The Huron Expositor, 1987-11-25, Page 9Hew yereidetne, came yam &live mid tame
yen &rine a alert the feel =nem drier
winkle- The follow/log entice from
men:teem may lielp yea to itagenere year
1 /11,01.11
• Yen can mare ified if yen amid nneenueb-
tien" slants, maintain as etenteort a tient&
as traffic iiiinieneee. Vfvewe nee
bewe ereining green me amend nen.
dm steps :nee waste enemy in the fitimi
on hint ee A in; neeneene.
! h
e Reaped drat tinips, excestine Wing
aril dee we of ma air erwcoriEbirming system!
11/43wilker 6simi ‘ugelir Mel t.t •
pitlarty onoitlffeet)) an cao to
darreasid PVG217GMIT. 'Engineering
aniline ham stews that a vehicle win all
wertfons renal up priedirem less oWsinill
renettance„ carbieb seams IkPrs Wl Es se -
coked lyadr the car Rama& tEte airs
t. Ike caaefEd akardko gime year emu
in r e g $7•'•DinrilitPmvnireasistregiedrai. can ansn
Pre-WE:nil econnoillin ginolinn (nuke and air
eneereir mainterranen, lutification ntervals.
wheel alignment awn fire inifinattiotin
prersares„ when adieredl to the car
nearneffactineens Gir7.1*-6'0F",G% will pay.
&Wert& ki frintimed enemy en nen
atis Forger wifoiirk. kite. •
PIhTorn the mined of tine tone =fence
tiosplit fuel on the; vehicle claim reeeenen..,
nennining enneron mut cense paint
neiniee„ winne Ls oat cover* rricvarpr vehicle
vehic e e ns sfr% r
Ito lawny trunin lame yea tztitior-ui snit of
year Muse ea a Witter taltatig acct
had to Wrap ffileGit .1'.11111 yalaff
neer Misdate.
•many times have yawl stained to see
it giti
F= waY 1 'wto i
alter suffering
tontine -
liu kt,„:111111
awe fa .1 -mg Ellti
riteeile toi ettettg a
time von arrive at week,
left oigr.41.,
/J I
%deb leder viresneng end windows clear,
yalfate already drealkg he prem aff
Imineward tamed_
en nen can be a tift u tee pane, enee.
azin ingentieus preelect — inifesicr ear
warmer. You lee linter Pepin 1 to
serape fleet enneenn, Amen yair
ewenietre (Sr liAlnwr on yam hares to neon
t • ties
en Canadian ceitielt9 amen
miff sleep easasHr &Tin tka essming cold
veneer- innenng en their welleeet bat -
in *hi^
terns are tucked into warm blankets
their own.
1111.11 1111.:11.1:
tarn sileEp sv„ tinning
wildest. sions
at deal batteries,
towing charges and frustrating delays in
getting to work dance Omega their heeds..
Here pre the cold facts:
At 7.12819 degrees Fahrenien a ' 7 clean-
ed automotene proeides only ni per-
cent of its total cranking power. And at
minus 9ifF your battery must start an
engine that regains three and a half dines
moire cranking power titan it wean at 727..
This efinetton tire past of yeur battery dawns
so mach Fewer that it often dies not com-
pletely recharge diming a short drive to
work. This !amens dialt on year met startergo
dere may not be ems mew in the bat-
tiesy to crank the engine limit emu& to
create cembeidem.
When nee in retttltitet wain aun engine
heater, a battery warner peownles the
nearest Oleg pile to NO percent star-
ting reliability. The battery warmer helps to
retain battery warmth even when titin
wanner is not plugged in_ As a mattes- e
fact, the insulention is so ..l'ectine that it else
MEP'S the battery cooler into/ weather_
Cold and moist weather
blamed for starting woes
Whether ins mowing or not, high and
precipitance] wall cause tens of thoutemds of
motorints darting and galling trouble this
Worn spark plugs, cracked ignition leads,
a dirty distributor cap and loose drive bells
cal all pay havoc with a car's igniting
systems, according to Larry Koles,
Manager of Technical Programs at Cham-
pion Spark Plug Company.
