HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-02-16, Page 1THE -WINGHAM
VOL XXXIV.-NO. 1723.
• You'll Make
No Mistake
If you leave your :
order for Clothing
with us.
We'll be pleased to
show you some nice
lines of goods for
Suits and Overcoats
and feel certain that
we will be able to
satisfy the most fas-
tidious taste in the
matter of dress.
In this department
you will find our -
stock complete and
Great variety,' fine
quality, and very rea-
in price.
A pleasure to show goods.
Ho uth Broso
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
leaned by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
-Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 100 0
Reserve Fund and
.Undivided profits $3,644,000
Farmers' Notes discounted. ,
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe. ,
allowed on deposits of ci and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 81st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
R. Vanstorte, Solicitor,
Capitol paid up, $2,235,280.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00.
. Total Assets, $26,553,846.57.
President- EON. WaL Grisox.
Vioe-Preeident and
General Manager TURNBULL.
Assistant Gee. Manager -H. M. Wavier;
.7ohn Proitter, Chas, L. Dalton, 3,8. itendrie,
Geo. atatherford, Cyrus A. Dirge,
Inspector -B. Willson.
interest Sowed on deposits of *1.00 and up-
wards, and added to principal on aist Mar and
setth November each year.
speoial Deposits also received at current
rates of intereat,
DICKINSON & 'Imams, solicitors.
R1 •A1 Hutchison
No matter where it is!
I have for sale now some Rite town property
which for location and convenience cannot be
excelled. It makes no difference whether you
want a $00 00 building lot or a 310,000.00 farm,
or any other kind of Real Estate, I want to
hear front you. Just the property you want
]nay be on my list. I am net only in a position
to most advantageously serve the man who
wants to buy a home or a farm, but I am in the
best possible position to serve the man who
wants to make a profitable investment.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
Temperancej Convention.
A temperance c9 tvention of Ontario.
fensperance people ill be held in To-
ronto on Thursday, February 23rd, be-
ginning at 10.30 a. M. The object of the
me eting is to conser the situation as
a result of the ecent elections, and
decide what is best, to be clone in the cir-
Good general servant girl wanted.
Apply to Mrs. R. H. Crowder, Frances
' County 0
The County Ora
Hilton met in Wi
last week and w
Tbe following offi
County Master, M.
ter, Rich. Leishma
Lowe; Rec.-Seo.,
Sec., A. Robinson -
D. of 0,, N. Johnsj
Mains and Geo.
ange Lodge.
go Lodge for North
gham on Tuesday of
s largely attended.
ers were elected: -
Mains; Dep. C. Mas -
Chaplain, Rev. W.
J. McMannus; Fin.-
Treas., Jas. Golley ;
on; Lecturers, Geo.
Pringle & Groves are payiny the high.
est cash prices for sheep skins, hides and
tallow, delivered at the tannery, Chap -
man's old stand, Wingham.
A Lon Walk.
Messrs. A. M. rawford and Bert
Holmes had an exp rience on Thursday
last that they will ot care to repeat.
In driving home f om Teeswater, the
r oade became so he vy that it wad im-
possible to procee further than Mr,
Geo. Bryce's with he horse and cutter,
and it was neceesa y for them to walk to
Wingham, a dista ce of over five miles.
The two travellers found the walking
v ery hard before ingham was reached.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
House for Sale. -Lot No. 4, on South
side Maple St.,
on easy terms of pay-
ment, Apply to R. VANSTONEsSolicitor
for estate of W. T. A. Fishleigh,deceased.
Ireland asai the Irish,
Despite the Very etormy weather on
Thursday evening kat, there was a large
audience in the To vn Hall, to hear Rev.
Mr. Lowe, of Wing ham give his popular
lecture on Ireland and its people, and
none went away eisappointed. It was
brim full of wit nd humor, and the
many Irish song contributed during
the evening greatlI added to the pleas-
ure of the lecture. Miss Chisholm; of
Wingham, who ay.peared before a Luck -
now audience for the first tithe was well
received and her beautiful solos, "The
Exiles Return" and the "LoW thick
Car" were heartily applanded.-ThiCk•
now Sentinel. ,,
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Baptist Antersary.
Next Sunday an iversary services
will, be held in the Wingham Baptist
Church, In the morning, Rev. Dr,
Gundy will preach a Id in the evening
the pastor, Rev. 3. s NT. McLean, B.A.,
will preach. On the following Monday
evening an entertaiament will be held,
when Thos. 3. Soot , Scottish vocalist,
will be assisted by tie best local talent.
