HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-11-18, Page 1414A - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER•18,,1987 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO. CREDITORS In The Estate Of MINNIE JANE FOWLER All persons having claims against the estate of Minnie Jane Fowler, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of July 1987, are hereby notified 10 send In full particulars of their claims to the undersigned an or before the 9th day of December -1987 after -which -date -the - assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Doted at Seaforth, Ontario thls'12th'day 'of November, 1987. - McCONNELL, STEWART, & DEVEREAUX Barristers and Solicitors Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of ALMA MARIE-CHESNEY- AII persons having claims against the Estate of Alma Marie Chesney, late of the City of Stratford, in the County of Porth, deceased, who died on the 5th day of May, 1987 are hereby notified to send in fullparticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of December, 1987, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seoforth, Ontario this 5th day of November, 1987.. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Solicitor 20 Goulniock Street P.O. Box 479 Seaforth, Ontario. NOK TWO Solicitor for the Estate ARTICLES FOR SALE et 38. 'SERVICE DIRECTORY CHIMNEY SWEEPING, Paul 233-9916 after 3:30, Gridzak 38.444f. Fuel Oil. Furnace I RePA, it nil Clean Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345.2235 HENSALL LIVESTOCK-- SALES IVESTOCKSALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock INE1MAT EsI O1JR-CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves • Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller • 236=2717 Exter &,229-6205. Kirkton DO ERR'S Appliance & TV G, E. and ZENITH .__.Photne{348�9033�- 'Open 6 Days a Week MAIN ST. 'MITCHELL 39. CARD OF THANKS CASE The family of the late Margaret Case wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives ,and friends for the • beautiful .floral tributes, memorial doantions, and cards, also for the food sent to our homes during. the recent loss of a dear mother and grandmother, Special thanks to the ladies of SL Thomas Anglican Church fpr the lunch following the service, and to the officers and members of the Seaforth Chapter No. 233 Order of the Eastern Star for their funeral ceremony, also the staff at Huron Heights Huronview for their love and kindness shown to Mother during her _stay and to the Ball and Falconer .Funeral Home for their kindness and 'guidance, All Was deeply appreciated. The Case Family, " 39.46-x1 ALLIN 1, would like to thank everyone for the phone calls, cards, flowers and magazines received while I was a' patient in,,Stratford Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hussey and Dr. Marchuk' and the 4th floor nursing staff, Your care and concern were greatly appreciated. Jerry Allin. '39-46-x1 MATHESON' -The-family-of-the-late-Hazel-Mattieson-would' like .to express sincere thanks for the many floral' tributes; memorial contributions, cards; and other acts of kindness extended by relatives, neighbours and friends during our ' recent Toss. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, the first floor nurses at Clinton Public Hospital' and the staff . at Maplewood Manor for their compassionate care. We are indeed grateful for all the hospital visitors who gave her. so much support and love. Our sincere apprecia- tion is extended to Rev. Woodall, the U.C.W. of Ontario Street United Church, and the Ball and Falconer Funeral Home. The kindness ' shown will never be forgotten.. 39-46-1 Convicted thief- • from page 2 . C. M. Smith purchased the property, are now nearly completed. Major change, and one that will appeal to hockey spectators is the addition of bleacher seats on the east side ofthe rink which will provide seating for between three and four hundred spectators. Eluding a police dragnet which had been out for him since his escape from Walkerton jail on Tuesday of last week, Norval Bell, aged 34., Seaforth man, travelled at least as far as Toronto police learned. Bell, who has lived in Harpurhey for a number of years, was sentenced at Walker - o rraday flve-years-in Kingston -- penitentiary, for theft. He escaped the same evening. • Commemorating Armistice Day and in honor' of