HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-11-18, Page 1212A'- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 18, 1987 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIFI Phone 527-0244). Deadline:. Monday, 4:30 p.m. .01 1.COMING-EVENTS 5. HELP WANTED 12. USED CARS. 19. PETS. SKI-DOO OPEN HOUSE '88 at Vincent Farm OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND,• Youthful, ag- ' MUST SELL -1985 Chevette 2 door, 4 speed, BEAUTIFUL collie/lab pups to give away to Equipment. Hot deals, Thurs., Nov. 19, 4-10 gressive, successful applicant required to blue In colour, Alpine stereo, Will accept best good home. Ready at the end of November. -p-7527:01'20. t 45=2 demonstrate--handle-smaller sales-tipper----offac-Ca11_524=4926, at-noon-or-after-5-P.m:--perfect-for-early-C-hristmas-present-345 2-195 tunities for your local Case IH dealer. Apply 12-44-tfnx anytime. 19-44-x4 KNIGHTS of Columbus Annual Turkey Bingo Ken Coleman, Sales Manager, Vincent Farm Sunday, Nov. 29, 8 p.m. St.•Columban Parish Equipment, Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 1980 OLDSMOBILE Omega, 6 cylinder Hall. 1-45-3 527-0120. $-46-2 engine, excellent Condition, $2,875 certified or • best offer. Call 527-0827.. 12-46-1 ADULT BOOK 'CLUB at Seaforth Library, • Thurs., Nov. 19, 12 noon till 1 p.m. Bring your own lunch. Coffee provided. Call 527-1430 for more information: 1=45-2 The family of THOS. L. SCOTT invited friends end 'relatives to an open house celebrating his 90th.birthday Nov. 29, 2 to 4:30 p.m. Cromarty Presbyterian Church. - 1-46-2 BABYSITTER in my home for two children ages 5 and 2, 2 to 3 days per week, hours 7 to 3. Please call 527-0588. 5.46.1 PART TIME help required on a dairy farm close to Seaforth 527-1026 evenings. 5-46-2 HELP WANTED for dairy and mixed farm operation. Some farm experience preferred. Job-available-in-the-new-year-Bob-Riee;'-Mit chill 348-8084. 5-46-2 ANNUAL TURKEY BINGO - to be held at the Township of Stanley Community Complex on Wednesday, December 9, 1987. at 8:00 p.m. 15 games for fresh turkeys plus share the wealth. Everyone Welcome. 1-46-3 VOLUNTEER SERVICES - Wool supplied . year round. Two people willing to knit mitts for . Family & Children's Services for Huron Coun- ty Christmas Beaurea. Please pick up wool at Seaforth Sewing Centre and return mitts by De6ember,7, 1989 to same place. 1-46-1 ODDFELLOWS and REBEKAHS will hold a Euchre on Wed. November 25, 8 p.m. Odd - fellows Hall. Lunch provided. 1-46-x2 BEECHWOOD POTTERY'S Christmas Show and Sale, Saturday, November 21 and Sun- day, November 22, noon till •6 p.m. A Special Christmas preview of stoneware and porcelain by Robert Tetu, 21 miles north of St. Columban and McKillop sideroad 10. Phone 345-2184. 1-46-1 BINGO:.Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday, 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. • Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball $120.00 (if not won) Lucky ball increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-44-tf CHIP BINGO in Dublin Community Centre Fri- day, October 9 regular games, $15.00 a game. 3 special plus Jackpot $100 will go, growing bonanza pot. Consolation $50.00. Players must be 16yearsor over, doors open at 7 p.m. Bingo starts 8:00 p.m. Nevada- is. now available. . 1-44-tf COMING NOVEMBER 25th - Valleys and People 'your conservation newspaper'. Watch for it to bedelivered with your regular weekly newspaper. . ' 1-46-1 OPEN HOUSE Friends and relatives of the families of Lynda Vincent and Brian Ruston are invited to the home of Marlen and Jane Vincent Sunday, Nov. 22, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. in honour of their for- thcoming marriage. 1-46-1 AN INVITATION to attend the Huron County Branch of Architectural Conservancy Associa- tion Annual meeting and Christmas dinner to be held at the Little Inn, Bayfield, Tuesday, ' December 1, at 6:30 p.m. Cost for dinner is 515 per person. RSVP by November 24. Mrs. J.R.R. Willock, Bayfield, 565-2469. 