SEED PEAS -Just arrived -a car load
of Muskoka Beauties.
In Business 1t Brandon.
Mr. J. E. Swarts ft on Monday for
Brandon, where he has purchased an
interest in a large li era, business. Mrs.
Swarts and family jil1 remain in 'Wing•
ham in the meanti Mr. Swarts has
had a great deal A experience with
horses and will d.o ell in his new busi•
ness in the West. Le will carry with
him the best wishes of a large circle of
A Great School.
An educational iastitution which can
shote an actual dail3 attendauce of 468
students grathered lgom all parts of the
Dominion and wlease graduates are
eagerly sought for y business firms,
may reasonably b termed a great
school. The one business training
school in Canada latch enjoys this
standing is the Cent al Business College
of Toronto. The talogue issued by
this well knoa n Bch ol is an interesting
production and may e had on applica-
tion to the Principe, Mr. W. H, Shaw.
10 only good golds goldei oak finish Bedroom
suits, worth $14, o r price, special for
February, $11.
Death of
The death occur
of William Glass,
ceased with his wit
to Wingham some
McKillop Township
had been ill only a
monia. He was a
friends in Wingha
den death was hea
The funeral too
afternoon to the]
was under the au
which society
member for man
W Glass
m. •
ed on Thursday last
his 66th year. De- A FarewlII Supper.
and family moved 0.1 ThursdaYave ing last a large num-
ix years ago from
near Brussels. He
w days with pneu-
an who made many
and his rather sud-
with much regret.
place, on Saturday
ussels cemetery and
pices of the L.O.L., of
r. Glass had been a
Moving to T
Mr. David Rush, wh
disposed of his reetaur
busi nese to Mr. J. T. L
Toronto last week a
grocery business on
and will conduct it in
son, Mr. Fred Rush,
removed to Torouto a
Of the business, but D.
take up residence in
about the first of Mar
Rush and family hav
Wingham for a guar
more, and rawly fri
ances in this sada)
abundant prosperit
some time ago
nt and grocery
monby, was in
d purchased a
inchester street,
mpany with his
The latter has
d is in possession
Rush expects to
the Queen City
h. Mr. and Mrs. from R. 0. Pettyp eoe at the Queen's
been residents of hotel, He can sell you 50,000 acres
er of a century or the choicest land is. the West.
ds and acquaint.
Why not own a atece of earth.
The Canadian N irth-West is to -day
receiving more atte ttion from the pub-
lic than any other tortion of this con-
tinent. Why is that? Simply because
people are now awaite to the fact that
the West affords si eh glorious oppor-
tunities. There ar. homes waiting for
thousands, Land s finding ready sale
on all sides. If yo are interested in
the West you can secure information
will wish them
in their new home.
Fon SALE -A good storey t .d a half
frame house, with four ro...s, pantry
and woodshed downstai s; nd four rooms
up stairs; hard water .. woodshed and
soft water in kitchen. Apply to,
In Hymen's Bonds.
A quiet wedding mok place at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell,
Viotoria street, Wing tam, on Tuesday
at high noon, when th A i r dee ghter Annie
M., and Mr. George 3- tmes Rodwell, of
Middleton, Ont., w re united in the
bonds of wedlock. Rrv. Dr. Gundy per-
formed the ceremony in the presence of
a few of the immediate relatives and
friends of the bride a id groom, among
those present fro es a distance be-
ing Mr. and Mrs. J. Snell, of Lon-
dou. The groom's r esent to the bride
was a beautiful uralght piano. The
bride has many frh nds in Wingham
who will join in wi :hiug her and her
husband a happy and prosperous voyage
through life.
Did you ever notice the bigg tem-
perance howlers and the license,. victual-
lers playing " ring -around -v. y " hand
in hand on election . ay Piccadilly
Overcoats and Suits, a a • egent Brand
Overcoats and Suits, he best fitting
ready-to-wear clothing in Canada, Your
choice for man, youth or boy, at A. R
&trip's, Chisholm Bleck, Wingham.
WANTED -Choice roll butter 20c. Try
our horse and cattle food, calf meat,
and poultry meat for best results.
Won Sk ting Race.
