HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-12-23, Page 27Christmas Greetings to all my friends & neighbours and a special wish to all who have given of their time and those who sent in baking etc. Also the women of the Integrated Homemakers. Charles Wrrllianison To our friends and Relatives: 'thinking of you during the holidays and hoping that your Christmas and New Year will be an especially happy one. Ruth & Keith Thorburn merry Christmas and a Happy r`few Year to alt our relatives, friends and neighbors. • Doe and Ann Wood We want to wish our friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks to those who have visited us at Queensway Nursing Home: Dave and Lavina Watson Christmas wishes to all my neighbours, relatives and friends. Also all the helpers on Meals on Wheels. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Agnes McClinchey Jack and Elizabeth Von Miltenberg & family extend Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season. To all boxholders of R.R. 4 Walton and our family & friends we wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, A special thanks to alt who have helped me when t ran into troubles on the road. Judy & Clint. Emmrich BEST WISHES to all our friends and neighbors for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Ken, Marina,and jennifer Scott Stu and Mara Phillips send wishes to friends and acquaintances for a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 1988. BEST WISHES for your happiness at Christmas and all through the new year. Sincere thanks and appreciation for your constant interest and sup - poet in my hockey endeavours. Dave M'cLtwain Pittsburgh Penguins • To an our friends. relatives and neighbours: May the pia and peace of Christmas be with. you now and through the New Year Clarence and Cecilia Ryan To all our friends and relatives, have a very Mem Christmas and all the best in 1988. Rick, loan. lill. Scott. Dean To all my friends, relatives and acquaintances. I would like to wish sou a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year Pearl McFarlane 7o all our friends and neighbours a very Merry Christmas and .t 1tapiw and Prosperous New Year. Mona and lack•Crpch Season's Greeengs to all ma kind friends in Seaforth and surrounding area. Belle Campbell. Hunnsrea WISHING ALi our customers, relatives and friends the lows of the season and happiness in the coming year Harold and Naorrri Pryce Jim and Mildred Cronin and family wish their friends and neighbors a Merry Christmas and Happy Neve Year. A VERY SPECIAL Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends, relatives, and neighbors. John. Karen, Steve: Oavey and ,Paul Menheere Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our family. relatives and friends and neighbors. Gerald and Rick Groothups 1Ae w rsh alt our friends, neighbours and relatives a Peaceful Holiday Season and New Year, Debbie, Paul. Kim & Kelly Rau Merry Christmas. and a Happy New Year to friends, nergahbours and relatives. Martin and Diane Heynsbergen .Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our fanirly. 'elatives. friends and neighbours. Tom and Bea Kale ser' Merry Chrtstrrras and a ptospetous New Year to all our friends and neighbours. Ron and Pat Stewart & family Season', Greetings o family, mends and neighbours. loe Manley I would like to wish ITN former neighbours & all my friends m Seaforth a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. Lou Whitney. Hillside Nursing Horne • Best wishes to our tnends, neighbours. customers, family for a Happy Holiday Season and all the best in 1988. Joe & Rose Visser & Family Mas the peace & jos of the holiday season be sours • Codas and always Frreda & Tony Siemon TO ALL my friends, neighbors and relatives: Warm and friendly wishes for a Merry Christmas and a bright and Happy New Year. Don and Anne (H Lob'singer EXTENDING SEASON'S GREETINGS to our friends,"neighbors and relatives and all the best in the New Year. Larry, Dianne, Andrea, Laura and Gregory 'McGrath i HCBE sal society moving towards bi.linguaiism Canadian society is moving towards .bil- He said the federal government does fund, inguatism. That's the way it appears to to some extent, the teaching of French. But Huron County's Director of Education Bob, he admitted he just doesn't know how this Allen who with his superintendents would impact on Huron's overall budget. presented' some well researched informa- "Any educational funding formulas are tion to Huron's trustees attheir December enormously complicated," Allen told the meeting -about trends in. the core French board. --- •—,—•--.-• - program across the province. He did offer an educated guess though. He Trustees are preparing to make a decision said funding the additional French instruc- concerning whether or not to•approve an ex- tion hours could cost Huron taxpayers about • tension to the present French program in $130,000 of the estimated $305,200 price tag. the elementary and secondary schools here. John Elliott cautioned the board about That decision should come at the January . carrots "dangled" by government. He said meeting in the board office at Clinton. the special funds usually are Available only "If we could recruit more dual -language for a period of time, After that, these new teachers, we would," Bob Allen told the' programs are funded out of of general board. "Society is really moving on this revenue. issue." "Then we know who pays," said Elliott. Allen reported that French teachers are Board members., asked for more informa= becoming very hard to find. They are in tion from the superintendents in time for the great demand. at the present time, and January meeting. John Elliott wanted to employers from schools across Ontario are know where the additonal intruction time competing for their services, would come from - what would the students More French teachers would be needed in . lose to get more French. • Huron if the core program were expanded, Don McDonald .queried concerning the although some French teachers presently number of graduating students who make • teaching half-time would likely become ' use of their French language skills. ' fulltime staff. Sally Rathwell asked how. many students —A-mogul-total-number-of-1200_hours_.of_the„publicaechool system is losing to early French instruction- 720 hours in' elementary • French immersion classes in .this area. . school and 480 hours in secondary school - seems .to produce students who can function `THE HURON EXPOSITOR., DECEMBER 23,'1987 — 15 in the -French language. Huron students are currently getting 1080 hours between the time they begin and graduate from the school system. To achieve the 1200 hours, trustees are discussing the addition of 20 minutes of in- struction per day to the core French cur- riculum.