HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-02-16, Page 44 TO ADVERTISERS I‘Totice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changemust be left not later than Monday evening. Menai advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week, ESTABLISEED Ike Tu WINUADI TIMES H. R. ELLIOTT, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR 1 tate s in the Province during the month ; of January the record sum of $123,207. fi The whole amount received during 1904 ; was $438,093, the largest sum gnu the succession duties act was adopted. If e the remainiug. mouths of this year bring 1in anything like to large 8, revenue as f that of January, or even average one- ' half, last year'e aggregate will look small, The office -seeking section of, the CM, servative party is already demanding THE WINGII0 TIMES, FEBRIIABX 10, 1.905, With reference te deputation from Ash. field in connection with Port Albert bridge; no aotiou in reference to coin, mauication from Ontario commission.' r of highways re government greet; no action in reference to invitation TOM Western Ontario Good Roads Men. to meeting in Toronto iu Feb- ruary. Report amended, that 0. 13ar- her be given contract for abutments of Amberley bridge, instead of F. Gat - t •de The county commissioner reported that several bridges would require re - flooring, and In some cases new joists are needed; most of the iron and steel that officials now ia the service be dis- THURSDAY, FEB. 10. 1905. missed to make room for the hungry ioues. There is not a riding in Ontario where the local men have not made 6,020 in 1904; the number of pupils in and 1 c. a tu .e, one way on y, continuation classes increased from 501 other auditors to receive $40, each. in 1003 to 530 in 1004; many of the trus- By-law No, 2, was passed authorizing tees had purchased libraries during the the Warden and Treasurer to borrow year Exeter public school was doing money for county purposes until the full junior leaving and commercial work taxes were received, the total amount with remarkable success; all schools so borrowed pot to exceed $40,000. were visited twice. By-law No. 3, was passed appointing REGISTRY OFFICE. Jedge Holt; H. Huttou, Exeter and • Wm. Clegg, Wingham, arbitrators in Wm. Co as' returne for 1904 showed: reference to the disolution of U. S. S. Total number of instruments registered No 4, Goderioh and Hallett foWnsiliPB. A number of ratepayers of the section had petioned the councils of the two townships concerned to take the nec- essary steps. Hallett had granted the petition, but Goderich towuship failed to do so, hence the petition to the earned and not received, Se20,13e, gross county council. The petitious to the orily completed, save the painting of the latter, which will be done in warm fees for year $5,767,70, for previous year township couueils ask that lot 29, con - amount paid deputy registrar cession 4, Hallett, and lots 27, 28, 29, weather. Total amount of orders issued $5,705, $1,200, other charges paid by registrar concession 5, Hullett, be added to U.S.S. during 1904, $32,203 23, since December $1,245.30; amount of surplus of gross No. 2, Hallett, aud that lots 35 and 36, session, $5,681 30. income paid to county $1,128.80, amount concession 8, Millet, be added S.S. EDUCATIONAL. net surplus paid $66.67, net amount re- No. 5, Hallett. during year, 4,037; total fees therefor. $4,536.03; they were: 1 patent, 1,434 deeds, 961 mortgages, 1,007 discharges of mortgages, 182 wine, 4 leases, 8 mechanics liens, other instruments 351: wholesale promises of offices, and that , bridges need painting; the Black Creek abstracts furnished 706, searches 941 fees ELECTION DODGE AT WiNGHAN1, ' and Zetland bridges have been eatisfaot- accounted to a considerable extent for I About a year ago appropriations aggregating some $28,000 were made fora new postoffice building at 1,Vinglium. Ta o lets were pur- chased at considerably more than their value, and just before the last Federal elections a fiourishiug start was made at the fouudatious. The late Deputy Speaker thought it would be a strong card to play, but his defeat followed The work then stopped suddenly, and uothiug has been done since. A relative of the ex -Deputy Speaker is still employed as Inspector, although uo work bas been done for mouths. I the mauy wilhug workers that were ; found in the campaign. The Recorder is not worrying over what the policy will I be in this direction, but if Brockville ; Conservatives form auy criterion of other !constituencies, the pressure which Mr. 1 Whitney will have to withstand if he does not intrude the spoils