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The Wingham Times, 1905-02-09, Page 6
caps Comas sag In4uri,ouz„deals Eat Dirt but they also Destroy Clothe You've probably used. soap• that cleaned your clothes quickly but Lave found out afterwards that rt had deetreyed them. Sunlight Soak. iS ,guaranteed to be aletolutely pure, containing no ingredient that 11 n injure the daintiest fal1:•iie. It leashes equally well in hard or ,craft water x•ithout boiling or hard rl:bb ng.: Follow the directions un the package and you win have a more successful waali with less labor, 1'uur dealer is authorized to re:una the purcaase money to anyone tntdinp cause for complaint. t,.a;VzR Sir:OTHERS L1MI:•i:0, TORONTO 1003 The Sunlight Maida admire the results rafter washing the Sunlight way Keroa& from the Saocth Interesting Pa rarapeis from our Exchanges. E, Miller, undertaker, F_incardin e, has buried seven persons since the 12th Dae. 1004, and their combined ages are 337 years, Doan's Kidney Pills act on the pica Heys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weair back, rheum- atism. diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. J. D. Rockefeller, it is predicted, will be the first world's billionaire. Already the Oil Ring's income is :;:6,000,000 per month. 7 SIRING DIEDICI1'0E, As a spring medicines Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. The official majority in Centre Bruce is 257 for Clark. The real majority is 317 but by an error of the 'D. R. 0. at No. 7 Kincardine Tp., a majority of 30 for Major Clark was credited to his opponent. Lever's Y•Z {Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home:. It disin- fects and cleans at the same time. 3e .A woman is always torn in two be- tween the hope that if she dies her hus- band will not marry again, and the hope that he will marry again so that he may see how little he appreciated her when she was alive. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has nuttily been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 255 cents. Members of Board of Health for the 'Township of Kinloss for 1905:—Donald McDonald, Chairman; George G. Moffatt, Secretary; John McKenzie, John Hodgins, Albert Salmon; Medical Health Officer, Dr. A. M. Spence. THE LI,DZ1 S' FATOR1TI;. Laxa•Liver Pills aro the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. 14 Ir. W. R. Lough, the highly esteemed and efficient principal of Clinton Model School, who has been connected there- with for 22 years, has passed over 600 teachers through his hands, as model- ites, CATARRH ESCAPED A DANGEROUS SURGICAL 3PERATI3D Sib Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Can. nix OXYGEN SNOB CO., Toronto, Canada, tlentiemen.—•i am moat pleased to certify to the curative properties of "Oxygenator.' T first began ndiu, ib tor, Catarrh in the heal}. having subdued this Ioathsome disease, I then turned my attention to a largo Polypus that rxisted in my right nostril, which was successfully removed by the local application of "Oxygenator” theref,y Raring math pain. dana,r and expense had it been removed surgical 1 have need r remedy itt m family for a )tarntMr Of years, and can highly reeoynlmapit it for erste, colds and throat trouble9—All it gargle, weal warned, it ii invaluable. I remain, yours truly. 0. ii. ROBINSON. OXYGENATOR A 6 RM ltiltER Osfdb tit OXYGENATOR GO. 22 !Tatters 84, « Taranto ill Seaforth will not buy the plant of the Seaforth Electric Light and Power Co. ,The by-law which provided for the pay- ment of $19,000 for tbe plant has been found defectiye, and the town fathers now consent to judgment in favor of.the petition of the ratepayers. Si:DDENI•r ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by pailful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept in the house. --a— With a view to discovering non -church goers, the Church Union of Hamilton took a church census of the city recently. The result is rather astonishing. as it shows that 26,000 inhabitants in the city —43 per cent of the whole population— do not attend church. Many people say they are "a11 nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are ;just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. An old lady who died at Montreal at the age of 104 years had smoked habit- ually since she was nine years old. This recalls the Englishman's comment on the death of an aged total abstainer. "They may stand it for years, but it is bound to fetch them at last." You Take No Chances. A. I, McCall & Co., guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied after using two- thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy iu the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to re- sult in pneumonia. A petition signed by 000 Reformers has been sent to the Postal Department at Ottawa to secure for W. R. MoReady, Deputy Post Master, the position of Post Master, at Harriston, on the retirement of his father who had been postmaster for nearly a generation: For Stomach Trouble, "1 have taken a great many different medicines for stomach trouble and con- stipation." says Mrs. S. Geiger, of Dunkertor , Iowa, "but never had as good results from any as from Chamber- lain's Stomach and LiV•5r Tablets." For sale by A. L McCall & Co. The oldest voter in South Huron is Grandfather Wurm, of Zurich, who is now 05 years of age and cast his vote in the recent Provincial election. The old gentleman is quite spry, despite his great age, and did not seem to mind the cold stormy weather of election day. Mr. Wnrin carie to this country from Germany in the year 1837, and has been a resident of Stanley for about fifty years. rive sons of Mr. and Mrs. William Leroy of Fayette County, Kentucky, celebrated their birthday together. Each came into the world on Jan, 15 -- the first on Jan, 15, 100. Without ex, caption since then on the 15th day* of the first Month of the year has brought a new member of the Leroy family, Singularly, Mr, Leroy'd birthday is De, Cember 15, alert one month earlier, and Mre. Leroy's entrance into the world was on Feb. 16, jut one month later. TUE. WINGIIk . I TIES FEBRUARY 9, 19() Application is being puede fora char- ter for a secant railway from Woodstook to St. I4arys, and front the latter town ti Greed Bend, Kincardine awl Gode• rich, 'Woodstock ca 1italtstb aro heeln d the project Another proposal beiug discussed is to build a litre from Wood- stock to Iirentford- %i'ss Cured or Asthma "I first used Dr. Chnse's',§yrup of Lin- seed nad'!.'urpeutiue with toy daughter w bo suffered frons a severe form of trsth• tau. The least exposure to cold world Iny her up and she would nearly 'nils• sate for want of breath. I must say I found it to be a most satisfaurory treat- ment and it has entil•ely cured her,"— Mrs, A. A. VanBushirk, Robiusou street, Monotou, N.E. Another swindle is being worked in some parts of the country by a man who sells canary birds. They aro worth$10, but the owner accept $1 down, and the remainder when the birds have proved their ability to sing. With its first bath the bird loses its beautiful yellow and tutus into a common sparrow. Teudency of the Tltues, The tendency of medical science is to- ward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to the subject. It is easier and better to prevent than to euro. It bas been fully demonstrated that pneumouia,oue of the most dangerous diseases that medial risen have to contend with, can be pre- vented by the use of Cham'berlain's Cough Remedy. Pnenmouia always results from a cold or from au attack of influenza (grip}, and it has been observed that this remedy counteracts any tend- ency of these diseases toward pneumonia. This has been fully proven iu many thousands of cases in which this remedy has been used during the great preval- ence of colds and grip in recent years, and can be relied upon with implicit con- fidence. Peenntonia often results from a slight cold when no danger is appre- hended until it is suddenly discovered that there is fever and difficulty in breathing and pains m the chest, then it is announced that the patient has pneu. monia. Be on the safe side and take Chamberlain's Cough remedy as soon as the cold is contracted. It always cures. For sale by A. L McCall & Co. The largest sum in a registered letter to go astray was $10,000 sent from the Bank of Hamilton, Winnipeg, to the Bank of Hamilton, Vancouver. The package was stolen by a mail clerk who got seven years in 'penitentiary for his deed. Au accomplice got 18 months in jail. $6,820 of the stolen money was sub- sequently recovered. The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results from the injury. All danger er of thismay nfl bo avoided,however, acus y, by promptly applying Chaberlain's Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and un- equalled as a quick healing liniment for cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. The township of Derby, , at the e muni- cipal election. had a vote submitted to the ratepayers on the question of statute labor, The township abolished the old system a couple of years ago, and the present vote shows that the people pre- fer the new way, the