"Winter starting problems are two -fold,"
Koles says.
"Colder temperatuires can decrease the
starling power of the battery, and problems
in the ignition system name the battery to
ram down faster in futile starting anemptse"
A new or recharged battery tend to hid Ile
problems temporarily; causing starting pro-
blems to recur.
"Many starting problems can aimed
always be traced to a wet ignition systems,"
Kolas says.
'Moisture from rain or melting snow
often settles in the engine cornparimient
Salt and road grime can accumulate in the
engine compartment and retain moisture,"
Inc says.
"If the moisture doesn't bum off, the
unintentional electrical path for the spark
may prevent it from reaching the plug.'
Spark plugs that have seen to many miles
are often the culprit' . "The spark will jump
where there is the least resistance. If the
gap is too wide or there's something causing
a disruption in the spark's path, the spark
will leak through the wire," Koles says.
I Puking ping wires can often be diagnosed
by letting (Inc engine rim in a dark area and
observitig the ping wires for leaking sparks.
If sparks are visible, (Inc wire vibeee (Inc
spark is leaking should be examiti for
Wear and damage and replaced if
The same holds true for the distributor
cap according to Koles.
"Moisture on top of the cap can prevent
tte spark from main the plug," Inc Seys...
'1Iny of the top and inside of the cap with a
towel or bah dryer, and (Inc car should
He also advises motorists to check (Inc
insinnertor cap for signs of electrode wear,
cracks that may allow mistake to seep in,
and carbon tracks that may indicate shor-
ting of the spark.
Driving in the rain and nu slnshcan
also drown out an ignition se ,
'Water can slip ander a lousentling in-
sulator boot and short out (Inc spark plug,"
he says.
Check (Inc spark plug boots for snugness.
Looselitting boots should be replaced. •
Water can also cause drive belts to slip,
resulting in a loss of the diargingsystem's
voltage to (Inc battery. Check the alternator
belt for tension and wear. If the belt does not
show signs of s -ear, simply adjust to the pro-
per tendon
Koles says an annual tune-up is still the
best insurance for a sure start
Distributor cap, into acid spa& plug
wires. These should Inc carefully examined
daring a lune -nip because, if mon or defec-
tive,, they can cause misfiring.
Cede/Mar. It should Inc thairoughly ex -
aliened to make sure it is reasonably clean,
that (Inc automatic choke system is clean
and properly' adjusted.
• Other titans to service. Check fan belts
and tanljnstincnfs, &angryterminalS, air
Mter, PCV valve, heatrisner valve and air
cleaner preheat system.
Final check-up. Duning (Inc final check,
the mem is start -nil, the haste inning is sen,
and the carburetor is adjusted for proper
air -fuel misbw and. engine idling speed.
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4:::neenn..V.1.<`'en •
ineentnernee • eteneenneent
as yeit -estY Dineen an nyinold
stewing winel
The unique interior nore-warnehrg" unit
into a 120 Wit mind ant keeps de in-
terior of year vehicle warm elennight.
&tome model features an apemen-vteepee
which tures tke warmer on ant the time yen
set it fair_ Edit meld a bent -in sandy
efine-eftl themmastan
Iff yeane llIl type ant i105't mind
getting into a cold ear each neenting, Etat
waneketter drishig--sisilnlityc,4atreati ebb
parchase Ernst ansi cardematien Wends to
the trick. They adhere tin tthe insfelp nnff
year vele-den nen -.nil rear windows_ Each
Mend means a banner 'feet Feirents the
Evend-up of frost nee condensation_
ot 1111
• •
TnE HIMON•EnPOSITOR, NonneninER 25 1987 — 9A
warranties. Yat Fuest het is tio use filen
lispensers which &atm a plastic or vinyl
preteitor ring and peinp the fuel at Tess
tnera "fuer rate
S fe tips for all
wk. weather puts extra demands on your headlights on
yon, as a &nee Here are sante tips on how As rainfall increases, tires have a difficult
to cope with (efferent road ntions job of mendeining contact with the react If
Wee: As weather ceridons change, so do youfee going too fast, the tires rney start to
mad coadItions. Be especially wary' cd omit- ride oat top off the water —just lane a water
ed areas.fledges and overpasses. These ski This is called "aquaplaning or '
semis freeze nese and e Emmen long hydroplaning". And when a vehicle
after tete sun has enene np.. ---atemplanesenatieantasecnntroleThereftire„
13Iaek km roadtalnad may appear to reduce your speed and he sure yeil have
he &Lack and - asphaff„ butt it could he goon fires with nts of tread-
cevered with a tine Payer of ice. Generally, Wet snew: It can had up, slush in the
fa winner. anithen has a gren-wlititte come. wheel wells of your car, and arfriatry
SO„ you no see 'Vara teen ahead, slow restrict your ability to steer or manoeuvre.
