HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-02-23, Page 6TINE WIN GUAM TIMES FEBRUARY 23, U105
Sunlight Soap does not
harden. or shrinit woollens
It ie injurious chemicals and adulterations in comrion soap; that
c?:: troy yo::r Motile.. It k adulterations that harden your wuu11eni
and the eXcesS alh,ati that destroys and shrinks them
Sunlight Soap
canteins no adulteration or excess alkali. It is just pure saponified
fnti ,uid oil;. Teat is why it cleansee your clothe; pe fe;try of ls.u•d
or sea: water and. dares not injure them.
All de::ler.e are authorized to ectui•n yoLir pur.:li:isi ::lune, if you
Carl .u:;r co,rse f rr ccinplaint.
rm 17,1',t
y'lity later
u ale! -1'
The Sunlight Maids find that flannels do not shrink when washed the Sunlight way -
Kn$ fro
the Sanctimi !se
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey
has declared a dividend of $15 per share
for the first quarter of 1905, payable
March 15tH. For the same period last
year the company paid a $16 dividend.
The essential lung•healing principal of
the pine tree has fnally been successf ally
separated .and refined into a perfect
couch medicine -Dr Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Solcl by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
The industrial situation is encourag-
ing. The number of strikes in Canada
seems to be decreasing in a very satis-
factory way. In 190-1 there were 103,
in 1903 they numbered 160, and in 1901
there were 123.
Lever's Y -Z (Wile (lead) Disinfactaist
Soap Po^! -der is better than other powders,
*ns it is both soap and disinfectznt.
On Tuesday moruiug, Feb. 14th, about
3.30 Wroxeter public school was burned
to the ground from some unknown
origin as the building was a mass of
flames before it was noticed. We under-
stand that the town hall will be used
as a school room for the present.
For Stomach Trouble.
"I have taken a great many different
medicines for stomach trouble and con-
stipation." says Mrs. S. Geiger, of
Dnnkerton, Iowa, "but never had as
good results from any as from Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets." Fcr
sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
Wroxeter citizens were shocked on
Tuesday morning, Feb 14th, to learn of
the death of Mr. Henry Armstrong, of
that village, who had been suffering
from an abcess in his head. Deceased
was in his yard year and was highly re-
spected by all who knew him.
Laza-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billions/less, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickeniug.
Two Plat cars loaded with two 70 foot
girders passed through Clinton a few
days ago, on their way to Goderich,
where they will be used in spanning the
Colborne road, where the C.P.R. crosses
this point diagonally -thus the length
required. There will be a drive way 20
feet wide by 1.1 high; some are under the
impression that this is not of sufficient
height for a load of hay, or grain, and if
not, now is the time to move in the mat-
k Allister of the Gospel Recommends
dI DMERVii 11
"Sur several yearn I have been in very poor
health. La Pall/ was advised by Bev. J. S. Allen,
of Murray Harbor, i'.E,I , to try 'Oxygenator.'
Before ttytng it I had no faith in it, but last Octo•
her I began itv nee and can truly say that before
,rein; me ;u( I had wonderfully improved In my
general health. Since then I have used several
Mg., as a rz.uit have never spent such a healthy
W,et.•rur ripring as I did this year. 'Oxygenator'
for 'throat lroubie, Catarrh, Purifyingthe Blood,
and for Buildingup the System, I beieve is not
cgealied to -lay by any other remedy.
Several of my congregation have ales used h
vrith blessed results. I take greet interest in
Oxygenator,' having (Oven jngs of it away, and
roust eay
iti A w :
o. riri:irri. $iruanr.
In regard to my eyed, 'Oxygenator' has done
them more €+end than the Oculists or the ireattnelt
i received in the Hospital.
