HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-02-16, Page 8FS'TARit,L!4i ED 11)0g
Alex. t:itchie
Nw D 600m.
" Sicilians " are the new light weight mohair fabrics,
in plain and mixed shades, for Spring Shirt Waist Suits. •
Also the latest in checks and line designs.
New Spring Suitings in Broadcloths and Venetians
in the leading shades.
New Spring Waistings in checks and stripes.
Leave orders now for Spring Costuming nela
After Stock -Taking.
Until the arrival of new Spring Goods we will
conduct a grand clearing out of all superfluous lines, odd-
ments and other unnecessary stock, at such reduced
rates as will guarantee the necessary clearance.
We are not going out of business, but
merely clearing out a few lines to make
room for new goods that are arriving.
'Never Satisfied.
When I recall July and all
The heat it held is store
I grieve to find I was unkind
And az the weather swore.
And thus it is or cold or hot
We're never satisfied,
For if we shiver like as not
We wish that we were fried.
So let ns grumble every day
.And.find what fault we can,
For tis amusing anyway
To roast the weather man.
-Chicago Chronicle.
1 E. ROttT. C. REDMOND, M. R. C. S. (Eng)
i� L. i... C. P. (Lend.,
Otllee, with Dr. Chisholm.
Night calla at Button Block, or resi-
dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St.
or third house west of school on John
street. Shop opposite Macdonald block_
East Huron Farmers' institute,
Meetings of East H ron Farmers' In-
stitute for the disco ion of agricultural
will be held at
kindred subject
dei e
ETHEL, - -
March 4th
March Gth
March 7th
March 8th
March Dth
March 10th
March 11th
Each day at 1.:30 and 7.30 p.m.
All are cordially invited to attend
these meetings and take an intelligent
part in the discussions on the varied
subjects introduced by the speakers.
T. MrMILLAN, President.
• •a
• •••
• flusic
•+ • The latest Instrumental
• and Vocal selections.
Special Prices for a
a limited time.
• 5c each, or 6 for 25c.
T 'rr
•• Orders received for any
piece published.
la, ate
-Mr, W, G. Paton has sold the Wing -
ham machine shop to a Toronto gentle-
man and the shop is agaiu ready for all
kiuds of repuiring.
-Tho Royal Meek Il:uights of the
counties of Huron anti Perth will hold
their annual meeting iet Blyth, on Fri-
day, February 24tH.
-Mr. D. DlcKiuley has 8a far recover., .
od all to again be able to bR arc'_0r4 #lib
borer e. I•I'ts runny fr vnci� will bn' based
to hoar nt his rccovery,
eaThe nou-arr.ival of the snails on
'iuesdayand Welueedey has compelled
els to hold over the Turnhorry commit
►uinutes aid other' news items until our
f next issue,
Sore Throat and Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat
• irritations isfoundin
Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets
' They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with
'71 the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice.
10c. All Druttgista 400
-The fellowiug from the Hardware
el and Metal Journal for February refers to
1 a son of Mr. 0. N. Gritlia, of this •towu..
This young man's mauy friends in Wing-
' ham will be pleased to hear of his promo-
tion. The Jourual says: -"Mr. G. N.
Griffin is now representing Vokes' Hard.
ware Company in their Toronto business,
tatting the place of Mr. Morgau Smith,
who is now with the Brooke -Smith
Hardware Company.
1904 �.
Mood Luck Days.
A Tron,,lo that Vitiates Vntol,t Suffering
to TtigNsunde 'pi roughont Venetia% '' •
"I sufl°oretl
gestir,n t W1 with scuta suds•
-set . frequently woald walk
• d(!Ot' threj gh the loop; nights;,' s,iid
tits. TttOunts Vincent, residing at 78 St.