Coronation Year, a flag, the gift of Mr. Andrew Little, was unfurled for the first time on November'llth at a quiet ceremony on the grounds of Scott Memorial Hospital. The pole, which was donated by William Ferguson, Bayfield, Was erected by Mr. Robert Porterfield and Mr. Frank Lamont; The hospital board wishes to express its ap- preciation to those who contributed this fine addition to the hospital. ; • VEAL A.Z PRE•ENG, BUILDINGS, Now types, steel B' wood, quonsel, cladding. For true value. action 8' answers (4.16) 626-1794. Leave message or collect ofler 6 p.m. weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures, -0.1611 GREENHOUSE 8 Hydroponic equipment, supplies. Everything you need, Bost quality, super low prices, • Greenhouse 5175, Halides 5115. Over 3,000 products in stockI Sond 52 for info pock B Free magazine to Western Water Forms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C, V68 3N9. 1.604.682.6636.-=46 SS SACRIFICE ES Buildings priced for Immediole li• quidallon. All items in stock. 28,40.14 53,996: 40.60.14 56,500: 46.80.14 59,250: 70.90.24 521,789, Various sizes available up to 120 It. wido. Foctory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buldings priced for immediate delivery. Coll toll fres 1.800.387.2115, or, 1.416.158.2446 ---46 MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts 52.75: work pants S3.50; work boots 515. Send 52 for • catalogue, (Reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St•Timothoo. Quebec. JOS 1X0.•- 46 METAL BUILDING Year•End factory clearance. Straight wall or Quonset stylus, certain models special dis' counts. (will) hold for spring delivery. Save thousands, limited quantities. Pioneer/Econospon, 1.800.307.6896. 24 hours. - 46 Fall Cleotance on es Steel BUILDINGS. Quonset and Straight wall models. Large selection. 1.800 387-4910.- 46 ICY SIDEWALKSI Introducing ice Guard (Reg) Tho easy to apply anti -slip agent. Special adhesive and grit formula which applies to all footwear. Help pre- vent winter fall 1 To order call tolilree (519; 416. 705) 14800.2654550. S.lO p.m, or send cheque for SI 2.95 to Ice Guafd (rag), Doe 273, Elmira Om. N38 227 (Div. of 624839 Ont ltd.) - 46 HYDROPONICS Garden indoors all year Even in Winter. in your spare room, basement or greenhou•ie. Largest selection, bast prices in Canada. Send S2•for Catalogue to Canadian Hydroponics. 8318 • 120'81., Surrey B.0 V3W 3N4 -46 What's HAPPENING in ONTARIO in both urban and rural Grime? Subscribe 10 the OCNA Clipping Service for valuob(e infest -mitten clipped weekly from over 300 Community Newspapers. Monitor tits competition: get •solss leads: read related opinions: disCaver market ,rends. For prices toll Onsorio Community Newspaper Association (416) 844.0184.-46 GUN BARGAINS • Save up to 40% • by subscribing le 'The Gunrunner'. The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds of new. used, modern and antique firearms for sole or Irode. Subscription S20 per ye6r to Gunrunner, Sax 5651, Lethbridge. Alberta TIJ 324. Sample copy 51,50. - 46 1980 ROMEO- Crawler with hydraulic trial groomer overhauled. reedy to groom your trolls. 515,000.10. 705 6876726 46 COLLECTORS prates new and many bock issues check our ;nicest Coll or write for free catalogue, The Coon. try Collection. RR 3 Pakenham, Ontario KOH 2X0. (613) 6243914 days (618) 623.2744 evenings. -46 NO. t WILD RICE $6 95/11s. with recipe book directly from grower, 10 pounds plus postage paid. Makes ex, ceflent Christmas girt. Vila or Mastercharge. 1.000.667.9100 Riese's Canadian Lake Wild Rice, Box 899, La Range, Sask. S0J ILO. --46 CHRISTMAS GIFT Special Flogs for all notions, custom made flogs from your sketch. Send for Irele quotation. Heine of Flogs Box 817, Forest'NON 1.10. (519) 786.6300 46 • . VACATIONS MARCH BREAK Mor 12 49 80, Air only from Detroit • Tompo from 5244 Ft lauderda(e front 0314 (tddi- tronol ;sockeyes to Orlando, St Petersburg. Jomoica, • Acapulco Maxtco Cruise, Los Vegas. Cali 1 800.265.0900. T 8 5 Tours for information. 46. WANTED TO sur OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED Men'* only • Old Rolex and Patek Phillip wrtslvi'otches Wanted, Alto •wonted Eotons •'Qudrler Century" Rectongulor wrIs$Watches (25 years service), Will pay 51000 8 up for 1h1* watch, Phone (416)365.7240 or write B. Walsh, 170 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ohl M5A 152. 