For raraehe, I think it peerless. lror pains in
the 4,11eet, lungs or side, Indeed anywhere,
works wonders"
Mount Stewart, I',N.I,
.•or tales be, -
tt'x Il a bard 8f. , • Toronto
Mr. John Ketcben, administrator, has
dtspr sed of the farm on the second Con-
cession of Stanley, belonging to the
estate of the late Thomas Penfound,
to Mr. S. Thompson. jr., of the township
of Hay for the sum of $5,100. The farm
contains 100 acres, is well situated and a
good property, but requires considerable
fixing up.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back. rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamatiou,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
On Wednesday, February 8th, Durris-
dere, the home of Mrs. Margaret Black,
Tnckersmith, was the scene of a very
happy event when her daughter, Miss
Marrion R. was united in marriage to
Mr. H. H. McClure, of Lethbridge, Al-
berta. The bride was given away by
brother, G. S. Black, reeve of Tucker -
The scratch of a pin may cause the
loss of a limb or even death when blood
poisoning results from the injury. All
danger of this may he avoided, however,
by promptly applying Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and un-
equalled as a quick healing liniment for
cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by
A. I. McCall & Co.
We learn that Dr. Alex. Murdock, son
of Mr. Win. Murdock-, of Stanley, near
Brucefield, has recently passed his exam-
ination at London, England, securing
the degree of L. R. C. P., London and
M. R. C. S., England. This gives Dr.
Murdock a standing in his profession
which few young practitioners. possess
and he is now splendidly equipped for
his life's work.
Asa spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Wednesday morning, Feb. 13th, two
of Clinton's young people left for St.
Thomas where they were quietly mar-
ried that evening. We speak of Fred
Cooper, son of W. J. Cooper, and Miss
Maggie, eldest daugther of Mr. A. Watts,
Ratteubury street. The happy event
took place at the residence of the groom's
brother, Mr. Amos Cooper, of that city,
and the unbreakable knot was tied by
Rev. Dr, Gifford.
You Take No Chances.
A. I. McCall & Co., guarantee every
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and will refund the money to anyone
who is not satisfied after nsing two-
thirds of the contents. This is the
best remedy in the world for la grippe,
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough and is pleasant and safe to take.
It prevents any tendency of a cold to re-
sult iu pneumonia.
e u ar o ac ores napectors are
considering an amendment to the factory
and shops act that will prevent the em-
ployment of young boys 12 years of age
in stores:and factories. Recently one of
the inspeotors came across a boy 12 years
of ago in a Toronto factory and he was
ordered home. The boy loot no time in
securing the order of a magistrate to
allow hint to work for a stated time.
Under the factory act regulations no one
can give a child 12 years of ago pormis.
sion to work in a factory, and the amend -
Ment to the act will ratite some provision
for the imposition of penalties for in.
fractions that are the result of magister•
#al and official orders.
Mr. John Walker, of Bassets, has
rente:l the Vendome Hotel at Teeswater
from Mr. Verson. W, understand that
arrangements have been completed. for
the new proprietor to ratio charge on
Monday, 2Ot1L. Mr Welker is well
spoken of, by those who know him, as a
inan of good business ability, and a Ulan
likely to give the public every satisfac-
tion. Ile has boon eugaged in the fur-
niture business in 13russels.
Iitauy people say they are "all nerves."
easily startled er upset, easily worried
•ud irritated. Milburn's heart mud
Nerve Pills are just the remedy suck
maple require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Anotber of the old settlers of Hay tp.
passed away on Saturday forenoon, Feb.
11th. Francis Coleman was born In York-
shire, Enelend, 76 years ago. He ea -me
to this country when quite young an d
settled in Fork. About 50 years ago
he married Miss Smith, who still sur-
vives him. The couple moved to Hills -
green, where they remained for over
40 years on the farm. They went to
Hensall about five years ago.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by paii,ful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr, Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kepi in the house.
Mr. H. B. Cowan, superintendent of
i fall fairs iu Ontario, says that the move-
ment for the employment of expert
jueiges had gained in strength during the
last year. In 190.4 there were 118 fairs
which used experts, last year this num-
ber had increased to 152. The numlier
sent out as follows: -Horse judges, 28;
beef cattle and sheep judges, 19; dairy
cattle and swine judges, 20; poultry
judges, 1.4; judges of dairy products,
three; lady demonstrators, six; a total
of 90,
Jror Ov..r SL- ty Years.