damn Ike reedy to derNitclit or 4101 to Ins a good idea to clear out the wheel wells
sentrai erne ff you =sit brake— do so periedinally, perhaps whee you stop for gan
smoothly and gently.
Raid -packed suow: This can he as slip-
pery as ice. R can atm he ratted— full of
hard tracks malt Mee grinnes. However, the
confer it is, the letter traction your car has
hardnacked mom Het as the MOW W
warms ap, it Incomes more pery. Slow
crown, them ranted -mg annenalerupt-stner- RADIATOR InitHEZES
Mg, braking or aeeeleration that mind
came a ;Aid
at to do
This is 'in feted if (Inc temperature &sage
Beep mew: This Ones Yoe rant/ gond registers hoffing or the warming lightt comes
traction if yew car is equipped with mew GED sheeny after neenen. nem en the
tines HOG4eVer, the adding drag can actual- engine, open (Inc hood and feel (Inc raniator
lly Penne (Inc engine to Palmer and eminent nen,
So, keen an eye on (Inc lenallerature e- frozen, it wen feel solid. Use caulennif
Wet -roads: It can rain in winter, and ' you remove the radiator cap. Mett Ole ice in
roads carn Incust as treackerous as
"" ..• ratnattor by pouring warm water over it.
Kfl .E. actas s a fultecant, =Pang Watent for radiator leaks; if you lose any
rued surfaces very sTiPPerY, especially as water, drive your car tea service station:for
the nest drops fan. So, slow down and pat a checkup.
children safe
Ahfl vehicle ocrupants„ especially children,
Mann Inc restrained whenever rifting frill a
cane even siiest„ areand-toten trips.
Helding year nand yetili amens is no
sabsttittrite for a proper cluninentrainat
system In an accident, a Hind held in a per-
son's 21111116 can be struck or cashed Fey an
ride eini mind also Inc —injured
etrilcing the interior„ or by being ejected
nun (Inc ear eei Tin. a Sliddall ma/newer or
According Andy safe-
ty engineer at General Motors of innitena, a
clad restraint system is neceseary for basic
nifettnalii 6 'reale lin .fien that-- -
!ewers look for *stens which are cert
to comply with Canatinn Standards set by
Transport Canad.a_ "For Winn= safety, I
strongly urge that instructions Inc followed
for installation," he says. "Improper in-
stallation MG pose a safety clazger."
The marred Transport Canada standard
for child restraint systems requires that aU
restraints equipped with tether slxaps
(other than child harnesses, booster suals or
restraints for physically -handicapped
chi/Men) to pass a 50 -kilometre -per hour
test with the tether stray unattached. This
provides children u estraints with =at-
tached tethers crash Protection equivalent
to children rifling in restraints designed
without a tether.
Makes& also says that infants who cannot
sit up should be pieced in a padded baby car-
rier. Put it crossways on (Inc car seat and
securely restrain it with (Inc vehicle's lap
belts If that's not possible, place it
crossways on (Inc floor behind (Inc driver's
Children who can sit up by themselves
should be restrained with a lap belt when
riding in (Inc rear seat In the front seat, a
child slnould wear both lap and shoulder
belt. If the shoulder belt irritates tbe neck or
face, move (Inc child closer to the centre of
(Inc car or to the rear of (Inc seat
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