vote for returning the old way of doing statute labor, 08, For continuing the new system, 241. .Nervous Dyspepsia Mr. George Bolen, Spry, Bruce Co., writes;—"I was troubled with nervous gyspepsia for some years, and after us- ing nine boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I felt better than I had for years, Dr., Chase's Nerve Food is certainly the best medicine I ever used, and I say so because 1 want to give full credit where it 1s due." The annual meeting of the Formosa Mutual 'Fire Insurance• Company was held last Saturday. The Company is in good financial standing with a balance of $6,000, in spite of the fact that $8,000 was paid out for losses during the past year. The company has 200 more poli- cies in force now than at the end of last year. The largest span bridge in the world is now being Constructed across the St. Lawrence at Quebec. It is a cantilever bridge, and the Scientific American says it has the distinction of having the longest span of any bridge yet erected. The central span is 1,800 feet in length; 00 feet longer than the longest span of the great Forth bridge. A memorable and happy event took place at Glen Douglas, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dongald Campbell of Culross, January 25th, when a number of friends and neighbors were invited to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. Fifty years ago Dougal Campbell and Margaret McMillan were married at the home of the bride's father in Aldorbor- ongh township, Elgin County. Mr. Campbell then brought his help -;trate to Culross where he hewed out of the forest aha tis now a comfortable and beautiful home where they still reside. Coughing o waimaOu5 even for those in robust health„ Take Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, it is guaran- teed to cure any cough. Your money back, if it doesn't. 2Sc,, 50c, and $1,04 z't MOTHERHQOD WEAKNES Is Promptly Overcame-'--1leaith and Vigor f onnueftly restored by FERROZOINb Cures All Ailm,nts From Which Women Sutter, Many women suffer untold torture fre in nervous debility caused by dis- orders of the fetniuine organs. Day by day they grow worse, but fi!'out a false sense of modesty they shrinit from using a good remedy like Ferrozone. And it world cure them, Nothing renews weak womanlike Fer. rozoue, It brings back lost nerve force, supplies new vital energy, increases the blood supply. No restorative so potent aura prompt es Ferre zone has ever been discovered. You feel its uplifting effect at once. Your spirita rise, you gain in power and cheertuluess, feelings of weakness and despondency disappear. No women can retnain sick or miser. able if she nses I4 eriosuue, It gees direct to the sat of the trouble, puts a stop to functional irregularities, and so estab- lishes buoyant, robust health. Being tree frog) alcohol and dangerons drugs, l3'errozone can be used by young and old with absolute safety. Prepared iu tab- let form, fit'ty to the box; price 500 , or six boxes for $2.60, at all dealers, or N. O. Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn„ U. S. A., and Kingstou, Ontario. It is officially stated that the forth coming report of the Canadian Fire In- surance Companies will show a most unsatisfactory condition of affairs. A leading Toronto fire insurance agent, who is a member of the Dominion Board of Fire Underwriters, says that as a re• salt of the fires of the past year the sit - nation is something horrible. It is pointed out that upon this continent fire insurance losses have more than doubled during the past eight years. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Terrible Work in February. Every tortured victim of rheumatism should carefully read this following letter from Mr. H. W. Crysler, of Nia- gara-on-the ia- a- nn -the ar oOnt., who was cured g Lake, , by Paine's Celery Compound: -- "About four years since, I had a severe attack of grippe, followed by rheumatism, for which the local physi- cian prescribed the usual remedies, which helped me at tbe time, but did not eliminate the disease. Becoming gradually worse, I finally became dis- couraged and began using "proprietary" medicines without any benefit. Thea I went to Clifton Springs, took the treat- ment, and felt somewhat butter; but after coming back I became very much worse, and was confined . to bed for a time. I then %tent to Preston Springs, and reallyrimprovod; but afterreturning home I got worse. I was then induced to try Paine's Celery Compound, and have gained in health and strength up to the present writing. I now walk from my house to my store, a distance of one -.quarter of a mile, daily, and to church Sundays. Paine's Celery Com- pound has done all this for me. My friends are surprised and astonished to see me able to attend to business again. Believing that it is my duty to let other sufferers know of the great benefit I have received from Pain's Celery Compound, I cheerfully send this letter." PAiNE'S CELERY COMPOUND Is Recommended By Aruggists And Physicians. 