1-45-2 SENIORS Euchre Party Monday, November 23, at Seaforth Legion, entertainment at 7 o'clock, cards to follow. Sponsored by Seaforth Jr. Farmers. If ride needed call Lyn- da after 5:30 - 527-1209. 1-46-1 40 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wednesday, Nov. 25 CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL '165 Princess St., E,, ClintOn 1:30 p.m. -4130 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. -8:30 p.m. THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites yotr to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE held at Maplewood Manor, 13 Church Street, Seaforth; on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1987 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4: Urine Testing;,.. 5. Blood Pressure 5. HELP WANTED "A CAREER IN TRUCKING" - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for - your class A license For prescreening inter- view and job placement infomation, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training London. 1-800-265-3559. ' ' 5-44-tf CHICKEN CATCHERS! Experience an -asset but not a necessity. Full or part-time work available now. Call free 1:800-265-5034. 5-44-tf HELP WANTED catching chickens, night work and travelling involved. Make up to / $250.00 per week. Part or full time positions available. Call Clinton Stumpf 527-2225. 5-44-tf 1979 PONTIAC Grand Prix, 2 door, 6 cyi,, ex- cellent mechanical condition, Jim 527-2278, 12-46-x1 1980 CHEV Caprice Classic 4 door, easily saf- tied. As is. $1500. 527-0577. 12-46-1 WRECKING FOR parts - 1975 Pontiac --Laurentlan_Motor-and•-trans,-gone-52-7-2404- evenings. 12-46-1 BROILER BREEDER FARM MANAGER and ASSISTANT FARM MANAGER required for farm in the LISTOWEL area. Please apply in person at the Hanover office or in writing to: Mrs: M. Ashton r Horizon Chicks Ltd. Box 337, Hanover, Ont. N4N 3H6 The Huron: Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre requires a • FULL-TIME , CASE MANAGER with formal counselling education and experience to provide case manage- ment services to Huron County clients of this agency. Responsibilities include maintenance of confidential client records, ' establishment of interagency com- munication and participation in public education programs_ in the county. Minimum 'educational requirement:. M.S.W. or equivalent health care degree and appropriate counselling experience. Preference given to non-smokers. Qualified applicants, please apply in' writing with resume and three references by December 4, 1987 to: G.A. Price, Director HURON ADDICTION ASSESSMENT & REFERRAL CENTRE P.O.Box 1120 Clinton, Ontario. NOM ILO 7. SITUATIONS WANTED A&R HANDYMAN Service: Painting, paper- ing, cleaning windows and eavestroughs, snow removal on Sidewalks and roofs, party and reception clean-ups. When you call there is no job too small. 527-0975. 7-46-1 WILL BABYSIT in my home in Dublin, phone 345-2246. - 7-46-2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE l CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Swinging doll cradles; rocking horses, doll houses; barns, toys and wooden crafts. Stephen Murray RR 4, Walton, Ont. 345-2199. ' 14-46-1 SATELLITE SYSTEM, new 'and used. Lease" to own with monthly payments. Service to all makes. L & A Southwest Satellite. Call. anytime 524-9595. 14-38-10 APPLES - McIntosh, Courtland, Matzu and Spy available at Martene Orchards. Free delivery in town. Phone 527-1507. Fresh cider and pressing by appointment. 14-44-tf. 15 -ft. RAMBLER trailer, good condition, $850. 527-0827. 14-46-1 WOOD stove with glass doors, front mount snowblower. Phone 527-1815. 14-44-x3 ' LAST CHANCE ' • Greatest Savings Now! Patio Furniture Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King W. Forest, Opt. (519) 786-4405. Closing December 12th. Watch for Spring opening. 14-44-6 HONEY 750 per Ib. Open all year 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sunday and Wednesday. Kramers 'Apiaries, Matilda St. (off Hwy. 8) Dublin, Ont. 345-2180. 14-44-tf OVEN READY Roosters. Phone Joan Stewart 527-0897. 