HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1986-01-08, Page 4A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 8, 1986 Filter uE.en IN THE HEART OF DOWittfOWN VARNA" 48.2-7x03 „.,Water Well, DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil Durl Jim 527-1737 527-0828 527,4),6,'. That's the exceptional record of Industrial Growth Fund. Industrial Growth has achieved a record of superior long-term returns. Better still. it's managed for you by Mackenzie Financial Corporation. under a strategy that gives top priority to protecting your capital. It's the answer to reducing the stress — and increasing the returns — of your RRSP invefing. Write or call for details today! 18 YEAR AVERAGE ANNUAL COMPOUND RETURN 10 YEARS 19,8% 3 YEARS 21.3% 1 YEAR29.3% HENSAI4L AND AREA Institute, plans cultural nneeting • Kippen Correspondent MARGARET HOGGAit'i'IJ 262.6902 Kippen East Women's institute will hold their Cultural Activities meeting next Wed- npsidlLy,at 8 p.m. at the home or Margaret Hoggarth, Roll call to be dnswered by "A Way to Make our Daily Lite a Pleasure.” UNI'I'IWCIIURCII NEWS Rev. Lorne Keays presided in the pulpit of. St. Andrews on Sunday January 5 - Epiphany Sunday. His sermon was entitled "Just Over Christmas? W ell here's another one!" Frances Kinsman accompanied the hymns on the organ. The Sacrament of Holy Commun- ion will be observed on Sunday, January 19, The Annual Congregational meeting for Kippen Church will be observed on Sunday, February 9. The executive of the United Church W omen will be installed next Sunday, January 12; KIPPEN S('i!OIARRS Julie Wright, daughter of Rvelyn Wright, THE INDUSTRIAL GROWTH FUND RRSP Looking both ways to manage your RRSP. ❑ 1'd like to reduce the stress and Increase the rewards of my RRSP Investing, please send The RRSP Answer Book. 1e on u 11 Frid J 3 f C Ig Alberta Hoggarth has been assigned to tit Andrews Y, anuary or aary a where she will spend the next four months College in Aurora, north of Toronto. where he working for the Nova Oil Co. Julie will then will assist the mirth leacher for the next four continue her studies in May at Sir Wilfred months, before returning to University of I4turier University. Watorloo. Linda Roberts, daughter of Helen and Ted. Nancy McGregor, daughterof M 4dred and ,$toherls, has returned to Fanshawe'Cigplegej ,M1Ronald'"INcGrqgor, has retu,m-sl le • the London "to continue, in her third yialr' of , tit�iversity of W, terloo where she is Audying A d ministratiw Studies, a general artsttiilrse. Shelley Finlayson, daughter of Ruby and Gosa Wiseh, daughter of Uwe and Thea Laird Finlayson, has returned to Marvel Wisch, is at Sir, Wilfred Laurier University Beauty School In •London where she is studying accounting. training for a course in hairdressing. Lisa Hoonaert, daughter of W ilheminaatld Jim Parsons, son of Phyllis and Harold Rodger Hoonacrt, returns to W estervelt Parsons, recently completed an eight-week Business College in London to further her Bourse al Fanshawe College in London, studies on computers. finishing his third term In Electrical Techni- PERSONALS clan Studies, Jim will resume working with Rosemary (Mrs, Billt McGregor was able .1.M.R. Electric of Exeter. to return home from hospital on Christmas Paul Hoggarth, son of Al and Margaret Day. • Hoggarth, starts a four-month work term at Greg, Paul and Janet Hoggarth arrived Champion Road Machinery in Goderich, Paul home safely through the storm in the wee is studying in Mechanical Engineering hours of Monday morning, after a 15 -hour Technology at ,Mohawk in Hamilton. drive from Quebee City, where they had been Greg Hoggarth, son of Al and Margaret skiing at Mt. St. Anne for a week, Hensall Bantams capture Atrophy ADDRESS POSTAL CITY PROV CODE PHONE (Home) (Business) All f{gures to Detwiler 1, IOSi Any dkr made only by prospectus DSP Dominion Securities Pitfield 344 Andrew St., Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0 Gary,,C. Bean Bill GiIfIIlan [5191235-2231 — Collect Calls Accepted “CH -8-01 -86 Hensall Correspondent VELIVIA ROBINSON 262-3205 The ,Hensall Bantams captured the "A" Championship at the Zurich Bantam Tourna- ment on December 27 and 28. ! Their first game was against Exeter on Friday. Scott Bell opened the scoring for Hensall assisted by Brian Moir and Shawn Vanstone. Exeter responded two minutes later ta tie then within seconds Exeter went ahead. Vanstone assisted by Andy Phillips and Moir once again tied it up to close the first period. Jason Imanse assisted by Chris Campbell opened the scoring in the second period. 