HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-01-15, Page 7HENSALL AND AREA Shuffleboard resumes in Hensall Hensall Correspondent " Kay Elder took the study about our native VELMA ROBINSON people • The Canadian Indian. She showed a 262.3205 film which depicted the history of the ministry of the gospel as welras their native Shuffleboard resumed in Hensall with a belief's and teachings. A question period good attendance Thursday afternoon. Every- followed and then an Indian prayer. one was eager to get hack at it. The top I.mch was served by Lorna Spencer and scorers were Walter Spent:er 284, Lorna Audrey Christie. Spencer272, Pearl McKnight 202 and Pearl UNIT IV Taylor 200. Nun Britton, leader of Unit iV, opened the Everyone is welcome to come and shuffle ,January 1986 meeting with ahappy New Year on January 16 at 1:30 p.m. prayer. Nan Britton used as her devotional UNIT3 MEIETS theme "In the Beginning God." Unit 3 of the Hensall United Church held Elva Forrest gave a favorable treasures their meeting January? with President Marg report. Hilda Payne and Myrtle Sherritt Upshall presiding. Loretta Riley conducted moved minutes be passed. Thirteen mem- the worship. hers and one guest were present. 47 visits Marg Cole showed a film on Missions were reported. Sarah Dick gave a reading for the programElva Forrest showed an interesting and and secret pal names were drawn for 1986. iiifornative film on our native Indians. Hostesses were Dorothy Brintnell and Helen Business: Unit iV is responsible for flowers Roberts. February, July and September. The general UNIT 1 NEWS meetings are scheduled for March 3, June 2, Audrey Christie of Unit 1 took the October 6, 8, December 1. Unit iV is Devotional at .the January 8 meeting. She 'responsible for Devotional in October and reach poem. Belva hiss accompanied at the lunch in December. piano. The annual meeting is January 23 corhrrienctng with a potluck supper at 6:30 Reverend Keays p.m. Unit 2 have requested used Christmas cards he placed in container provided at the church. Sunday, January 19 is Fellowship • Night with the new school principal, Dave Kemp. He will have -pictures and first hand information on life in the north. Mr. Kemp worked and lived there. World Day of Prayer is March 7 at the Presbyterian Church. Lunch was served by Elva Forrest and Sadie Hoy and a social hour followed. BANTAM HOCKEY Hensall Bantams defeated Huron Park January 8 in a close game that kept spectators ontheedge of theirseats. Hensall opened the scoring at 1:09 of the first period from the stick of Rob Volland assisted by Scott Bell and presides in pulpit Kippen Correspondent MARGARETIIOGGAItTII 262-6tnt2 Rev. Irrrne Keays presided in the pulpit of St. Andrews on Sunday, January 12. Barbara Cooper accompanied the hymns on the organ. Rev. Keays' sermon entitled "The Women" depicted the history of United Church, Women, its purpose and importance in the local church. Kippen's annual congregational meeting will he held Sunday, February 9. Annual reports of the various organizations should be in the hands of the minister no later than Friday. January 17. The UCW executive were installed at the church service, the following is a list of the offices filled: past president, June Cooper: president. Mildred McGregor, treasurer, Susan Faber; corresponding secretary. Ma- bel Kyle: recording secretary, Barbara Cooper: pianist, Mary Bmadfool: group leaders. Susan Faber and Marjorie Consitt; social convenor. Myra Lovell; communica- tions. Helen McLean; flowers. Marlene Charters; stewardship and finance, Helen Mclean, Christian development, Frances Kinsman; church and society, Ruby Lefaive and World Outreach. Joan McCallum. Babies baptized at St . Columban RC Church THE HURON EXPOSITOR,JANUARY 18, 1988 — A7 Rob Taylor,. Huron Park tied the score with Tess than a minute to go in the first. Huron Park were the first to score in the second with Hensall tying it up in the dying minutes of the second when Scott Bell set Brian Moir up for the marker, Jason [manse assisted by Wayne Scotchmere put Hensall ahead in the third. The defence kept Httron Park tied up and were able to keep them from scoring. When the buzzer rang to end the game. The.score was Hensall 3 Huron Park 2. The boys travel to Goderich tonight for an 8 p.m. game. PEOPLE Mervyn Fields greeted the congregation at the United Church on Sunday morning with ' Tim Mann, Bill Stebbins, Rob Brends and Steve McCullough as ushers. QUEENSW AY NEW S This cold and snowy January weather is a good reason to stay indoors and enjoy a good book. At Queensway residents have been enjoying several short stories and readings over the past few weeks. Many residents have been visiting the "Book Nook' in the Activity Room for reading material to enjoy on their own. On Wednesday a group of male residents tried their luck in a