46 . HELP WANTED Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 3'/r miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days Tuesdays OUR.SPECIALTY • Home cured and smoked meats. processed exactly the way you like it. if BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TRAIN FOR A JOB with o future with Tri County Truck, Driver Training Jab search assislonce avoiloblo xilch'ener 120 King E (514)743.501 I Brant. lord 300 C616006''6 E. (S19)756-0223. -46 MECHANICS, Chest "A own tool; Flat rate, lop wage' and lull' bon*hls. Socorro 10 5i'rvice Mon ober Con. d'len Tire Highland Piero Cambridge Om. NIR SN6 Or tan 519 621 BIBT. 46 AIRLINE/Crinin Ship Job's. All P6sllfon'r Am'd4Tng recorded message revedlt employment In(ornlallen, Guoranl'eed to gel you hired or no loo. 1.416402.4100 X161 Doys.EveningsrWe'tik•5d*. -46 ' DYNAMIC Business OpportunityI Landers 8 Distributors needed. CALORAD family of weight con• trol products. Colored is swooping the country. For free information packogo contact House of Sherwood • Colored, 3345 North Service Rd., Burlington. Ont. L7N 302 (416)332.5000.-46 CONDOMS. Pro Vond has developed o program of condom solos through strategically placedcondom vending machines that will son o resurgence and growth that will surpass all previous sales !ovals. Your Investment will cover vending machines placed on locotion, condoms. supplies and complete route management system. investments range from 57000 to S60000. To receive complete information on this ex- citing business opportunity for the 80s and 90s, con- tact Pro Vend Int•L Inc. 1.800.263.8533,--46 OVERSEAS POSITIONS: Hundreds of lop paying post - Bons. Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Services. Dept. Co, Box 460. Mount Royal. Quebec H3P 3C7,.-46 BUSINESS for SALE. Heating and Sheet Molal,Buslness Soles and Service. Exceltonl return. Lease or Porthole Building In small Renfrew County Village for further information coil (613) 628.2805,-46 , • PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached. thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call loll free 1.800,263.4163. Hours noon till 8 p.m. --46 COMING TO GPIPS with grief • An Audio Cassette that guides the widowed successfully through the early years without a life partner.. Mall 510.65 including tax, Cheque, VISA, /WC, including expiry dote to- People in Touch, Box 101, Station U, Toronto, MBZ 5444,-.46 ,ASIAN LADIES seek friendship and romance. Asian Friendship. Bo. 7121, Station J, Ottawa, Ont. K2A 4C5. -•-46 . PREGNANT? Loving temple wishes to adopt. provide a home and best of lore lar your unborn Odd, Working with approved ogency. Cali Pat collect (416) 482.4508.--46 Back to God Hour! Sunday 7:30 a.m. CRAM 070 Hamilton, 9:30 a.ns,.CKAN 1480 Newmarket, and at 7.80 p,m. FM 100 Burlington. or wateh PAITH 20 Weibel T.V. Monday • Friday at 5 o.m,-46 AUCTION SALES HILBERT VAN ANKUM: Simmenlal Sole Solurday November 28 1 p.m. of Conant Sales Arena Listowel. For information call (519) 291.2049.-46 PALL AYSHIRE Consignment sole, Wednesday. November 25 01 $ p,m. 01 Cartons Sales Area. Listowel. Pot information toll (519) 241.2044 46 EDUCATIONAL LEARN AUCf1ONPERINO of the Southwestern Ontario Schaaf of Auctiencering. Next doss Jon. 16.2344 Box 1451e. tnnarkip, Ont. 4103 IMO. (519)•469.3935. (514) 5372415. -46 MONEY MAKING OPPORYUN(T1E5t Income tax Soak• keeping courses by correspondence. Free brochures. no obligation. U 8 R To; Services, 205.1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg. MB, R31 286. Franchises evadable. -46 COMING EVENTS SNocntur B1[tWARI3 *very- thristmos rt comings • Buy Phe best table that money con buy! Chlf Thorbarn 1r and 9' models by. B.C.E. LEASE TO OWN from only S84/mo'nth (36 month) or buy frpm 52200 on this special effort Cali the SNOOKER/BILLIARD HOTLINE N0W11•800.2.68-3191. 46 MARK II on your calendar nowt The Bib Anneal Christmas Croft Festival returns 16 th0 Prolg0464 Building, Western FOirgrounds, Landon 4 646, Th'ure• day Det. 3rd 1.10p.m., Friday andSaturdoy. Dec. 446 and 5th noon to 10:00 p.m. SOntleq Des 614 noon to 6:00 pail. London's tergUt Craft Show and' Sale. The perfer9 piece 161154 anginal q'a'dh'ty hand crafted gilts for your shopping fist. Admission only $1,75, informs• Hon519 ( ) 679-1810. Dont miss its -46 gym.