'manse unassisted put Hensall ahead by two less than two minutes later. Exeter brought the score to within one at the mid point of the second, only to have Hensall's Rob Taylor assisted by Campbell once again widen the gap in the last minute of the period. Exeter opened the scoring the early part of the third and with four minutes left both teams went wild on the score board. Rob Taylor assisted by Dwayne Lawrence put the insurance marker in for Hensall. hnanse assisted by Campbell chalked up another less than a minute later. With two twenty seven,left in the game Moir assisted by Vanstone put Hensall ahead by four. Exeter made a final stand and with 10 seconds scored and then again with one second showing on' the clock Hensall's victory put them into round two against Lncan 15 minutes after their first game. The Hensall boys hot from their fust victory were able to keep Lucan tied up and defeated them 11-3 to put Hensall into the "A" final on Saturday. Sunday's final aaw Wingham and Hensel] HERE ARE A FEW SUPER BARGAINS FROM OUR GREAT iJANUARY "SALE GREAT HALF PRICE SALE OF DRESSES OUR ENTIRE STOCK NONE RESERVED Reg. 29.95 to 79.95. SALE 1500 to 4000 SAVE NOW ON POPULAR NYLON QUILTED COATS PANT COAT FULL LENGTH • LENGTH 7995 mr 9900 SKIRTS, SLACKS, SUITS This seasons best velvets, corduroys, double-knits, tweeds, wool blends MEN'S SUiT SALE Regular 139.50 to 259.50. 044 9900 to 18900 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS 25% OUR OFF ENTIRE STOCK.. LEVIS-G. W .G. FIRST QUALITY DENIMS CORDUROYS Regular to 29.95. JANUARY SALE 21 30% OFF GREAT CLEARANCE "KITTEN" Blouses, Sweaters, Skirts, Slacks, Vests at HALF PRICE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF YARDAGE GOODS r Dress Goods Prints Broad Cloths Flannelettes ALL REDUCED 10% OFF Sun life Assurance Company of Canada LIFEANDp�ugr € atirP¢jP[t)),f'n�,,�g9i.AN0r;' ' ' ' "INr.q� DEDUtrrib " FLEkUBLE NbtOAD R.R.S.P, NON-SMOKERS RAVES AVAILABLE REP Arnold Stinnissen 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH Tel. 527-0410 • vying for the "A" title. Ev ryone expected a based her thoughts on Mattew 7 and dose hard hitting match, which it was to the Matthew 25 and stressed the need for us to and of the second. The third period saw look ahead with a purpose and goal. Hensel] score eight unanswered goals to During the service Rev, McDonald defeat Wingham 13-1. installed the officers of the United 'Church To give them the "A" trophy Hensall Women. Belva Fuss as President, Grace scorers were; Brian Moir, 4 goals; Jim Drummond as Secretary, Hilda Payne as Dickins, 2 goals, 2 assists; Wayne Scotch- '!Measurer, Program chairpersons: were mere, 2 goals, 2 assists; Scott Bell; 1 goal, 3 Shirley McAllister, Christian .Develop` sent assists; Rob Taylor, 1 goal, 2 assists; John and Leadership, Audrey Christie, Church in Rooseboom, 1 goal, 1 assist; Jason Imanse, 1 Society, • Dorothy Brintnell, Communier.- goal, 1 assist; Chris Campbell, 1 goal; tions, Dianne Gerstenkorn, Stewardship and Shawn Vanstone, 2 assists and Andy Finanace, Kay Mock, World Outreach, and Phillips, 1 assist. „t Margaret Cole, In Church Committee, Unit The boys next game will be January 8 Leaders ,for 1986 are Unit One, Audrey when they host Huron Park at 8:30 p.m, Christie, meeting on the second Wednesday Bill Gibson will be the speaker and the each month at 1:30 p.m. Mona Al'derdice, new officers will be installed at the Annual Unit two, meeting on the second Monday of Meeting of the ,Hensall and Community each month, at 8:00 p.m. ; Margaret Upshnll, Horticulture Society taking place January 15 Unit Three, meeting the first Tuesday of at 8:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the each month at 1:30 p.m. and Nan Britton, United Church. . Unit Four, meeting the first Thur-,sday of PEOPLE each month at 2:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shearer and Mr. Steve Norma Pryde, the organist, led the Gerstenitoin from London spent Christmas ministry of music and'Sharon W urm greeted with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Hans the congregation. The Ushers were Tim Gerstenkorn. Christmas Day they all were Ban,RbWeendsSteven thMcCullough guests of Ina Johns, Exeter. tboiMr. o conductedNew Years Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, service of worship. Han Gerstenkorn were Ina Johns, Mr. and Following the service a fellowship hour Mrs. Emerson Johns of Exeter, Bill Johns, was held in the Fellowship Hall with, he Ruth Irvine, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Passmore, Men of the congregation 1pol�p¢inp after'lt. Tom and Jan of Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. Those assisting with the fellowshiphburwre John Batten of E timville, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hans Gerstenkorn, Gary Kyle, Cecil