Nor sereee, Qaebeo, "I lied been gin 0.
ted with t•ho trouble," she continued.
for upwards of twenty years, but it sus
only during the pact year that it assumed.
an acute form. There were times when
I was alcuost distracted; everything' ate
disagreed with use and the pains in the
region of the stomach were aliuoet un-
bearable. When the attaoks were at
their worst, my head would grow dizzy
and would throb violently, and some-
times I would experience severe attacks
of nausea. .As time went on I was al.
inose worn out either through abstiu-
once from food or the havoc it wrought
wheu I did take it. I tried mauy much'
lauded dyspepsia cures, but they did me .
no good. In fact I got nothing that help-
ed the until my nephew urged me to take
Dr. Williams Pink Pills He had used •
. them himself with the greatest benefit,
and assured me thut they would help me.
Atter I had taken three or four boxes of
the pills there was some improvement,
and I continued to take the pills regular-
ly for about three months, and at the end
of that time 1 found myself cured. I
could eat a hearty meal and eat it with
relisb ; • I slept soundly at night, my
weight iucreased, and my constitution
generally was built up. I Clunk Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills will cure any ease
iveu a fair
of dyspepsia, if they are g
trial such as I gave them•"
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure cases
like Mrs. Viucent's simply because they
fill the veins with that rich, red blood
We shall be glad to have contributiorn to that euablee every organ of the body to
this colmun from any of our readers. it you do its work properly. That is the rea-
have visitors or purpose going away yourself, son why the pills enre all blood and
drop in and tell us, or send us a note t.. that nerye troubles such as anaemia, neural -
affect. gia, rheumatism, heart troubles, akin
diseases, St. Vitus dance, paralysis and
-' Mr. George Moore, of Toronto, is visit- the special ailments of growing girls and
ing Wingham friends. women of middle age. When you ask
for Dr. Williams Pink Pills see that
3 Barrister R. Vaustone was in Goderich you get the genuine with the full name
for a couple of sass this week. "Dr. Williams' Piuk,Pills for Pale Peo-
•Miss Mettle Orr was visiting for a few pre" printed on the wrapper around
every box. Sold by medicine dealers
days with Mies Nettie BroWn at Brussels. everywhere, or by mail at 50 cents a box
-Mr. James Tim:Wen l is assessor at
Brussels at a salary of $40.
-Mr. M. McGillivray has been ap-
pointed assessor at Listowel at a salary
of $85.
-Mr. A. Dulmage has commenced his
work as assessor for the Town of Wing -
-Mr. Wm. Mowat, a resident of Strat-
f ord since 1355, died on Friday last after
two weeks' illness.
-The next regular meeting of Camp
C aledonia, Sons of Scotland, will be held
next Monday evening.
-Wedding invitations and calling
cards neatly and promptly printed in the
latest style at the TIMES Office.
Neighs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quietly relieved by Cresoleue
tablets. ten cents ver box. All •'^ugh sty
-J. D. Warwick, V. S., has sold his
practice at Brussels to Geo. Cunningham,
V.S., anal purposes going to Alberta,
--Mr. John Kerr was confined to his
home for a few days through illness.
We hope lie may soon be able to be
around again.
- Owing to the railway blockade the
Wingham curlers were unable to go to
London yesterday to play in the Western
Ontario Tankard competition.
-The report circulated that the Col-
borne House at <loderich had changed
hands is entirely incorrect. Mr. Sare
will continue as the proprietor.
- Mr. W. J. Greer has been appointed
local agent of the Canadian Express Co.,
in place of Mr. Jas, McGuire, who re-
signed. Mr. Greer took charge on
Friday last.
1 has been residing for some months.
-Division Court was wain the Conn -
Mrs. C. Kaechtei spent a few days last or sin boxes for ,$2.50 by writing the Dr.
week visiting with her parents at Luck- Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
Mr, W. H. Pearson, of Stratford spent
last Sunday visiting with Wingham
Miss Jeunie Rinteiul, who bas been
visiting in Detroit for a month, bas
returned home.
Miss Aguew, of Wingham, has been
visiting at her brother's, .Dr. Agnew,
the past week. -Clinton New Era.
Mr. Harry Ansley left on Saturday
last for Columbus, Ohio, where he has
secured a good situation.
friends bere will wish him
his new home.
His many
success m
Rev. A. McVicar of Huntsville has
been called by the Presbyterians of At-
wood and will be inducted to -day.
