousin, Stmmentals and, Salem. The Only stay to get George Earley Kerwood(519)247.3489.-0.1 ®U 7 WANTEDTOBUY LOGS Needed - Top Dollar Soft wood cut 1 859, to 102" Diameters to 12 inches. Enoch 1 or in 1,241,807 flitches (41sngaridWeek" nd5604080. s(412fi8-3880 EvPd- )7 --0a 1 , Irl Olatari®,for 1 gi9A 00: NOTE: IF WE HAVEN'T GOT WHAT YOU WANT... ad In 2.5 million homes in Canada for • HELP WANTEDt ' 1 Placa 0ur'Blanket GtacBitled Ad County Truck Drier Training Job search 1 ad 180x8 at .. b9i calling aur helpful elasalfled 1 Train for a JOS with a Fnture with Tn� assistance avatlahle. Kitchener 720 King 1 . " ` Huron . • ; 1 E.i (519) 743 5011, Brantford 300 Colborne Oe�+l��� E,,,(519)756-0721,..64 1 527-0240] ms offs ma®®®..car® ...WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU! So before you buy check out our price and selection. \ ICS • ►1 t' - a;' •