HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-11-18, Page 15Legion ladies win zone euchre tournament At the Zone euchre held last Saturday at Clinton the Seaforth Legion had four teams competing. For the first tune the Seaforth Branch had a team of four ladies entered• which won first prize overall. The team con- sisted of Clara Swan, Doris Allen, Thelma Coombs and Betty Felker. Congratulations girls. Three of the four teams played well enough to qualify for District competition which will be held sometime next spring, The stag euchres, which have proven so popular in the past, will start on Wednesday, November 18 at 8 pm. Please be on time. The mixed euchre held last Saturday even - mg was well attended with 10 tables in play. Darts also get 'off to a good start with play starting in earnest next Saturday at 8 pm. The Christmas Party has been scheduled for December 20 at 2 pm, If any of the member's children can sing, dance, recite or play an instrument, please get in touch with Barbara Scott (527-1787) and she will see they are on the program. As mentioned last week the general meeting fo ecemberwilLbelteld Thurso. day, November 19 at 8 pm. The leadership seminar will be held following the meeting under the direction of Leadership chairman Gordon De Jong. Zone Commander Steve Maguire will also be in attendance so lets see a good number •of members present for the meeting and the seminar. Turkey Bingos are scheduled to start on THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER, 18, 1987 — 15A DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock 'n' Roll — • _Menday,.November-.30-and-for-the-next-two Mondays which are December 7 and 14. Ac- cording to the entertainment committee there will be three bingos this year. The bar roster is as follows: November 18 R. Govier; Thursday, November 19 J. Graham; Monday, November 23 K. Swan; Tuesday, November 24 J. Sills; Wednesday 25 R, Govier. On behalf of President Jim Watson thanks to all of the members, the children and teachers from the Public and Separate schools and the public who came out to the service at the Cenotaph to Remember the members of the Services from Seaforth who Iosetheir-livedin-the-two-great-warsTand-the— -- veterans who have passed on since the end of hostilities. Thank you too to .the High School for their invitation to be present at their services held prior to the Cenotaph ser- vice on November 11. Lord God of hosts be with us yet Lest we Forget, Lest we Forget. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will Remember them. DISCO POLKAS WALTZES NEW lAZEN DISC MUSIC 0000 RECORDED MI SIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERVRIES PARTIES 50 10 yre oaporionto •tro reining,' charge US 887-6159 DAYTIME u, AvitIRICES McKillop Twp. Federation of Agriculture Annual 'Meeting & Banquet St. Columban Parish Hall Thursday, Nov:726 Dinner 7:00 p.m. Tickets SB 00 Guest Speaker: Murray Gaunt, Wingham with Slides of Australia For Tickets- 345-2025 Int812:01.,=1.. Addition at Maplewood • intriguing its residents This week at Maplewood Mailer, the con- Once again Ed Andrews led the choir in the struction of the addition tathe dining room sing song, has created an interesting pastime. It is Thursday afternoon the fitness group held always fun to watch a building take shape. its exercise class in the dining room. Last Monday the bridge game was en- Drusilla Leitch encouraged everyone to joyed by Winona McDougall, Anges Hunter, work those aches and pains away. The par - Anne Crerar and Lloyd Rowatt. Anyone ticipants were Gertie Taylor, Winona wishing to join the bridge club is welcome. It McDougall and Edgar Allan. is held every Monday at 2 p.m. Friday afternoon Ruth Bock ran the Last Tuesday the cards were in action bingo. R always has a great .attendance. again. This tune it was the game of euchre. The avid players were Willie and Pete Tremeer, Gertie Taylor, Winona McDougall, Ed and Jean Johns, Anne Crerar, Laura Toll, Edgar Allan, Lloyd Rowatt and Isa Stanley. The door prize of a plant was won by•Pete Tremeer. Wednesday morning a Remembrance Day Service was held in the upstairs lounge at 11 a.m. Pastor Sadler conducted the ser- vice