crokinole tournament. Lloyd McDougall and Ray Potter were the champs. Also on Wednesday several gather- ed for a sing -song. Everyone had a good time singing all the old songs. The movie for this week was a Charlie Chaplin silent film entitled "Triple Trouble." There was an excellent turn out of residents for the film. On Saturday a group of "crafty" residents took part in making wall plaques in the Activity Room. The plaques turned out lovely. All residents and staff of the home wish to welcome Ray Francis of the Rest Home back from his short stay in South Huron Hospital. THE HEAT IS ON! �^! MICROFURNACEm - Technology makes it efficient - Size makes it portable — Design makes it safe This amazing new product provides instant heat where and when you want it. SP Bob Van Den Neucker R.R. 4 SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK IWO . 519-482-9800 ALL THIS PLUS FIVE YEAR WARRANTY & CSA APPROVED. BAUER TRAVEL SERVICE -and GIBBUS • UATEWAY present r� • SECRETS of CHINA THE ORIENT and INDIA 28 DAY FULLY ESCORTED TOUR JUNE 28 - JULY 25 ,Wple, • Wombat OM. 1111:x, xiuc 3' AVIV • 1 00 „. St. Columban Correspondent M Its. C EC II JA ItYA N :(45-'202H Gerard Eldon. infant son of Gerry and Nancy O'Reilly was baptized on Sunday, January 12 at St. Columban Roman Catholic (ihnrth'hy Father Andrew Sipek. Sponsors for Gerard were Dennis and Deb Murray of RR I. Dublin. Guests attending the baptismal ceremony and later at the O'Reilly home were the grandparents. Marion Hulley and Lou and Pat O'Reilly of Seaforth: Father Sipek: Norm and Marg Kemp of Mitchell: Dennis and Deb Murray. Michael, Curtis and Kevin and Debbie. Scan. Brian and Meaghan. John Raymond, infant son of Frank and Patsy Crowley was also baptized on Sunday. Sponsors for John were W nyne and Sheila Flnlph of RR 5. Mitchell. Guests attending the baptismal ceremony and later al the Crowley home were the grandparents. Cletus and Dorothy Crowley of Mitchell and Ray and Vera Murray of RR 5. Seaforth. Mike and Anne Crowley, Katie. Tim and Matthew of RR 5. Strathroy: John and Betty C rnwley, Tom. Kenny. Angie and Jeremy. RR 2. Gadshill: John and Marg Van Bake!. Greg. Gary and Mandy. R122. Dublin; Brian ('mwley, Mitchell: Terry Crowley and Isnrrr Price Wyoming: Wayne and Sheila Ilydph, Julie. Jennifer and Brendan. RR 5, Mitchell, Rill and Martha Murray and Erica. RR 5. Seaforth: Gerry and Elaine Vanden Henget. Ruh. Steve. Debbie. Marianne and Daniel. RR 5. Seaforth: Pat and Mary Lou .Jordan. Karen. Carla and Amy of Stratford: Jean Murray and Brian Hams of Stratford: Father Andrew Sipek and Jim, .Jane, .hrlianne..Jeanette and John Crowley. K NIGHTS of t'Ol.UM BUS The Farther Stephen Eckert Council of the Knights of ('nittmhits held their first euchre game for the season on Friday. in the Knights of Columbus Hall in St. ('olumban. Nine tables were in play and the winners were: ladies high. Helen Nolan. ladies tow, Jnannc Robinson: men's high. Jerry Murray: men's low. Marie Hicknell. (Marie played as 810801811(I for the most lone hands. Eileen Shan The next game will be Friday. January 17 at 8 p.m in the Knights of ('nhrmbus Hall. St. ('nhnnhan PEOP1 I•: .Jim and .lanneke Murray. Morgan and Mirbelle spent three days in Toru to last week where they visited with friends and Jim attended the annual meeting for the Ontario Dairy herd Improvement Corporation for which he is a delegate. Gary and Joanne Schlcen of London visited on the weekend with Roy and ,Angeline Swart Pal SohjeCt and children of Kitchener. Ionise Rvan of Kitchener and Gerry and Karen Ryan and children visited on Sunday with Clarence and Cecilia Ryan_ Recentvisitors with Marie Melady were Beatrice Fadden. Mississauga: Larry Mur- ray, Brampton: Doti Melady. London: Jim and Janneke Murray. Morgan and Michelle. RR 5. Seaforth: Beverley Parachek Dublin: Winona and Lloyd Pipe. Seaforth: Steve and tgnes Murray and Helen McLaughlin. RR4, W zrlfon: Sheila Brooker and Dorothy. Sea - forth: George and Yvonne Dneharme. Mitch - r it Tom and Maddie Murray. RFt 5. Seaforth: Nellie Van Der Pryt. Dublin: lino Tomadina and Anne Van' Den Boogen. Elmira: Art and Betty Devereaux. Seaforth: Jade and Marie Cleary. London: Rose Doyle. Chatham and Mari Ellen Williamson of Thorndale. MiliGlet'SUEr UR 4 HOME On Saturday night the Seaforth Midget hockey pia ersreturned from Denmark with trhphy after? T days. The three players teem thy~ St Columban Parish were Steve 13alfonr, Patrick Moylan and Mike Schoonder oer'd. The Lary' Would like to thank the community fortheir'suppart and geed wishes. Service To Mark The WEEK OF. PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 7:30 p.m. NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Seaforth EVERYONE WELCOME en ova ton SALE Renovation SALE Renovation SALE Renovadt r • SAL' yam.. 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