The following fri m the Brockville Re-
corder of Febrnar 8th, refers to a form-
er well-known sung Winghamite:-
"The skating rac brought out two con-
testants, M. Ross nd A. Pennock. The
former is now a r sident of Brockville,
being employed ith Mr. G. L. Riches
as piano tuner, 3 • d he easily showed
last evening that e was a skater of the
fastest time. e race was a mile,
which meant thi teen laps around the
rink. Pennock tarted off with the lead
and kept it up n til the eighth lap when
Ross easily forge ahead and won out by
about half a lap.
NoTICB-All a
settled at once ei
I am going on t
ment may be ma
at Alex. Young'f
ounts due me must be
er ny castenOte as
e road soon, Settle -
with Jas. G. Stewart
All Tra ns Delayed.
The worst stor4n of the season visited
this section on F iday and Saturday last
and with the col t weather (20 and more
beiow zero) has nade it very disagree.
able for the rakways. • This kind of
weather takes oae's mind back to last
winter when de
were the gene
However this et
tied the train
a P. R. trains
very mach bell
branch of the
open, but the t
time. The wo
the Palmerston
no train went 0
The line was bl
yed trains and no trains
at orders of the day.
rm has not by any means
up completely. The
were all running, but
idtime. The L., II. &B.
. T. R. has been kept
ains were muck behind.
t trouble has been on
Kincardine branch and
er this line on Monday.
eked between Wingham
and Kincardine land between Wingham
and Brussels.
again played h
C.P.R. afternoi
ham till nearly
No train from
Kincardine on".
'Weather the pi
overOoine in a
he storms of Tuesday
oc with the trains. The
n train did not Wing.
8 o'clock in the evening.
London, Palmerston or
utsday. With favorable
sent difficulty will be
ort thee.
ber of the friends of Mr. D. Stewart
gathered at the home of .Tohn Wilson,
V.S., and gave a farewell oyster supper
to Mr. and Mrs Stewart and family,
prior to their le ving for California.
After the large party had done ample
justice to the oyst rs, etc., Mr. J. T. Cur-
rie was voted to t te chair. He said he
had known Mr. S ewart from the thne
that he had broug. t his brido to Wing -
ham. He had considerable dealings
with Mr. Stewart and had always found
him honorable an 1 upright and would
always do as he agreed. The remainder
of the evening was spent in speech -mak-
ing, story- tenth , social chat. John
Wilson, V.S., ext nded a hearty wel-
come and tho fre dom of his house to the
happy party. H had known Mr. Stew-
art for upwards o twenty-one years and
always found hin a good friend. Short
speeches were als made by Messrs. John
Scott, Hartney,
Burchill, R. Our
and D. B. Ander
their praise, of M
able man. He
era to have alwa
the top notch piilce for good stock and
that was the kine of stock that would al-
ways pay the far_ner. The happy com-
pany separated after the singing of
"Auld Lang Syn. " and all wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart -and family, happiness
and prosperity in their new home. Mr.
and Mrs. Stewar- and family left last
Friday for thei: new home in Los
Angeles, Californ a.
Bin SALE of st li Top Skirts at
'surd's. Pricebbei at $1.75.
All party from the reign of J1ffj
Charles! Why are You Grit, apd why
are You Tory ? We don't oareJvhether
you're Grit or Tory, large or all. We
can fit you with the b st it or Over-
coat in the market. i adilly aud Re-
gent Brand Clothin , the best fitting
ready-tc -wear clothing in Canada -the
nufaacturers of these brands say so.
Block. at A. R. Ssirrn's, Chisholm
Seed Testing on the Farm.
To find out whet er seeds are capable
of producing plant4 requires neither ex-
pert knowledge n special apparatus
Satisfactory mate 'al is to be found in
every farm home, for making germina-
tion tests of practjcally any kind of seed
The simplest and
used on the far
most convenient
and other cereal
root crop and la
place a number
red -between pi
ing paper, Canto
them in an ordin
vert another plat
seed should be k pt moist but not wet. will take the Depailtmept of Attorney -
The temperature of the average farm Geueral with a vie v to consideriug the
house living rooni would be quite suit- question of law ref Inn."
able, but some axe should be taken to Asked as to whaportfolio he himself
guard against ex lessive heat or cold.