An Old and Weil -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymlllionsof mothers
for their children whLte teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
The following were among the success -
f al students at the London Conservatory
of Music, in the recent e:;aminations:
Intermediate Form' and Harmony, Miss
i Annie McKenzie, Laurier, first class
honors in each subject; Junior Rudi-
ments and Harmony, Miss Mabel Coup-
( land, Auburn, honors; Primary Har-
mony, Miss Pearl Wise, Brucefielcl, 1st
class honors, and Miss Lilian Cantelon,
Clinton, honors; Primary Rudiments,
Minnie Eicoat. Clinton, lst class honors,
and Kate Ross, Clinton, honors.
Temieuey of the Times.
The tendency of medical science is to-
ward preventive measures. The best
thought of the world is being given to
the subject. It is easier and better to
prevent than to cure. It has been fully
demonstrated that pneumonia,oneof the
most dangerous diseases that medial
men have to contend with, can be pre-
vented by the use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, Pneumonia always
results from a cold or from an attack of
influenza (grip;, and it has been observed
that this remedy counteracts any tend-
ency of these diseases toward pneumonia.
This has been fully proven in many
thousands of cases in which this remedy
has been used during the great preval-
ence of colds and grip in recent years,
and can be relied upon with implicit con-
fidence. Pneumonia often results from
a slight cold when no danger is appre-
hended until it is suddenly discovered
that there is fever and difficulty in
breathing and pains in the chest, then it
is announced that the patient has pneu-
monia. Be on the safe side and take
Chamberlain's Omagh remedy as soon as
the cold is contracted. It always cures,
For sale by A. 1. McCall & Co.
That Huron men come to the front no
matter where they go, is shown by the
representation iu the Dominion House.
In addition to the three representatives
proper from the county, there are four
other persons holding seats who hail
from Huron, Thomas Greenway, ex -
Premier of Manitoba; John Crawford,
of Portage la Prairie, a brother of James
'Crawford, Port Albert, and a native of
Ashfield; Duncan Ross, of Yale-Carri-
bco, B. C., also a native of Ashfield; and
William Sloan, of Comex-Atlin, B. C.'
a native of Seaforth, and nephew of Mr.
A. Sloan, Blyth.
It's a poor religion that is always talk-
ing about a bigger church and never
think of a better day.
Cures all
11 Doesn't it stand to reason
that as Shiloh's Consump-
tion Cure, the Lung Tonic.
has cured consumption, it
will naturally cure that
cough of yours? Your
money back. if it doesn't.
Try it to -day.
25c.. 50c. And • 1.00
Medicines loaded
With ioIoI
Think of it! The Danger you
Run ---I) link habit is' E asily
Acquired, but 1-iard to Cure,
•Careful analysis shows that !natty so -
Palled 10111ee culltitln little el.ee but WAS.
key-tlie rankest., poorest 1!ind of v,his-
k' y.
Yon may unconsciously be using an
alcoholic liquid remedy. Souse member
of yunr family uiay be doing so. Your
duty is plain; stop it at once.
The test of a tomo is the permanence
of its cure. To becomo strong, you must
build up the blood alcohol weakens it.
You must increase your uervo foiee-
aic'ohol steadily devours it.
Give up the liquid touio before you
become its slave. The true medicine
for the run-down depressed and nervous
is Ferrczoue. It is nothing but colleen.
(rated cure in tablet fc rm. It stirnnlates
the appetite, aids digestion, fills the blood
with iron, builds up in nature's way.
Never known to fail.
Whether weak iroin worry, overwork,
thiu blood, or ill -nourished nerves, Fer-
rozone will quickly make you well. It
is sate and harmless. undoubtedly the
best tonic and rebuilding medicine made.
We recommend you to use Ferrozone if
in poor health.
Ferrozone, known as the great food-
touic, costs 500. per box, or six for $2 50,
et all clearers, nr by mail from N 0.
Polson & Co,. Kingston, Ont., and Hart-
ford, Conn., U S A.