®®t min swim an- iris Nil lee leek The 'Only Way to get 1 YOUR OUR I ad in 2.5 million homes 1 tri Canada for 1 I $748.0 1 1 or In 1,241,80`7 homes 1. in Onfarlo for I $250.00 1 I Piece 'loaf BMinket Cleeelffed Ad by call- 1 I Ing one of Our helpful classified advleore I let for�detellaereel`wm• Luck ow ° 328.2622 1' I Ooderlah 624 2614• Kincardine 398.2903 i I C16nto0 400441 Walkerton 881.1600 MeefI 1 arthssw`tan/ 637` 0240 Retched, 3434431.. float ®'sd r®o rs®r stn rsrlt., tssii • ROSE I would like to thank the doctors, nurses, am- bulance attendants and physiotherapists who were all so helpful while I was a patient in University and Seaforth Hospitals. Thanks also to all those who sent cards, flowers, gifts and visited. It was all very much appreciated. Marian Rose. 39-46-x1 EGGERT I would Tike to thank Doctors Rodney and Wong and nurses and staff for the excellent care I received while in the Seaforth Hospital. Thanks to my family, neighbours and friends for flowers, gifts, cards and .visits. Thanks to Rev. Cheryl Ann Stadlebauer-Sampa. Laura ' Eggert. 39-46-x1 REID I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone who were so kind and sympathetic to me In the loss of my husband. It will always be remembered. Annie Reid. 39-46-1 MALCOLM I would like to thank all those who visited me while I was in hospital. Also for get -well cards and all the nice gifts I received from my Legion Branch 156. Special thanks to Dr. Rodney and the nursing staff. Thanks to people who drove my wife up and down every day. Also to Carol. my neighbour. Everything was appreciated very much. P. Malcolm. 39.46.1 BENNEWIES My very special thanks to Dr. Wong and Dr. Underwood for their good care and attention during my recent illness. Also my very grateful thanks to the complete staff at Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. All was very much ap- preciated. Susan Bennewies. 39.46-1 NESBITT Words cannot express our sincere thanks to everyone who remembered us with cards and gifts and all those who joined us to celebrate our 40th Anniversary at the Blyth Community Centre. Thanks to the Princess Street Choir that added greatly to the evenings enjoyment. AMMO thanks to everyone who helped in any way, making the evening so enjoyable. Especially our family who arranged such a special occasion. This will be one Of the most reassured memoires of our lives. Thank you. Florence and George. 30.46.1 SHOPPING DAYS iN SEAFORTH TiLL CHRISTMAS NOVEMBER 22,1862 Seaforth District High School girls who won the girls Junior "S" WOSSA volleyball championship have brought the first WOSSA award to SDHS in several years. The tPnm members are Joan Coleman, Mary Eckert, Robe Doig, Ruth Gorwill, Mary Lane, Miss H. Slavin (coach), Mary Helen Buchanan, Lynn Nixon, Wendy Moore, Cheryl Moore, and manager Joyce Storev. The Seaforth News, in a front page an- nouncement in its last week's issue said the paper was suspending publication. The statement in part said: " This is the .final issue of the Seaforth trews. In futurethe facilities of the plant 9vili,be de r r i 1 to commercial printing." ' The statement went on to express appreciation to subscribers, advertisers and correspondents. The Seaforth Community Hospital Building Fund campaign continued to gain ,momentum this week. Solicitations began in McKillopTownship following a kick-off meeting in :Winthrop school Monday. evening. in Seaforth, advance solicitation is under way, in the commerce and industry ,group. Pay -roll • solicitation will begin over the weekend: 'The general -canvass is -scheduled for the first week in December. Soi)f1S to Souse Bed er'J3reakJast SoRn and gran Taturson " P.O. 'Box 1125 (519) 527.2040 Seaforth, Ontario '9tt11 1' IV TWO FOR $1000 For a limited time, BUY BOTH BOOKS at this low price and save $280 • rs 4 This -is Bob Shrier's Newest Book y Available for 67.95 AVAILABLE AT ••. F)ncher's, 'file Square, Goderich or Ki'ng's Bookstore, East St., Goderich, Goderich Entertainer, Shoppers Square, Goderich or AT ''YOUR. LOCAL NEWSPAPER OFFICE IN Lueknow, Mitchell, Seafttth, Goderich, Clinton, Walkerton & Kincardine THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING! 52 TIMES A YEAR �Iuron F�xp�S Or " 527-0240 • 10 MAIN ST., SEAPORTH, 5270240 ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 5I Issues (Canada) 20.00 52 Issues (Canada) Seniors MOO