All good strong seed of corn, cereal
grains, clovers or dmothy, thus treated,
will have germina ed at the end of five
A straight Cense
has been invested
ducting the towlines
Ontario for the firs
the Sandfield Macd
from 1867 to 1871 h
vative Government
th the power of con -
of the Province of
time in its history,
nald Admisistration
ving been the result
of a coalition. Tie ceremony com-
menced at 4.30 in t ie afternoon at Gov-
ernrnent House, th. members of the new
Cabinet going the as from the Queen's
Hotel. They were sworn in by hislionor
William Mortiner rilark, the oath being
administered by lr. J. Lousdale Cap-
reol, X. C., Clerk cf the Executive Coun-
cil. On Wednesd y of last week. The
new Government i as follows: -
HON. J. P. WH [TNEY, Premier aud
Attorney- General; Dundas.
HON. J. J. FOY, Commissioner of
Crown Lands, Tor/onto,
HON. A. J, MAHESON, Treasurer,
South Lanark.
HON. R. A. PYNE, Minister of Edu-
cation, East Torouto.
ter of Agriculture, South Perth,
HON. J. 0. RE;71dME, Commissioner
of Public 'Works, rorth Essex.
HON. W. J. HA CNA, Provincial Sec-
retary, West Lamblon.
ter without portfolio, East Northumber-
HON. ADAM. 130K, Minister with -
out portfolio, Lond n.
ay to test seed of corn HON. J. S. HEN RIE, Minister with -
rains and most of the out portfolio, West amilton.
ger vegetable seeds is to Mr. Whitney, wh gave the names of
f them -say one hnnd- his Cabinet to the ewspaper men ear-
ces of moistened blott- lier in the day, s id: -"1 expect that
i flannel or cloth; set Mr. St. John will b Speaker of the new
ry dinner plate and in , Legislature." Lat r he said; -"I also
to cover them. The expect that in a f v months Mr. Foy
would take when he change is made,
Mr. Whitney said he was not prepared
to discuss that now. He was also un-
able ot say anythi g as to the date of the
days. Very smallt seeds of the finer bye -elections (bey nd the fact that they
grasses, or.some of the garden vegetables would be held as &ar1y as possible) or the
and of beets or maigels may be gen:ante- meeting:a the Le ature, nor was ahe
ted to better advantage by scattering ready to say anythi g in regard to tak-
them in a saucer ( telonging to a flower- ing up his residence in Toronto.
pot)that has been k d in estion, Mr. Whitney
will be a Department
due course." But he
thing as to its chief.
set on a cloth that should be kept damp, answered: "Ther
or iu'a pan containing not more than of Miues created i
one-eighth of an imh of water, the object declined to say an
being to keep the aueer moist, but not
icer bo not available,
the purpose as well,
ds in an earthern sau- By a score of 6 t
car they may be e .posed to the light, Club won the last s
but not to the did ct rays of the sun. District at Palmer
evening of last weel
Big Snap in Bedroom Suites.
with Lucknow for
We were succe No. t, Northern Le shit in securing a big which will play off
snap on 10 oak Isnits from the 'Union
wet. If such a e
la brick will answ
In germinating se
an., M. Lamont, Saml.
e, sr., W. J. Currie,
on and all were loud in
. Stewart as an honor -
Es shown by the speak-
s been willing to paaal
Wingham Wo at Palmerston.
3, Wingham Hockey
heduled game of the
ton on Wednesday
, and are thus tied
rst place in District
gne, the winners of
with Harriston or
factory, at a c]eJinout price. Regular Mount Forest for t e handsome driver
$28 suits for oul $20 and $22. Remem- trophy offered to tIe Northern League
ber, there are oi4ly 10; they won't last champions. The game at Palmerston
long, so come e rly and get the snap.
These suits are lid oak, golden finish. was rough throughout, and Hinton of
4 drawers in cmof dresser, nicely cart?. Palmerston earned for himself the honor
ed and fitted wi,h a British plate mirror, •
shaped and bey fled, 22x28. Come and
see them anywa ; they will he on sale
Saturday inornit. Don't miss them! 4.
Wedded At London.