system will be very great. No lees than five men here say they have assurances of a certain lucrative position, and this is only a ; sample. Mr. Whitney bappily has so large a majority that he cau do just as The above taken from a Conservative he pleases, and the polioy adopted will paper published not far from Wingham I be his rather than that of local workers. first appeared in the London Free Press I and later in the Toronto Mail Empire -Brockville Recorder. and ; The Hamilton Herald, (Ind. Censer- eince iu number of smaller Conserve -1 tive papers. The item was sent from votive) says; The Hon, George W. !Ross is as worthy of honor today as Wingham and for nonsense and untruths caps the climax and we are surprieedihe was V, hen at the summitt of power . and popularity. He is the same man, that papers like the leading Conserve tive orgau of Ontario would pnblish such though his fortunes have changed. trash. Whoever heard (further than in Nu Canadian bas been subjected to more unjust abuse thou has Mr. Ross since a joke) that vi orlt would not be contirm- : ed on Winghani's new post office. The he attained to the premiership. In a rush of woik last fall was done by Con. !little while even his most violent ractors will, unless they are hopelessly t de- tractor Cooper and without any instruc- 1 ; impervious to ring feeling, be ashamed tions from Dr. Macdonald. This trash is about in keeping with a "lime story" of the manner in which they have that was used in a section of East Huron Islandered him. Of Mr. Ross' colleagues in an endeavor to do Dr. Macdonald an in- who have with him suffered defeat it jury. If the Toronto and London papers ; can be justly said that as administrator, know anything of the weather conditions and legislators they deserve the thanks in Wingham in the winter, they would I of the people of this province. If Mr. know how much work would be done in I Whitney can get an attorney -general as the building line. People in Wingham I sagacious and industrious as Mr. Gibson, and vicinity knew, without being told, a minister of education as progressive as that the inspector is uot a relative of Dr. 1 Mr. Harcourt, a minister of agriculture Macdonald. The result of the election with as large a knowledge of the farming in East Huron will have no effect on I interests of the province as Mr. Dryden Wingham's new post office building and 1 has. and a provincial secretary with the work will be procet ded w ith as soon as ! administrative ability of Mr. Stratton, the weather conditions are favorable. he will be a fortunate premier. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The recount of the ballets in the Pro - Tindal election in Port Arthur gives Kennedy, Liberal, 14 majority. The Conservatives will protest the election. 1 The bye -elections necessitated by the! formation of the new Cabinet will be I held ou. Tuesday, the 28th of this month, the date for nominations being Tuesday, the 21st. Returns complete, official aud unof- ficial for Wright county, give Delvin (Lib.) 142 majority. This will not be affected to any extent by the official figures. The returns are Incomplete so that the majority only is obtainable at many polls. CAREFUL MOTHERS. The little troubles that offlict children come without warning, and the careful mother should keep at hand a medicine to relieve and cure the ailments of child- hood. There is no medicine does this so speedily and thoroughly as Baby's Own Tablets, and the mother knows this medicine is safe, because it is guaranteed seeding year. The average salary of fe- iugcontain no opiate or poisonous sooth stuff. These bl t colic, in- digestion, constipation, diarrhoea, simple fever and teething' troubles. They break up colds, prevent croup, and bring natural sleep. Miss Mary Fair, Escott, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets with the very best results, and would not be without them in the house." Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, The committee's report, as adopted by council, appoints John Ransford as trustee for Clinton Collegiate, R. S. Hays for Seaforth, and Rev. Dr. Urn for Goderioh. Recommeuded no no- tion in reference to request of Trustees Assn., to send delegates to convention in Toronto. In reference to request of ratepayers of U. S. S. No 4, II & G, to dissolve the section, the committee re- commended that all parties not having already done so, be requested to pre- sent in writing what chauges they de- sire, to the couuty clerk, so that the matter may be fairly dealt with; rec• onimended that H. Hutton. Exeter, W. Clegg, Wingham, the junior county judge, and the iuspectors of East and West Heron, compose a board of arbi- trators. Statistics of Clinton Collegiate were as follows: 1902 1903 1904 Agg. attendance.,21,387 21,979 22,242 County pupils . „ 10,018 10.208 10,199' Cost maint'ce $5,159.98 5,607 68 5,466.81 Legis. grant.... 