HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-01-15, Page 14A14 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 15, 1986 — ' FARM TRIM -A -SIZE Active trading at stockyards FITNESS CLASSES BEGIN TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 7.30-8:30 o.m. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 7:30-8:30 p .n. Seatorth & District Community Centres 8 WEEK SESSION: ONCE A WEEK — $20,00 TWICE A WEEK -$40.00 Call Cheryl Phillips 527-0765 TO REGISTER! You will look better, feel better and have more. energy, CROSS -AT IT'S COUNTRYBEST!SKIING SKI BENMILLER The market at Brussels Stockyards traded actively to the week's decline due to the continued lower priced dressed beef arriving from Western Canada. Cows sold easier. Pigs sold steady with a good demand from Quebec, There were 972 cattle and 973 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -82,00 to 86,00 with a sale to 92.00. Good Steers -79,00 to 82.00. A. steer consigned by Dan Pearson of Ethel weighing 1 1 40lbs, sold for 92,00 with the 60 steers averaging 1225 lbs. selling for an overall price of 83,50. Five steers consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon averaging 1178 lbs. sold for 86.20 with their load of' 42 steers averaging 1268 lbs. selling for an overall price of 86.20. Eight steers consigned by Ashley Clark of RR6, Dundalk averaging 1192 lbs, sold f an overall price of 84.86. Twenty-nine steers consigned by orge Adams of RR2, W rimier averaging 1 8 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84,21. Thirty-one steers consigned by Murray Shiell of RR 3, W Ingham averaging 1204 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84.46. Eleven steers consigned by Douglas Wagg of RR5, Mitchell averaging 1256 lbs, sold for an, overall price of 84.28 with sales to 85.50. Niue steers consigned by Bob Sterling of RR3. Clinton averaging 1125 lbs. sold for an AND THE BEAUTIFUL■ MAITLAND RIVER VALLEY Featuring: 'Four groomed, well marked trails, plus as many variations as you can find! Daily Trail Fee... 82.50 per person overall price of 84.33 with a sale to 86.25. 85.75, '('hilly -seven steel's consigned by Hodgins Thirteen begets consigned by Milt Dietrich Bros, of BR 0, Parkhill averaging 1360 lbs. of RI23, Dashwood averaging 11382 lbs. sold sold for an overall price of 83.15 with Terry for an overall price of 83.01 with a sale 10 Hodgins' three steers averaging 1413 lbs. 85.75. selling for an overall price of 82.59. Twelve heifers cimsigned by W alter Fourteen steers consigned by Earl Fitch of w eppler of RR 5, M ildmay averaging 1067 RR 1, W roxeter averaging 1284 lbs, sold for lbs, sold for an overall price of 83,52. 84,111 with his offering o►' 20 steers averaging Ten heifers consigned by Allan Webster of 1280 lbs. selling for an overall price of 83,87. ItR:3 Auburn averaging 1194 lbs. sold for an Nine steers consigned by Robert M.. Ross overall price of 82.91 with sales to 85.25. of RR 3, Embro averaging 1131 lbs, sold for Four heifers consigned by Harold Schmidt 84,40 with his offering of 14 sleets averaging of RR3, Hanover averaging 1162 lbs. sold for 1046 lbs selling for an overall price of 83.96. an overall price of 82.78 with a sale to 85,75. Six steers consigned by Slam Farms of RR Fil'leea heifers consigned by Les Dyk of 4, Kincardine averaging 1160 lbs. sold for an W alton averaging 1028 Ibs. sold for an overall overall price of 84.54. price of 82.69 with sales to 85,75 Choice Exotic Heifers traded on par with A heifer consigned by Frank Dolmage of steers - 021111 to 86.110 with sales l0 90.50• Seaforth weighing 940 lbs. sold for Choice White-faced Heifers -77.00 1081.(10. 811171.003: A heifer consigned by Ray McPhail of RR3, Fifty Fifty-three ‚mixed heifers consigned by Kenwood weighing 9711 lbs. sold for 90.50 George Noble of Bit 1, Harriston averaging with his lot of 14 heifers averaging 1076 lbs, 10:32 lbs. sold foram overall price of 81.'27 with selling for an overall price of 86.00. a sale to 87.00. Five heifers consigned by Clarence Mc- Choice Cows -49.00 to 52.