Pepper and Lloyd Ferguson. Ferguson, Christopher and Tracy of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kadey from Huron Park, Harold Johns, Joanne Foster, Daughter and Drinking ege friend, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shearer, and ,Continued from Page A2 Steve Gerstenkorn, all from London. Alma Langford, Exeter, President -Elect of been drinking at work. Crude. the Huron -Perth Presbyterial United Church Attacking one segment of our population Women was guest speaker at the Henall by raising the legal age isn't the answer. United Church on Sunday morning. She Education. stiffer penalties and spot checks done with tact are. They have worked. Drinking and driving is no longer a joke. There is a fine line between good intentions and harassment. 1f we let all the blinkered do gooders. no matter how honotahletheiritleastharryaeem. chop and hack away at little freedoms: they will eventually have their Utopia. where everyone is equal and no one is. tiumd lifaste sit11tIIHnpse aonFAutpmmt, $P�`bIAt itif4' *DEMONSTRATION'S - • INSTALLATIONS • SALES ani, Ont. BAT ANTENNA SALES 482,7129 Erten MAO aoN / „es' t4e4 y�C1C Happy Citizens meet in Legion with 36 people present The Seaforth Happy Citizens held their regular meeting in the Legion Hall with 36 present. Aftera brief business meeting few games of cards were enjoyed. The winners were ladies high. Ida Diehl: ladies tow, Minnie Walters: ladies lone. Dorothy Townsend: men's high. Harvey Dolmnge: men's low. Ann Downey las a man) and men's lone. Bob McLaughlin. HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD 95 PR. MENS DRESS SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS REDUCED 25% OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S SWEATERS ALL wn REDUCED BY 2*/ NY SAVE 25 % ON MENS & BOYS WINTER JACKETS PARKAS REGULAR 195.00 to 250.00 LADIES ALL WOOL DRESS COATS SALE 13500 to 17500 25% OFF SAVE NOW ON MENS WINTER UNDERWEAR Thermal, Cotton, �0/ Kroy Wooi. V REDUCED OFF OTHER BA RGA# INS , PATONS KNITTING WOOLS . REDUCED 10%dllF ALL CURTAIN • MATERIALS • 20% OFF WONDERBRA PANTY i4OSE 20% OFF BEDSPREADS & ;20� oFF BLANKETS__ _.. MENS DRESS SLACKS FAMOUS MAKES Out Reg, 27.50 to 39,50. Sides 30 to 52. JANUARY sAI:E FfICES •, OFF KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION AUTO PAY SUPPU'ES FULL LINE O' AU PARTS & ACCESSORIES for 88 makls of Cats 8 Nooks. AUTO FISHEi1 isuPPLY SEAPORTH 527-0514 will be held for REGULAR KINDERGARTEN and FRENCH IMMERSION KINDERGARTEN —optional— In order to register for Kindergarten, children must be five -5- years of age on or before December 31, 1986. Parents are asked to bring Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate and proof of Immunization. It is advisable that parents contact the school in which you intend to register your child for an appointment prior to the registration date, The registration date and location for French lmrnersion Kindergarten classes will be as follows: ST. MARY'S SCHOOL Mr. Jim McDade, Principal 70 Bennett Street, East GODERIgH, ONTARIO N7A 1A4 524-9901 JANUARY 16, 1986 - 1 p.m. 5 p.m. ST. MICHAEL'S SCHOOL Mr. Larry Cook, Principal 8 Grange Street STRATFORD, ONTARIO N5A 3P6 271-0890 JANUARY 16, 1986 - 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 11 GODERICH ST. E. 525'-1670 • l.•talerf m lim*Mte Motors 5 ,t ,0 ROSS RIBEY FUNERAL DIRECTOR The registration date and location for Regular Kindergarten classes` will be as foliewsi ST. JAMES SCHOOL Mr: Ray Corit0I3 Prinoipal Chalk Street SEAFORTH, ONTARIO WOK 111V0 52-0321_.. , FEBRUARY .25, 1986- 1 p.rit: 5 pie. ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL Mr. Ennis Murphy, Pri#CIpsl' Mill Street, DOWN, ONTARIO NOK 1E0 ,y;; °I= _ 345.2033 - FEBRUARY 20, 1986 9am. •4p.m. - WHAT IS ,'THE LIVING WILL?" "The Living Will" is a special form of will which has been designed for those who do not wish extreme methods of ,keeping their bodies alive should they become terminally i1!. In part, it reads as follows: ,`To my family. my physician, my Lawyer and all others whom it may concern ...If at such a time the situation Should arise in which there is no reasonable expectation of my recobery from extreme physical or mental diSabifity, i direct that I be allowed to die and not be kept alive by medica- tions, artificial means, or heroic mea- suries...This statement is made after careful consideiation and is in accor- dance with my strong convictions and beliefs." ft concludes with the signature`, dAte, two witnesses, as well as a list`df those Who . have received a copy of '1Fie Living Will." RONALD MARCY Clialrmarl of the Board WILLIAM ECKERT: Director Of Educatl®rr,'.' NHITt1EY®RIOE1 FUNERAL HOm P