088,26 963 31 042 10 Seaforth Collegiate: Total attendance 26,427 27,132 25,623 County pupils ...13,415 12,882 12.520 Cost maiat'ce $3,642,23 5,711 16 5,617 23 Legis. grant.... $956.58 968 01 992.75 Goderich Collegiate: Total attendance 31.477 80.709 33,618 Comity pupils 9.713 9,586 11,724 Gross expen're $6.162 77 6,536 89 6,836 06 Legis. grant ....1,021 67 1,052.12 1,035 83 Inspector Robh, of East Huron, re- ported that in his inspectorate there were 57 male teachers and. 87 female teachers employed during the year. This was a decrease of two male and a ceived by registrar $2,096.07. Of the mortgages registered 18 were for over $5,000,274 between 0.000 and $5,000, 243,between $1,000 and $2,000, 413 under $1,000, 13 amount nominal; aggregare amount of all such mortgages, $1,444,- 589 12, COUNTY PROPERTY. Committee reccommended that eight storm windows be purchased for jail; that registry office counter bo replaced by circular one, cost not to exceed $50; also the placing of storm window in Crown Attorney's office, the changing of a steam valve in county clerk's of- fice, placing of new wiudow in Judge Holt's office to provide more light, two storm windows for law library, and two for Judge Doyle's room, that the court house roof be repaired, aud that the matter of repairs to court room be left in the hands of Cdun. McLean, he to ascertain probable cost and. report at Jane meeting. Report adopted. HOUSE OF REFUGE. Committee reported visiting the House on Jan. 31, and finding 86 in- mates, too many for • the accommoda- . tion; the managemeut very satisfactory ; windmill out of order; a new heater had been put iu laundry, at a cost of $30; recommended the appointment of Mr French as county constable. Report adopted. Building committee the contractor had done scarcely any- thing since last report, dated Dec. 6th, 1904. Builders' risk of insurance on old building and contents was renewed reported that corresponding increase of two female till March 31, at a cost of $10 per month; teachers. Of these teachers five held architect had called contractor's atten- first-class certificates, 66 second 'class, tion to damage done by weather, and and 53 third-class certificates. During requested bira to place skylight in posi- the year 44 schools changed teachers. tion or otherwise protect opening; con - The average salary paid male teachers tractor would be charged with cost of was $435, an increase of $39 on the pre- heat committee had directed Mr. French to turn on. The Toronto Globe correspondent Ont. learns that the proceedings contemplated against air. Lewis, Conservative mem- ber for West Huron, on the ground that his election was illegal by reason of his being one of the sureties for a mail con- tractor, have been dropped. The decision in regard to the re-count of the votes cast in the West Huron elec- tion was postpoued from Friday to Mon- day, and, on Monday, another postpon- meat was necessary owing to the illness of Judge Doyle. We have not learned the date on which the decision is to be given. The Liberals in South Wentwortb have decided to appeal direct to the su- preme court of Canada from the decision of Chief Justice Meredith and Judge Teetzel, direetimg a new election. They claim that the numbering of ballots in a polling subdivision should not disqualify the electors, and consequently that Mr. Sealey, the Liberal, should be declared elected. The succession duties branch of the Provincial Treasury received from es - HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The January session of the Huron county council opended Tuesday, Jan. 3 1 dd F ida atlst, an cone a e on r y Thirteen applications were received for the position of county auditor, and left on the table. W, Moffatt, J 11. Cam - Ieron and L. C. Fleming applied to be I appointed on county board of examin- ers. The Prisoners' Aid Assn. and East 1Haron Women's Institute asked for grants. Moved by Messrs. Morrison and Grieve that R. S. Hays be appointed Trustee of Seaforth Collegiate; moved 1 by Messrs. Cantelon and Ferris that John 1Ransford be appointed trustee of Olin - male teachers was $317, an increase of $16. The increase in the salary of male teachers was mainly in urban schools, the increase being $46, the increase in rural districts being but $4 for males and $20 for females. In urban schools the average increase in