with assistance from Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Lobb. It was an interesting service as Mrs. Lobb related her memories of Ar- mistice Day. Thank you to the Seaforth .District High,School for the use of its tape and tape recorder for the playing of the Last Post and Reveille. " On Thursday morning Winona McDougall played the piano so everyone could practise singing the old favorite hymns and tunes. J RESPECT FOR THE WAR DEAD- Al Hoft respectfully salutes the statue on top of the Seaforth Cenotaph in remembrance of soldiers killed in the 'world wars. A Remem- brance Day Ceremony was. performed at the Cenotaph on. Wednesday, Mcllwraith photo. • Manor couple celebrate 49th Friday the 13th was lucky for them were, anniversary This week the residents who were seeing if, Ethel Coleman, Ed and Jean Johns, Jean Stanley. ioeaf Guy, Elsie Shaddick, Anna Sherrill and Isa • n C orth • On Saturday Terry'Kelly and Jim O'Reilly came to Maplewood to help in any way they could. Their assistance in taking residents for walks on such a beautiful day was great- ly appreciated. Maplewood residents and staff would like to welcome Nettie Rose. Althbugh she is presently in a London Hospital fora tem- porary stay, we look forward to her return. Welcome back to Ross Scott after his lengthy hospitalization at Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Everyone is pleased with his recovery. Happy birthday to Willie Tremeer who celebrated his birthday :on ,Thursday, November 12. Frink Canada awarded contract Frink Canada has been awarded the con- tract for the purchase of a wing, wing tower and air control valves by Huron County Council. At its November session, council approv- ed a roads committee recommendation to purchase the equipment from Frink Canada at a price of $7,179.70. The equipment will be used by the roads department on one of its vehicles. Council also gave its approval to a roads committee recommendation to award the contract for the supply of blanks for road signs to Clernmer Industries Ltd. The Waterloo firm's bid of $4,032.30 was the lowest of three submitted. Hullett township conducts checks The Hullett Township Council held a regular meeting in the Township Municipal Building on November 3 with all members present. Council carried a motion that a By -Law under the provision of section 34 of the Plan- ning Act, 1983, to regulate the use of lands and the character, location and use of buildings and structures to prohibit certain buildings and structures in various defined areas of the Corporation of the Township of Med, be passed. • The council instructed the road superintendent apply for the interim road subsidy, and also to contact Ken Dunn of Burds Ross and Associates to do a bridge eheck to, determine ; when repair or 'Harmony Hi-Lites in top 10 The Seaforth Harmony Hi -Utes placed in the top 10 at the International Harmony Inc. competition this past weekend. The corn- petiton was held in Rochester, New York. - ActiVities started Monday, November 9 and ended with the chorus competition on Saturday, November 14. The Hammy Hi- Ijtes competed against 23 choruses from across Canada and the United States. The winning chorus was the Village Vocal Chords from Chicago, Illinois. The public can enjoy the Seaforth Har- mony H-Lites at their Christmas Show and dance on December 5 at the Seaforth and District Community Cnetres. Tickets are available frern the chorus members for just the show or for the show, dance and meal. Lawrence Beane COMPUTERIZED BOOKKEEPING Serving Huron County for 22 years •INCOME TAX +CASH FLOWS .0 F F I.R.R. 233-9260 (Forrnedy 482.92601 UNICEF Card Today And Help a Child in Need. reconstruction is required. The superinten- dent is also to arrange this within budget. The council passed a by-law to deem registered plans not be registered concern- ing lots 1 to 6 and 15 to 20 of Registered Plan No. 190, at Lot 6, Concession 1, in the Township of Hullett. Council passed a similar by-law to deem registered plans not be registered concern- ing all lots of plan 260, located at Lot 17, Con- cession 9, Township of Hullett. And council .passed a by-law to deem registered plans not be registered