HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-01-29, Page 8A8 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 29, 1986 FAMILY strengthen the protection rights of landown- ers in rural areas under the Trespass to Property Act by forbidding persons from hunting game from roadsides in rural and agricultural areas; request the Ontario Minister „f Education Implement a jaw change to deny teachers of Ontario the right to strike; request the Department of Con- sumer and Corporate Affairs enact legislation requiring mimimum standards for print size and legibility in or on packages; the Ontario Ministry of Health introduce legislation that public washroom cubicles for the handicap- ped include a small sink; the Ontario Ministry of health extend financial assistance toward the purchase of the required prosthesis, to all women having had mastectomies; the Mini- stry of Transportation and Communieation and the Attorney General of Ontario to make it mandatory the owner of the vehicle identify' the driver of said vehicle, or be held responsible for the violation and the Ontario Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations be urged to confine the sale of beer and wine to existing outlets, Provincial WI concerned for rural women The Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario showed their concern not only, for those who live on the farm but also for women in all parts of rural Ontario with resolutions they passed at their annual board meeting, The Federated W omen's Institutes of Ontario have long been recognized as a womens organization supportive of a healthy farming economy. They plan td arrange a meeting between representatives of the FW iC and the three Provincial leaders to gain an assurance and develop a time frame for the positive action they have promised oh behalf of farmers. In addition they urge Environment Canada to pass the necessary legislation to remove Ring -billed Gulls from the list of protected birds; request the. OM AF, the Ontario Ministry of Municipal' Affairs and Housing and the Ontario Ministry of Environment to introduce provincial legislation stating all types of existing and future farm manure holding tanks have adequate safety precau- tions maintained at all times; request the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources • Public relations are discussed by Seaforth Women's Institute Public 'relations was discussed as the, Seaforth Women's Institute held their Education and Cultural Activities meeting recently at the home of Mrs. R.M, Scott. How to publicize the work of the W .I, was raised and the week of February 19 has been declared W omen's Institute week. Bumper stickers will be made available by .Huron South District. Five W .1. projects were discussed, mainly; Adelaide Hoodless Home (Home of the Founders of Pennies for Friendship. Olive Papple and Evelyn Carter displayed the quilt top for 1986 draw which will take place in the fall: Sunshine Committee Jean Keys and W inona Pipe reported treats were delivered 'to seven shut-ins at Christmas. Thank yous were received from Mr. and Mrs. E. Kerr, Verda Cameron, Huron Centre for Home- bound, Children's Hospital of Western Ontario, Children and Family Services Of Huron County. Members were reminded of catering by Huron South for the Sportsmanship dinner in Exeter. Volunteers were asked for prepara- tion on February 3. The program was in charge of Mildred Kerr and Grace Scott. Guest speaker, Dorothy W llliams, spoke on the motto - Though all the branches reach out through the future they are still nourished by the roots of the plant, From the "Tuckersmith Memoirs" Mrs. Kerr read a poem, "School Days," about a school teacher, the late Mary Haugh, a valued metnber of the W .I. who inspired many. Mrs. G. Scott conducted a contest with the answers ending in "nation." Vanastra clubs host carnival February 1 A variety of fun -filled activities will be featured February 1, when the Vanastra and District Lions and lioness Clubs host their third annual one -day winter carnival at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Action begins with a snow -pitch tourna- ment, with three ball diamonds in play, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A pancake breakfast will be available from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Several types of winter rides will be offered including, horse-drawn sleigh rides, from 2-4 p.m, snowmobile rides from 10 a.m. to noon, and hay rides from 10 a.m. to noon. Winter sports enthusiasts can test their skills and endurance on an obstacle course for people aged 4-16 years, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. and for a real challenge, why not try a game of snow golf, which runs from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. For the younger set, there will be games and activities in a Kiddy Corner, 'from noon to 4 p.m. The evening caps off with a dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. with a disc jockey providing music of the 50s and 60s, as well as country and western. Age of majority required... Proceeds from the carnival go toward Lion and Lioness community betterment projects, which include helping to fund upcoming renovations to the ball diamonds. LYONS FOODMARKET QUALITY SERVICE PRICE FRIENDLY COURTESY CARRY OUT SERVICE STORE HOURS Mon., Wed., Sat. Thurs., Fri. 