Rev. J. 1't. McLean B. A., of the
Baptist church, will exchange pulpits
with Rev. Dr. Gandy next Sunday
Rev. A. E, Shaw, of Kippon circuit,
formerly of Belgrave has boon cordially
invited by his official board to remain
for another year in his present field of
The Bishop of Huron preached at the
opening services of the new church in
Kinlough on Sunday last and owing to
the blockade on the railways drove from
Progressiveness is the realization of success, and from the inception of the Bee I -live in
W ingharn, healthy expansion has been our forward movement. "Good goods at small prices"
was its llfe germ, At this particular season we find we have too many Winter • Goods on
hand ; so while the greater part of the cold weather is still before us we decided to have a few
GOOD LUCK DAYS for our patrons. Every day from now until February t8th will be.
a Good Luck Day. ,Overcoats for men and boys, Jackets for ladies, Underwear, Dresq Goods,
in fact our complete stock of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Groceries and Shoes wilt be
included is this Good Luck Sale of commendable goods. Our word for it : Prices will make.
it an object for you to buy now. irrespective of immediate requirements.
Tho assessment of the Province will
be made upon an entirely new basis
except as it effects real property. The
abolition of the personalty tax and the
substitution of the business tax added
importance to the fundamental princi-
ple of ail'taxation-the levy on land
values. The assessment of the real
property now becomes the basis for
the assessment of a merchant's person-
alty. For instance, a retail merchant
who is assessed for the premises occu-
pied by his business at $S,000, will
Men's Overcoats
These linea are not made up off patterns or manufao-
turers' mistakes. Here you will get the very best and new-
est clothing ip the market.
Formerly $7.00 Overcoats, good luck price $4 € 0
S 50 „ <I " 5.75
11 11.00 " 11 " 8.Q0
Proportionate prices on all lines. Colne expecting
much, and you will leave with more than you expected.
Wonderful Values in Ladies' and
Children's Underwear.
11 dozen Lathes' Vests and Drawers, regular
25o per garment, good luck price, each,
All Ladies' 50c Underwear, good luck price
All Ladies' 75c Underwear, good luck price
All Ladies' $1 Underwear, good luck price
8 dozen Assorted Vests for Children, regular
15o and 20c each, good luck price • -
Dynamic Prices on Jackets.
Every one of these 32 Ladies' Coate represents a dis-
tinct loss to no, but one that we'll shoulder cheerfully
under the circumstances.
Formerly '$5 Ladies' Jackets, good luck price ,2.50
l ;$(i AI c l , I11.3.00
1 4' $10 II 1' 14 5.00
And so on all through the stock. These coats are made in
the most fashionable styles and materials. Our policy bas
always been never to carry goods over from one season to
another; hence such reductions.
An Explosion in the Flannellette
Prices Shattered on all Lines.
19c Regular 5o Flannellette, good luck price 4c
939c {44l8o „
58c " l00 " " „ Tee
75c " 12ec Stripe Flannellette. " Oc
I' 13o Fancy and Plain Flannellette,
100 extra heavy ,Y'good luck price - 10c
Everything is included in this Good Luck Days' selling.
The dee Hive
Phone 96.
The General Country Store.
I've been in houses mercantile that
ered blocks and blocks;
I've seen the clerks that swarmed around
m bevies and in flocks;
I've seen the elevators, but I cannot
make it seem
Like anything substantial, for 'tis noth-
ing but a dream
To me the real "store" will be, as
long as life Shan last,
That smelly country village place I
knew there in the past,
With just one clerk to sell you things
-some fellow that you knew- -
Though sometimes on a circus day
there'd be as high as two.
No fun to "do th' tradin"' like I used
to, any more -
How clear is memory's picture of that
AV' iev Awe
The Keeler Go.
have a business assessment of 25 per "gen'ral" country store!
cent. of the said assessed value, or ' -Leslie's Weekly.
$2,000. His business tax, therefore, is
on this $2,000 which, at 20 mills on the
dollar would be $40. Thus any busi-
ness man can ascertain for himself,
with very little trouble exactly the
amount of taxes chargeable against his
business, subject, of course, to any
future increase in realty.