concern- ing all lots of plan No. 304, located at Lot 33, Concession 7, in the Township of Hullett. Another by-law was carried to impose special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act 1971, in the amount of $9,000.00. Council approved a tax rebate under sec- tion 496 for Roll 9-41. Accounts were approved, passed and paid as presented. And the last official business was the pass- ing of a motion to apply to AMO for their consulting services in the adoption of the Pay Equity Plan set by the Province of Ontario. UEEN'S SEAFORTH Mars. - Fri. - Sat. BYRE Anniversary greetings to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smale who celebrated their 49th Wed- ding Anniversary at Seaforth Manor on Monday, November 16. Visiting with them in the afternoon were Art and Esther Smale and grandaughter of Staffa. The Smales were also the recipients .of a flower arrangement from their daughter Donna, son-in-law Verne and fami- ly of London. Remembrance Day was held on Wednes- day at Seaforth Manor with a service at 2 p.m. The Reverend Cheryl Ann, Stadelbauer-Sampa was in charge. Two minutes silence was observed in the morn- ing. Edith Salo recited "In Flanders Fields". Birthday greetings were in order Wednes- day for Robert McClure who turned 92. Bob was visited by his son Ross and daughter Lillian Bernard. Dorothy Townsend presented him with a birthday cake on this occasion which he shared with fellow residents. Thursday was euchre with volunteers. Winners were: Ladies high, Edith Salo, lone hands, Margaret Smale and consolation, Mary Ryan. For the men it was,.high, Frank •Smale, lone hands, Patrick Ryan and con- solation, James Nolan. Friday morning bingo was played at 10:30 a.m. and during the afternoon Father Caruana of St. James Catholic Church con- ducted mass for all Catholic residents. SEAFORTH MERCHANTS.... It's time' for the CHRISTMAS STORE FRONT & WINDOW DISPLAY CONTEST • We time to put your ertailaty to wOrk. Your *bare front/display window la 0 Very Important and integral part of merketing your linage and prodeeta to the eonsurner. So, lel'. all got logeter And give Seatortli Its thrlatmaa 1001,1 Judging.vill take place •Tliorgday, November 19. Prlies In both retail and non...551111 tategoril ExpositorHuron qi()- 527-0240 GirODERICH 5 4-781 VANASTRA LIONESS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Nov. 21, 10 am - 2 pm Vonastra Rec Centre Adults 50c Children 25t Door Prizes Tea Room Penny Sale Proceeds to Lady Diana Nursery DUBLIN/ST. COLUMBAN P.T.A. TURKEY. BINGO Thurs., Nov. 19th 7:30 P.M. ST. COLUMBAN PARISH HALL *Specials •Door Prizes EVERYONE WELCOME 4,.mr.rsamrmsmr,zsmr•z::mzols::(mrz,„ Brodhagen Chamber L4 of Commerce a ANNUAL CHRISTMAS A TURKEY BINGO AND - A M • DRAW Wed., Nov. 25 at 800 p.m. DRAW FOR 40 TURKEYS' AND' CASH BINGO ' PRIZES! held at the BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Tickets available from any member. ',1;1:4Yez1Y-4:1V2Ireat 515 The family of Frank and Mabel McClinchey cordially invite all their relatives, friends and neighbaiirs to an OPEN • HOUSE in honour of their 50 wedding anniversary on Sunday November 29th 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. ' Varna Complex No gifts please, your presence is your gift Happy 40th Anniversary MOM Se' DAD AIIan & Betty McCall Friday, Nov. 20 Love from your family ST. THOMAS A.C.W. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Saturday, Nov. 21 2:00 p.m. -? ST. THOMAS' PARISH HALL —FEATURING -- Christmas puddings, Christmas cakes, Mincemeat, Deli, Bake Table, Crafts, Tea Tables, Country store. I "A Delightful Experience!" Her Rife hasn't been the sante Anse her death. SHELLEY LONG HILL AGAUN GONE TODAY. HERE TOMORROW. kts1:14==rut gild GRAND OPENING Friday, November 20th (Veda Riaaa eretea9 eeieimage, SPECIALIZING IN: at Wearenowaccepting *Family CHRISTMASRESERVATIONS Dining •Bancluet Facilities BOOK EARLY !Take-Ouland Pizza) Toavoiddisappointment t ENTERTAINMENTTHISWEEKEND Prop, June Warwick and -Nashville Bound- 6erry white TURN BERRY ST., BRLIS8ELS 887-9035 FRIA. WT. AT 7 & 9 SUN. - THURS. 7t30 TUES. '2.50 Like Father Liitt Stba ENDS THUMSDAYS NOVEMBER 19 limiummoismiumpuommonolliiii0011