(1(1 with sales to Cutcheon of RR. 4, Brussels averaging 1138, ,5S 00 lbs. sold for 85.60 with his offering of 8 Good Cows -45,00 to 49.00. heifers eraging 1175 lbs, selling for an Canners and Cutlers 41.110 to 4.5.110, overall rice of 84,51.. Heavy bulls traded to a high of 65.00. Twenty- ight heifers consigned by Earl bop consigned by Clarence McCt0cheon Fitch of RR f,, W roxeter averaging 1 103 lbs. olrrssels weighing 24713 lbs. sold I'ur65,011. sold for an overall price of 84,17 with sales tq 30 to 411 Ib. pigs traded In a high of 1.18 per 07•.00. Ib. Three heifers consigned by Lyle Rawn of 40 l0 521 Ib. pigs to a high of 1,14, RR3. Mount Forest averaging 1080 lbs. sold 50 f0 6(1 lb. pigs to a high 0f 1.05. • for an overall price of 83.411 with a sale to 60 to 711 Ib. pigs to a high of .96 per Ib. Seeds Acts receive assent Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation Bill C-64, an Act to amend the Seeds Act has received royal assent. The changes are intended to improve the licensing system and better regulate the. advertising of seeds. ENJOY A RELAXING OR JOIN THE ';', ,BENMILLER SKI CLUB st11 ,Annual Member$hip Fee...°25.00 per person 74110... 18 DAYS IN Entertainment this Weekend Fri. & Sat. Night... FLORIDA With Tots of extras IT'S PRIMETIME SUNSHINE may be purchased at The Benmiller Inn Front Desk orb The Forge at Cherrydale Farm, one mile east of Benmiller Inn open daily, The Forge offers light Snacks and Not Beverages. Sunday through Thursday 11 am to 4 pm, Friday and Saturday I 1 am to 5 pm. Operated by Benmiller Inn DEPARTS FEB.17,1986 Leave the snow behind and enjoy a week of rest and relaxation. For more information write or call: "'THE BENMILLER'SKI CLUB _ c/o BENMILLER INN R.R. 4 GODERICH N7A 3Y1 (519)524-2191, For Reservations Call BAUER ' �= TRAVEL 527.1237 "EASTBOUND" Don't miss next weekend featuring... "The Blue Chips" For your Dining Enjoyment Sunday Afternoon it's ' Pearl Mueller on the organ THE COUNTRY STEAKHOUSE Ontario ltd. Mitchell 'The amendments are.designed to streng- then the Act and offer more protection to farmers who buy seeds," said Agriculture Minister John Wise. Except for one minor amendment made in 1977, the Seeds Act had net been changed since 1959. In view of the many changes in the seed industry since then, amendments to the Act were considered essential. "By strengthening the licensing system, we will he guarding against any possible introduction of inferior varieties," the Minister explained, "As well. the control of advertising will ensure that seed dffered for sale is properly represented in the marketplace and that the pedigreed seed system . is in no way subverted." Under the provisions of Bill C-64, penalties for dealers who sell seed in violations of the Act will be increased. According to the new law, there will be a maximum fine of up to $25,000 for summary convictions and a maximum of five years imprisonment for conviction by indictment. "These penalties should serve as a more effective dterrent for potential violators," Mr Wise said. ..I am confident the amendments will give 'significantly improved protection to the Canadian seed consumer and the industry as a whole." the minister concluded. JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC LTD. Farm • Residential • Commercial WIRING and PLUMBING 24 Hour Emergency Service R.R. No. 4 Walton Ph. 345-2447 or ea. 345-2547 The Optimist Club of Seaforth would like to extend an invitation to their annual • minter I Enjoy Hot Meals and a Sociable Hour in the Big Hall at the Seaforth and District Community Centres on both weekends! DRAW FOR A 12 SPEED MOUNTAIN BIKE To be drawn Jan. 26 following hockey championship game. Tickets available at U.A.P. and other area merchants. ATOM HOCKEY TOURNAMENT TeamS ,SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES FRIDAY, JAN. 17, 6 P.M. - 9 P.M. SATURDAY, JAN. 18 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. SUNDAY, JAN. 19 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. SUNDAY, JAN. 26 12 NOON - 6 P.M. from Southwestern Ontario Contact JACK BEDARD 527-1792 TEEN DANCE FRIDAY, JAN. 17 SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION 53.00 SEE THE CROWNING OF MISS OPTIMIST '86 DANCE SATURDAY, JAN. 18 SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES $5.00 per parson 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. AGE OF MAJORITY REQUIRED! LUNCH PROVIDED SNOW SCULPTURING SATURDAY JAN 18 SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES 9:00-12:00 NOON Contact ARNOLD STINNISEN 527-0410 CROSS COUNTRY SKI POKER RALLY SUNDAY, JAN. 19 REGISTRATION: 1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. VAN EGMOND HOUSE SILVERCREEK CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLUB Contact BILL PINDER . BARB ALKEMADE STEVE GRAY 527-1851 527-0365 527-0146 PRIZES FOR BEST HANDS ALL PROCEEDS GO TO COMMUNITY PROJECTS