•`A well known banker" icnforms a
Toronto evening paper that there is no
more prosperous clues iu the country
than the farming. During the last two
years, said he, they have doubled their
accounts with the banks many times,
and it is the exception now to find a
a farmer in the neighborhood of Toron-
to who is not wealthy. Prices of farm
produce, he continued have been so high
of late years that money has fairly rolled
into the pockets of the country people,
and the future looks quite as bright as
the past.
Permanent Cure for bronchitis
' "My second daughter was troubled
with bronchitis from the age of three
weeks. Oftentimes 1 thought she would
choke to death. Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine brought relief,
and further treatment made a thorough
cure. This trouble used to come back
from time to time, hut the cure is now
permanent." -Mrs. Richmond Withrow,
Shubenacedie, Hants Co., N.S.
We are sorry to record the death of
one of the best known residents of Godo -
rich township, in the person of Mr,
Chris J. Nesbitt, who cad at the resid-
ence of his brother in-law, Mr, Henry
Barber, Clinton, on Snnday afternoon,
Feb. 12th, in his 64th year. His death
was not unexpected, as he was known to
be suffering from interval cancer, and
,for some time the end has been inevit-
able. Born in the Township of East
Whitby on May 3, 1841, he settled on
the farm now occupied by his son, on
the 16th con. of Goderich Township, in
the fall of 1860. The neighborhood
being covered with the orignal forest,
he passed throughall the hardships
incident to pioneer life. A few years
of ter coming here he discarded the use
of mien and brought a team of horses
from Whitby, riding one and leading
the other the entire distance. In 1863
ho married Miss Helena Sheppard, of
the Maitland concession, who died in
1879. A few years ago he bought the
farm of his brother Absolam, who resid-
ed across the road, and moved thereto,
leaving the homestead to his sou Wil-
Sentence Sermons.
Sorrow is the secret of happiness.
The work itself is the best wage.
Nothing fails like a selfish success.
What is is right -where God is.
The more a man puffs the less freight
he hauls.
The most unsound religion is that
which is all sound,
The string that it not stretched gives
forth no strains,
Jrhe faith that removes mountains al-
ways carries a pick.
God never mistakes polish of manner
for purity of heart.
That which is stolen by the tongue
cannot be restored by taffy,
One trouble with most our reforms
is that we are more anxious to remove
the things that offend our taste than
we are to get rid of those that form
another's temptations.
The hypocrite's religion in the most
repulsive of all his traits.
Picking flaws in the Church will not
patch your own conscience.
The most helpless task is that of sav-
ing the woild vilth a scowl.
You may have a rubber conscience
and still find it hard to erase your sins.
If you bad God's approval you can
worry along with men's indosement.
The more heart a man pats into his
money the less happiness ho gets out of
Heaven will be a and place for some
folk; there will be nothing left to kick
A man may be up to the latest
wrinkle in style and still fall short Of
the glory of cod.
Lovely Winter.
[d. E. Kiser.]
Same old whiter,
Slane old freeze,
Santo old shiver,
Same of sneeze.
Same old microbes
Floating round,
Same nal wiud•up
U.,der ground.
Same old cranks who
Say it's great,
Noses dripping
While they wait.
Some old eal•aolies,
Only more;
Same of 1 hands,
Chapped and sore.
Same old longing
To be where
Scents of flowers
Fill the air.
Same old fear that
They Who stay
Here might get our '
jobs away.
Same old tumbles,
Same old slips;
Santa old cold soros
On our lips.
Same old icy
Sheets at night,
Same old pipes alt
Fr( zoo tight.
Same old san, far
Off and small,
Hardy any
Good itt all.
Same old measles
Saute old smallpox
I•Iere and there.
Same old creaking
Wheels to hear;
Same old sidewalks
'1'o keep clear.
ame old breakdowns,
Trains all late;
Wires tangled -
Oh, it's great'.
Same old lying,
Some pretense
Th„t we likait-
What's the sense?
Let's be candid,
Let's admit
That we'd very
Gladly flit!
