HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-12-16, Page 5Ausable Bayfield approves reduced number There will be fewer Directors on the " Authority business.. Board of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation. The Ausable Bayfield also .approved nine Authority' (A.B.C.A.) beginning in January projects for 1988: 1989,, (i) Lake Huron Shoreline Processes Stiilly •A plan to reducethe number of municipal (ii) Haron/Lambton Flood and Erosion Risk and provincial representatives was approv- 'MaPPing ed by the A.B.C,A, at its Full Authority , (iii) Thedford-Klondyke Public Information --IVIeeting-held-reeently-in-XtrktonrUnder-the----Mapping,.. new system of representation groups of two (iv) Parkhill Dam Outflow Protection or three municipalities will jointly appoint a (v) Port Franks Harbour Study Director to the A.B.C.A. , (vi) Arkona Flood Plain Management Study The A.B.C.A. will seek approval from the (vii), Watershed ErosionInventory Province to use the new arrangement which (viii) Seaforth Flood Reduction Project will, result in 14 Directors appointed by the (u) Conservation Education Feasibility _cipalities and 1 Directorappointed by Study " • the Province. Wayne Shaddock, Parkhill Conservation There are 32 municipalities which par- Area Superintendent was presented his cer- tieipate in the A,B.C.A. Currently; they each tificate of Designation as a Provincial Of - appoint one Director. Three Directors now, fences Officer. represent the Province. " The A.B.C.A. featured a keynote speaker Gordon Johnson,. Chairman of the prior to its business meeting. Steven Price, A.B.C.A., said at the Kirkton meeting a Executive Director of the World Wildlife • smaller Board of Directors will mean a fund - Canada •outlined the Carolinian - more efficient Conservation Authority. Mr. Canada project with his address and il- Johnson indicated all Directors will be bet- lustrative slide show. The Carolinian life ter informed and more involved in guiding zone is a unique part of Canada. It is located the A.B.C.A. because the full Authority in Southwestern Ontario and makes up less Board will meet monthly and deal with all than one quarter of one percent of Canada. •P -UC approves 5. -5 -per cen • In its last meeting of the year and its first. Which is currently, going on with the meeting of this session, the Seaforth Public Seaforth Medical Building, where they now Utilities Commission reviewed its general". insurance report for 1988. The current policy • is due in the first week of the new year. The new policy gives similar coverage, but it , looks as though the 1988 policy is going to • cost about $260 dollars less than it did in the past year. The general insurance report was. prepared by Seaforth Insurance. • • The schedule of rates and charges for 1988 was -addregsed and the proposed increase . will be 5.5 per cent for all consumption used • on and after January.1 19 . Although it haS commission approval, this increase to cow • sumers is stillsubject to approval by On - term Hydro. Ontario Hydro will be increas- ing its monthly billing charges to the utility . by.4.7. per cent as of January 1. •'The commission also discussed the . Christmas bonus to be given employees this • ' year, and approved of the same bonus of $65 which was given last year. The commissioners reviewed the work have temporary service installed. The water service for the ,building may be in- stalled next week and the PUC is to tap the main for the hospital. The utility is also in- volved with reviewing proposed hydro supp- ly to the Seaforth Community Hospital main building as plans for the addition are progressing. Report favors de ' Huron County aoncil has adopted a report which proposes alternatives to establishing a separate economic develop- ment departnient for the county. - At its regular December session, council adopted the report prepared by Gary Davidson, planning and development director which suggests. the county con- sider three alternatives to a separate HOSPITAL AUXILIARY - The Seaforth Community Hospital Auxiliary recently elected their new executive. Shirley Dinsmore is the second vice president, Marg Smale is the treasurer and vice president, Francis Teatero is the president, and Geraldine Wilson is the secretary. The auxiliary also held their Christmas party last week. Corbett photo. Let out MAPLE:WOOD 'MANOR Seaforth 527-1440 Mrs. Fran Hook. R.N. • Administrator • SERVICES AND FEATURES help you enjoy -an independent retirement lifestyle • All meals, snacks • Laundry, housekeeping • 4 -Hour Staff on Duty • Long term, short terrn, vacation & convalescent care • Companionship, security • Private 4 -piece bath • RN on duty ;•, WA RE I !OUSE PRICES . • • 4r.-,4#§2; • , v. -b.