female salaries was $8. In No 4 Grey, the discipline, pre- paration of lessons, calling and dismiss- ing of school is left to the school through re request of E. H. W. I. for grant; their chosen representatives, and the Children's Aid Society granted $50, Ayricaltural and Horticultural Society system works well. The pupils have also purchased a library and other neces- $20 each, public libraries each $15, teach. sary school helps. A somewhat similar ers' and farmers' institutes each $25, k training of the will is carried out in Nos. Prisoner' Aid Assn. 810, SicChildren's hospital $20, for flowers at court house 2 and 3, Tuckersmith, No. 5, Morris, and a few other schools The papas are grounds $10. To be paid Seaforth OTHER REPORT. Executive committee recommended that John Knox receive $50 per month while acting as jailor; that Ontario statutes for 1905 he obtained fot each councillor, the Consolidated Municipal Act for the new members, and Muni- cipal World for each member; no attion- to Ltvo Stock Markets. Toronto, Feb. 14 -The blockade in mail), districts caused by the severe storms of late preveuted many shippers from sending iu their cattle to -day, and as a result there was another very light rau of live stook at the city yards. The succession of light runs of late has play- edehavort with the supplies iu the local trade, and many bathers report that their stock is practically exhausted. Under these conditions there was natur- ally a big boom in butchers' cattle this morniug, and the competitiou was un- usually keen; prices showing marked strength. Calves, too, and lambs were stiffer in price, but hogs were lower. Receipts were 36 loads, comprising 600 cattle, 207 sheep and lambs, 300 hogs aud and 24 calves. Butchers' Cattle -The aggregate stocks of fresh meat have become very light, and some butchers say their supplies are practically depleted. Receipts of but- chers' cattle for some time past have been exceptionally light, aud stocks held here are rapidly decreasing. The trade is anxious to replenish the supply, and there was some very keen competition to secure choice cattle at the market this morning, George Rowntree paying as high as $4 05 per cwt. for a straight load of fat, well finished steers. Export cattle -There were practically no exporters marketed and dealers quoted prices nominally unchanged with a good enquiry for select offerings. Stockers and feeders -The market for feeders continues to, manifest increased activity with the near approach of the spring season, and prices maintain a firm tone. To -day $4.30 was paid for a load of short keep feeders, the highest price recorded for some time past. Stockers are firm and unchanged. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle Per 100 lbs. $5 00 300 400 3 00 Bullsheavy Light do., light Feeders - light, 800 pounds and 3 25 up- wards 2 50 Stockers 900 lbs 2 50 Butchers' - Choice Medium Picked Bulls Rough Light stock bulls Milk cows Hogs - trusted and they how theinselves worthy Best Lights Collegiate, $2,221.83; Clinton $2,055.37; Sheep - of the trust. During the past two years Goderich, $1,900; St. Mary's, for attend- Export he had been urging the establishment of ance of. pupils from Huron, $51.19. The Butts • • • • school libraries in rural schools, and not- tender of Sanders & Creech for printing, Spring Lambs. withstanding the fact that the legisla- being the the lowest, was recommended Calves, each tare pays fifty cents on the dollar for for acceptance. A supplementary re. every book purchased, the results have port recommended the usual grant of not been encouraging. There are but 14 $300 to supplement pay of 33rd regiment libraries iu the S3 rural schools in the while in camp, grant not be exceed 25c inspectorate. The pupils iu the schools a day per man. where there are libraries are bet- Special committee recommended that ter informed than pupils less favored. petition of Zarich, to be incorporated as $4 00 275 3 25 2 75 3 75 3 25 4 25 • 2 25 1 25 2 00 35 00 5 05 5 05 3 '75 3 50 200 300 475 540 2 00 10 00 4ton Collegiate; moved in amendment by Lase year some other inspectorates re- police vilhage, by-law to be passedat IMessrs. Isbister and Currie that John ceived slims from $500 down in grants Jnne session; that the clerk and trees - Torrance be appointed, trustee of Clinton for libraries. East Huron drew but $54. aver sign the petition of the Mayor of Collegiate: moved by Messrs. McLean -Trustees should see that they get their Toronto in regnard to amendment to and. Isbister that Rev. Dr. Ure be aP• full share of all public school money. In charter of telephone companies; that np pointed trustee of Goderich Collegiate. 