14-44-x4 PURCHASE Your Guaranteed Investment Certificates from Jim Cardiff at McKillop Mutual Insurance, 91 Main St., Seaforth, On- tario 527-0400. 14-45-x2 FRESH OVEN ready geese and ducks. Cali Leon Maloney 345-2025. 14-45-2 SNOWMOBILE double bed trailer, excellent condition, 5250.00. Phone 887-6318. 14-45-x2 21. WANTED TO BUY. USED PORTABLE dishwasher.. Call 527-2104. 21-46-1 ssss.ssssssuss,, CASH PAID for Muffue,,, unhplete or partialetitiueti, dining, -I,erfrannr.1iving-ronnl wcrtc+,-oIrl jewellery -- clock'., furniture, etc. Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 22. WANTED WILL SHARE newly decorated bungalow in central location with younger reliable man. .Lim 527-2278. 22-46.-x1 WANTED: Costumed' participants to walk in. Santa Claus parade route, December 4, 6:30 p.m. Prizes for best Bethlehem, best North Pole, best Seaforth, best Winter Wonderland and best Toy Land. Grades 1 - 8 age group and Grade 9 and up age group. Register at 527-1390 between 8 a.m.. and 9 a.m. until Dec. 1. 22-46-1 23.REAL ESTATE TOM REIDY REALTY LTD. NEW LISTING 1'/, storey, 3 bodroom home. 3 pc. bath, laundry room, summer kitchen, gas heated, car garage plus a second lot ad. Paining included. A modern home on Ord Street. Priced to sell. , JOE L. O'REILLY caLL 527-2101 ' READY TO LAY pullets. Moore's Poultry Farm Ltd. 527-0508. 14-46-x2 UPRIGHT PIANO, needs tuning call after 6, 887-9210 14-46-1 WINDFALL APPLES - Courtland and Macin- tosh, good for cooking 53.00 a bushel, while Supply iasis. Marlene Orchards 527-1507. 14-45-2 GOLD APPLIANCES, good selection or reconditioned, harvest gold washers, dryers, stoves and fridges. See them now while they last. Drysdale Appliances, Hensall. 262-2728. Open Mondays in DeCember. 1446-1 NEW CUSTOM built 6' x 8' garden. storage HONEST reliable lady to clean your home or shed, delivered and installed, $250.00 or best office. Own transportation' and good offer, 527.0812, 14-46-x1 references. Call 527--1611, 7-44-3 36" COMMERCIAL Sell -propelled 9 h.p, CHILD CANE - Mother of two will care for your snowblower 5350.00 or best offer. 527.0812, child while you do your Christmas Shopping - 14=46x1 Activities. Phone 527-2236, 7.45-x2 WILL BABYSIT in my home in Kippen. Phone 262-6702. 7-46-2 8. CUSTOM WORK EXPERIENCED carpenters- Stairs - Repairs - Cabinetry. Your design or ours. We'll make it in solid wood or modern materials. A&K Wood Works - 38 Railway Street, Seaforth or Walter Armes 527-1459 after 6 p.m. . 8-45-3 9. FARM STOCK LIVESTOCK FOR: SALE - Nine York X Hamp pigs, 50.60 pounds..Call evenings 526-7569. 9-46-1 FOR SALE - three year old half Arabian gelding. Two and a half year old Arabian and Shetland pony gelding $150. One Jack $150. Phone 524-7382. 9116-tfmce 10. FARM MACHINERY 1982 J D 4420 COMBINE, air conditioning, . heater, radio, 4 way seat, Murphy shut down switches, Sid grain loss monitoring system, 329 cu. in bin extension; diesel motor, 23:1 x 26 tires, 600 hours. 1952 10' dummy' pickup header with 8' Sun pickup, new in 1985, hydraulic controlled. 1982 4 row 30" corn head,, new style, low profile. Excellent c'ot11= bine', low hours, stored inside,. never pulled, White beans. 529-7607 or 529-7995.10.44-tfnX 12. USED CARS time on'dai p farm; own trans ortationpan 1982 CHEVETTE, 80,000 km, certified. RELIABLE PERSON or student to Work art _ asset, Phone 34512209. 5-45-2 Phone 523.4359 or 523 -4846. -12.44 -Ifni WOOD LATHE with Spindle Copier, drum sander, disc sander, 3 and 4 Jaw chucks, 8 piece chisel set, 5550.00 Complete or 5400.00 Lathe only. Phone Dick at 527-1032. 14-46=1 14" COLOUR TV - Pulsar, Men's right hand golf clubs and bag. Phone 527-0056. 14-46-2 USED appliances at Phefan's Place, Seaforth. Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably priced. Phone 527.1213. 