*, • • rotioit---APPLIANCE DISTRIBUTORS .i *Wt. SEAFORTH PH. 527-1213 TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4567 _71 It has more nationally rare species than any other region of the country. Carolinian Canada was launched by the World Wildlife Fund -Canada and the Nature Conservancy of 'Canada in 1984. Leading conservation agencies in Southern Ontario that make up the Natural Heritage league ,aremorkingdto.proteetendanger.ed-wildlife- and habitats. There are two significant tinpretected areas of the Carolinian life zone within the jurisdiction of A.R.C.A. These are the Ausable !liver Valley through the Townships of West Williams and Bosanquet •plus -the -Port -Franks -Dunes -and -Wetlands - Area. A key part of the , protection effort is a Private Stewardship agreement pro- gramme. The Agreements are made with private landowners who leave natural areas undeveloped. • 38 private landowners from two signifi- cant areas attended the A.B.C.A meeting to receive Stewardship Awards, • • The A.B.C.A. was recently named the lead agency for Carolinian Canada for its area of • jurisdiction. •rate -hike The Seaforth Health Care Facility has drawings to be reviewed as well, and transformers have been ordered for that building's servicing. The Bell Telephone Office on ChalkStreet - has approached the utility to upgrade its service from single phase to three phase power. Manager Tem Phillips forecasts a busy 1988 for.the utility. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 16, 1987 — 5A vagnigmsx.(1( HAIR D SIGNS • ; "•• BV4 /AV V Pi ‘7 527-2180 \ \ THURS. - FRI. 9 a.m. 9 p.m. ' SAT., 8;30 a.m. - 2 p.m. 15 EAST WILLIAM ST., SEAFORTH Rear Elogr Entrance J XIMEZ.1.1.•=1111MINIMMIZO:1911 COIN DETECTORS 'CHRISTMAS SPECIALS • Reg Badley 345-2564 •,RUMP, SIRLOIN TIP, ROUND STEAK T-BONE or WING STEAK 3.99. STORE SLICED SIDE BACON 2.-69b velopment units department: —Discussion with all municipalities to ex- plain the county's present approach to economic development and to receive sug- lestions for improvements. -Development ora commitrhent to local responsiveness at the county level. -A county review of its approach to the economic development function, making any necessary change§ to ensure respon- siveness to local and county concerns. The report stems from a suggestion made to council earlier this summer by a commit- tee of mayors from • the county's five towns. The mayors favored an aggressive selling approach to economic develeprnent and recommended that the county separate its planning and development functions. • The department is currently placing em- phasis on local economic development 'conimittees -and pursuing the idea of establishing join community economic development organitations. The county - can also assist local municipalities pursue economic development, but it cannot do it for them, the report states. According to the,repert, the county's rule would be to assist in the organization at the community economic development units, providing back-up start resources, and providing funds and general assistance with county promotion and information. The Township of McKillop requests any resident who would like to nominate an individual for a GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, CELEBRATION 88 AWARD to complete the nomination form below • and return it to the Municipal Office, R.R. '1, Seaforth by January 4, 1988. • Additional forms are available at the Municipal.Office or phone your nomina- tion to 527-1916. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP •- CELEBRATION 88 AWARDS NOMINATION FORM I Nominate Address For his/her contribution to our community as: (Please Check One) _Athlete _Community Volunteer ....Coach _Official _Sponsor I believe this person deserves recognition for My Name & Phone Number Is. Nominations will also be accepted for Celebration 88 Certificgtes for individuals or organize.. tions who deserve recognition for their unselfish contribution to the community. ROWCLIFFE MOTORS & FISHER AUTO SUPPLY ARE CLOSING THEIR RETAIL OUTLET We have decided to close our retail outlet effective December 24th. We will still maintain our wholesale dealer supply after that date, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE!! PRICES SLASHED TO CLEAR OUT OUR INVENTORY *OIL FILTERS •GAS LINE ANTIFREEZE *QUAKER STATE OIL *WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADES •AIR FILTERS *SPARK PWGS *SEALANTS *TIRES *BATTERIES *CLEANING PRODUCTS *ANTIFREEZE *GATES, BELTS & HOSES •AND MUCH, MUCH MORE ppougmiliamak_ungumeamonsmassmonsommig! AUTC) SUPPLY tocare-d in the Rowclifle Motors Building LIerrs a special thanks to the people who have made this year a real success! May your fondest • dream coMe true! WHOLESALE AUTO SUPPLY