1904 the pupils enrolled in the rural pub. action betaken in regard to memorials There four motions were sent to the edu- lie fchools was 3,76G, a decrease of 40 from York county. Report adopted. cation committee. , J. Barkley, reeve of Ashfield, Coon. _ Hunter and ex -Reeve Dalton waited on i Oil I . the council in reference to the washout at Port Albert; matter referred to road per cent. in 14 years. In the mean time Regarding letter from Prondfoot, the average attendance bas increased Hays & Blair, Livingstone re v. Huron, from 53 to 66 per cent. Pupils do not the finance committee reported they now find school life as irksome as form. considered the county liable for $80.12, erly. There is much less punishment, and recommended the same to be paid ers, and bridge committee. Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. McQuilliaut lower classes. The usual promotion and less home work, particularly in the and make explanation to the council re- • and that the comity engineer be asked I that the new members of the council go examinations were held in the spring and ghding the same. to Port Albert and examine bridge for fall. At the entrance examination 316 The jailor reportedseven vagrants, one tcandidates wrote and 247 passed. The hemselves; carried. insane inmate, three persons confined for Take cold easily? Throat 1 On Tuesday a deputation waited on model schools are as timid doing excel- theft. and one for fraud. a proposeaMesta's. Moffatt and Cameron were lent work. The continuation classes are ., Then a cough means a great change in bOundaries of U. S. S. No. 4, Goderich and Hullett t • ownstaps; passed • doing excellent work at very moderate appointed on the board of county ex - prices. a ; relatives have consumption? Cherry, i on to education committee Moved ,110ADS AND BRIDGES. brick and one cement block schools Inspector Tom reported three new amMinoevreed. be Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. McQuillan that this council now in session desire to express oar sympathy twee 11 The committee recommended accep- built last year in his inspectorate ' the rect oral tenee of Sarnia, Bridge Co.'e tender for cement schoolln U.S.S. No. 4. Hallett & with Mr. Griffin, our present jailor, in - tender? Lungs weak? Any the council in refereuce, to the family by death deal to you. Follow your superstructure of Amberley bridge, Goderich townships, cost $1,400, the doctor's advice and take - i span 93 feet, at $1,460; Litteknow bridge, one in No. 6, Stanley, vest $1,800; one he will soon be restored to his usual pan 60 feet, $840; Morrisbank bridge, costing about $1,800 was built in No. 3, Ayees Cherry Pectoral. Ithealth, and that a toil of this resolution span 110 feet, $1,310; McCann'3 bridge, Stephen, and one about $1,200 in ltro. 10, be sent to Mr. Griffin. heals, strengthens, prevetus. spam 60 feet, $810; total, $4,650. Com- Usberne; about $3,500 was spent on 0 Pot 40 years t ays open 1'BY*LA. Cherry Pectoral for roughs' and colas. 1 mittee advised acceptance of tender of improvements at Goderich Ase‘lrodel. a our • , *tear. A. Rosiest:ea Wipe, wee. _ F. Gutteridge, Seafotth, for coucrete other etheol houses should be repaired Byelaw Nei. 1, 'was passed appointing 1., reasonable terms. kti.w it greatly strengthens weak lungs.'" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• et • • DIA ND Foie) i. ...is, 'DYES . HOME t, • * • • DYEING. : • • . , . • ! EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. . i • ASK FOR THE "DIAMOND." TAKE NO OTHER& .0.. : All Druggists and Dealers. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AAAN4WWWIAAAAAAAAMAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAANMA Now is the time to buy } !FURNITURE' iFor Spring. Our prices are away down on some lines, such { as Chairs, Conches, Rockers, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards. i Call and see out $5.00 Couch and our $20.00 Parlor Suite C. C Done in the best velour covering. It will pay you to get our i i Or' Nies line of Picture Moulding to choose from. < c c 1 WALKER BROS. & BUTTON > WINGHAM. > ' Furniture Dealers and Undertakers c ONAAAAN'tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VvYVVvYVVVVYVVVVvvVVVYVYVV prices on all kinds of Furniture, We will use you right. There is probably no greater loss in the management of hogs than at farrowing time. Many a breeder complains of sows eating their litter and don't know that this is due to bad feeding. Lots of pig -eating sows would never have developed this bad habit if they had been rightly feed before