That we'd cut out
• Snow and ice
If we only
Had the price.
If.'twere not for
Love of gain,
Who among us
Would remain:
Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Peterborough
says: "For ten.. years I suffered con-
stantly with Piles, first Itching, then
Bleeding; pain almost unbearable; life a
burden. Tried everything in vain until'
I used Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid.
` I had taken but a few doses when I
began to notice an improvement.. I de-
cided to keep on, and now (tfter using
three boxes I am glad to say I am com-
pletely cared. My general health has
also greatly improved. It gives me groat
pleaeure to recommend Hem-Roid to all
sufferers with Piles, and I feel convinced
that what it has done for me it will do
for them.
A $1,000 guarantee goes with every
box of Hem -Roil. Price, $1.00, all
Druggists, or The Wilson-Fyle Co.,
Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
:fast Wliat Education Is.
In a composition upon "Education"
a boy once wrote, "Edueatiou is going
to school, which is being marked ev-
ery day and examined on paper and
then promoted, and if you aro a girl
you graduate and have flowers, but if
you are a boy you don't have flowers;
jeau only go to college.'' A. somewhat
unique, deplorable, but comprehensive
His Interpretation.
Little Amzi (who has an inquiring
mind)-T;nele Tim, I saw the word iu
the newspaper. 'Mint is the "curt -len -
'um" of a collage? 'Uncle Timrod
(promptly) -Curriculum, eh? Why,
that's what them ere mop headed col-
lege students comb their hair with. -
Exchange. •
A Visionary.
Benfield -So you think he is trying
to accomplish too much in literature?
Merritt ---Yes• he is trying to make a
llvlen tv, IC _
A Somewhat Peculiar Name Explained --
How Dr. Leonhardt Cance to Call Ilse
Fanmone Prescription "Antl•Pill "
Dr. Leonhardt found in his practice
that chronic constipation and its kindred
complaints were the result of a dried-up
condition of the mucous membrane lin-
ing of the stomach and bowels. He in-
vestigated further and found that this
condition was invariably brought about
by the use of cathartics, which all con-
tain a certain amount ofresinousmatter.
After the first action of such medi-
residue r hi
cines a resinousmains e behind
and this has a drying effect on the lin.
ing of the stomach and bowels.
He made up his mind to produce a
for all stomach and b 0
medioine o b
derangements which would be entirely
free from all resinous matter.
After mach experiment ho succeeded,
and to emphasize the difference between
his treatment and the old-fashioned
treatments, he gave it the name ".Anti -
Anti,Pill will cure dyspepsia, bilious.
nese, perfectly and for ever -cure to stay
cured -with no pill habit left to be over.
come later.
20o. All druggists, or The Wilson-
la'yle Co., Limited, Niagara Valls, Ont.
Sole agents for Canada.
•e5 e11i11=12 tn:•-RJ.lail4: alai4eiea tier.%- fir
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules, They arc easy to take, They
are made of a cbmbination of medicines approved
and used by every physicig.n. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people --but to the
plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fam. remedy.- They are a dependable, hon-
est 1 gin' -•Cay vith a long and successful record, to
e•-rr `:1 llgest'ci,z, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
_o ,upation, 1 •:aensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
')i' ition of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
r .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
.' .'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
I-,wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
- .ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
ion tont benefit from a regular use of Ripans
`:i'.,'aules. Your dri ;gist sells thein. The five-
c2nt packet is eti );h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottii 'io cents, contains a supply
for a year.
Itetileeklatklteeveiiriageetitoiiee,en. memete: teeetreeneareama . !L.r:l: uut?aoir'.:;a eatiama
Cr§i Act directly on the liver.
c They cure' canstipa.tion,;
s biliousness sick -headache.:
d ast .. d.O. errOo., .
Want your moustache or beard • Sold For 6o years.,r.ew�'.
abeautiful brown or rich black? Use DM CMC. Or Di/4100.M 0R 11. P. Row. a co., va8ROa. lr. Q.
* The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the following -
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Times to January 1st, 1906 $1.00
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