Unger the new Act the merchant is
not concerned at the approach of the
assessor. He is not called upon to sub-
mit a statemodt of his assets and lia-
bilities. Nor is he asked any questions
regarding the particulars of his busi-
nese. The assessor simply enters his
name as a retailer, after which his
business assessment becomes automa-
Lucknow to Wingham on Tuesday, and tically fixed. The same method
on reaching Wingham found no trains plies to the distiller, the brewer,
here. He was compelled to remain in wholesaler, the manufacturer, the
Wingham until Wednesday afternoon. partmental store, the coal and wood
At the annual meeting of the Presley- dealer, the publisher, in fact, all en-
terian congregation at Wroxeter, the gaged in business pursuits. Their rat -
pastor, Rev. Mr. Perrin, was granted ing, however, vary from 25 per cent.
an increase on his salary. He will now to 150 per cent. But no one who is
have $800 and a free manse. There are engaged in business can be assessed
221 members on the roll and a surplus of for less $250. It is not pretended that
$200 in the treasury. Church is free this system is equitable from a basis
from debt but there is 15700 yet on the of wealth. In fact, it cannot be, for
-Mr. Arthur wook has sold bis brick new manse. the reason that a percentage of the
•cottage on John street to Mr. W. Adams, The congregation of Trinity Episcopal assessed value of the land is taken as
Mrs. Cook and family will wove to Chat- church at Chatham tendered a call to the business assessment in lieu of the
ham in a few weeks, where Mr. Cook the Rev. J. W. Hodgina, of Seaforth value of personal property. But it has
provided arrangements cat be made Mr, this advantage, that no one escapes
Hodgins will accept the call. This is the , and all contribute more or less to the
cil Chamber on '.Thursday last before church of which the Rev. T. Beverley burden of assessment. While there
His Honor Judge Holt, when several Smith was rector prior to his accepting are evident inequalities under the new
cases were disposed of. There was a the Rectorship of a Toronto church. system, the old law was worse in that
large attendant'() of witnesses and shot- A very special meeting will be held in respect and exceedingly difficult of ap-
s tatters. • the S. A. Barracks on Feb. 24th. The plication,
The changes in the income assesment are
4 -The annual meeting of the Canadian Bioscope Brigade will give the "Moving even more drastic, and the expersts say will
I► Association of Fairs and Exhibitions is Pictures" of the International Congress
0 000 population sands over theuannuacities
s being held in Toronto this week. Messrs. which took place in London, England, derived from personal earnings, or from a
pension, ratuity, or retiring allowance, is
• J. A, Morton, W. J. Henderson and H. daring the past summer. This is some- exempt to the extent of $1000 but when the
only. As there is no exam tion on income de-
• • Turnberry Agricultural Society. this kind of it meeting has been held rived from any source other than personal
Opera Houses and halls have been far earnings, income derived from interest, divi-
• - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wellwood and • too small toaccommodate the vast crowds acids, stock or any other source whatever, is
• B. Elliott are the delegates from the thingworth seem In places where the assuat 1y. hot a house»order, acaoraat tc
g g• -the sssetf'+.h nt roll the ceempti , is an 400
• family have removed to town and taken 0 assessable on tale fun amount. The effeet of
of people. So be in time to secure a seat, . this is to make trio dividends from all financial
• 4.
a n i sur n an
u their reeici uce in the house on Pat- corporations, such a. banks, n a ec, 10
p a good time is expected, Bandmaster , and trust companies, liable on the full nmoMit
• rick street, reentry purchased by Mr, as againsttheresidentshareholdersinOntario.
• Wellwood d f' D p up
e gam. • net in five octaVeg. This feat can only Professional men have been made the object
ete -The Pilot Mound (Man.) Sentinel, be performed by one other cornet player of a double assessment in order to get from
those who have largo incomes a fair contribu-
published by Mr. C. A. Barber, formerly in the world. You can be assured of a tion for general purposes. The mein»ors of
• of Wingham, has entered its sixteenth treat. Don't fail to be present. the legal and medical professions, the dentists,
year. Mr. Barber recently installed a t•
new pcWer printing press in his office.