farrowing. By the time the sow farrows she is in a much fevered and constipated condition, which lreates a litter eating appetite. This can, in almost every instance, be gotten over if the digestive organs are kept free and open by feeding Clydesdale Stock Food according to directions. The flow of milk of the sow is increased by the help it gives digestion. Milk is the direct product of the digest- ed food. The greater the flow of Milk the greater the growth and profit of the litter. If you want to farrow the most and best pigs ; pigs that have a chance to live, and become money makers, use Clydesdale Stock Food before and after farrowing. Mr. A. Newell Rilbride, Ont., says : "Pigs have never done better with Inc than those I fed Clydesdale Stock Food to." "Runts" can be made money makers by using it. Mr. Donald .McDougal, Harriston, Ont., says : " I had six 'runt' pigs to which I fed your food, and now they are as good as any pigs have.” Carboline Antiseptic will keep your pigs and pens clean of vermin, making them do better. If you find. Clydesdale Stock Food, and other preparations, do not give satisfaction, your money will be cheerfully refunded by our dealer. Sold in your district by the following: Wm. Gannett, Wingham. Andrew & Webster, Lucknow. M. S. Haldenby, Teeswater. 1 Wilton & Tarnbull, Brussels. J. G. Moser, Blyth. • 1 .......................... .......................... !COAL COAL COAL! • • • • We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, • • which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and • 40 • Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • • 390 a 4 25 • • • (Dressed or Undressed) LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH 1 , • 33; I fwuNtaZil oaf. 3 75 • • 4 65 a Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • • • 1 75 • ear Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lugs. "NM r, 3 00 • • It 250 a • • • J. A. McLean . . 50 00 • I t • 0 oo • • t Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. • 410-....a•••••••••••••••••••410•4 •••••••••••••••••4101144•40** 3.75 WINGRAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Feb. 15th, 1905 Flour per 100 lbs._ 2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat 1 00 to 1 02 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 34 to 0 34 Barley .... ..... 0 38 to 0 42 Peas 0 55 to 0 60 Turkeys, drawn ...... .. 0 10 to 0 123 Geese, " 0 09 to 0 09 Duckt;, per lb .... 0 08 to 0 08 Chickens, per pair 0 40 to 0 75 Butter . .. ... .... ... . 0 20 to 0 20 Eggs per doz . 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00 Hay , per ton... .. . .. . 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 35 to 0 40 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 005 Lard 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0 03 to 0 03 Wool . , 0 00 tO 0 00 Live Hogs, per owt 5 00 to 5 10 iteletea+++4444+++344-1-144-tetatetetaa A% a miring Is coming NOW IS THE TIME TO 4. • Buy a House I' IA number -of very 4. pleasantly - situated + + homes for sale on' * per table yard; of Nagle & Lubey for sad 43 frame school houses. Last year criminal justice accounts, and Brat* 1* ABNER COSENS 0'111ra (3°'' = nbatMents at amberley bridge eat a6 25 or replaced There are 56 briek 5 stone W tine and D Centeloti auditors of 4• t. 111 Lowell. Erma. • • ‘'w•ggi.ts. McCann.% bridge, at $4.95; of 0. Bar- there were 57 raert and $4 women teach- Morley, and E Zeller, to audit and re. ÷ .Wea. Lungs bet* 3Ningham, for Morristank bridge, ars; average salary Of mei; $444, and of port On 011 other soconnta affecting the * ode wity st $1.75, and for Lucknow bridge at women $3C9; changes of teachers during Corporation, the auditors of criminal * WINGRA.M. :1; and thin ald ret•r•rir, $4.85. Recommended that no action yea, “; tatslattendanor,6,779,againet justice accounts to receive $11 per day 4.4.44+4714++*+++++.1.444444+ Pfilo Moms**t ac C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con. vegaVene InIronstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. TELEPHONE SETS STANDARD /1%ggWg tMggggt FOR SALE PHOTOSO We guarantee our work, in SLYLE, FINISH AND PERMANENCY. The latest styles of Moants 'Armstrong & Co's Studio galways on hand. WINGHAM Slightly used but in good order. $5.00 PER SET. =111111t1U UMMIU • WOOD WANTED APPLY TO SALES DEPARTMENT 178 Mountain street at the Wingham Salt Works, Montreal, Que. We are prepared to pay the highest cash aria° for 5,000 cords of wood (cord. word or short, hard or sof 1) to be deliv- ered fi our works in Wingham. Gray, Young & Sparling Co. ' or to any Local Manager of The Bell. Telephone Co. OF CANADA.