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m. SEAFORTH, ONT. LOOK .FOR THE ORANGE SHELF TICKETS FOR SAVINGS - SHOP AND SAVE EVERY DAY! BIRTHS McDONALD: Linda and Jim McDonald are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Sarah Irene, bom January 12, 1986 in W ingham and District Hospital, weighing 5 lbs. 7 oz. Proud grandparents are Don and Marilyn McDonald and Doug and Florence Machan, all of Brussels. SPENCE: David and Patricia (nee Mueggel welcome with love Meaghan Marie born January 17, 1986 at Si Mary's Memorial Hospital weighing 8 lbs. 5 ozs. Daniele is tickled pink. Proud grandparents are Marie Muegge of Seaforth and Bill and Dods Spence of St. Marys. Excited great grandpar- ents are Annie Hoegy of Seaforth, Dave and Pearl Spence. St. Marys and Myrtle Brock of Exeter. Lawn bowlers meet for euchre party J.B. Pure 48 oz. APPLE JUICE SAVE .30 .99 Del Monte Assorted Varieties 4 x 5 oz. PUDDING CUPS SAVE .51 1.88 Pam COOKING SPRAY 9 oz. SAVE .24 2,99 Quick, Old Fashioned -1 kg. One Minute -900 g QUAKER OATS CEREAL SAVE .50 .99 Shlrriff's Seville GOOD MORNING MARMALADE 375 ml Society Beef Chunks, Liver Chunks, Beef Stew /� /� DOG FOOD 418 g SAVE .502/ ■9 SAVE .30 1.59 'The Seaforth Lawn Boviing Club held its January cud= and bridge at the Orange Hall recently. President Edith Dunlop welcomed new members and announr d hostess for the February social as: Thelma Dale. Alice Reid. Mary McClure, Lillian Pepper. Agnes Eyre and Gordon Scott. Nine tablesof euchre and one of bridge were 'in play. Gordon Scott was the high bridge winner. In euchre winners were: Grace Pepper, Grace Broadfoot and Olive Papple. Stanley Haien and Wm. Kelly. LPEOPLE The Oddfellows and 1lebekahs euchre was held January 22. Prize winners were Ida Diehl, Sandy Pepper, Mrs. Alvin Stevens, Mac Wilson, Mary Chapple and Eldon Kerr. The next euchre is February 26. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephenson of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bit Stephenson of Tomnto and Mr. and Mrs. Les Naftel of Barrie were visitors of Mrs. Effie Stephenson on the weekend. Ifl! Ol niia iContinned from Page All your eardrums with an earptenang beep. that goes on and on.... Reading a book doesn't seem to be the solution for me. For one thing. either I don't have a book on hand. or the one I do have is too interesting to put me to sleep. Chane are, once i start a book 1=11 fight whatever meagerurge Ihave to sleep, and read on until my alarm sounds. All in all. its a nauseating experience, albeit a productive one for rne. Because despite being unable tosleep, I do Crud I get a lot accomplished during those wakeful hears - stuff I normally wouldn't even dream of doing. i always run through a mental checklist on • what I accomplished or didn't accomplish during the day and what I should accomplish tomorrow. the tomorrow after that, and the to inrrowafterthat. When I finally ran oat of tomorrows there always seems to be some stupid inconsequential idea fighting to be recognized. despite the fact, it usually can't possibly be accomplished anywhere in the near future. In my recent bout of insomnia I've managed to write virtual volatiles (a good start on a book), designed and decorated my dream house. been possessed to take pencil and sketdibook in hand and get a start on some long promised artwork, last countless sweaters, play a few rousing bands of solitaire, phriosophized ou the meaning Of life, and counted innumerable sheep. If insomnia, as I continue to hear, is a common problem with Canadians, espeaaliy now during the whiter, I can"t help- but sympathrte with the entire huriran race. Suriuiierisstillalongwayoff, and if we fail tp read just before that time, our• co-woidrers ete...eould be faced with the possibility of teeing on a day-to-day basis -- a zombie. Do you suppose there's a chance rnso'mnia might not Ib>ee' anything more than a bad dream$ COME IN AND COMPARE OUR EVERY DAY McCain Assorted Varieties SA VE DRINKIN BOXES 3 x 250 mi Rise 'n Shine 342 g ORANGE CRYSTALS Monarch Pouch Pack 6 Variotles CAKE MIXES 240 g SAVE .71 Monarch Pouch Pack 4 Varieties ICING MIX zfo g SAVE .71 40 PRICES SAVE .50 DAINTY GEM RICE sr>o' g Cadbury 23 Bonus Pack HOT Reg., Marsh. Sent -SWIM, Llte-15 g CHOCOLATE 30 SAVE 471.88: "'ALL MEAT IOU% SATISFACTION GUARANT Lean Boneters STEWING BEEF Fresh LEAN GROUND BEEF Meal Loaves or Burgers MEDIUM GROUND BEEF Grade A Beef REGULAR GROUND BEEF_ 4.39 kg. Ib. 4.39 kg. lb. 1.99 1.99 3.95 kg. lb. 119 / 9 THIS STORE ONLY 3.51 kg. ib. 1I 519 Canadian Oueen Hot or SWeet ITALIAN SAUSAGE 3.73 kg. 1'b. 1.69 Maple Leaf popular Varieties SLICED BOLOGNA 500 g .pkg. • Soiinelders "Lifestyle" Turkey SLICED LUNCHEON MEAT 1260 OM Canadian Queen Half or Cinerter Cryovac BONELESS SMOKED HAM 649 kg. Ib2.49 1.89 1.49 Maple Leat "Tendersweet" Smoked Cryovac COTTAGE ROLLS 6.15 kg. lb. Maple Leaf "English Style" SLICED Smeked BACK BACON Batt Portion Fully Cooked SMOKED PARTY HAM Fully Cooked Centre Slice SMOKED HAM STEAK 3.93 kg. Schneiders Boneless PORK SHOULDER SMOKED PICNIC 5.49 kg 115 g pkg. 3.26 kg. 2.79 2.49 Ib. 1.48 Ib. 1.78 2.49 1.49 1.19 cei • lb. Maple Leaf Popular Varieties Meat PARTY STICKS 25o g pkg. 5chnelders Famous far Quaiity 200 g pkg. CHEESE and HAM QUICHE Frasit Young THIS STORE ONLY BEEF LIVER z.ta kg. Canada Grade A Beef CUBE STEAK &,69. kg. lb.