811000 PILI; CURE. A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with every bottle of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rohl—the only certain cure for every form of Piles. George (look, St, Thomas, On't., writes:... "Dr. Leonbardt's Hem-Roid cured me of a very bad case of Piles of over teal years standing. I had tried every- thing but got no permanent cure till I used Hetr Roid, 1 hadElind andBleed- ing miles add suffered everything, Oint- ments and Iccal treatments failed but Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid cured me perfectly." Rem•Roid is a tablet taken internally which removes the cause of Piles. $1,00 all Druggists or The 'Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont, The friends of Mr. Alexander McCon- nechie, son of Mr. Wm. MiConliachie, formerly of Carrick township, but for the past 17 years of Inkster, N.D.; will be grieved to hear of his sudden death on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 22. The young man had been in a run down state of health all fall and his condition turn- ed into typhoid fever abo:it 3 weeks ago. He had a trained nurse froth Grand 'Forks Hospital and the best medical skillprocureble. They reported a mild f ease of fever until 9 days before his death when he became delirious and re- znained in that Condition until the end came. Deceased was in bit S6tb year. • The Obleigo correepondeltt of the Now "Vont Bveuiug Poet says that the United States Mills will need froin 10,. 000,000 Io 13,000,000 bushels of wheat from the Ot1lHfelt} t0 keep. their tuil.a ,Or exports runutng rued thecrop of 1005 00niet,in. All this wheat roust crate front Canada, ,preotioally all from Western Cattatltc--sunt the of est oannct fail to be 'ay..rable with £'ices, Ial.'a n e oh )tb in the swall.r tcwua have rlevisad a scheme which induces all of the "witunren folks" of the renal districts to "come to town ou Saturday." Prizes are offered for the farmer who briug the largest feminine load to town ou slue day. Aa a result farune.rs are laying awake at night, plaguing sehause's for the winniug of the weekly prize. One farmer near Antes, named Ward, drove iuto Ames ou Saturday with a wagon drawn«by six horses. An adili- ti0 nal set of wheels hail been put 1:1 the rear of the vehicle. The ttoor'of the wagon had been tripled iu width and the wagon converted into a double decker. Ho drove for voiles in all directions In the vicinity of 'his home, inviting the women to ride with him. When 1 e reached Ames he carried an, assembly of 70 persons. Ho won the prize for that Saturd y. The fad is being takeu up by merchants in all the smaller cities and towns. and is said to • have stimul- ated trade to a wonderful degree, 'Another Man -heaps. "Yes, indeed, he's making a fortune out of a new invention." "Why, I didn't know he was. an in- ventor," "He isn't. Don't I tell you he's mak- ing money out of the invention?" Drench of Promise. Jiggston—Don't you believe that talk is cheap. A friend of mine•had to pay $5,000 for four words, Jaggson—Great heavens! t were hey?Jtgg so n— "Will you marry me?"—Chicago Jour- nal. KIDNEY DISEASE, Diseases of the Kidneys are numerous, from the fact that these organs act as filters to the blood, and form one of the great channels for the removal of impurities from the system, which, if allowed to remain, give rise to the various kidney affections, such as Dropsy, Diabetes, and Bright's Disease. The following are some of the symptoms of kidney disease:— Backache, sideache, swelling of the feet and ankies,frequent thirst, puffiness under the eyes, floating specks before the eyes, and all dis- orders of the urinary system, such as frequent, thick, cloudy, scanty, or highly colored urine. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS are exactly what the name suggests. They are not a cure-all, but are a specific for kidney troubles only. - Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for J C $1.25. All dealers, or f Tse DOAN Krum PII,t, Co., ' Toronto, Ont. 11 i The stork disappears and we look into the cradle and behold a male child. Af- ter rnnniug the gauntlet of measles, mumps, and chickenpox, he enters school. At the age of ten he is a red- headed, freckled -faced boy and the ter- ror of the neighborhood. At twelve he is an apprentice in a printing office. At eighteen he has acquired two cases of long primer and an army press, and is the editor of a.gountry newspaper. At twenty he is married. At thirty he is bald-headed, stoop•shouldered, DO the father of a large family. At thin -five he is a corpse in a cheap pine coffin, and as 500 delinquent subscribers file past his bier for the last look, they are heard to say: "He was a good fellow, but ho couid'nt save his money."—Lockwood Times. .1 How Do You Know? How do you judge crackers ? By their crackling crispness --their snowy light- ness–' -their appetising delici- ousness 7 That's the way to judge Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Measure thele by quality's standard and they soot* 100 pet cent. if you haven't tried MOc NEY'S, you've zkth ed a tteat irk crackers. 1 Yt A y' a44laiui+�'` ,1,, ;77-' >; is ij Ft� 5,�, 4' y � �` ?09 r� t� tt %'h 7 4. 1. li •MHE To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, everyday folks they are a, veritable friend in. need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. ) remedy.. They are a dependable, hon- est i.�m-:dy with a ,tong and successful record, to c rf; ':1• ilgestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn .,o ..tipation, t ,:ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • .}tion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular ,1- iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn- ,- ,,•.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up systems, restore pure blood, good apps:: - sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives eott Cant benefit from a regular use of Ripans 7.tbt,lles. Your drl•ngist sells- them. The five- c..)nt,' packet is eui .4.h for an ordinary occasion. The Family l3ottlk ho cents, contains a supply for a year. er ‚ ill Want your moustache or beard abeautitnl brown or rich black? Use Maw • inteser The—great' rule of health-- • SKeep the bowels regular.,' And the great medicine --:u Ayer's Pills. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE. PIFiS STI. to Pantie 8:-i 011 L r. UAW; OO., MUM. 0000000001000110000000000000 000000000000000©00001000000, 0 0 �: 1. eh r 7 v ®A O a: . h e3 .ti 9 ap 1�' • R e O a v e w fi) e 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 '',p' .1. .L -I•- 4, 4- 0' > - 4- The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the following 3.:4. e. • •1- Times to January let, 1906rates : • 1,G0 4. Times and Daily Globe . L.50 e• Times and Daily Mall and Empire 4,30 4. Times and Daily World... 3.10 4. Times and Toronto Daily News 1.90 4. Times and Toronto Daily Star 1.35 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.85 e. e. Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2,35 e Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65 a Times and Weekly Mail and Empire • 1.75 ie • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star1.80 e , Times and Weekly Witness 1.65 • e Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 •• Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 • s Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80 s Times and World Wide. 1.85 • Times and Northern Messenger. 1.25 s S• Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. e• Times and Farming World 1.60 Times and Presbyterian 2.25 Times and Westminster 2.25 4- Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.35 4. Times and Youths' Companion - 2,75 4. . Times and Impressions (a business monthly) 1.80 4* + When premiums are given with any of the above papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. The rates areas low es we can make thein, and mean 4. a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see o what you want in the list, enquire at the office ;• we can I _ give a low rate on any newspaper or magazine. NOTE --- CAh EF t7I,L�Y' . An of the weekly CAREFULLY.—Any y pub- lications in the above list will be sent to new subscribers from. now to ist of January, 1906, for the price quoted— the remainder of this year is thrown in free. These rates are strictly cash in advance, Send re- rnittances by pasta note, post office or express money • -order, addressing'— N AT MILIllli la.DIY.i..,i14111,1:. 4' BARGAINS IN NEWSPAPERS ! .i- .. -'r- .4s,. 4' 9 9, 9 9., • • 0• 0 • ' 9 9 9 9 . w• 9 9•" 9 Q 4. �- *16 • 4 • TIMES O1'i'IOE, WING tA1!, ONTARIO. 0•1111100041411141•11.10111001,0100110 0111111.011004110M1100114.0.00111101101