•..Naturally then, more teacher hours would be required as well. Superintendent Arnold Mathers outlined the options available to the board for adding extra time. It , could mean starting the program earlier than the present Grade 3, perhaps in kindergarten or -Grades 1 and 2. Or It could mean adding more time to 'existing pros grams in Grade 3 through 8 ... or some com- bination of these options. According to Mathers, "the jury is out" on the teaching of French in kindergarten and he had no firm recommendation to make regarding that option. But he did say students required oppor- tunities to use their French conversational skills in regular learning situations outside French class. 'He said subjects taught in French, at least some of the time, would be of great benefit to children striving to become fluently bilingual. Superintendent Paul Carroll said that in terms of space accommodation, it doesn'-t . appear there would be any problems in the county's 24 elementary school buildings. Where finances are concerned, Director Bob Allen said, "We really do not know." PACKED HOUSE - Children assembled for the Christmas Concert Claus. The Jolly old soul finally arrived, urged on by the singing of bostad_by..the_..Seaiorth Legion .,Sunderformed an impromptu the song, Jingle Bells, and°passed out goodies to alt the children. choir late In the afternoon whileawaiting the arrival of Bi a-- '1Glclwrarfh pndro. Huron County -schools to get copies of Atlas Although Willis L. Murray of Bell Canada got a bit of a runaround; he was able to pre- sent a copy of the Historical Atlas of Canada to each of the high schools in Huron County at the December meeting of the board. Director of Education Bob Allen admitted that until he saw the quality of the books that Bell Canada was presenting to the schools, he wasn't sure it was necessary to - take up the board's time with an official presentation. "But these books really are first-rate," said Allen, "and we certainly are pleased that Bell Canada has made them available to us. Thank you." With the books, came one copy of a video tape about Canada that can be used in the classroom as -a teaching aid. +++ The Huron County board of education has agreed to . support the position of the Anglican Church in asking the Ontario Ministry of Education to establish an inter- faith task force in the province. This task force would be charged with the responsibility to show ways that multi -faith education could benefit the students in the public school system. It is hoped that in this effort to broaden the as the public system but because they set curriculum in the public schools, more themselves apart from society and declare students would remain inside the public themselves different they are saying their school.system, rather.than enroll in private students are different and somehow better schools ourside the public system. than students in,public schools. This is an at - In an unrelated Ontario„Public Education titude about which we should careful in a Network brief to Hon. Jack Riddell, these democracy - careful to see that it does pot go words were noted,: "The publicly funded so far as to threaten the basic fabric of and governed Board of Education is respon- society.” sible to the taxpayers and the full spectrum "A publicly -funded, universal education of society for its successes and failures in ''sysytem is a prime example of, the collective dealing wtih all segments -and strata' of need and will to educate all segments of society. For these efforts, the system should society. These who choose other options be , encouraged and strengthened not should not be finacially supported by the weakened by splintering and the reduction majority." of funding. We all wish to foster and nurture "If they choose to go their own away, to diversity and a sense of heritage but this provide their own facilities, decide on the must be balanced by a sense of unity and qualifications of their instructors and set common purpose as a society. In order to their own curriculum, they should not have achieve this goal, we must all be brought a claim on the public purse." together at times so that we can nurture a sense of tolerance and respect for those of + + + other religions, races and cultures. It is very difficult to understand, respect and tolerate -The matter of two-way radios on board the values of other groups if we never work, and contract -owned buses is back on the study or play with members of those agenda for the Huron County Board of groups." Education. , "Private schools teach literacy and 'many Thequestion was first reviewed over a skills taught in the public education system. year ago, at which time it was decided the In the academic sense they may be as good system was much too costly. The current proposal is much more economical; the board learned, because it does not require the board to provide or staff base stations for the radio system. The con- tractors have agreed to -share this service and provide coverage for all board -owned vehicles should the proposal be accepted. The costs to the board would include iitial installation of the radio units on approx- imately 40 vehicles and annual maintenance and licence costs for all buses serving the Huron County Board .of Education. It was referred to the 1988 Estimates for consideration. - +++ The Education Committee has learned that elementary schools in Huron County • will be holding parent information sessions about the new AIDS curriculum which is mandatory in Grades 7 and 8. The course is also taught as the com- pulsory physical education credit in the secondary school. While the course treats the material in a sensitive manner; a parent may request to withdraw a son or daughter from any component of the course on religious grounds. MERRY CHRISTMAS and Best Wishes for a Hap- py Holiday Season to our families, friends and neighbors. Fero & Teresa Feeney SEASON'S GREETINGS and• best wishes for 1988 to friends, neighbors and relatives. Jim, Joanne, Kristine. Gerry, Katie and josh Holland OUR HEARTS are filled with warm wishes to our relatives, friends and neighbors for a'Safe and Happy Holiday Season. Wayne, Melita and_ Christopher Cronin Merry. Christmas and a Happy New Year to alt my relatives. friends & neighbours. Carotanne Doug foe and Olga Eckert and Family wish their friends. relatives and neighbours told and newt. a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As each year brings it's changes. May the Christmas message stay the same. Wishing all our familyrelatives, friend's and school hus students a Very Merry Christmas and all the Best in 1488, Ina McGrath and Dan THINKING OF YOU with warmest wrshes for Christmas and the New Year. Tom. lean, Paul and Brian Eckert WISHING all our friends, relatives and neighbors a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. lames and Jean Maloney and t.:miry