• The sentinel wan has our beat wishes
3 for contantled prosperity.
.--The marriage of Miss Minnie Roach
e* and frr. Kenneth McKay, of The Even.
ing Telegram star was solemnized
sMonday morning in St. Patrick'a Church,
Toronto, by llev. • Father Stuhl. Mr,
iMcKay is a former Orangeville boy,
• and 'was for a few months a member
,t ...A.........iitir.0•4 1111.0 , pf the Trots staff.
s Peckham of England, the finest Coineiest This revision makes for the loss now sus -
e woo fOnl Mr, Stewart. We presentplaystwined by�sractically the non -assessment of the
• Welcome the new residents to Win b will be also. He the gar• incomes of the coinnanies.
When a matt in his pyjamas bumps
his shin on ii rocking chair it is sur-
prise ng what a weak washy thing bis
vocabulary seem to him.
eivil or electric engineers, surveyors, archi-
tects and others, are stibjset first to a business
assessment irrespective of what the income
may be, If the income derided is beyond the
Reflections of :t $dChelOr, amount of the business assessment then the
amennt of the ineorae in excess of the business
It snakes a woman's feet get ver cold assessment is the basia of the assessment, sub-
ysect to the statutor exemptions. Thus ho
,!ea a a.Ca On
Newfoundland may hereafter enforce
the Bait Act against American fisher-
men owing to the failure of the United
States Senate to pass the Bond -Hay
an Ito
tle see her neighbor's ne iv fur for the 'r g f ¢ago to pelt th ni $2 O paliall tionnconstitute a
e a a 11 a
neck, business assessment.
A cheap way to get popularity with a goon cies i oY taarefixin$ udSplig tlpibeAssess ets
her is to refulle to oat anybody's of the province. ti eccialiy in the larger
titles will the work be important, for by these
biscuits but your wife's. the provincial aasewsors trill be greatly in -
About the bine a man struggles to his ttuenc*. egg Act is riateatiefaotbtyio ovory+-
$g brstiy, of Course, but fisc asseaament oitperts
feet from the summer vacation expensed f eteerd it as an improvement, and to the or -
You Take No Chances.
A. I. McCall & Co., guarantee every
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and -will refund the money to anyone
who is not satisfied after using two-
thirds of the contents. This is the
hest remedy in the world for la grippe,
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough and is pleasant and safe to take.
It prevents any tendaney of a cold to re-
sult in pneumonia.
Binary citizen it has that appear lnee. ere tea -
Christmas heaves in sight, to lima.
Dsv-In Wingham. on February 1st, the wife
of Mr: ,John A. Dey; a son.
WELSTI-In Lower Win gham, on February
5t h, the wife of Mr. W. Welsh; a son. '
McKtru or-Iu Toronto, on February 13th.
the wife of Mr. John S. Mcls•innon, formerly of
Blyth; a son.
BornvELr-SNELT,,-In Winghain, on Febru-
ary 14th, by Rev. Dr, Gundy, at the residence
of the bride's father, George James Roswell of
Middleton, Out to Bliss Annie e DI. Snell, of
L XTTT,E,1ofN-HIYiiXNA1-At the residence
of t he bride's parents, Howick, on Feb, 8th by
the Rey. A. B. Dobson, Mr. Thos. Littlejohn to
Miss Catherine Hyiidman,
The undersigned has for stile three young
thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls. One14 months
old and two 11 months. Bred from prize
winning stock and all aro red in color. Apply
on premises, Lot 30, l oncession 18, East Wawa -
nosh, or address
DAVID cLo'ivurch,
House for sale, 10 rooms, soft andhardwater,
st orm windows, and screen doors, good stable,
acres land 15 fruit trees, very low taxes, a
comfortable home. Cheap, apply to
Bluevale, Ont,
Hoon -In Morris, on Fels, 8rd, George Hood,
in lits 80111 year.
13UTilERBOuD-In Horvick, on Feb. 4th, Isa-
bella Rutherford, aged 64 years.