The following item of news of interest +
to our readers in taken from last Thurs-
clay's London Free Press. The many *
friends of the groom will join with the
TIMES in extending hearty congratutions '
and wishing Mr and Mrs. McCracken
many years of happy wedded life. The
Free Press say 3 : -"The residence of
John Perrin, RAI, 450 Simcoe street,
was the scene of
• Wednesday, w
place that unite
young couple,
COUGHS, COLDS _ ter of Mr. and
Why let them litter ? 9 F. McCracken,
• IMrs. John Mc
,1 The rite was so
room, which
decorations. T
colors and gron
scene of rare lo
propriate Burro
auspicious an
was performed
stone, assisted by
brother of the gr
only the imme
contracting parti
presided at the
given away by he
attended. After
dons and a lu
Gold Tablets
Will break up any cold.
25c a box.
Every box guaranteed.
For sale only by
- Walton Mckibbon
a very pretty event on
en the ceremony took
a popular and estimable
iss Perrin, eldest daugh-
rs. John Perrin, to John
econd son of Mr. and
racken, of Wingham.
mnized in the drawing -
as radiant with floral
e rich combinations of
ing of designs made a
eliness and formed ap-
• dings for so happy and
vent. The ceremony
Rev. James Living -
Rev. J. C. McCracken,
om, in the presence of I 4.
fate relatives of the I :
s. Mr. Chester Smith! 4.
ano. The bride was
father and was un-
he usual congratula- ' t
chemi, Mr. and SIM ' ..,!.
McCracken left 0i the 4.50 train, good ; *
wishes being she' vered upon them until : ±
the very momen ; of their departure, 4. -
which was the signal fora copious supply *
of rice by their well-wishers. Friends; j:
expressed their a lmiration of the bride I T.
and groom by a t plendid array of choice *
and valuable :.gesents. The young ..t
couple will res de in Morris, EnrOn .1.
Dr; Pierce's
Medical Discovery
BU -till
The new Kidney Pill for
AI !McCall &Col
• Druggists and Opticians
of roughest man 'n the house, having to
decgrate the fenle ou many occasions.
The locals playe a star game, Harring-
ton and Wilson on defense (epecially
distinguishing tl mselves, while the for-
wards were all st rs and played a v(ry
flashy game,
The first of the home and home games
for first honors i this District will be
played on Wingh tu ice cn Monday even-
ing, Feb. eOth. aid as goals in both
games count in tao finals, this will be
the hardest fougl t contest of the season.
Lucknow is out t' win, but with a fair
referee and good .lean hockey, the Wing -
ham boys will uo doabt give their sup-
porters a chance cheer. Lucknow has
won three game and lost two, while
Wingham has w n nine games and have
lost one, at Luc now Listowel default-
ed their return
Lucknow by c
Palmerston wi
and Woodgate
the locals in D
to see the gain
ame to Wine ham, and
feating Palmerston at
h the services of Irwin
f Ripley, are tied with
tract No. 1. Don't fail
next Monday evening.
AUCTION SALE -A horse, buggy, de-
livery wagon, cutter, harnees, robe,
cooking stove and a n ober of artieles of
household fur itur will be sold on the
market squar ngham. ou Saturday,
Feb. 25th, at - o'clock. o reserve, as
the proprietor is removing front town.
W. A. Currie, auctioneer. D. Rush,
NoricE-I have arranged with the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
and all owing me on notes or mortgages,
can pay principal or interest at any
time after falling due. Remember you
need not pay until you are requested to
do so by me, I thank all those who
have done business with me and wish
yon all every prosperity.
Wingharn's Leading Shoe Store
You'll hit the mark
Yes, you'll hit the mark exactly if you'll take
advantage of this
Great Shoe Opportunity
To-De,y You Can 4,
buy Shoes at these reduced prices. Prices are cut in the 4.
same proportion on our entire Shoe stock. Men's, Wo-
men's and Children's Shoes - all are discounted,
The R.e.1‘.. son ?
You can buy Men's and Women's $3.00 Shoes for
$3.0o any day -but you can't buy them for $2.25 any
day. You can buy Men's, Women's, Bovs' aid Misses'
$2.00 Shoes for $2.00 any day -but you can't buy them
for $1.50 any day.
Why, it's plain. We want to close out the re-
mainder of our Fall and Winter stock, and get ready for
Spring and Summer business. We want the money -
we don't want the Shoes.
You must act quickly -for these bargains won't
last long.
Shoer to the People. 4.
wrisroa.m. county, where Mr. McCracken is * +
Neitdoar to Post Office. • a prosperous farmer," •
• 4.4++44,44+44444.4•,+444.14+4,44.4. R+14+++++++++++44.X.:.•:.44-