14-44-tf "NO CHEAPER PLACE TO BUY" 4 drawer legal fir letter filing Cabinets, fireproof vaulti with combo locks, 12" table 'awe, 15" planers, 6" Pointers, power mindere, complete line 61 Woodworking equipnieM, full line of Molt, 50 effete desire, affka tabtea & chairs, stroll WO, 16'speed heavy-duty drill p'reases - table t: floor model. . NORM HAMILTON Government Surplus beater • 27 Plcton 5t. E. Goderlch 5248602. _. SN.OWMOBILERS Check Our Prices Oil TRACKS . First! E ARE NOW YOUR NEW LOCAL ARCTIC CAT PARTS DEALER * Largest inventory in the areal ... Parts and Accessories in stock ter most popular snowmobiles. A�� MARINE AND I LE SMALL ENGINE 88 BRITANNiA RD: E., GODERICH 524-5361 SHOPPING DAYS iN SEAFORTH TILL CHRISTMAS DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOB OUT OF TOWN PAPERS • IS MONDAY 1.1 A.M. 22 words. • one week,,$4.50: two.weeks. 84 00 three weeks $3.50. Additional words 18 cents BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS -'Flat rate of $7. with picture $12 -prepaid. MARRIAGES -, Free for 8 weeks after date o1 wedding. After this time, photo and culhne only. 815. Complete write-up $25'. IN MEMORIAMS.- $4.50 plus 35 cents per tine of verse. - CARD OF THANKS - 30 words: $4.50 Each ad• ditional word .06 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOT( NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE- - 83 00, each additional week. -- $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming Events 23 Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale • 24. Propertydor sale 3: Lost, Strayed . 25. Property for rent 4. Foynd 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27, For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity '28 Wanted to rent 7: Situations Wanted 29 For rent ' • 8. Custom work 30 Room and Board. 9, Farm Stock - 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32 Vacations ' 11 Hay and straw 33 Educational 12: Used cars • 34. Auction Sales 13. Used trucks , 35 Tenders wanted 14. Articles for sale 36 Legal notice 15. R.V s lor.sale - 37 Notice to creditors 16. Mobrie homes • • 38 Service duecfoiy 17. VCRs for sate 39. Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner 40 In memoriam 19. Pets 41 Personal 20. Swap or trade . 42 Engagements 21. Wanted 10 buy 43 Marriages .. 22 Wanted PHONE - 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. IMO :unian ' FARMS TUCKERSMITH - 130 acres, 120 workable. Stately century old home very well kept with older bank barn. List Price $145,000.00. Call Maureen . HIBBERT TWP. - 150 acres, 115 workable, aluminum sided 3 bedroom, barn 40 x 66 plus L 64 x 26. List $160,000. Call Cor. TUCKERSMITH - 11 acre layer farm with 8104 hen quota, 14,660 pullets. Moderniz- ed 3 bedroom brick home. Excellent location. Call Maureen. TUCKERSMITH: 100 acres, 70 workable, 20 acres bush plus river frontage, 2 bedroom stone home. Excellent starter or retreat. Have a Iookl Call Maureen. McKILLOP - 99.50 acres, 90 workable, 3 bedroom home partially steel sided 45 x 70' barn. Paved Road. Call Maureen HULLETT - 44 acres vacant land located on paved road, Random tiled. ELLICE TWP. - Beef set up, 100 acres, 90 workable, 4 bedroom brick home, 66 x 44 loose housing shed, silo. Call Maureen, Head Office: 62 01 io Road Mitchell, Ontario' Tel. 1.348-8355 STAL LTL. W Your Agri -Realtor mos WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. TWO EXQUISITE HOMES ONE IN SEAFORTH, ONE IN EGMONDVILLE GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION This beautiful 4 bedroom custom built home is only 1 year old and is sure to please the most discriminating buyer. With over 2200 sq. ft. and a heating bill of $565.00 for the year, the quality of this home Speaks for Itself. Some of the many features include, main floor family room, upper gallery withskylite, whirlpool in 1 of the 3 bathrooms, sundeck; double garage, central vac, and formal dining room. 154 ISABELLE ST: A cias'sid ranch with the recreational minded tardily at heart, this 1,800 sq. ft, home goes to the limit of corntort. A 50014 ft. family room with a fireplace, custom bar, and 3 patio doors leading to the 20' X 401 in= ground pool will keep the avid fitness person satisfied The hving room features a complete wall done in fieldstone with a fireplace. There are 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage, paved drive and a Targe rot Cad now tb see this fine home.