MARTIN --In Huron Tp., on Feb. :itis, 1005;
Donahi Martin, aged 95 years.
Gi Ass In Wingham, on February ;)tit, 'veil•
lia,m Glass, aged do years, 11 months aside days.
1,XCCA1 GHEY-•3n Blyth, on February gild,
Mrs. Frilncis Msesitughey, aged. •00 years.
11AWDEN-•In London, on I}'ebruai t i th, Miss
third ] er of liars. Trios.
widen t1 r dao it
Cots Ba R
Batvden, of Clinton, formerly of Blyth, aged 21
'103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; seventyfive
acres under cultivation. Good house ; new
barn. Splendid opportunity Exceptional
bargain. Address'
}er, was sentenced to two years in ;jail
forthe theft af
h - $900.
The undersigned offers for sale his property
on Arthur street in Wingham Town Plot west
of flouring mill. One property. contains about
11% acres and upon the premises are a good
brick house and frame barn and a small
orchard and springcreek at rear of property.
The other propery contains 83f acres with
frame house and barn and small orchard.
Apply to the undersigned at the frame house
on the property.
Wingbam P. O.
To clear up the estate of the late James Wil
sun, the undersigned executors offer for sale
the south part of lot 85, on the 14 concession of
East Wawanosh, about 3i miles from Wing -
ham, containing 8i acres. On the premises
there are a good bank barn. 402E60 feet with
straw shed and roothouse 18x20; a good orchard ;
limestone quarry and lime kiln, and 20 acres of
good hardwood and hemlock bush. The farm
has been all under grass for a number of years
and is well watered. To the right roan this
Property is a moneymaker andnpmust be sold at
CURIE, box 184, Wingham or
GAVIN WILSON, on boundary line 11
miles west of Wingham, box 42, Wingham.
for practical education
is the well known
Its present staff of TWENTY-ONE
ers�its fine equipment,i mont, including ONE
AND FI6TEEN Typewriting
Machines, its modern and thorough work,
its success in placing its students and grad-
uates in good positions, all combine to make
It the one important Business School of
L� espondence Inviteo vacations. d. Enter Write � 3
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Sir Charles and Lady Tupper left
Winnipeg for Italy on Monday,
Know Presbyterian Church at St.
Mary's was burned Sunday, ` Loss about
$20,000. •
Or Telfer, a Winnipeg real estate deal -
Special One - way Excursions
Billings, Mont $3+5.:35'
Colorado Springs, Deuver, Hel-
ena, Butte. Mont , Ogclon,
Salt Lake City, Utah.. ,.... $40.95.
Nelson, Rossland, 13, C
Spokane, Wash. $41.45
Portland, Ore,, Seattle, Wash.,
Vancouver, Victoria, B.C...$4.3.95•
San Francisco, Cal $44.50•
Proportionately low rates to other
points. Tickets on sale from March 1st
to May 15th, 1905.
Ask your Agents for full information, or
address J. D. McDonald, District Passen ger
Agent, Toronto.
For tickets call on
L. HAROLD, Agont,Wingham.
ESTEflvirl `l
It gives you reliable, interesting inforn,ator
regarding soil, climate, grain crops, stoclerai,-
ili g, dairying, anis homestead regulations in
Manitoba, Assiinibola,
Saskatchewan. Alberta and
New Ontario
Free from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or
C. B. FOSTER, Asst. Gent. Passr. Agent'
Toronto. •-
A famous School:
-' A
Commercial and Shorthand School
in Western Ontario. Our courses are
up•to-date and practical. Leading
colleges in Canada and the United
States employ our graduates as teach-
ers. Write for free catalogue.
• You may enter at any time.
J'aseph Jollis, a retired farmer, g
70 years, hanged himself at Brantford,
aunnommormaiimmimismarmrami Imia
.. ' aa*ao M Js w000sows s oaaaa8►33egh1 39Ji e
IWO, 311117311 • *N co -trite; 1
Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter.
The Largest and Best Creameries and'airies In the %forld 'tutu,.
r .A LZo 71it7t11v'u.. tsistrif11 .atatnia DX..